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Losing 4-1, knowing you have a divided fanbase because of your re-arrival (and although I was not against him coming back, this was only because I believed that he was going to oversee the sale of the club within a short time of arriving) and finally seeing the player you said would not cut it at this level score his second goal of the game against you, its all about looking good and keeping that smarmy smirk on your face!






I know I posted this pic in the pre-match thread but it deserves its own thread.


If I were him I would have been devistated. Head in my hands looking quite sick. Not smiling looking as if I dont have a care in the world.

Well at least Scooby and Sundance wont be on here tonight trying to defend their master.


You might remember on the old forum before it crashed that scooby said something along the lines of


"Im coming over to the UK for the Ipswich game and will be celebrating when we are top of the league" :)


We could be bottom!

Not selling the club?


To whom? Which mega bucks constortia are currently begging for a chance to buy us?


Certain posters on here have an unhealthy obsession with taking a pop at Lowe for absolutely nothing, such as a natural face he has druring a football match...

To whom? Which mega bucks constortia are currently begging for a chance to buy us?


Certain posters on here have an unhealthy obsession with taking a pop at Lowe for absolutely nothing, such as a natural face he has druring a football match...


Well there you have it folks he looks like a smug *** all the time, stop picking on him! :D


Yet again some deluded gimps clutching at straws to have a go at Lowe. If you disagree with the way he is running the club fair enough, but do you really expect him to sit in the crowd crying when we are losing? Is his smug grin and general demeanor that important and relevant to the way he runs the football club?


I can't stand the bloke but some on here need a reality check - this isn't some experiment, this is just the reality of our situation, kids are cheap - I don't think we have any other choice and some need to get a grip and a grasp of how much financial s@@t we are in - not getting rid of the high wage earners before the end of the transfer window was a disaster - make no mistake, if you think it is bad now it is could be about to get a whole lot worse.


"If I were him I would have been devastated. Head in my hands looking quite sick. Not smiling looking as if I don't have a care in the world."


So you can mind-read? Perhaps it was a rueful smile. After all, the enormity of task facing the club over the next few months will make some cry and some laugh. Whichever you choose to do doesn't mean you are not taking things seriously. And a rueful smile seems justified after some of the things that happened in the match. 4-1 is not a fair reflection of the two teams play, especially as one is certainly the richest in the Championship. (Hint, it's not us!) :(

Not selling the club?


Lowe cannot sell the club on his own. He is a minority shareholder and all the big shareholders would have to agree before any takeover could happen. There has to be a credible bid, too.


It's not going to happen any time soon. Get over it.

You might remember on the old forum before it crashed that scooby said something along the lines of


"Im coming over to the UK for the Ipswich game and will be celebrating when we are top of the league" :)


We could be bottom!

Yes i remember that.

I was wondering how i would recognise him,but i guess he will be the one kneeing under Lowes feet.


It's not a case of 'no one wants to buy us' it's exactly as someone else said on this Forum anyone and I mean anyone can go into an organisation and hack and slash and cutback and save money it's fookin' easy. What a good CEO does is attract investment, make your company attractive to customers (if it is a business) and get some money flowing back into the club.


How good is Lowe at that then - out of ten I'd give him about zero.


Attendances down, investment - none coming in the future at all, stock of the club in a football-sense, hmmmmmm - second from bottom with a powder puff team looking pretty sh*te - next home game - lowest attendance in the flagship stadium.


There's no point have a thirty-five million pound stadium with a two bob team in it - we might as well have stayed at The Dell!


My opinion only of course

Guest Hacienda

This is Lowe's gamble.


He can blame no one else if, or when, it goes Pete Tong.


Out of interest, what were Sky saying about Lowe whilst they had the camera trained on him?


I ask because TV stations only tend to hone in on the chairman towards the end of a game if there is some boardroom shenanigans 'going on' at the club in question. Our board situation is (relatively) stable at the moment so not sure why they felt the need to zoom in on Lowe....


