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If you goto wembley this year more than you goto st marys....

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Posted (edited)

Are you :-


a) lucky

b) a wembley employee

c) a johnny come lately/glory hunter

d) john terrys elegitimate son looking to meet his real dad for the first time

e) living abroad


the serious question is,is it likely for whatever reason that you could visit wembley more than you have visited st marys this season......that's if you are lucky enough to get tickets.

Edited by lordswoodsaints
Are you :-


a) lucky

b) a wembley employee

c) a johnny come lately/glory hunter

d) john terrys elegitimate son looking to meet his real dad for the first time

e) living abroad


the serious question is,is it likely for whatever reason that you could visit wembley more than you have visited st marys this season......that's if you are lucky enough to get tickets.


I'd excuse the fans from abroad, because they will have made some considerable effort and expenditure just to attend one (or maybe two) matches.


Likewise, I'd give a degree of latitude to those who live in the Outer Hebrides, or those who the week before came out of a long coma.


Other than that, I'm sure that we would see a lot of Johnny Come Latelys. And I will have nil respect or gratitude for them. I am pleased that the club is making some sort of effort to at least to tie them down into buying tickets for other matches. The name on the database thing is a bit weak though, as it could stem from when we were last in the Premiership.


I go to midweek games when possible but took on a team for Saturday afternoons back in June of last year, primarily due to being somewhat dismayed at events during that period, I don't think anyone gives a second thought to what the super fan thinks of their attendance at select games and believe it arrogant to suggest your respect and gratitude is something they would seek, would you be happy just to take 25k to Wembley ?

I'd excuse the fans from abroad, because they will have made some considerable effort and expenditure just to attend one (or maybe two) matches.


Likewise, I'd give a degree of latitude to those who live in the Outer Hebrides, or those who the week before came out of a long coma.


Other than that, I'm sure that we would see a lot of Johnny Come Latelys. And I will have nil respect or gratitude for them. I am pleased that the club is making some sort of effort to at least to tie them down into buying tickets for other matches. The name on the database thing is a bit weak though, as it could stem from when we were last in the Premiership.


Me!!!!! I'm 6000+miles away atm....


I already have a ticket for 12th Feb, but i am thinking of changing this ticket for the wembley weekend instead. Given that the MK dons game does get played until the 9th i am not sure i can change the ticket so close to the flight date. :( can't work out what i should do.....


So long as those who have supported the team week in, week out get their tickets... what does it matter who else gets them? All support is good support, IMO.


Agree with Rob, i dont think im better than any other supporter or that any other is better than me, a Saints supporter is a Saints supporter when all is said and done. The only thing with ticket sales the more you attend the first choice at tickets, same with away games (ie the exeter game).


I understand people buying on the day, before i got the season tickets i done thant often. We keep on getting told to lick tickets to a name but why cant the ticket office just request a name it takes 20 seconds or less to do this but they never do, when i've been to away games this year i could be anyone buying a ticket but its just that i give them the ST to link them to.

Agree with Rob, i dont think im better than any other supporter or that any other is better than me, a Saints supporter is a Saints supporter when all is said and done. The only thing with ticket sales the more you attend the first choice at tickets, same with away games (ie the exeter game).


I understand people buying on the day, before i got the season tickets i done thant often. We keep on getting told to lick tickets to a name but why cant the ticket office just request a name it takes 20 seconds or less to do this but they never do, when i've been to away games this year i could be anyone buying a ticket but its just that i give them the ST to link them to.


Au contraire. Some Saints supporters are indeed better than others. The obvious case is where some go to every match, home and away, whereas there are some, (the target of this thread, obviously) who only turn out when there is an opportunity of a day out at Wembley, or a match against ManUre)


Personally, I have nothing but contempt for those plastics. If having attended, they develop a passion for the team and then continue going, fair does. But if their next attendance is the next time we get to Wembley or play the glory teams in the Cup, then they are worthy of even deeper contempt.


As I mentioned above, I make exeption to any who cannot attend regularly because of other pressing commitments, staightened financial circumstances or through problems of distance. But those who live nearby, are financially reasonably secure, but just can't be bothered to support their club unless we are playing a big team or playing at Wembley are not worthy of calling proper fans.


The Skates had plenty of them while they were at their peak recently and thankfully most of them are disappearing quicker than Redknapp when the money ran out.


I suspect it's the Northam 'yoof' have the biggest beef about this. Get over yourself, Shankley's mantra (heard of him) doesn't ring true today, just as it never did when he blurted out his famous line. Life is about more than just a puffed up sheep's bladder.

