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Experiences? I'm over here for NYE and having not long been in, I'm still in quite a daze! I considered myself quite 'worldly', but damn how wrong I was.


Anyway, just looking for experiences and tips from anyone who has experienced the city - culturally or, erm otherwise!


Will be heading back to the RDL tomorrow... :goodman:


Watching one of those live sex shows and finding out that the girls behind us were these nice upper middle-class girls from some private school in Cheshire (all whilst stoned out of my mind) was a bit surreal to say the least.


To my shame, the only cultural thing I've done in Amsterdam is have a look at the statue of Anne Frank, which is pathetic. Usually I'm pretty good at seeing at least a couple of museums and art galleries and whatnot, even on similar boorish booze-and-hookers "lads'" expeditions, but never got around to it in 'dam - for some reason I just get too damn lazy :)


Been there several times and I love it, it has everything. If you like culture go to the Van Gogh museum and the Rijksmuseum they are fantastic. I dare anyone not to be moved by a visit to Anne Franks house, despite the long queues. The coffee shops and red light district are a good laugh but a bit touristy (if you really want your eyes opened get yourself off to Bangkok) and safe enough at night as long as you don't get into conversation with any of the so called "charlie boys" - the Africans who will try to sell you something stronger than youget in the coffee shops.

Amsterdam is a beautiful city to explore and the locals are dead friendly. The opposite side of town away from the red light area is more bohemian and low key. The only down side for me is that Amsterdam is quite an expensive place now, eating out is quite pricey for example.


Go to the Riiks museum and see Rembrandt's Night Watch. Van Gogh museum if you love that artist.Please bear in mind he painted only for ten years 5 of which were in Flanders and his colours earthen. The bright colurs were from his time in France. Of the 850 paintings he did in his lifetime only sold 1 !!

The Red Light district you have probably discovered. Vondel Park (aptly named) allows public lovemaking !! Bit cold this time of year. Flower market at Aalkmar and Diamond cutting is worth a visit. Amstel brewey good fun too


Hope that helps


It's a bit mad today with the fireworks - Xmas is not such a big event here as they have their own tradition of Sint Klaus who comes over from Spain in late November and gives out presents for 12 days, so the 25th is not a big pressie-event. NYE, however is all about massive fireworks; an interesting experience if you are mildly wasted!

Try and get to Club Paradiso or the Zulu Lounge near Leidseplein or Panama if you're at the top end of town...

And make sure you wrap up tonight - local weather says more snow is on the way!

Enjoy your stay!!


If you're into the coffee shop experience, explore. Don't just settle for the touristy ones around Dam Square and the Red Light area, walk for a few miles in any direction which you believe to be "away from town" and you'll come accross a few gems.


Not sure if it is still there but when me and a few mates went in about 1994 there was a Medieval Torture Museum, somewhere on the main drag between Dam Square and the Leidseplein. Worth checking out, if you're into that sort of thing.


Do the breweries still do free tours? There were two when we went there in 1969, Amstel and Heineken. We did the Amstel one and got absolutely plastered, all for free including Hula-hoops and liver-sausage nibbles. We then staggered round the Museum of Mankind and then went to the zoo and I didn't start to sober up until I got to the chimpanzees cages. The rest is a bit of a blur... :rolleyes:


Oh - use the trams where possible. It used to be a ticket for 10 rides, each of which was valid for 45 minutes. You must remember to 'stamp' it in the machine when you board. The tourist office is just outside the main railway station, at least it was 40 years ago.


Hill Street Blues Bar - Anything goes in there.


Just be careful you can distinguish feminine things with big veiny hands from real femininity though. If you can't, keep off the space cakes.


Have a happy New Year anyway Crabby.


Morning, errrr, afternoon all. Slept in after last nights expedition, though will be heading back into 'the Dam' soon.


Thanks for all the recommendations - I have to say, I probably won't be able to see them all but I've now got a better idea of what I want to see and where I want to go now instead of walking around blind - I mean, I only booked about 5 hours before the flight was about to depart on Wednesday morning so had absolutely no time to do some 'research' !


Obviously being new to the city (and of course equally amused and bewildered) we managed to take a 'wrong turn' last night and ended up walking a side alley lit with blue lights. 'Different' I conceded to myself until I saw the first occupant in the window. 'erm, very chiselled' I pondered as I continued on to the next booth...


