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Looking for a cheap way to get Broadband, (not mobile, need to play PS3 online) the thing thats killing me is bloody line rental at £11 a month on top. Can't go with Virgin's fibre offering as the area i am moving to is not 'fibre ready' (brand new estate, go figure)


Anyone know of any ISP's who offer Broadband with no need for Line Rental?


Or anyone tried online gaming through on of these- http://www.play.com/PC/PCs/4-/11103143/Solwise-3G-Mobile-Broadband-Wi-Fi-Wireless-Router-With-Print-Serve/Product.html?ptsl=1&ob=Price&fb=0&&_$ja=tsid:11518|cc:|prd:11103143|cat:Networking

Guess it would be pretty nasty....? and a smiley in a hyperlink....nice


Will i need a BT line if i get Sky anyway?

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Yes, you'll need a BT line to get sky B/Band. However, you can opt to pay the line rental to Sky as opposed to BT which works out slightly cheaper. Also, with the Sky telephony, if you pay an extra £5 monthly on top of your line rental then all calls, 24/7, to 01 and 02 numbers are free plus calls to at least 20 destinations abroad (don't ask me to quote which ones please).

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Tiscali still do BB without paying line rental. Stick that in your pipe



Not technically, although it depends on how you look at it. They bundle a line rental fee, plus calls plus braodband together and charge you one monthly amount. It starts at £15 a month for max 8mb speed and 40gb donload allowance.


Essentially, this is exactly what Virgin Media and others do as well, they obviosuly just explain their pricing structure differently.


The concept of receiving adsl broadband, which I think is what Tiscali use, without a phoneline , remains impossible.

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