ST holders have priority, as they should, so what's your problem? Get your ticket and enjoy the fact that we'll have as many in our end as Leeds come Wembley, if we beat MK of course.

I suspect it's the Northam 'yoof' have the biggest beef about this. Get over yourself, Shankley's mantra (heard of him) doesn't ring true today, just as it never did when he blurted out his famous line. Life is about more than just a puffed up sheep's bladder.

ST holders have priority, as they should, so what's your problem? Get your ticket and enjoy the fact that we'll have as many in our end as Leeds come Wembley, if we beat MK of course.


I beg to differ, football in fact IS a matter of life and death. (18 year old Northam ST holder in heard-of-Shankley shocker).


What's your 'beef' anyway? Have you not been to a game this season and want a Wembley ticket? The OP makes a good point, as we do get inflated attendances, for say, Man Utd in the cup. Where are all these people normally? If they can make it for that game, why not every week, or every other week.

does it matter,at the end of the day we all have one thing in common,we love the saints.


But some obviously love them more than others, that is the point.


Some are fair weather fans and others are proper through thick and thin fans.


OK, the tickets for Wembley will be issued with priority given to those who have either STs or a record of attendance, but let's not have any bleating from those plastics if they can't get tickets when they have proven by their lack of support normally that they scarcely deserve them. At least those at Wembley will have some affinity to the club, whereas when St Mary's was full for the ManUre match, there were probably a fair few who only came to watch United. They are the ones worthy of the most contempt of all, as they will have deprived some of seats who had intended at least to go to watch their local team.

I beg to differ, football in fact IS a matter of life and death. (18 year old Northam ST holder in heard-of-Shankley shocker).



I've supported the saints longer than you've been alive I may not go very often but thats because I'm fully aware that there are more important things in life.

Are you :-


a) lucky

b) a wembley employee

c) a johnny come lately/glory hunter

d) john terrys elegitimate son looking to meet his real dad for the first time

e) living abroad


the serious question is,is it likely for whatever reason that you could visit wembley more than you have visited st marys this season......that's if you are lucky enough to get tickets.



Is there a category for been going very regulary for 30 odd years but now don't go very much due to it being expensive and a bit sh!t. ?

Is there a category for been going very regulary for 30 odd years but now don't go very much due to it being expensive and a bit sh!t. ?


The yoof will put you in category C you plastic you....... REAL SUPER DOOPER MEGA fans never miss a game unless they are like dead or sumthin init. (or there mum grounds them or stops there pocket money)

I beg to differ, football in fact IS a matter of life and death. (18 year old Northam ST holder in heard-of-Shankley shocker).


What's your 'beef' anyway? Have you not been to a game this season and want a Wembley ticket? The OP makes a good point, as we do get inflated attendances, for say, Man Utd in the cup. Where are all these people normally? If they can make it for that game, why not every week, or every other week.



you'll learn.....


mortgage, kids, wife, debt, work, travel distance and other priorities ....


once these things enter your life me lad, you'll realise football is simply that, a game to be enjoyed when the other things in life allow. Good luck to all the older ST holders, I applaud their loyalty and maybe if things were different.


I don't want to sound like a patronising ***t but you lot do come out with some cr@p.


You can afford the weekly outlay because the majority of you are only paying your mum a pittance for your housekeeping.


You've got your ticket, enjoy it


I've been to five games this season, have tickets for two more (Mk Dons and Pompey) but would love to go to more but have to work them around my shift work.


If we get to Wembley, it's one of those games that people will go out of their way to get to. I've got the date of the JPT Final written in my diary, and I'm working, but if we get there, I will use one of my precious annual leave days (we only get 52 a year!) and go. Trips to Wembley to watch Saints don't come along all the time.


Is it me but when Poopey got the odd big attendances in the 70s & 80s it proved they had to be a bigger club than Saints, and yet now we're looking to get a big attendance after a year or two in the doldrums we just ***** and moan about where the fook everyone has come from.


FFS, talk about a glass half full and a glass half empty! Those feckers are just plain deluded, and we are just a bunch of hand wringing moaners...


Let's welcome everybody back, and show that Soton is a proper footballing city, with proper support!


f) Prefer going to away games to visit amazing new places like Stockport, Carlisle and Walsall.


Uberfans, la la la, uberfans, la la la zzzzzzzzzzzz

f) Prefer going to away games to visit amazing new places like Stockport, Carlisle and Walsall.