...and if I was having doubts about this particular side alley and its residents, they were unashamedly confirmed when I turned to face what can only be described as 'Rambo.' I wanted to u-turn there and then but considered that since I'd gone this far, I might as well see the rest. :o


But of course, there were many highlights though


Everyone here we've met so far has shared the same trait - very friendly, very helpful and they all put alot of emphasis on 'sh' after every compatible word!


Anyway, the big day is now upon us - we are apparently 'warming up' with a stroll of the RDL once more which will once again see the moral dilemma versus primal instincts crash violently together on a personal note. Part of me thinks 'when in Rome...' the other says 'No!' - we'll see what develops!


I'm staying in Hoopdorf (sp?) outside the city centre but we've sorted a taxi for later and albeit quite expensive, its not THAT much when the bill is split.


Let's see what todays festivities bring :o


Buy yourself a bicycle bell


Ring it behind people as they cross the road, they will almost **** themselves, when they realise the joke thay will laugh with you and be your best mate.


I did this on one visit and it lasted about 5 minutes before mrs hamster confiscated it.


Have you found that floating Chinese restaurant yet? It is v good and I predict that if this be your first visit you will come to understand why many people (Septics in particular) never leave.


I remember one night I got chatting to a bloke who was known to everyone as 'Johnny Amsterdam' who went there in the 60's and got seperated from his travelling companions from college. Decided he liked it, stayed.


If you bump into him say hi and thanks for teaching me how to roll my own without a rolling machine.

Morning, errrr, afternoon all. Slept in after last nights expedition, though will be heading back into 'the Dam' soon.


Thanks for all the recommendations - I have to say, I probably won't be able to see them all but I've now got a better idea of what I want to see and where I want to go now instead of walking around blind - I mean, I only booked about 5 hours before the flight was about to depart on Wednesday morning so had absolutely no time to do some 'research' !


Obviously being new to the city (and of course equally amused and bewildered) we managed to take a 'wrong turn' last night and ended up walking a side alley lit with blue lights. 'Different' I conceded to myself until I saw the first occupant in the window. 'erm, very chiselled' I pondered as I continued on to the next booth...


...and if I was having doubts about this particular side alley and its residents, they were unashamedly confirmed when I turned to face what can only be described as 'Rambo.' I wanted to u-turn there and then but considered that since I'd gone this far, I might as well see the rest. :o


But of course, there were many highlights though


Everyone here we've met so far has shared the same trait - very friendly, very helpful and they all put alot of emphasis on 'sh' after every compatible word!


Anyway, the big day is now upon us - we are apparently 'warming up' with a stroll of the RDL once more which will once again see the moral dilemma versus primal instincts crash violently together on a personal note. Part of me thinks 'when in Rome...' the other says 'No!' - we'll see what develops!


I'm staying in Hoopdorf (sp?) outside the city centre but we've sorted a taxi for later and albeit quite expensive, its not THAT much when the bill is split.


Let's see what todays festivities bring :o


Hoofdorp?? You're miles out (close to the airport though)! I used to work near there - it was built as a sort of Milton Keynes, but the planners "forgot" to put in any social activities like a bar or cinema etc so it's a bit dead... Next time you come over (or if any other posters want to visit) then let me know and I'll find some places a bit more convenient - there are lots of nice little towns around where you can "sleep in" and get your head together before heading into Amsterdam for a long evening (transport connections are generally excellent here).


Glad you seem to have had a good time though - the city gets a bad reputation sometimes, and you can get ripped off if you go to places like the Grasshopper or the Bulldog chain, but it's very safe for a major city, people are usually friendly (esp. the police) and the locals like to see you having fun and celebrating their city!


WG - I haven't done the touristy things for a while, but I understand that the "Heineken Experience" is still there but is not the working brewery it used to be. Also they now limit you to 2 pints and some munchies - they wised up to the fact that people of your generation would go on the visit simply to get trashed and stuff their faces for very little money! Although how you ended up in Artis Zoo from there is impressive - it's quite a "stagger"!


The Torture Museum is still there, Bexy, opposite the flower market - never been myself!


