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Read this question, come up with an answer and then scroll down to the bottom for the result. This is not a trick question. It is as it reads. No one I know has gotten it right. Few people do.


A woman, while at the funeral of her own mother, met a guy whom she did not know. She thought this guy was amazing. She believed him to be her dream guy so much that she fell in love with him right there, but never asked for his number and could not find him. A few days later she killed her sister..



Question: What is her motive for killing her sister?[Give this some thought before you answer, see answer below]











































She was hoping the guy would appear at the funeral again. If you answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath. This was a test by a famous American psychologist used to determine if one has the same mentality as a killer. Many arrested serial killers took part in the test and answered the question correctly. If you didn't answer the question correctly, good for you....


BUT I am sure one or two on here will have had had the correct answer :D


Meh, I assumed she had met her sisters husband (her and her sister being estranged) and bumped off the unfortunate sibling to get into the mans boxers when he was greiving. I would think that's semi-phycho.

Meh, I assumed she had met her sisters husband (her and her sister being estranged) and bumped off the unfortunate sibling to get into the mans boxers when he was greiving. I would think that's semi-phycho.


Here's the female take on it. I assumed that her sister was at the funeral too, as it was her mother's funeral.


Having got the hots for the guy, she then notes that her sister is making a play for him too.


So she kills her sister.


BTF, nothing was mentioned about her sister getting the hots for the bloke sooo I wonder what the

psycohologists would make of your reply :D:D




Just in case you are a nutter may I say that I like you, honest so don't keel me please :D


I already knew the answer to this as the other half works in the mental health service, and it is used as part of training to highlight the difference between how most people think and how psychopaths think.


Thankfully when I was asked I did get the answer wrong.

Hope for your sake your other half also got it wrong :D


I hope so as he works everyday with the criminal insane.. unless he is infact an escaped patient :smt103

BTF, nothing was mentioned about her sister getting the hots for the bloke sooo I wonder what the

psycohologists would make of your reply :D:D




Just in case you are a nutter may I say that I like you, honest so don't keel me please :D


I know - I said it was a feminine take on the situation :D


See, we girlies IMAGINE all sorts of stuff even if it's not blindingly obvious!

Here's the female take on it. I assumed that her sister was at the funeral too, as it was her mother's funeral.


Having got the hots for the guy, she then notes that her sister is making a play for him too.


So she kills her sister.


That's what I thought too. Am I a woman or is my feminine side getting stronger?

Me too. In fact I thought it was obvious, I'm really surprised people are saying they didn't get it. :smt017


+1 Pretty obvious from where I' am sitting.


Yea, but hang on a minute. The woman didn't know him, so obviously, he wouldn't have known her. So probably, he wouldn't have known her sister either. So, more than likely, he wouldn't have gone to the sister's funeral, so she would have killed her for nothing.

Yea, but hang on a minute. The woman didn't know him, so obviously, he wouldn't have known her. So probably, he wouldn't have known her sister either. So, more than likely, he wouldn't have gone to the sister's funeral, so she would have killed her for nothing.


Hence why the woman is a psychopath.

Here's the female take on it. I assumed that her sister was at the funeral too, as it was her mother's funeral.


Having got the hots for the guy, she then notes that her sister is making a play for him too.


So she kills her sister.



These were my thoughts too. FACT.

Hence why the woman is a psychopath.


Yea, but I thought she was a psychopath because she was willing to kill her sister in order to meet the bloke again. Now she obviously assumed that he knew her sister, so why didn't she just ask her sister for his name, number etc. Could it be that killing her sister was a more fun way to go about it. If that's the case, then she could have just killed her sister anyway.


Hang on a minute, maybe she killed her mother as well.


The mystery man was the vicar, surely the white collar gave it away. Anyway she killed her sister because she had bigger tits and always got the attention.

The mystery man was the vicar, surely the white collar gave it away. Anyway she killed her sister because she had bigger tits and always got the attention.


Exactly! I don't think she was ever interested in this man. I think that she just used him as an excuse to kill her sister. Psychopath my eye! I think she was just a nasty piece of work who just liked to cause trouble! ;)


I thought she did it so she could pretend her sister was still alive while using her late sister's name as a front to perform unscrupulous business transactions with the aim of getting close to her dream man, who happens to be an unscrupulous Russian businessman with dodgy connections.


But maybe that's just how we do things in the Al-Faraj family.


Is this a true story? I goggled it and found nothing!


Anyway, I asumed that she had killed her sister in a motoring accident when she was texting and looked down, a juggernaut had pulled out of a side road and as she glances up screams and dives onto the passenger seat. Her sister who was in the back changing her childs diaper looked up also but in a petrified state freezes. She is beheaded as the car has it's roof ripped off under the lorry.


After the head is sewn back on and she is made presentable the funeral takes place. At the funeral she meets said stranger again but this time he consoles her at the loss of her Mother and sister all within a couple of weeks of each other, they get on like a house on fire. After a few glasses of sherry they decide to slip away from the wake un-noticed and book into a room at the hotel where the wake is taking place (for arguments sake we shall call it Ellington Lodge).


A night of passion follows and in the morning he asks her to marry him. Overjoyed she kisses him gently on the cheek, she explains however that much as she would love to accept his proposal she will have to decline! Following her sisters untimely death she feeels that it is her moral duty to raise her sisters baby son, not least because she blames herself for the accident.


He tells her that he fully understands and says that they will always be together due to the memory of their special night together, they kiss again. A tear rolls down her cheek. They shower and with soaped bodies make love for one final time on the bathroom floor, at one point she eases the toilet brush up his anus. He enjoys it.


After dressing and sharing a full English breakfast in the hotel restaurant he offers her a lift home. On realising that she doesnt have a car at the hotel, having arrived in the hearse she accepts. They hold hands as they walk across the gravel car park.....and climb into his lorry.

Meh, I assumed she had met her sisters husband (her and her sister being estranged) and bumped off the unfortunate sibling to get into the mans boxers when he was greiving. I would think that's semi-phycho.


That was exactly my take on it,except I thought the sisters were twins.

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