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So 2009 is nearly over. It's been a strange year in many ways, especially for SFC, but a difficult year as well for myself and a lot people I know. Things seem to be slowly looking up for me so I can look forward hopefully to 2010 and all that it brings.


So what were the good/bad bits about 2009 for you? And what are you looking forward to in 2010?


For me, there wasn't much in the way of highlights this year. I spent many months out of work thanks to the ****ing recession, which in turn has landed me in a whole sh1tload of debt. I went to a couple of good festivals in the summer and my GF moved in with me in August but other than that it has been a forgettable year due to my complete inability to afford to do many of the things I wanted to do.


Looking forward though, my GF and me have an invite to go to Kenya in April to stay with the family of her brother-in-law which, finances permitting, I really can't wait for.


Mixed year for me too.


Good points: new grandson, new job (tried retirement, didn't like it - flattered I can still get a job at my age :D)


Bad points: my mum died, I've been under the weather since September and still not completely recovered.


2010 hope to carry on not smoking. Plan to teach my granddaughter to dance, now that she can walk :)


2009 has ended up being a great year for me...


Started it in a job i hated, but was simply grateful for having, as I was saving for a wedding (and trying to overcome family issues on her side) and desperate to get a nicer place to live than the mouldy, damp, 1-bed maisonette we lived in at the beginning of the year.


In March, we rented a nicer place with a friend as a housemate so we could afford something better.


Just about scraped the money in for the wedding in June, which went really well, family issues resolved, and had a great honeymoon in Scotland in July.


Got a new job in September, started in October, which is better in every way (money, hours, people, security) and I am still really enjoying, over 2 months in.


Now the Wife has also got a new job working mostly from home, and less hours, but the same money, as the current job she has gradually found to be boring and unfulfilling.


And in the last month our housemate has found a nice place of her own, just round the corner so we're still nice and close, but that means we have our house to ourselves now which we can now afford as the wedding is paid for and I am on a better salary.


I consider myself to be very lucky, but I think I've worked hard and gone through some pretty sh!t years, to get where I am, and so am extremely grateful for how things currently are.


In 2010 I simply look forward to settling down a bit, making the house our home and being able to relax a little. And maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to get a Season Ticket next season too...!


An odd year all in.


Good: Kept Job and advanced my career actively this year despite the engineering sector going down the toilet in this recession. Another year gone on the mortgage. New Housemate brought in around September which is helping out massively. No more R*p*rt F*ck*ng L*we.


Bad: Mum and Dad seperating.... with a hell load of acrimony due to occur. Shares I held went down the tubes, lost a few grand in that. This summer was awful up until the start of June too and had a frankly dreadful holiday.


2010: Happy time supporting a resurgent Saints and spending time with the new lady in my life (hopefully.) Keeping my head down while Mum and Dad throw the respective s**t into each other's fans and a Pay rise should be due!


Bad: Health - although minor problems its been horrible - 2 knee ops including partial replacement. Dislocated disc, physio then scrunched all the ligaments, muscles and tendons in my hip.

I have spent all Christmas in bed with swine flu.

Saints getting relegated, -10 points and the Pinnacle fiasco.


Good: Liebherr and Cortese saving Saints and appointing a decent manager for a change.

My daughter doing brilliantly in her GCSE's, nipper continuing to do well at football at school and for his team.

Still with the woman I met and married 28 years ago.



Ash referenced me in a JOKE!




He might have been talking about a different **** buddy.

He might have been talking about a different **** buddy.


no, listen, let me explain:


In my original post on December 30th 2009 at 03:46 PM, I wrote:




Good: Found a fiver whilst cleaning out the car


Bad: Contracted meningitis


All well and good so far.


Some seventeen hours later, on 31st December 2009 at 10:22 AM, Ash, whose public profile can be found here:




chipped in with:


Good: Set myself up with a nice easy **** buddy

Bad: Lost a fiver in **** buddy's car


Now, as you and I guess many others might think, the two comments are completely and utterly independent of one another. But look again:





Good: Found a fiver whilst cleaning out the car


Bad: Contracted meningitis



Good: Set myself up with a nice easy **** buddy

Bad: Lost a fiver in **** buddy's car


Not see it?


How about now:





Good: Found a fiver whilst cleaning out the car


Bad: Contracted meningitis



Good: Set myself up with a nice easy **** buddy

Bad: Lost a fiver in **** buddy's car


See it now?


The humourous link isn't actually anything to do with **** buddies or any of that. And ignore my meningitis comment, that is also not related.


It is actually in the reference to the fiver, and the car:





Good: Found a fiver whilst cleaning out the car


Bad: Contracted meningitis



Good: Set myself up with a nice easy **** buddy

Bad: Lost a fiver in **** buddy's car


The use of the reference in Ash's comments to both the fiver and the car simply cannot be coincidence.


Therefore, I suspect quite strongly (and I am usually right about these things) that Ash was making a humourous suggestion that he and myself had entered sometime in the past year into a no-commitments, no-strings-attached sexual relationship.


So you SEE?





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