And good advice, niceandfriendly, but a lot of the coffeeshops away from the centre are more for "purist" smokers and don't serve alcohol, so if you like a beer with your smoke then the centre is best - and there are a couple of good coffee shops where you won't get ripped off like the Rokerij (excellent chill music) and the Dampkring (sensational goat's cheese and honey toasties for the munchies).


So Happy New Year all, and if you come over, then don't forget to drop me a line!!


And good advice, niceandfriendly, but a lot of the coffeeshops away from the centre are more for "purist" smokers and don't serve alcohol, so if you like a beer with your smoke then the centre is best - and there are a couple of good coffee shops where you won't get ripped off like the Rokerij (excellent chill music) and the Dampkring (sensational goat's cheese and honey toasties for the munchies)


Have you ever visited De Graal in the Old South district? Seriously chilled out, ample chess boards, resident cat, decent prices, lots of friendly (mostly French) regulars.


And regarding alcohol, haven't most (all?) places - including those in the centre - been banned from serving alcohol if they sell the green stuff?


Mentioned this to mrs h this morning and she reckons we are due a re-visit, fancies new years eve like Crabby. Where are the best room rates available from amsterdam?


Blacked out on the weed, slammed a whore, lost my wallet, messy driving experiances, had a few buckets of water poured over me, lost our hotel. Funny couple of days.


Hey everyone


'amsterdam' thank you for the offer, I intend to return in July time for more cultural experiences and expeditions but settled for a rather low-key (or not) evening in Dam Square as well as another tour of the RDL.


Couldn't muster the bottle to enter one of the girls booths despite the overbearing temptation - that said, there was plenty of fun had both sides of the glass. Plenty of gesturing though I have to say I just couldn't make the final step inside.


Hoepfully, there will be a next time!


Met many amazingly friendly people and the atmosphere was incredible - the fact Dammers could just turn up to the square and set fireworks off in their hands was a shock but highly amusing!


Yeah, I picked Hoopdorf not really knowing the region and the taxis were expensive but we cut a deal with a taxi driver we met on our first night to keep the costs down as much as we could. He's happy too - he gets repeat business when we return and he was, like everyone we met, so open and friendly.


The girls in the RDL, on the whole, we stunning. Hopefully July might bring a change of heart as well as a extra dosage of mettle!

Posted (edited)
Visit the Sex Museum Crab (just in front of the Central Station) - well worth it & great fun at 3 Euros!


I think I saw enough exposed clunge to last me a lifetime on NYE. I probably weirded a few out by walking past several times on my travels but I was simply trying to muster the bottle to 'try' one of the RDL girls.


I've read alot of recommendations/do's/don'ts/etiquette tips amd reviews on the RDL so knew exactly what to look for and what to expect, but I just couldn't override my morals and mentality with my primal instincts! I intend to return though - and this time, I'll mean business. ;)


Amazing, amazing fun though - I do intend to actually visit many of the museums next time and as many of you are probably aware, Amsterdam has sooooo many. I will probably return on my own in Spring, and then for a stag in June/July. :D Loved all the girls tapping the glass and beckoning me to join them in their booths though... despite them most likely to be only wanting my money, it was hard not to feel... erm, honoured.


I must have walked past the museum a few times without even noticing, quite shockingly. Assuming it wasn't open when I did walk past though, as I was lurking around the Dam when most visiting hours for museums had closed!

Edited by Crab Lungs
WG - I haven't done the touristy things for a while, but I understand that the "Heineken Experience" is still there but is not the working brewery it used to be. Also they now limit you to 2 pints and some munchies - they wised up to the fact that people of your generation would go on the visit simply to get trashed and stuff their faces for very little money! Although how you ended up in Artis Zoo from there is impressive - it's quite a "stagger"!

I have no recollection of the walk either. It was the Amstel brewery that we visited - my future wife and I - although we weren't married then but we still are now. I like the Amstel beer, for me it's a cross between lager and bitter, although at 19 years old anything will do. My dad worked for the railways so he got me a free pass, Enfield town to Amsterdam Central via Hook of Holland. My missus (then Fianceé) had to pay £12/10/- for her return ticket. Ah, happy days :)


Crab Lungs - sounds like you had a good few days?! I've been here nearly 10 years now and though I work freelance nowadays and could be based anywhere, I still love the place (apart from the food and the weather). There is definitely a unique "buzz" about it. But I should also recommend Rotterdam and Utrecht if you want to see more of Dutch life - both equally friendly and a bit less "touristy" - Rotterdam is a bit rough but has excellent nightlife and Utrecht is beautiful and more appropriate for weekends with the missus...

