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i go every feckin week lookin booddy bleak


i went to carlisle and bloody hartlepool on a tue night, as well as umpteen other games this season - im gunna be very upset if i dont get one bloody plastics!


Stupid idea to stop memberships, tbf.


Edit - although not as stupid as not ensuring the online booking system was robust enough to stop people buying tickets they weren't entitled to...

This is why Im glad Im a season ticket holder, especially as Ive been told over the last couple of seasons "why bother, Its not worth it"

Its always been my first expenditure every season and now its paid off.


yeah its a good idea by i cant afford 5 season tickets

i went to carlisle and bloody hartlepool on a tue night, as well as umpteen other games this season - im gunna be very upset if i dont get one bloody plastics!


I'm not the best fan by a long way, but I'm in the top 20,000. This is a bloody joke. There must be guys who can't afford a S/T but go most weeks , why should they be treated the same as someone whose been to half a dozen games over the past 5 years?


to be honest, everyone moaning about plastics getting tickets should just accept it I think. For one, they actually stayed overnight to buy the tickets or got up at some ungodly hour to go down at collect them. Deanovski, your location says Lymington so you could have gone down early and got the tickets should you have been so inclined, instead you clearly took the 'easier' option of staying on the phone when, from past experiences of games like this, its just too jammed to ever get through. Those who got up at 5.30 am to get tickets deserve them in my opinion. Everyone else should just stop complaining.

i go every feckin week lookin booddy bleak


i wouldn't worry too much, bet that "ticket sales will sail past 20,000 mark comment includes the 4,000 the skates have sold, as long as you get through in the next day or so i'm sure you'll get a ticket.


Edit - although not as stupid as not ensuring the online booking system was robust enough to stop people buying tickets they weren't entitled to...


Total farce - thought there might be a bit of solidarity amongst fans: instead its been each to his own, fat snouts in the trough and f**k the rest. Any ST holder who ordered more than his fair share (i.e. one per ST holder) should be ashamed of himself.

to be honest, everyone moaning about plastics getting tickets should just accept it I think. For one, they actually stayed overnight to buy the tickets or got up at some ungodly hour to go down at collect them. Deanovski, your location says Lymington so you could have gone down early and got the tickets should you have been so inclined, instead you clearly took the 'easier' option of staying on the phone when, from past experiences of games like this, its just too jammed to ever get through. Those who got up at 5.30 am to get tickets deserve them in my opinion. Everyone else should just stop complaining.


would help if i could drive, i took the easier option cos getting to southampton at 5 am isnt easy for me.i go EVERY week and ALSO mr super fan all the customer numbers were at my mums work so i had to wait for her to go to work.

i cant even usualy go to away games but ive been to charlton so far this season and norwich in feb, and gone to every game league, and all the cup games bar 2 because one i was sick and 2 there was no trains! so dont you accuse me of being a lazy fan!


People had the chance to buy season tickets before the season started, and a half season ticket up to last week, I know some could not financially, but, a lot of those complaining probably could of, mine and the nippers were 5 easy payments on my debit card. I expect some could not be arsed to do it, others did not think there was a need. If you have followed the club long enough you will know that this happens once every few years and saints surprise us by doing well in a cup. Seen it all before, heard all the moaning before, get a season ticket if you want a guarantee of a ticket.

People had the chance to buy season tickets before the season started, and a half season ticket up to last week, I know some could not financially, but, a lot of those complaining probably could of, mine and the nippers were 5 easy payments on my debit card. I expect some could not be arsed to do it, others did not think there was a need. If you have followed the club long enough you will know that this happens once every few years and saints surprise us by doing well in a cup. Seen it all before, heard all the moaning before, get a season ticket if you want a guarantee of a ticket.


And coz of a computer glitch, those ST holders who ordered more than their permitted share? A bit of self-restraint called for?

Total farce - thought there might be a bit of solidarity amongst fans: instead its been each to his own, fat snouts in the trough and f**k the rest. Any ST holder who ordered more than his fair share (i.e. one per ST holder) should be ashamed of himself.


to be honest there is no point blaming the fans for exploiting the system, I know a few season ticket holders who have all been able to get extra tickets, the basic way round it seems to be someone buys a few tickets with different customer numbers, then one of those customer numbers logs in again and the system lets them buy another ticket. Not sure how it shows up on the ticket office system as the customer number will have more than one ticket against it.

to be honest there is no point blaming the fans for exploiting the system, I know a few season ticket holders who have all been able to get extra tickets, the basic way round it seems to be someone buys a few tickets with different customer numbers, then one of those customer numbers logs in again and the system lets them buy another ticket. Not sure how it shows up on the ticket office system as the customer number will have more than one ticket against it.


Just you can doesnt mean you should.

Agreed!! "Look at us, we queued all night long, arn't we hereos?!" **** off!


Indeed, if they were 'proper' fans, they would have a season ticket and would have booked their ticket in the space of 30 seconds online.


That bird on the OS article looks like she's been queueing since the 80's with that barnett.

