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... admits he would have gone ahead with the invasion of Iraq regardless of whether or not the WMD claim was true as he believes it was 'the right thing to do'...




He is quoted as saying...


"I would still have thought it right to remove him,"

"Obviously you would have had to use and deploy different arguments, about the nature of the threat,"


So in other words, he was hell-bent on following Bush into the conflict and has now effectively admitted that he would have told the house of commons any old bullsh*t in order to push the motion through.


Personally, I think he should face charges for lying to parliament.

... admits he would have gone ahead with the invasion of Iraq regardless of whether or not the WMD claim was true as he believes it was 'the right thing to do'...




He is quoted as saying...




So in other words, he was hell-bent on following Bush into the conflict and has now effectively admitted that he would have told the house of commons any old bullsh*t in order to push the motion through.


Personally, I think he should face charges for lying to parliament.


The sheer arrogance of the man is breathtaking.


He also said in 2003 that he was happy for Saddam to stay in power if he handed over his WMDs.


Personally i think him and bush should be in the Hague being tried for war crimes

I'm sure he would have slept with the devil if it meant he got his way. He certainly doesn't hold dear the christian beliefs he professes... as you can tell I despise the man.


Whatever they are! IMO christian beliefs are a good cover up to make people feel better about themselves without actually having to do or change or think anything.

I'm sure Hitler felt the same way when he invaded Poland, Belgium, France, The Netherlands Denmark, Russia..... you get the drift.


(Godwin's Law strikes again)


Crikey - only 7 posts? That has to be a record that even Godwin himself couldn't have predicted!


I get annoyed at all this: Blair really really ****ed the country (and me) off with this whole Iraq thing and he totally ruined what would have been a solid legacy: Peace in N.I, the minimum wage, unprecedented (sp?) public spending on schools and the NHS etc.

I get annoyed at all this: Blair really really ****ed the country (and me) off with this whole Iraq thing and he totally ruined what would have been a solid legacy: Peace in N.I, the minimum wage, unprecedented (sp?) public spending on schools and the NHS etc.

I was agreeing with you until you got to that bit. That was the biggest mistake that any government has ever made. If you throw money at the Public Sector then all they'll do is give themselves a payrise and hold more meetings. As a manufacturer myself I have seen what the mimimum wage has done to manufacturing in this country: it has exported all the jobs.


as brown steps down in the next few months..


those who championed blair, brown and nu labour should have a very hard look at themselves....probably the worst legacy left by a government in a generation or 5

as brown steps down in the next few months..


those who championed blair, brown and nu labour should have a very hard look at themselves....probably the worst legacy left by a government in a generation or 5


Effing bollix. Thatcher destroyed things, Labour has created things.

as brown steps down in the next few months..


those who championed blair, brown and nu labour should have a very hard look at themselves....probably the worst legacy left by a government in a generation or 5




Yeah ok, we'll forget the Tory governments that preceeded 1997 then?

Effing bollix. Thatcher destroyed things, Labour has created things.

Maggie...hmm, made un popular choices, country had a few years of decline, won a war over a British Dependancy...


Blair/Brown, inherited a good economy, soold off EVERYTHING we had in reserve, helped put the country into the biggest financial decline ever, hundreds of thousands dead around the world..


hmmm...I can see what labour have created....and farking monster

Maggie...hmm, made un popular choices, country had a few years of decline, won a war over a British Dependancy...


Blair/Brown, inherited a good economy, soold off EVERYTHING we had in reserve, helped put the country into the biggest financial decline ever, hundreds of thousands dead around the world..


hmmm...I can see what labour have created....and farking monster


Made 'unpopular' choices? If ruining entire communities is called 'unpopular' then I need to get myself a new dictionary.

Made 'unpopular' choices? If ruining entire communities is called 'unpopular' then I need to get myself a new dictionary.
got to agree she made alot of mistakes to and like labour they were in power far to long.what rubbish governments we seem to elect.
Posted (edited)
Made 'unpopular' choices? If ruining entire communities is called 'unpopular' then I need to get myself a new dictionary.

yes...in the bigger picture..


unless you class what she did worse than hundred of thousands dead..