If you're over in the Spring and on your tod, then let me know and I'll buy you a beer to give you "Dutch courage" to select a lady of the night! Of course they are only after your money but although I've never "indulged", friends who have have said it was a great experience!

WG - the old Amstel brewery is even further away than the Heineken one, so top man! Maybe for your anniversary you might want to bring the wife back for a trip back in time? I doubt Amsterdam has changed much since you were here (unlike Southampton which has totally changed since I left in the mid 1980's).

Hamster - I recommend you look to stay in towns like Weesp, Haarlem or Hilversum (where I live) for hotels; nice towns in their own right with excellent transport links to the 'Dam. Unless you can afford places like the Kempinski, Tulip Inn or Blake's, the average central hotels are over-priced and a bit grotty - happy to help with recommendations...

Nicandfriendly - I don't know the coffee shop you mentioned; if I go into town for a night out, it is usually with mates from the UK so we stick to places we know - there are half a dozen local places that are fine if I fancy a smoke. I've not heard about the ban on serving beer in the coffee shops - perhaps CL could update me - my local places have never served beer (there's a kind of snobbery here with the pot-heads looking down on the beer drinkers as being aggressive and yobbish, so the restrictions have traditionally been for economic reasons, i.e. for the tourists). We've had some interesting dilemmas with the ban on tobacco - you can be arrested for smoking tobacco (or mixing your hashish with it) in coffee shops, which is a bit bizzare!

I think I saw enough exposed clunge to last me a lifetime on NYE. I probably weirded a few out by walking past several times on my travels but I was simply trying to muster the bottle to 'try' one of the RDL girls.


I've read alot of recommendations/do's/don'ts/etiquette tips amd reviews on the RDL so knew exactly what to look for and what to expect, but I just couldn't override my morals and mentality with my primal instincts! I intend to return though - and this time, I'll mean business. ;)


Amazing, amazing fun though - I do intend to actually visit many of the museums next time and as many of you are probably aware, Amsterdam has sooooo many. I will probably return on my own in Spring, and then for a stag in June/July. :D Loved all the girls tapping the glass and beckoning me to join them in their booths though... despite them most likely to be only wanting my money, it was hard not to feel... erm, honoured.


I must have walked past the museum a few times without even noticing, quite shockingly. Assuming it wasn't open when I did walk past though, as I was lurking around the Dam when most visiting hours for museums had closed!


Next time tell your mates that you're going to do it, so that you can't back out when the time comes!


Glad you had a good time :)


Last time I was there I had the best steak of my life in one of the Uruguayan/Argentinian steak houses. Bit hazy as to where, it was off one of the squares south of Dam square about 5mins away on the tram.

Last time I was there I had the best steak of my life in one of the Uruguayan/Argentinian steak houses. Bit hazy as to where, it was off one of the squares south of Dam square about 5mins away on the tram.


Probably around Rembrantsplein or Leidseplein? You are right that if you stick to steaks you will eat well (though a bit expensive?). Dutch food in general though is rubbish; their local fast food chain, Febo, is horrible - as a Brit I can understand that some things we eat are "acquired tastes" - but next time you're over here, try things like bitterballen, frikandellen, kaassoufle and raw herring with onions (Dutch sushi!). My kids are lucky because they've grown up with both and love the Dutch s**t as much as the English s**t!!

Probably around Rembrantsplein or Leidseplein? You are right that if you stick to steaks you will eat well (though a bit expensive?). Dutch food in general though is rubbish; their local fast food chain, Febo, is horrible - as a Brit I can understand that some things we eat are "acquired tastes" - but next time you're over here, try things like bitterballen, frikandellen, kaassoufle and raw herring with onions (Dutch sushi!). My kids are lucky because they've grown up with both and love the Dutch s**t as much as the English s**t!!


Ah the two places from which I walked between many times in my one and only jaunt to Amsterdam a few years ago. Good times!


Hopefully will be going back in Feb (a stag do but hey ho). Think i will try and slip away during the day and check out the places mentioned above as there is no point in going abroad only to get get smashed and stay in the hotel all the time.

