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. Many bands have been heavily influenced by the Orange Organics. There is a band called Sensus from the Thames Valley area who lifted their sound completely from OO.


I loved Pugwall


Ski Sunday.

Hill Street Blues


Tales of the Unexpected



I also used to like the tune to a tv series about a cruise ship, something along the lines of the Odean Line, I think it used to be on Sunday evenings.



Here are a few more to think about:

Ivor the Engine

Magic Roundabout

F1 (on the Beeb)

Magnum PI (That one's for NC)

Benny Hill (OK, maybe not)

The Professionals


I have that as my ringtone!

Ski Sunday.

Hill Street Blues


Tales of the Unexpected



I also used to like the tune to a tv series about a cruise ship, something along the lines of the Odean Line, I think it used to be on Sunday evenings.



Hawaii 5-0




Can't think of that without thinking of this version by Arthur Two Stroke and the chart commandos



a memory of student life on Tyneside in the early 1980's.

Magical wasn't it..? I love that smaltsy 1960's theme. Just right for the programme. ;)


1960's ITV special agent dramas used to have some exciting theme tunes too, that really got you in the mood to watch, like:


Man In A Suitcase

The Baron

Department S

The Prisoner

Randall & Hopkirk [Deceased]

Danger Man

The Champions

The Saint [Roger Moore, no the Ian Ogilvy era]


Loads more too. Often the themes were a lot better than the shows themselves. They're all on Youtube.


EDIT: Here's a sample: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8QFd185Dbo


Man In A Suitcase.I'd stat up to watch it just for the theme tune as a kid.Hearing it on Chris Evans now I often resent the ginger tosser for 'borrowing' it.


Agree with that about the 1960's, there was something spectacular about the creations at the time, however limited or sometimes feeble they look now.


Westerns also : Bonanza,The Big Valley etc.


Thunderbirds.As laughable as it may now seem! Gerry Anderson refused to compromise with Lew Grade and demanded a 72 piece orchestra for the theme tune.Unheard of at the time for television production,let alone a children's programme.

my friend and colleague at work (same person) admitted to me he used to cry when this came on the telly, he thought it was sad


i laughed and poked fun of him


It always brought a little tear to my eye too......along with 'Maybe'- the theme from The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeFZF502hF4


what about champion the wonder horse?

MY GOD!!! thats a flashback to my childhood !!!!(repeats,obviously!) i LOVE that song yeehar!!!!

For sheer impact,this is in my view remained the best opening of any of his productions :



"anything can happen in the next half hour" was enough to keep me hooked in the 1960's.


I know exactly what you mean , I was torn between UFO and Stingray for the best Anderson title sequence , you could also add 'Thunderbirds' / 'Space 1999' / the surprisingly brutal 'Captain Scarlet' to the list as well . A magnificent body of work if I may say so , happy days .

Ski Sunday.

Hill Street Blues


Tales of the Unexpected



I also used to like the tune to a tv series about a cruise ship, something along the lines of the Odean Line, I think it used to be on Sunday evenings.


Barney, I would have expected you, of all people, to come up with one of TV's all time classics... "The Flintstones"



Both good choices, but I'd also go along with...


Banana Splits

Flashing Blade

Robinson Crusoe.........there's loads of good theme tunes form the 60's & 70's tbh :smt045


i couldnt remember what flashing blades was called,all i could think of was blazing saddles.Robinson Crusoe classic tune.Why were all these programmes so badly dubbed into english?

Barney, I would have expected you, of all people, to come up with one of TV's all time classics... "The Flintstones"



Also by Hoyt Curtin. Apart from having one of the coolest names on the planet he had one of the best jobs a musician could want: MD at Hanna Barbera. The only other that would come close would be the music director for Sesame Street.


oh and anyone remember Bonanza? Tenor guitar and Hoss's hat.

For us 40+s how about this one the Double Deckers! :)



I remember the first episode of The Double Deckers. Even as a kid I loathed it immediately, because it was British kids, on a mid-atlantic style show, trying to impress in an American way. It even had a US filmic feel about it. Awful, yuck... I almost wish I hadn't seen that bloody clip.


Back then I'd happily sit through hours of genuine US programmes, or genuine British programmes, but something that was clearly trying to be what it was not, just made me want to spew.


Probably the worst kids programme of all time. Notably, it didn't last, despite all its manufactured hip jollity.


I'd rather have watched The Magic Roundabout. Now that was class, in comparison:



oh and anyone remember Bonanza? Tenor guitar and Hoss's hat.


Yes,I've mentioned it above.


The fire burning through the map image at the start was always a dramatic opening,or so it seemed to me as a schoolboy in the 60's,no matter how often I'd seen it before.



I must have been a bit of a latecomer to Bonanza though,as I don't remember too much of 'Adam' in it.'Hoss' & 'Little Joe' however were my early childhood heroes - along with Scott & Virgil Tracey- before they were superceded by Paine,Channon & Big Ron.

Wickers World



That was good travelogue programme,possibly the first of its kind.


Its credibility was shot to pieces by this classic piece of Monty Python





Whicker Island


I make no claim that this was the best TV theme tune , but it's surely a good bet for the oddest :



A strange unsettling series for 1970's children's TV that has never quite left me , compared to the banal rubbish we serve up to kids these days it's a prime example of what can be achieved with a modicum of care and attention .

I make no claim that this was the best TV theme tune , but it's surely a good bet for the oddest :



A strange unsettling series for 1970's children's TV that has never quite left me , compared to the banal rubbish we serve up to kids these days it's a prime example of what can be achieved with a modicum of care and attention .


Wow, I remember that. Very scary for a kids TV programme. Reminded me of the Tomorrow People also.


Cheers Charlie.

I make no claim that this was the best TV theme tune , but it's surely a good bet for the oddest :



A strange unsettling series for 1970's children's TV that has never quite left me , compared to the banal rubbish we serve up to kids these days it's a prime example of what can be achieved with a modicum of care and attention .


Excellent..! Bloody good cast of actors and set in Avebury too.


Had to chuckle at the end though. The person who went to all the bother of ripping the clip, and making the red titles, then suggested that if we wanted to see anymore we should buT the DVD. :)

I make no claim that this was the best TV theme tune , but it's surely a good bet for the oddest :



A strange unsettling series for 1970's children's TV that has never quite left me , compared to the banal rubbish we serve up to kids these days it's a prime example of what can be achieved with a modicum of care and attention .


i liked the HTV idents (or whatever they are called) at the beginning!


am now in a wistful world of trying to recall some others.... LWT, Southern, Anglian (from Norwich, its the quiz of the Week)....

i liked the HTV idents (or whatever they are called) at the beginning!


am now in a wistful world of trying to recall some others.... LWT, Southern, Anglian (from Norwich, its the quiz of the Week)....


Can be seen again on the Freewheelers link posted above.

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