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Oliver Lancashire


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However biased you try to be it was a poor tackle and he had to go. He got both legs around him while at full pelt and on a winters day when the ground is a lot harder he could of broke his leg. Very stupid challenge which just shows inexperience of actually playing football. He will learn from it i hope.

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Chopped him down at the knees, auto red and he'll be very lucky if he's not given a longer suspension.


Might be debut nerves, but a terrible showing and the lad should be ashamed of himself - how it ruined what was shaping up to be a close(ish) match.

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I was always go by what would I be saying had an opposing defender chopped down one of our forwards.


He was off the ground, late, wrapped around his standing leg, so on balance I think it was the right call by the ref.


Lancashire was very naive in making that challenge and it was more youthful exuberance and naivety than a malicious lunge, but he had to go.


I won't be cricifying him though, he's young and he's got a lot to learn and perhaps more importantly he's been dropped in at the deep end.


As I mentioned on another thread, a few weeks back he was due to go out on loan to Orient, so it's a big ask for him to step into a team alongside a back four whose combined ages just about come up to my own age!!!!

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It was a naive tackle, typical of a young player in his debut game trying to impress everybody with his commitment. The fact that his naivety left his team mates a man short and quite possibly changed the course of the game means that hopefully he has learned a very valuable lesson and won't be in a hurry to do it again. But it was also JPs fault for introducing a youngster as a CB without an older, wiser and more experienced head alongside him. That was also naive and JP should have known better as a World Cup finalist defender himself.

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No argument as much as I want to defend him is was a shocking tackle that could have caused serious injury. We needed a cool experienced head in the middle to help these youngsters to grow into the job. His potential is there it needs nurturing not being thrown in at the deep end against a big strong team like QPR with no experience to give a guiding hand. It was a bad tackle but he will learn from it.

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not surprised at red, but equally another day/ref could have been yellow.


Poor tackle but clearly badly mistimed rather than going for the ball and my recollection was different from someone above -I thought he slid in two footed (clearly wrongly) but along the ground not knee height?

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Not sure why people are being asked for an opinion on this one as RED is the only right answer.


Both feet were off the ground. The rules say that is a straight red, regardless of how bad or otherwise you think it looked.




If people want a debate about it...... (on here? surely not).....then the question should be "Do you think the red card rule for a two footed challenge is too black-and-white?"


Thank you.

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I was sat with QPR fans (long story) and have to say from the halfway line (similar angle to ref) he went through him at waist height...



HARSH lesson that will make him a stronger man I hope.


I for one, will NOT berate a young guy on his debut making a mistake.


saw it several times with sky's replays and not how I remember it - but was watching on big screen not brill picture!


Will watch it again later -really thought he was skidding along ground -ankle height at most (not saying that makes it ok!)

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saw it several times with sky's replays and not how I remember it - but was watching on big screen not brill picture!


Will watch it again later -really thought he was skidding along ground -ankle height at most (not saying that makes it ok!)


He was only about an inch from the ball, the view from the left showed it best, he was sliding on one leg reaching for the ball with his right foot, he could almost have touched it.

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IMHO it merited only yellow as he did attempt to get the ball ! Sure it was rash and badly timed but there was no clear attempt to cause injury nor was there any sign of malice !

I know that it is all about opinions and many on here disagree with me. Strangely, Ian Holloway who always struck me as being anti-Saints also thought that a red card was harsh (as did Dion Dublin) !

If this decision was contentious, maybe, but their 2nd goal was an absolutely disgraceful and inexcusable dereliction of duty !!

Rant over !!!!

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I have a lot of sympathy with linesmen over offside -its almost impossible at times to watch both ball and player. Several times I have ranted about wrong decisions only to get home and see replays and I have been wrong..but....that was so F*ing obvious -how was it missed?!

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Wasn't wasit height. if you think that i suggust you get Some glasses. Or a new pair.




At full speed from the halfway line that's how it looked and I immediately thought red card.


I heard Dowie on the way home say he was unlucky and I was surprised. Will need to watch again tonight.


But at the time, I thought he would be straight off. Shame for the lad.

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I have a lot of sympathy with linesmen over offside -its almost impossible at times to watch both ball and player. Several times I have ranted about wrong decisions only to get home and see replays and I have been wrong..but....that was so F*ing obvious -how was it missed?!

I will always defend a fellow official but that decision was very poor. We're not talking about a fast-moving situation with players moving in all sorts of directions. This was a free-kick FFS.

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Both feet were off the ground. He was completely out of control.


Both Feet off the ground isnt the same as 'Wasit height'




At full speed from the halfway line that's how it looked and I immediately thought red card.


I heard Dowie on the way home say he was unlucky and I was surprised. Will need to watch again tonight.


But at the time, I thought he would be straight off. Shame for the lad.


Yeah, i was kinda shocked with the red card, but can see why the ref gave it. Was more ankle height then anything, it was just the way he dived in.

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Both Feet off the ground isnt the same as 'Wasit height'




Yeah, i was kinda shocked with the red card, but can see why the ref gave it. Was more ankle height then anything, it was just the way he dived in.


From where I was sat he ran and launched himself. And yet could easily have just stood up. I think if you were handing out red cards for stupidity, he would have a hatful for that challenge.


BUT, as I said above, I won't castigate him for it. He waited a long time for a chance and blew it.


Sometimes I watch Freddie Flintoff go out and hammer his first ball to cover and hold my head in my hands. But what can you do, sportsmen make mistakes and all you can hope is that they LEARN from them.

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