Edited by Thedelldays
blairs just another tory , and will have his son cameron carry on the same old ways.the bankers who got us in this mess will just keep paying their puppets,

such a cop out..


he was labours most successful leader..EVER...

such a cop out..


he was labours most successful leader..EVER...

he won elections and so did thatcher but their not a patch on giants like churchill and Attlee .

they achieved great things rather then those micky mouse leaders .

he won elections and so did thatcher but their not a patch on giants like churchill and Attlee .

they achieved great things rather then those micky mouse leaders .

either way...still the most successful labour leader..EVER..

either way...still the most successful labour leader..EVER..


which had more to do with the weakness of the opposition than his ability to do the job. Blair did some good things but IMO in some ways was one of the most dangerous PMs we've ever had.


He really brought this culture of spin doctors to the fore and it's resulted in most government statistics now not being worth the paper their written on, and contributed to the increased scepticism towards MPs and politics in general. Plus by dropping his trousers and bending over backwards for Bush and going into the Iraq disaster, that and other more recent activities have severely tainted the UK's image worldwide. The US (with the UK's wholehearted support of course) now support tinpot dictatorships all over the world who have human rights records not too disimilar to Iraq under Saddam (e.g. Uzbekistan) all because of commercial interests. I think this really did accelerate during the Bush-Blair era disguised under the "War on Terror" pseudonym.


A PR bloke I know once said to me "If the Burmese Junta discovered massive reserves of oil on their land and flogged it cheap to the Americans, Aung San Suu Kyi's name wouldn't be heard in the western press for a very very long time"

Maggie...hmm, made un popular choices, country had a few years of decline, won a war over a British Dependancy...


Blair/Brown, inherited a good economy, soold off EVERYTHING we had in reserve, helped put the country into the biggest financial decline ever, hundreds of thousands dead around the world..


hmmm...I can see what labour have created....and farking monster

Ooh I want to have your babies. :smt060


It's funny how Blair is described as a Tory (by some) for trying to remove Saddam, whilst proper socialists (and traitors) like George Galloway (who were best mates with Saddam), are conveniently ignored. I can never quite work out which side of the fence they sit on. I think class warfare clearly clouds the judgement of some people.

Saddam Hussein was a nutter and a danger to the stability of the whole region of the middle east. He needed to be removed.

he was our nutter till he went for the oil in Kuwait l.bush snr could have removed him then but chose to leave him in charge.it shows what a joke this whole mess has become,

It's funny how Blair is described as a Tory (by some) for trying to remove Saddam, whilst proper socialists (and traitors) like George Galloway (who were best mates with Saddam), are conveniently ignored. I can never quite work out which side of the fence they sit on. I think class warfare clearly clouds the judgement of some people.


i think you are right some have forgotten maggies failures like the polltax and mass unemployment and increasing vat from 8% to !5% vat and high interest rates. just like blair she will be seen has footnote in history.

i think you are right some have forgotten maggies failures like the polltax and mass unemployment and increasing vat from 8% to !5% vat and high interest rates. just like blair she will be seen has footnote in history.

VAT went up but income came down. Came down a lot.

i think you are right some have forgotten maggies failures like the polltax and mass unemployment and increasing vat from 8% to !5% vat and high interest rates. just like blair she will be seen has footnote in history.


People blame Maggie for our ills, but the true enemy of the people are the politically motivated Unions. They made a major contribution to the mess that was created BEFORE Maggie came to power.


Makes you laugh all this Maggie bashing: in 1979 she inherited command, from the Labour party, of a country that was in no uncertain terms going down the sh1tter. She came in and had to make some unpopular decisions in an effort to get things back onto an even keel but she did it. If you lived in a steel or a coal town you have a bitter enough axe to grind in her direction. Anyone who has lived in and around Hampshire all their lives has lived a far better life as a result of the Tory policies through the 80's, 90's, 00's (even if the greed of plenty at the end of the 80's did give you a bloody nose). If you worked down the docks there is probably a bit of a gripe, but if Union rule had not had a kick up the backside the docks would not be what they are today in Southampton. So here we are again under a labour government who inherited a sound economy and as usual have ****ed it up the wall again. So the Tories will come in and make the unpopular decisions that we know need making just to get the country back on the straight and narrow again: everyone will moan and let Labour back in to fritter it all away again on 5 a day Tsars and the like at £35,000 a year!


