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How much do you honestly get?


I used to play indoor footy but havent done since xmas. Play the odd game of squash once every month or so. I have started walking from a new car park every morning and evening to get to and from work. Its about a 9 minute walk.


I gave up playing 11 a-side footy when I was 15. Since then I have played 3 games, this morning being one of the three.


I was hanging from last night before and now feel like death!


Before I ruined my back two weeks ago I was rowing for 30 minutes every night (every week night that is) and doing some weights along with it.


I occasionally play some light football. But that's my lot.


Football training twice a week (and pretty intensive, not just kicking the ball around a bit) and a match as well. Besides that, absolutely nothing. I still need to find something to do in the winter here. Maybe I'll just switch to indoorfootball although I've always wanted to try handball.


Muay Thai 3/4 times a week, plus run a couple of times.


Done a bit less over the summer, since I was doing weights instead of running. Getting back to the running now in preparation for the marathon.


I get phases where I'm really into it and do extra for a few weeks; and spend all day looking forward to the workout. Sad?


Exercise is definitely something you should do for enjoyment and not because you feel you have too.


A good workout, followed by a beer or two and a good meal. Perfection!


I have put on a stone this year. That should tell you how much exercise I do.


I hate myself for it but have a pronounced lazy gene. I've just rented myself my first ever house though, and plan on doing more exercise like jogging because I haven't got any money to do anything else!!!


I used to teach 7 dancersize classes a week plus rehearse / perform with my dance group. This meant I was quite thin.


Then I almost destroyed my knee in a skiing accident and couldn't do any exercise for about 6 months and boy did I pile on the weight - to the point where I was a normal size.


The moral of this story is - if you don't exercise in the first place, you won't put on weight when you stop!


My only constant exercise is wnaking - besides that it's either full on* excercise or full on* drinking and smoking there's no middle ground I can find at the mo' which troubles me.


*Full on relative to me not Chris Hoy or George Best


I do 8 workout sessions a week 5 for weights and 3 for cardio,never miss a session and have been doing this since i gave up smoking about 7 years ago.

I do 8 workout sessions a week 5 for weights and 3 for cardio,never miss a session and have been doing this since i gave up smoking about 7 years ago.


As you get older, you need more 'down' time. Your recovery time increases, regardless of how fit you are.


My recovery time is now 24 / 7 :D


FAO anyone who is like me and does no exercise and wants to get back into shape.




Having played 11 a side footy for the first time in a year and only the 3rd time in 10 years on Saturday I still feel like my muscles have been trodden on my golf shoes. Im walking like I have sheet myself and getting up and down is near on impossible!


I try and go running every evening, approx 6 miles or so, but this has become incredibly slack since the end of June where I was that f*cked by my holiday and Glastonbury that it's taken me a fair while to recover.


I'm contemplating running twice a day now, once in the morning before work and once in the evening afterwards. It'll require me to get up at 6am but I'm sure once I'm into the routine it'll be ok. I need to stay away from alcohol for a bit too.

FAO anyone who is like me and does no exercise and wants to get back into shape.




Having played 11 a side footy for the first time in a year and only the 3rd time in 10 years on Saturday I still feel like my muscles have been trodden on my golf shoes. Im walking like I have sheet myself and getting up and down is near on impossible!




I don't think there is any way i could play 11 a side football again, certainly not without a good half a years gym or running exercise, maybe even a year. I'd be dead after the first 5 minutes!



I don't think there is any way i could play 11 a side football again, certainly not without a good half a years gym or running exercise, maybe even a year. I'd be dead after the first 5 minutes!


I was! I realised at half time, I had a blister the size of a small country on my heel too, so painful.


I was overjoyed when we scored in injury time meaning we had another 30 minutes to play too!


Brewers droop doesn't exist really, it's a mans way of telling you you're ugly and you can't give me an erection. Without offending anyone.

Brewers droop doesn't exist really, it's a mans way of telling you you're ugly and you can't give me an erection. Without offending anyone.




I don't want to give you an erection.


It does exist if a guy has so much to drink, he falls asleep. No use to man nor beast then (if you'll pardon the phrase).



I don't want to give you an erection.


It does exist if a guy has so much to drink, he falls asleep. No use to man nor beast then (if you'll pardon the phrase).




Too late! :smt113

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