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How Much Snow in Southampton..?  

143 members have voted

  1. 1. How Much Snow in Southampton..?

    • Pah..! If any falls it won't lay anyway, so what's the point. [0"]
    • A boring, paper thin, covering. [0" - 1"]
    • Several inches, where are my skis. [1" - 4"]
    • Wahey.. ! It's 1963 again..! [4" - or more]

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Good Morning all. Don't know about you chaps down there in sunny Southampton, but up here in chilly north Kent we have had almost a foot of snow and it is looking the same up in Yorkshire. I don't know what the chances are of the game being called off tomorrow, but if you are a hardy soul who is planning to travel up to Leeds, do take care. I can't even get out of my front door!

Good Morning all. Don't know about you chaps down there in sunny Southampton, but up here in chilly north Kent we have had almost a foot of snow and it is looking the same up in Yorkshire. I don't know what the chances are of the game being called off tomorrow, but if you are a hardy soul who is planning to travel up to Leeds, do take care. I can't even get out of my front door!


Same situation in Essex! I'm due to be going to Leeds tomorrow, although if I can't move my car...


Also my brother is flying in from Ireland for this game, and I'm the one with the tickets.


Not so bad here in Cambridge, only a couple of inches but still enough to disrupt things. Not sure what the forecast is but would have thought the major routes to be clear by tomorrow if no more snow.


Inch or two in Southsea, but all the roads are clear. No problems getting into work, although the M275 into Portsmouth looks like it's ground to a halt.


Minus 10 this morning but still no snow here. Although there's loads if I just drive for about an hour. Bergen's a bit hopeless for snow, we're better at rain but it's not the same really.


I can see snow capped mountains in most directions which helps with the Christmassy feeling.


Left work 6:15, got home 11:30. Still, I got to **** my name into the snow by the M20, so every cloud and all that.


Also, a prize to the first dullard who says "I thought the world was getting warmer?! LOLOLOL!!?" :)


I got out the taxi last night [This morning] blind drunk and on the way home I got caught in a blizzard. I actually thought I was going to die haha.


"I am just going outside and may be some time"

Not enough snow for the local chavs to spend all day throwing massive snowballs at buses like last winter.


Rich, last year me and Sam got warned by a copper for throwing snow at the Co-op, well a lad who was in the co-op taking refuge, but I'm not a chav!


I went down a hill on the way to work and the car slid at about 10MPH to the bottom. I tried everything to slow down, but just skidded to the side, fortunately I crashed into a lorry with large tyres (hit his back wheel) so no damage to my car or the lorry. Wish I hadn't bothered coming into work today!


It was thick here in Egham last night about 11, but by this morning the worst of it had gone. Outside it's virtually all melted from what I can see.


I don't care - I'm doing sod all today, and enjoying the TV from under a duvet on my sofa. (I hope my missus is enjoying work...)

Are you joking?! In Colchester we are covered.


Yes Im joking obviously. Im snowed in and may not last the day.


Essex is larger than Colchester, you know...


Crazy that the news is reporting that the snow is causing serious problems. A friend of mine lives in Stockholm where he had 40cm of snow yesterday on top of 35cm already on the ground. His daughter was at school and they even went on a field trip! I guess they are a little more used to it but its a bit ridiculous that we can't cope

Crazy that the news is reporting that the snow is causing serious problems. A friend of mine lives in Stockholm where he had 40cm of snow yesterday on top of 35cm already on the ground. His daughter was at school and they even went on a field trip! I guess they are a little more used to it but its a bit ridiculous that we can't cope


Up in Scandanavia it's part and parcel of their lives, I know in Finland at least they have snow for 4-5 months of the year. You have to be able to powerslide to pass your driving test, which takes 2 years to pass.


I'm just north of Skatesmouth and we had loads here this morning

2-3 inches in Wokingham, plenty of entertainment on A329M. Bloke went past me doing 60 clipped the slush and started doing ballerina impressions and ended up in a ditch.


Its not just here that the ****s drive like dimwits, I was in Canada staying with friends for Xmas quite a few years ago arrived in heavy Snow which was great. Stayed in Toronto overnight then the next evening headed about 200 miles to the north east towards Ottowa, the snow had eased up but there was mountains of the stuff all around. As we drove up the highway every so often someone would pass us like we were going backwards, and so the game started: how many miles down the road will that car be off the road. It was stunning nearly every single car that blasted past us was buried in the central reservation within the next 10 miles!

Its not just here that the ****s drive like dimwits, I was in Canada staying with friends for Xmas quite a few years ago arrived in heavy Snow which was great. Stayed in Toronto overnight then the next evening headed about 200 miles to the north east towards Ottowa, the snow had eased up but there was mountains of the stuff all around. As we drove up the highway every so often someone would pass us like we were going backwards, and so the game started: how many miles down the road will that car be off the road. It was stunning nearly every single car that blasted past us was buried in the central reservation within the next 10 miles!


Sounds more fun than the game I used to play! :( Count the red cars.

Bloody nora, a bit of snow and everything comes to a standstill. How long before Ottawa Saint is on here telling us about the 30 metres of snowfall in his town last night? ;)


Haha nice one! We did have a record yearly snowfall 2 years ago of over 4 metres in total, but we only have about 60cms of it on the ground at the moment. Today it is -26c outside so I don't think we'll see any flurries today.


Don't be embarrassed about the snow causing a standstill, one time Toronto got a light dusting and had to call in the army, they'll never live that down...

Its not just here that the ****s drive like dimwits, I was in Canada staying with friends for Xmas quite a few years ago arrived in heavy Snow which was great. Stayed in Toronto overnight then the next evening headed about 200 miles to the north east towards Ottowa, the snow had eased up but there was mountains of the stuff all around. As we drove up the highway every so often someone would pass us like we were going backwards, and so the game started: how many miles down the road will that car be off the road. It was stunning nearly every single car that blasted past us was buried in the central reservation within the next 10 miles!


Sounds about right, in Canada the road is full of total retards who somehow forget to drive when it gets icy, never ceases to amaze me how many idiots speed during an ice storm...

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