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Sarahs law


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"Right to know".... What ever happened to a "Right to privacy" or a "Right to a new life" after you served your punishment. This information should not be given to parents, if anything authorities could do check ups on previous offenders to see if they're not putting themselves in situations they shouldn't be but that is very different to putting that information in public.

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There's a potential paedo around every corner, they just haven't committed their first offence yet


Thats the sort of attitude things like this foster. It's terrible for Sarah's parents, but it does cloud their judgement somewhat to the realities of the situation. A friend of mine owns a nursery and a child hit a parent as the mother was dropping off her child. The mother of the first child lodged an official complaint because the parent was allowed access to her child and "she might have been a paedophile." FFS people are retarded.

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It's the bit in bold that concerns me, it seems to fly in the face of all the principles of English law.


Ah yeah, I'm not too keen on that bit. I'm all for the rights of convicted Paedophiles being reduced but you can't start doing the same for those accused/suspected with no conviction. Christ, anyone could accuse anyone out of spite, just to ruin their life.

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Imagine a few spiteful wives, dumped by their men for genuine reasons. It's not much of a leap for the wives to consider that sort of revenge.


When I was much younger I was accused of paedophilia in a letter sent to my parents when I was 17 and my girlfriend was 15 (despite never having had sex with her.) It was sent by my girlfriend's mothers lover (who turns out was a complete mentalist.) Obviously my parents were furious at the guy and the whole incident was very upsetting. I dread to think what the consequences could potentially have been.

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"Right to know".... What ever happened to a "Right to privacy" or a "Right to a new life" after you served your punishment. This information should not be given to parents, if anything authorities could do check ups on previous offenders to see if they're not putting themselves in situations they shouldn't be but that is very different to putting that information in public.


A right to a new life? Does a nonce's victim get a chance at a 'new life'?

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A right to a new life? Does a nonce's victim get a chance at a 'new life'?


Sadly, no. But if you're not going to lock them up for the rest of their lives you shouldn't aim for making their lives impossible. Like I said, I'm all in favour of authorities checking up on previous convicted offenders but this information does not have to be made public. That just going to end in the neighbourhood rallying together to pest the person out of there. Its not a solution.

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Boo-Hoo we're supposed to feel sorry for the poor paedo! Of course its the victims fault isn't it? I can't believe the attitude of some people on here, but I guess their the ones that don't have children.


Child molesters have no place in society. They have a choice wether to do the deed or not, and by going ahead and doing it they instantly forfeit any right to a "normal" life!

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Boo-Hoo we're supposed to feel sorry for the poor paedo! Of course its the victims fault isn't it? I can't believe the attitude of some people on here, but I guess their the ones that don't have children.


Child molesters have no place in society. They have a choice wether to do the deed or not, and by going ahead and doing it they instantly forfeit any right to a "normal" life!


Spot the person who hasn't read the thread properly.

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It's all the bullsh*t about 'freeing people from fear' that's hard to swallow. As if the idea that there's a filthy toucher in every park isn't the result of accumulated scare-mongering, and as if this new initiative isn't adding to that concern. You don't free people from fear by hinting to them that there may be a threat.

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Spot the person who hasn't read the thread properly.


Spot the person who has picked an appropriate screen name!


If I haven't read the thread properly, then a lot of people on here haven't actually read the article properly. If they had, they would of noticed the bit about the police don't actually have to tell you the results, and if you go around passing on the results around the community, you will be liable to prosecution. So there will not be any vigilanteism or witch hunts against innocent people.

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And another potential flaw with this law : Many convicted paedophiles will 'go underground' where they can't be tracked at all and will therefore pose a much greater danger than is currently the case.


I'm finding this question quite tough as my daughter's partner has just abandoned her with a young daughter. Supposing, sooner or later, my daughter meets a new man. There's a bit of me that would worry about the risk to my granddaughter, but another bit of me believes (as you would expect of me) that this is an invasion of privacy. It would also do nothing to strengthen and underpin what could be a good new relationship.


And, just for argument's sake, supposing this new partner found out that she'd checked up on him and he had a violent streak........


And, as was said earlier, what if someone (male or female) makes a claim about someone else (male or female) out of sheer vindictiveness? And who is to say that the person asking for this information won't blab it to all and sundry.


Tough one.

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Guest Dark Sotonic Mills

This is so wrong on so many levels. I can't wait until the ECJ gets involved and starts awarding huge damages against HMG for human rights abuses.

