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If you goto wembley this year more than you goto st marys....

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Student nights out can be done for £12-15, tell me how i can get to Southampton from Leeds and into a match for that and i will never miss a St. Marys match again


£12-15?! Lightweight...

Student nights out can be done for £12-15, tell me how i can get to Southampton from Leeds and into a match for that and i will never miss a St. Marys match again



Thats not a night out, 3 pints and a burger. Thats Lunch.

This is my 2 penny worth and I am a season ticket holder.


First Season Ticket Holders (1 ticket each - why should we get an extra ticket).


Second People that have been to 10 home games or more.


Third People that have been to 5 games or more.


Forth Season ticket holders wish to get extra tickets & people that have been to at least 2 games in a season


Fifth Free for all for any tickets left.


This in my opinion is a fair and equitable way of sharing out how the tickets should be handed out. Those who go to regular home games get preference.


This strikes me as being an excellent suggestion. Quite frankly, the more the merrier should we get to Wembley; to suggest that some fans are less welcome than others is completely absurd. There just needs to be an element of fairness to the distribution of tickets, and this would seem the best way. That way anyone who has been to just a handful of games can pretty much be guaranteed a ticket, and those that haven't take their chances.


Up to 40,000 tickets available though; can't see this being a problem.


We cant all get to the games, simple as. Up to age 16 I never missed a home match, but things change; 3 years college in Nottingham, then 3 years working in Stoke knocked that on the head. Nowadays, I have to be in the shop saturdays or I wouldnt earn a living, and evening matches are out if I ever want to see my wife, who being a non-driving nurse I have to drop off and collect from the hospital. I have a mate in Dartford whos in pretty much the same situation and another diehard Saints fan, we unfailingly speak before, after and often during the game, as far as Im concerned that doesnt make us any less "fans" than anyone else. I often wish I had a 9-5 weekday job that I could leave at the office and get to St Marys, but in my line of work that simply isnt possible.

We cant all get to the games, simple as. Up to age 16 I never missed a home match, but things change; 3 years college in Nottingham, then 3 years working in Stoke knocked that on the head. Nowadays, I have to be in the shop saturdays or I wouldnt earn a living, and evening matches are out if I ever want to see my wife, who being a non-driving nurse I have to drop off and collect from the hospital. I have a mate in Dartford whos in pretty much the same situation and another diehard Saints fan, we unfailingly speak before, after and often during the game, as far as Im concerned that doesnt make us any less "fans" than anyone else. I often wish I had a 9-5 weekday job that I could leave at the office and get to St Marys, but in my line of work that simply isnt possible.


Very good. Now let's get back on track here. Would you consider £12-15 a suitable amount of money for a night out?

Very good. Now let's get back on track here. Would you consider £12-15 a suitable amount of money for a night out?




Nahhh. Typical Winch student night:


£5 to get there and back. £3 pint before you go. £1 to get into first place, then about 7 vodka redbulls at £1 each. £3 pint in the pub next door, 50p for game of pool. £1.99 subway sub of the day. £4 to get into the main club. £1 shot of sambuca x3. Couple more vodka red bulls at £1.50 each. Someone work it out.

Very good. Now let's get back on track here. Would you consider £12-15 a suitable amount of money for a night out?


depends who youre hoping to sh*g at the end of it ;) I guess avram forks out more than that in horton heath


Would love nothing more than to see them at Wembley, but was told by ticket office I am not allowed to purchase a ticket. I try to make it over for a few matches each season but would gladly spend the extra cash for a chance to see them in Wembley. It sucks balls that they won't even hive me a chance. I'm not asking for a front row seat and aggree that season ticket holders should get first choice but the bloody stadium holds 90,000 people and I can't have one ****e seat?



Nahhh. Typical Winch student night:


£5 to get there and back. £3 pint before you go. £1 to get into first place, then about 7 vodka redbulls at £1 each. £3 pint in the pub next door, 50p for game of pool. £1.99 subway sub of the day. £4 to get into the main club. £1 shot of sambuca x3. Couple more vodka red bulls at £1.50 each. Someone work it out.



= alcoholic ;)


Right i am gonna gamble and am now changing my ticket for the weekend of the possible JPT final. I prey we get through otherwise i will not be a happy bunny......

£6 bottle of Rum before you leave the house, £1 bus to town, £3 in, 2-3 drinks on offer at £2, walk home done



You must be one hell of a hot date...;)



Nahhh. Typical Winch student night:


£5 to get there and back. £3 pint before you go. £1 to get into first place, then about 7 vodka redbulls at £1 each. £3 pint in the pub next door, 50p for game of pool. £1.99 subway sub of the day. £4 to get into the main club. £1 shot of sambuca x3. Couple more vodka red bulls at £1.50 each. Someone work it out.


9 redbull and vodkas? I work it out that your guts must be in tatters...


£6 bottle of Rum before you leave the house, £1 bus to town, £3 in, 2-3 drinks on offer at £2, walk home done


That's £14-16 and sounds like a terrible night...

I suspect it's the Northam 'yoof' have the biggest beef about this. Get over yourself, Shankley's mantra (heard of him) doesn't ring true today, just as it never did when he blurted out his famous line. Life is about more than just a puffed up sheep's bladder.

ST holders have priority, as they should, so what's your problem? Get your ticket and enjoy the fact that we'll have as many in our end as Leeds come Wembley, if we beat MK of course.


I think thats a bit harsh on Carlisle United who lead Leeds 2-1 at half time and will play at home in the second leg

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