My mates family had a whip round for his grandad, as a Christmas/Birthday present they all chipped in for his season ticket £200 between them all.

yes but then its quite alot to afford another 3 from me my mum and my dad because we all go together.


and for all you saying oh they got up at the ungodly hour to get tickets, so you think they deserve tickets over a fan who buys 5 tickets a week for league and cup and some away games?hah ridiculous.

Is there any suggestion that the phones are not being answered until the queue has been served as being the priority?


This is what I'm starting to think. I have called a lot more than I care to admit and have not once got a whiff of an operator. Surely they must just be serving those in the queue?

This is what I'm starting to think. I have called a lot more than I care to admit and have not once got a whiff of an operator. Surely they must just be serving those in the queue?


yes ive phoned a ridic amount too i feel numb haha

would help if i could drive, i took the easier option cos getting to southampton at 5 am isnt easy for me.i go EVERY week and ALSO mr super fan all the customer numbers were at my mums work so i had to wait for her to go to work.

i cant even usualy go to away games but ive been to charlton so far this season and norwich in feb, and gone to every game league, and all the cup games bar 2 because one i was sick and 2 there was no trains! so dont you accuse me of being a lazy fan!


There is such a thing as the train, and you could have been better prepared having the Customer Numbers to hand. I came back from uni last night and queued up early. Have tickets in hand now. I don't go every week but have had a season ticket in the past. Are you saying you deserve it more than me? Not accusing you of being a lazy fan, just dont complain when you dont get down there early like others.


now that was bloody annoying. Thought I'd got on the phone queue only to be on music for 30 seconds then that bloody man "I'm sorry ...."


Double AAaaaaaaaaaargh :mad::mad:


Where were all these people for all the other games - in the Cups and the League? I can't queue all night as have to work today, looks like I'll miss the first cup game home and away this season

There is such a thing as the train, and you could have been better prepared having the Customer Numbers to hand. I came back from uni last night and queued up early. Have tickets in hand now. I don't go every week but have had a season ticket in the past. Are you saying you deserve it more than me? Not accusing you of being a lazy fan, just dont complain when you dont get down there early like others.


well yes i would say i do and tbh i have every reason to moan ive put just as much effort into phoning these bastards for last hour and a half as you did getting a train!!!im going insane talking to a machinelol


It does make me laugh when people moan about being stuck in a queue or not getting through. It's what happens when a big event goes on sale. Funnily enough, the club hasn't got 20,000 call centre staff to answer all your calls at once.


Stop f*cking moaning and wait, you'll get through in the end, if you do miss out, tough, buy a season ticket next year.

It does make me laugh when people moan about being stuck in a queue or not getting through. It's what happens when a big event goes on sale. Funnily enough, the club hasn't got 20,000 call centre staff to answer all your calls at once.


Stop f*cking moaning and wait, you'll get through in the end, if you do miss out, tough, buy a season ticket next year.


still would like to think id get through after hitting redial instantly for an hour and a half

People had the chance to buy season tickets before the season started, and a half season ticket up to last week, I know some could not financially, but, a lot of those complaining probably could of, mine and the nippers were 5 easy payments on my debit card. I expect some could not be arsed to do it, others did not think there was a need. If you have followed the club long enough you will know that this happens once every few years and saints surprise us by doing well in a cup. Seen it all before, heard all the moaning before, get a season ticket if you want a guarantee of a ticket.


I work some Saturdays so a S/T is out of the question, although I paid out £40 a year for memberships for my family.


If you think a system where you only have to have been to one game previously (as long as you registered) and buy a linked ticket to be treated the same as someone who goes to a dozen every season is fair, than I wondar what you deem to be unfair. I get to about 14 games home and away each season, and I have no problem with people who go more than that getting tickets ahead of me. However, what ever anyone says, this was just not a fair system.


It should have been


S/T holders-1 only

People whove been to 5 or more away games.

People who have been to 5 home games.


In that order.


In this day and age that would have been easy to sort out (dare I say it, but Rupert did a good job for the Cup Final and Semi's)


I would have had no objection to missing out if the above was used, but this today has left a bad taste in the mouth.Will it stop me supporting the club, of course not, but the fact the Club haven't rewarded my loyality dosen't sit right.

well yes i would say i do and tbh i have every reason to moan ive put just as much effort into phoning these bastards for last hour and a half as you did getting a train!!!im going insane talking to a machinelol


Except that I actually paid for the train and you have been sitting on your arse in the warmth calling a freephone number. Also Ive had a season ticket since 1998 and the only season I haven't had one is this season because of uni.


Wow. Some of the posts on this thread today. Wow. If you get a ticket, well done. If you don't, well suck it up and get on with it. Don't ***** and moan about 'how the system screwed you'.

Except that I actually paid for the train and you have been sitting on your arse in the warmth calling a freephone number. Also Ive had a season ticket since 1998 and the only season I haven't had one is this season because of uni.


mm thats great but the game wasnt in 1998

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