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Makes you wonder if paedos is a new thing? When i was a kid funny buggers were never heard of. ether its sensationalism by news and jurnos, Or maybe an illness that went plague proportion 20 odd year ago. Or is it because PC and the net has them coming out of the woodwork?....... When these people are released back into the community they must be monitored But if they are made public, you could end up with the Allaway ave effect allover the country. It just seems a no win situation.

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When I was a little girl, a paedophile lived about half a mile down the road.


He used to offer children sweets. I was never told he was a paedophile - I was told he had fleas.


That was enough to keep me and my friends well away from him.


I don't think there's any more paedophilia now than there was then - it's just more widely publicised. And remember this - most child abuse is carried out by family members, sadly.

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And another potential flaw with this law : Many convicted paedophiles will 'go underground' where they can't be tracked at all and will therefore pose a much greater danger than is currently the case.


I'm finding this question quite tough as my daughter's partner has just abandoned her with a young daughter. Supposing, sooner or later, my daughter meets a new man. There's a bit of me that would worry about the risk to my granddaughter, but another bit of me believes (as you would expect of me) that this is an invasion of privacy. It would also do nothing to strengthen and underpin what could be a good new relationship.


And, just for argument's sake, supposing this new partner found out that she'd checked up on him and he had a violent streak........


And, as was said earlier, what if someone (male or female) makes a claim about someone else (male or female) out of sheer vindictiveness? And who is to say that the person asking for this information won't blab it to all and sundry.


Tough one.

i am in a similar situation myself.....my husband and i seperated last year and it is a real concern of mine that if i start seeing someone that they may turn out to be a danger to my children,you just never really know,do you!!:(

it's a tough call for a parent, but to be honest, even if i were told that my 'boyfriend' had no convictions or has ever been suspected of wrongdoing i would still be VERY wary,ya know.....

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Makes you wonder if paedos is a new thing? When i was a kid funny buggers were never heard of. ether its sensationalism by news and jurnos, Or maybe an illness that went plague proportion 20 odd year ago. Or is it because PC and the net has them coming out of the woodwork?....... When these people are released back into the community they must be monitored But if they are made public, you could end up with the Allaway ave effect allover the country. It just seems a no win situation.


Just to make it clear we are talking about Paedophiles not paediatricians,i know you lot got a tad confused last time this was making headlines.;)

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Poor diets and a lack of exercise are far more damaging to the children of this country than a few Jackos.


They'd be better off campaigning for more disciplined exercise in schools and health food provisions for poor families.


It's all a load of nonce-sense.

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'Sign an Affidavit to say that you will use the imformation responsibly'. OK - Does that include telling your friends, who tell their friends....


This government hasn't got a good record with people's private data at the best of times. Suppose some scum bag with my name was convicted but his record was put on my file. I don't know about it until I go for a job or get a kicking from some vigilante group. Then there's the job of clearing my name. And don't forget that 'mud sticks'. Meanwhile, a disk goes missing...

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I wonder if any of you have been watching the 3 parter (that finished last night) on ITV and starring Kevin Whatley (sp?). It was called 'The Children' and, in a nutshell, it was about a 9 year old girl who falsely accused her step-brother of abuse.


She was a disturbed little girl who was jealous (and had hurt) her baby step-sister. Her step-brother had done no wrong.


It examined the disastrous effects her accusations had, not just on her step-brother, but on all members of her extended family. She was pushed in anger and fell through a window and died. The guilty party was, in fact her father's partner who was the mother of the baby she'd hurt and who was saw through the child's falsehoods.


The story line was very sad - and very apt in the light of these discussions.

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'Sign an Affidavit to say that you will use the imformation responsibly'. OK - Does that include telling your friends, who tell their friends....


This government hasn't got a good record with people's private data at the best of times. Suppose some scum bag with my name was convicted but his record was put on my file. I don't know about it until I go for a job or get a kicking from some vigilante group. Then there's the job of clearing my name. And don't forget that 'mud sticks'. Meanwhile, a disk goes missing...



One anonymous call to a local newspaper and the whole town knows....

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Absolutely ridiculous IMO. I would LOVE to know the numbers of people actually abused by paedophiles in this country. Imagine if you were wrongly accused, then your entire life is ruined. There is absolutely no trust anymore.


Agree. If someone cries "Peadophile", "Rapist" etc etc with no substantial evidence/proof and the case is thrown out, it doesn't matter that you're found innocent, it still goes on your Criminal Record.


You should see the length of material/guidelines for trainee teachers on this sort of thing. One is that we cannot do is have a one to one with a female pupil unless there is another staff member present/leave the door open etc otherwise we leave ourselves vulnerable to all sorts of sick and twisted accusations!

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