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just watching ads of the decade, is there any ads from t.v/ cinema that stand out for you.

i particularly like the john smiths series of ads with peter kaye. ave it!!!


They are not a patch on the adverts of the 80's and early 90's.


Take the Carling adverts for example...



They would never be allowed in this age of wishy washy politcal correctness.


They used to be clever AND humerous, like this:


Or this


All we get now is grand creative and special effects.

Can't stand the stuff, but this advert is far and away my favourite:




I think I've loved all the Guinness adverts (I can't stand the stuff either). And one of the ones that came in the top 3 - the Honda advert - was pretty darned good too.

Can't stand the stuff, but this advert is far and away my favourite:



I think I've loved all the Guinness adverts (I can't stand the stuff either). And one of the ones that came in the top 3 - the Honda advert - was pretty darned good too.


IIRC the idea for that ad was STOLEN from some chap who pitched it a few months earlier to some young upstart who dismissed it then went and sold it to his bosses. Maybe someone else remembers the story?

IIRC the idea for that ad was STOLEN from some chap who pitched it a few months earlier to some young upstart who dismissed it then went and sold it to his bosses. Maybe someone else remembers the story?


You're right. Guinness did take have to recompense the bloke who originally ptiched it. It's still an excellent advert though.


I hate the modern medium of advertising, so that's quite something for me to admit. I know Britain is the world leader in sophisticated advertising, but personally, I can never see the value past: here's the product, this is what it does, and here's the price we want you to pay.


I sort of like Cillit Bang adverts for that quality. The bullsh!t is kept at a basic level that I can cope with.


There are so many ads that you recognise the theme, you get the so called 'joke' yet if asked what the product being pitched was you wouldn;t have the foggiest. What a waste of time and money by self important execs. I am actually quite proud of my batgain hunting skills and in spite of the good marketing campaigns that do hit the spot I am still not a brand name whore.


It may add 5 minutes to the total shopping experience but the joy of saving loads at the till gets me quite turgid sometimes. I have been known to take my receipts to work to show off my amazing skill.


My dad suggested a tag line for an ad when i was a kid which has stuck with me and maybe one day i'll give them a bell, it was:


"Don't wonder how to wander, get a Honda!"


Brilliant (and mine)

You cannot beat a group of alien robots laughing at "...and then they smash them all to bits!". :D


Good ad and memorable a sone of the all time greats, I still wouldn't eat that **** though badger. Potatoes are almost perfect as they are.



"Don't wonder how to wander, get a Honda!"


Brilliant (and mine)


"Give me Honda, Give me Sony,

So cheap and so phoney"


The Clash - "The Magnificent Seven"


Best ad ever is the old castlemain XXXX one with Hogan on Deal beach, 2 blokes bait digging, Hogan asks what they're doing and one replies 'digging the channel tunnel haha'. Hogan points to Deal pier and says 'hope it goes further than yer bridge' sips beer and walks away. Genius.


Has anyone noticed how many adverts from yesteryear are making it back onto our screens? I saw the old KitKat Father Christmas Raymond Briggs advert tonight, that took me back to my youth! Also, the old Milky Way ad with the Red car and the Blue Car, and, well there are others but memory escapes me. Oh yes, the John Cleese Accurist ad and the Persil ads through the years......


Have companies run out of ideas, or is it a nostalgia ploy?

Has anyone noticed how many adverts from yesteryear are making it back onto our screens? I saw the old KitKat Father Christmas Raymond Briggs advert tonight, that took me back to my youth! Also, the old Milky Way ad with the Red car and the Blue Car, and, well there are others but memory escapes me. Oh yes, the John Cleese Accurist ad and the Persil ads through the years......


Have companies run out of ideas, or is it a nostalgia ploy?


Meh, nostalgia ain't wot it used to be.


'I'm falling through the air, I wonder where I'm going to land,


'He nicked my Irn Bru, and let go of my hand'



Irn Bru/Snowman ad - just seen it again, it's not been on for ages, probably last xmas.

Best ad ever is the old castlemain XXXX one with Hogan on Deal beach, 2 blokes bait digging, Hogan asks what they're doing and one replies 'digging the channel tunnel haha'. Hogan points to Deal pier and says 'hope it goes further than yer bridge' sips beer and walks away. Genius.


You only like that cos it has Deal in it, hamster ;)


The James Nesbitt "What Happened?" advert is a good'un.



The first Carling one that Johnny Bognor posted up there somewhere is well good.


Other than that I absolutely detest adverts, especially all these "cash your gold in for a low interest loan and get a free text date" type ones. Horrible.

'I'm falling through the air, I wonder where I'm going to land,


'He nicked my Irn Bru, and let go of my hand'



Irn Bru/Snowman ad - just seen it again, it's not been on for ages, probably last xmas.



How come that was pulled? Not particularly offensive IMO!




Appears it wasn't pulled after all!


Just that they'd spent all their budget on making the thing and could only afford to show it 10 times... I'd always assumed it was banned because I saw it and then it was gone.


Bloody brave thing to do, especially as Youtube and viral marketing didn't exist back then.


These were always classics:



trying to remember all the words at the end of this was a regular challenge at school:




Watch out for these!!:



This verges on NSFW




although this is the backing track best remembered:



First time that I saw this was at the cinema, as you can tell I found it quite impressive on the big screen.



but then this one always seemed to make folks laugh



But this is the cinema classic:



Charlie says always tell your mummy before you go off somewhere....

and that ginger cat with the mad eyes eating a fish bone, classic!

Charlie says always tell your mummy before you go off somewhere....

and that ginger cat with the mad eyes eating a fish bone, classic!


And the inspiration for one of the best dance tracks of all time!


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