Perhaps they were drawing comparisons between him and his rich equivalent on the QPR board?

Out of interest, what were Sky saying about Lowe whilst they had the camera trained on him?


I ask because TV stations only tend to hone in on the chairman towards the end of a game if there is some boardroom shenanigans 'going on' at the club in question. Our board situation is (relatively) stable at the moment so not sure why they felt the need to zoom in on Lowe....


Perhaps they were drawing comparisons between him and his rich equivalent on the QPR board?


Think they were saying his decisions of bringing in a manager from the low leagues in Holland could be costly but in all honesty i don't know. They did talk about Jan in the game and mentioned he had a mixed record in amateur football management and was picked due to his ability to not spend any money.


I think i heard someone say in the background "Lets see if this new tosser cam works then, yep theres one!" ;)

To whom? Which mega bucks constortia are currently begging for a chance to buy us?


Certain posters on here have an unhealthy obsession with taking a pop at Lowe for absolutely nothing, such as a natural face he has druring a football match...


Im trying to sell my audi for £7k and have had no interest. If I put my love for the car to one side, I would easily be able to sell it if it were marketed at the right price.


No big money buyer, has come to buy my car at the moment as it doesnt represent good value for money.


I hope you see the comparrison.


I can't stand the bloke but some on here need a reality check - this isn't some experiment, this is just the reality of our situation, kids are cheap - I don't think we have any other choice and some need to get a grip and a grasp of how much financial s@@t we are in - not getting rid of the high wage earners before the end of the transfer window was a disaster - make no mistake, if you think it is bad now it is could be about to get a whole lot worse.


I agree, however, playing the experienced players we have left would be the right thing to do. I know this may be Jan's fault more so than Lowe, but my point as I make to the other poster above, is that Lowe should put his 'I want to make a name for myself in this world of football' ego aside and market his shares and make recommendations to his proxied shares to sell. AT A SENSIBLE PRICE

Seriously, I think he will be back. Probably have to build us up from a league 1 side. The silver lining in the cloud.

I wouldn't disagree that he could potentially do a job for us in such a situation. Where I do take issue with you is that he, and only he, could have saved us from relegation.

Yet again some deluded gimps clutching at straws to have a go at Lowe. If you disagree with the way he is running the club fair enough, but do you really expect him to sit in the crowd crying when we are losing? Is his smug grin and general demeanor that important and relevant to the way he runs the football club?


You seriously can not expect people with real dissatisfaction with Lowe not to mention his smug face when we lose 4-1.


For heavens sake - any excuse to pick on Lowe and now JVP on these boards. Lowe always looks like that. What's he supposed to be doing for heavens sake? Crying - the cameras would love that and so would the anti-Lowe brigade. Laughing? - ditto. He's just watching with the face he has. Check out the photos of him - he looks like that all the time. And just for aruguments sake - presume Lowe is a man with a substantial ego - which I think he has (as do 99.9% of all football chairmen), how do you think he feels as chairman of the club which has been tanked 4-1 on TV with him there watching!


As for some of the other posters on these boards now having a pop at JVP - our team with 10 men, after a rash ill-advised tackle, outplayed one of the richer clubs in the division to equal the scores at 1-1, it was the best movement in the game from goalie to goal. The average age at the start with 11 was 22 years old. We played the better football by miles. We were woeful at defending set pieces I agree. But you know what I think JVP can work on set pieces in training and sort that out. So give them a chance ffs - after 10 games let see where we are and then if there's been no improvement get on their backs then if you so wish.


And before the usual "you can't stop me moaning if I want to" brigade start - nope I can't. Fine if all you want to do is moan and whinge, but some people on these boards love the club and would like to see a reasoned discussion about the state of the team and the club, rather than the knee-jerk reaction we always seem to get from some.


The nay-sayers would moan if we were in the Champions League about the travel and hotel costs, too much football and the greenhouse effect caused by having to fly to Europe.

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