Posted (edited)
Last time I was there I had the best steak of my life in one of the Uruguayan/Argentinian steak houses. Bit hazy as to where, it was off one of the squares south of Dam square about 5mins away on the tram.



Gauchos (sp)? Argentinian iirc.


Cheers for the offer too amsterdam, not many sites giving quotes yet for next New Year, but deffo on the shortlist.


mrs wants to stay central though, our first time there we really under-estimated the potency of the 'gear' and ended up walking around in circles until we recognised the flag hanging outside. Actually I just remembered where we stayed, the 'france hotel' right near the station. It was functinal but comfortable and nice and friendly. Bonus was that there was an english brekkie served at the pub right next door and it was literally across the road from the station. I'm gonna look them up later.

Edited by hamster

I was staying in Leiden about 17 years ago for NYE celebrations. From what I can remember, the street surfaces were littered with live fireworks and 'banger belts' going off constantly. Fun but mad!

Wasn't sure if this was the norm all over the country or more to the fact it was a very studenty area.

i heard Cabbage Face ****ged a lady boy?


He insisted we return to revisit 'Rambo' (see above) - the boy has issues.


Thanks for all the offers and kind words above - I definitely intend to return to this amazing city and will remember my trip for a long time to come. Great people :D


LVSaint - the fireworks on NYE are across the whole country and you're right, "mad but fun" sums it up! I was in Beirut in the mid-1990's and it was a similar experience to NYE in NL!! The Swiss have a similar thing on their National Day and for a Brit, with all our ad campaigns and warnings about fireworks, it's pretty hairy watching people off their chops setting off huge rockets in their hands!


Hamster - Gauchos is a good chain; you do have to be a real carnivore though - chips are considered an "extra"; if you order "steak", then that's what you get - half a cow... I had a similar experience about the strength of the gear when I first arrived here... Had a very pleasant smoke, sitting in a cafe, then realised I'd forgotten how to move my legs or arms. So i sat there for what seemed like hours (probably less than a minute TBF) grinning like a loon hoping no-one would notice that I was immobile. Eventually calmed down enough to remember "stand, left leg forward, right leg forward, etc" and was mumbling away to myself until I found a taxi, then realised I couldn't remember what hotel I was staying at, just that it was about 20 mins away by tram (the key was one of those non-descript plastic swipe things)... Respect to the taxi driver though who managed to find the place - God knows how... I've been careful ever since, and it's advice I'd give to anyone - write down the name of your hotel and never ask for the strongest hash the coffeeshop has (if you're only used to the stuff you get at home)...

JS - enjoy your visit and do go for an explore on your own. From Dam Square walk into the RLD behind the Bijenkorf Store (kind of a Dutch Harrods) and find a bar called "Stone's" (they don't sell weed but you can smoke it there); then go out out the back way (and turn left at the church towards "Sexyland") - there you will find the warren of streets that I think CL found himself in - have fun!!

He insisted we return to revisit 'Rambo' (see above) - the boy has issues.


Thanks for all the offers and kind words above - I definitely intend to return to this amazing city and will remember my trip for a long time to come. Great people :D


If you remember it you weren't there...man!:smt033


Appetite suitably whetted now and hamster-dam is deffo on the agenda reading this thread, may even grab a long weekend sometime over the next couple of months.

LVSaint - the fireworks on NYE are across the whole country and you're right, "mad but fun" sums it up! I was in Beirut in the mid-1990's and it was a similar experience to NYE in NL!! The Swiss have a similar thing on their National Day and for a Brit, with all our ad campaigns and warnings about fireworks, it's pretty hairy watching people off their chops setting off huge rockets in their hands!



It was extremely fun and dangerous for me at 17. I remember walking into the newsagents cained and buying dirt cheap massive packs of bangers and other fun pyrotechnics. (Last time I tried that before was on a school French trip and the teachers confiscated the lot!)

Great dayshh.


Was over there in the Summer - **** me, but some of those whores were pretty special. I mean, we had just come from Hamburg, and while some of the girls on the Rieperbahn were very nice, most were blown away by some of those in Amsterdam. Guess it has some of the creme de la creme (pies) being an international prostitute hub. It was, as Lungs said, pretty tempting. We ended up in some club that was dead good, will try to remember which one it was.

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