Uberfans, la la la, uberfans, la la la zzzzzzzzzzzz


Amazing new places and stockport in the same sentence. Not something you hear every day! :)

you'll learn.....


mortgage, kids, wife, debt, work, travel distance and other priorities ....


once these things enter your life me lad, you'll realise football is simply that, a game to be enjoyed when the other things in life allow. Good luck to all the older ST holders, I applaud their loyalty and maybe if things were different.


I don't want to sound like a patronising ***t but you lot do come out with some cr@p.


You can afford the weekly outlay because the majority of you are only paying your mum a pittance for your housekeeping.


You've got your ticket, enjoy it


Something I don't look forward to - the real world. Financial restrictions, responsibility... No thanks. I'm making the most of being young.


I understand your point.

I've supported the saints longer than you've been alive I may not go very often but thats because I'm fully aware that there are more important things in life.


Age is irrelevant in this sense, are you trying to take some sort of age high ground? It doesn't matter what age you are, you can still show support. At away games I see young kids, teenagers, twenty-somethings, middle aged blokes, OAPs, the lot. All showing their support for their club.


As I currently work in a supermarket, don't have a girlfriend, and my past times include playing non-competitive football and getting lashed on student night, it's fair to say there's not a lot more important things in my life at the moment other than football. Maybe family, that's it.


The yoof will put you in category C you plastic you....... REAL SUPER DOOPER MEGA fans never miss a game unless they are like dead or sumthin init. (or there mum grounds them or stops there pocket money)


Nice sweeping generalisation. As I said before, it's not just kids and teens that attend games you know.


You know what? I don't give a sh!t what sort of fan others think I am.


What I DO know however is that if the title of this thread comes to pass then I will have to lay out around 1200 quid extra in airfares on top of my last airmiles to make THREE trips back for Wembley matches.... (having been to SMS twice for the non maths based yoof)


Just like buses aren't they - you wait something like around 30 odd years and then they all come along at once.


Anyway hasn't anybody ever told you lot about counting chickens and eggs.


We ain't anywhere near there yet. Dodgy decision, bad bounce. Wait til it happens it's getting boring


This always makes me laugh, nobody is allowed to go to wembley unless they have lived in St Mary's for the last season.


So long as those that are deserving of tickets are able to get them (which they will unless they are lazy b*stards) it doesn't matter how many so called 'plastics' go so long as they make a big noise and support the saints

Are you :-


a) lucky

b) a wembley employee

c) a johnny come lately/glory hunter

d) john terrys elegitimate son looking to meet his real dad for the first time

e) living abroad


the serious question is,is it likely for whatever reason that you could visit wembley more than you have visited st marys this season......that's if you are lucky enough to get tickets.




Don't give a sodding monkeys whether they look for Saints scores in the The Sun or have decorated their entire house in Saints wallpaper.


If they support Saints and can get a ticket - good luck to 'em


This post is not a dig at anybody.....I couldn't give a monkeys who goes where and when they go.

I myself have only been to 5-6 home games this season and a couple of aways but that is because I have decided to have a last crack at playing football again whilst I can still stand on my own without the need for walking sticks.


I have been regurlarly home and away for the best part of 40 years including Europe a couple of times but as others have said.....sometimes life gets in the way of what you really want to do.


It will always be the case that fans will come out of the woodwork when there is a sniff of glory,this will annoy some people but not others.I know at least 2 people who are planning on going to wembley even though they havnt seen saints play since the prem days.

I have only been to a few games this season but I am planning on going to wembley,do I deserve to go?...I think so,I have put my hours in over the last 40 years.


Some people should get off your high horse. Im a student in Leeds, frankly i cant afford to go to games at St. Mary's every other week, does that make me less of a fan?


get a grip

Some people should get off your high horse. Im a student in Leeds, frankly i cant afford to go to games at St. Mary's every other week, does that make me less of a fan?


get a grip




Am I plastic? Do I deserve a Wembley ticket for the JPt and FA Cup finals? I'm seriously worried that I'm morally bankrupt as a Saints fan.


Only supported Saints since age 9 in 76 been to loads of matches at Dell and but a lot fewer at St Mary's due to distance (Norfolk)/work (v busy dr)/family commitments etc.


I now go to more away games than home, because a) often nearer and b) prefer the sense of adventure and excitement and passion associated with being part of the travelling Saints army.


But..no season ticket..must be plastic?


