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For those that were in Norway for the preseason tour in 2007, can anyone remember the name of the player who took the throw in and did a somersault whilst lauching the throw in. There used to be a link to video footage of it and after watching a guy break the world record for throw ins using this method it brought back memories of this game. I know St Patrik was looking at finding out the players name but thought maybe Bungle or one of the other preseason lot would remember it and ressurect the link.


I was at both games in Norway 2007 and can't remember that happening?


hope we play somewhere like that again this summer.

Well to tell you the truth I thought it was the previous year in Sweden that it happened but my memory doesnt serve me too well nowadays.


It was in Norway against Svarstad - one of their "borrowed" players did that trow in. I asked my daughters about this and they remember it well - they are 8 & 10 so they still have good memory. I will contact Norway Saints for this information who the player was.

I'll always remember the day i saw saints score 12 in Europe


I wouldn't forget actually seeing bungle playing football before that match. Lets hope 4 a trip away this yr

What kind of slur is this!


It wasn't a slur at all. The old man keeps on reminding me of the day Saints scored 12 in europe & the older ones beat us younger ones at footy.

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