Back to the original subject, if George doublyah's Pappy had had more guts good 'ole Tony would not have been in the pickle that he is now. Maggie said to keep in going to Baghdad but Bush senior got a bit windy and said to stop at liberating Kuwait. At the end of the day what is unacceptable is that a Prime Minister abused his power to go to war. At least when the Argies invaded South Georgia they were invading British soil so Maggie had a nailed on reason to go to war, telling the Yanks to take a hike of the way down there. That was a legitimate war and came at the right time to buy the Tories time to keep on digging us out of the inherited hole. Tony thought he would gain the same popularity Maggie had at the end of the Falklands by taking us to war.


Vanity will always see the demise of a politician.





Back to the original subject, if George doublyah's Pappy had had more guts good 'ole Tony would not have been in the pickle that he is now. Maggie said to keep in going to Baghdad but Bush senior got a bit windy and said to stop at liberating Kuwait. At the end of the day what is unacceptable is that a Prime Minister abused his power to go to war. At least when the Argies invaded South Georgia they were invading British soil so Maggie had a nailed on reason to go to war, telling the Yanks to take a hike of the way down there. That was a legitimate war and came at the right time to buy the Tories time to keep on digging us out of the inherited hole. Tony thought he would gain the same popularity Maggie had at the end of the Falklands by taking us to war.


Vanity will always see the demise of a politician.


People are criticising Blair (rightly) on here because he went to war for illegitimate reasons. You say he "abused his power to go to war". Correct, but you then criticise President Bush (senior) for not invading Iraq, pushing on to Baghdad and deposing Saddam Hussein. But that, too, would have been illegitimate. The aim of the first Iraq war, remember, was to get Hussein out of Kuwait, not "regime change" in Iraq.


Bush (senior) didn't have the guts, you say. No, that's not it - he didn't have the right. Tony Blair didn't have the right, either, But he did have the guts, didn't he? So why not admire him, then?


You seem to want it both ways.


It's very simple.


Thatcher took a wrecking ball to the social fabric of the country. She was wrong, twisted and evil however you look at it. Blair took a wrecking ball to the social fabric of another country. Again he was without doubt evil and twisted. Both ignored their own parties, both were very right of centre.


Hmmm I can see a theme here, never trust a Tory (whether they are dressed in blue as a wolf or dressed in red sheep's clothing).

Thatcher ruined this country and we are still suffering now for what she did. Never forget.


I'm not.


I am suffering due to retards like Labour though.

Thatcher ruined this country and we are still suffering now for what she did. Never forget.


No labour fooked up this country, Maggie made it great again and then labour fooked it up again...... never forget

It's very simple.


Thatcher took a wrecking ball to the social fabric of the country. She was wrong, twisted and evil however you look at it. Blair took a wrecking ball to the social fabric of another country. Again he was without doubt evil and twisted. Both ignored their own parties, both were very right of centre.


Hmmm I can see a theme here, never trust a Tory (whether they are dressed in blue as a wolf or dressed in red sheep's clothing).


You were making an interesting point until your mind-jizz of a last paragraph.

No labour fooked up this country, Maggie made it great again and then labour fooked it up again...... never forget


Yeah, right.


Thatcher destroyed my country, ripped the heart out of it and led the way to the me, me, me, money is God **** up of a country that we are still paying the price for.


Labour have seriously lost their way, run out of steam and ideas and are led by a man promoted beyond his abilities but all the Tory toffs will do is feather the beds of the wealthy and the expense of the poor as they have always done.

No labour fooked up this country, Maggie made it great again and then labour fooked it up again...... never forget


rubbish i lived threw that period when i saw grown men cry has they lost their homes and paid 17% interest on morgages a 3 day week because of her overvalued pound.she was due to be thrown out of power when the falklands war saved her bacon.


she did some good things and so did blair another tory but they also made massive errors.

the mess we are in now is because of greedy bankers and is happening in every major economy,


Here we are with a lack of affordable housing in this country, people could buy their own council homes and council's are severely restricted on what they can build. Who can we blame for this? Thatcher. The affordable housing crisis is one of the biggest in this country and it is all at her door.

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