I do away games, but have managed to get to St Mary's for the MK Dons game in the league and next week in the Cup!


It is easier for me to go to away games because of my location!


Also we always have threads on this and have worked out that not only going to away games but I have:-


Home Shirt

Away Shirt

Training Top

Home Shorts

Training shorts


Car stickers

Tax disc holder


I reckon this comes out at around £220!




Home shirt x 2

Home Shorts x1


Saints dress





It is not about going to home games, it has to do with the money and the way you promote your club to others. I think I may have a couple of mates that I could get to come to games with me.


A Saints fans work is never done!!


This is my 2 penny worth and I am a season ticket holder.


First Season Ticket Holders (1 ticket each - why should we get an extra ticket).


Second People that have been to 10 home games or more.


Third People that have been to 5 games or more.


Forth Season ticket holders wish to get extra tickets & people that have been to at least 2 games in a season


Fifth Free for all for any tickets left.


This in my opinion is a fair and equitable way of sharing out how the tickets should be handed out. Those who go to regular home games get preference.

Some people should get off your high horse. Im a student in Leeds, frankly i cant afford to go to games at St. Mary's every other week, does that make me less of a fan?


get a grip


Always plenty of money to go out on the **** every night followed by a kebab though? ;-)


Yeah, any idea how much a night out actually costs? in comparison to train tickets and a match tickets? its not really comparable


..then again im sure it was harder in your day...

Yeah, any idea how much a night out actually costs? in comparison to train tickets and a match tickets? its not really comparable


..then again im sure it was harder in your day...


I could go to 3 games for the cost of one night out.


Student nights out can be done for £12-15, tell me how i can get to Southampton from Leeds and into a match for that and i will never miss a St. Marys match again


This is interesting, I think I have been to well over 400 Saints games and been a season ticket holder on at least 10+ seasons. At the start of the season we when down from the prem I said this is my last season. I just couldn't take it any more. I stopped going. I have been to a few games since and always listen to the radio when saints are playing etc Keep a close eye on things going on. Now that saints are picking up a sense of excitement is building in me and my mind is more open to going to games for "Pleasure." Hasnt happened yet but I am making an internal journey. I suppose a bit like the journey I made from stopping going to see the saints on a weekly basis. If saints get to Wembley, will I go? Its a good chance but I wont expect to be at the front of any loyalty que...

This post is not a dig at anybody.....I couldn't give a monkeys who goes where and when they go.

I myself have only been to 5-6 home games this season and a couple of aways but that is because I have decided to have a last crack at playing football again whilst I can still stand on my own without the need for walking sticks.


I have been regurlarly home and away for the best part of 40 years including Europe a couple of times but as others have said.....sometimes life gets in the way of what you really want to do.


It will always be the case that fans will come out of the woodwork when there is a sniff of glory,this will annoy some people but not others.I know at least 2 people who are planning on going to wembley even though they havnt seen saints play since the prem days.

I have only been to a few games this season but I am planning on going to wembley,do I deserve to go?...I think so,I have put my hours in over the last 40 years.


Of course you do Sir - if Saints are under the skin then attending matches is not a prerequisite to being a loyal fan. There's enough pressure on peoples time as it is in day to day life and every home game is just not viable - no less a fan in my eyes.


My nan has never been to a Saints game in her 85 years but cut her in half and it says SFC


I've been to Leeds away, Orient away, Millwall home, Oxford home.


If we get to Wembley I shall try my hardest to get a ticket. I shall also try my best to get a ticket for Portsmouth game (ooh look, i spelt their name correctly and in full) if i get a Wembley ticket before a bloke more deserving than me, unlucky fella you should have tried harder.


Currently serving out in Germany until 2012 and am unable to get to many games. Only managed to make the Luton game at New Year so far this season. cant even make the Wembley game (if we get there)


Love living out here although cant wait to get my season ticket for the 2012/13 season. Wonder where we will be then! Will i be classed as a glory hunter if we are in the Premiership! We will wait and see!


But will enjoy the ride in the coming years and hopefully getting to see my beloved team on Sky a few more times!

I've been to Leeds away, Orient away, Millwall home, Oxford home.


If we get to Wembley I shall try my hardest to get a ticket. I shall also try my best to get a ticket for Portsmouth game (ooh look, i spelt their name correctly and in full) if i get a Wembley ticket before a bloke more deserving than me, unlucky fella you should have tried harder.


i meant Luton. See I dont even know who we played, i'm THAT deserving....

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