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Fat Families


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Anyone seen this on Sky1?


It's another one of those programmes that tries to get super obese people back to normal weights.


Now, I have no problem with these programmes per se, it just annoys me that these people need a TV crew in their house to actually do something about it. They always come out with "The doctor says I need to lose at least 5 stone otherwise I am at serious risk of having a heart attack" as they stuff another burger in their mouths, well then, if that is not enough motivation for you, what the hell is?


Also, the size of meals they are eating is mental! This family from a couple of nights ago were packing away 9000 calories each a day, ****ing ridiculous.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Anyone seen this on Sky1?


It's another one of those programmes that tries to get super obese people back to normal weights.


Now, I have no problem with these programmes per se, it just annoys me that these people need a TV crew in their house to actually do something about it. They always come out with "The doctor says I need to lose at least 5 stone otherwise I am at serious risk of having a heart attack" as they stuff another burger in their mouths, well then, if that is not enough motivation for you, what the hell is?


Also, the size of meals they are eating is mental! This family from a couple of nights ago were packing away 9000 calories each a day, ****ing ridiculous.



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