Barfy Posted 16 November, 2009 Posted 16 November, 2009 gaz said: Who pressed the button in the museum? What button?
thesaint sfc Posted 16 November, 2009 Posted 16 November, 2009 jawillwill said: Just out of interest is there much plot to the game? I've only recently bought my ps3 and haven't really ever played (well no more than 10 mins) of CoD before, but am tempted to get the new one to see what all the fuss is about. Will I understand whats going on if I just buy the latest one? IMO it would be a real waste of an incredible experience if you played MW2 before completeting the first one.
jawillwill Posted 16 November, 2009 Posted 16 November, 2009 thesaint sfc said: IMO it would be a real waste of an incredible experience if you played MW2 before completeting the first one. What is "the first one"? CoD4: Modern Warfare?
Tac-tics Posted 16 November, 2009 Posted 16 November, 2009 jawillwill said: What is "the first one"? CoD4: Modern Warfare? Christ, did you get a phd with that knowledge? Yes it is jawilly
sfcjmcsfc16 Posted 16 November, 2009 Posted 16 November, 2009 anyone on ps3? add me jamesc16 cheers guys
saint_stevo Posted 16 November, 2009 Posted 16 November, 2009 (edited) im ps3 but will not be adding you. Thanks sain_stevo (psn, and yes, it was meant to be saint) Edited 16 November, 2009 by saint_stevo
Danny Posted 16 November, 2009 Posted 16 November, 2009 Mental kid has breakdown on camera - because he doesn't like COD: MW2
thesaint sfc Posted 16 November, 2009 Posted 16 November, 2009 saint_stevo said: im ps3 but will not be adding you. Thanks sain_stevo (psn, and yes, it was meant to be saint) You got merked.
Barfy Posted 16 November, 2009 Posted 16 November, 2009 Danny said: Mental kid has breakdown on camera - because he doesn't like COD: MW2 Sorry, do I understnad that properly? he's in tears and punching the wall etc because he can't get into the game?
thesaint sfc Posted 16 November, 2009 Posted 16 November, 2009 Danny said: Mental kid has breakdown on camera - because he doesn't like COD: MW2 should have had an abortion.
Danny Posted 16 November, 2009 Posted 16 November, 2009 Barfy said: Sorry, do I understnad that properly? he's in tears and punching the wall etc because he can't get into the game? AFAICT, he's in tears and punching the wall because after 17 hours straight, he has decided it's shíte. I love the bit when he screams in pain after punching the wall. Made me laugh, which perhaps it shouldn't do.
Deanovski Posted 16 November, 2009 Posted 16 November, 2009
Draino76 Posted 17 November, 2009 Posted 17 November, 2009 Deanovski said: Yeah its a mixture of the lounge and licking batteries that gets me thru Mondays. It's me. (-20yrs)
Mmm Donuts Posted 17 November, 2009 Posted 17 November, 2009 Are there any dads out there that are going to put their own tantrums on youtube? all brought about because their teenage sons are better at games than they are? :smt074
Barfy Posted 17 November, 2009 Posted 17 November, 2009 Danny said: AFAICT, he's in tears and punching the wall because after 17 hours straight, he has decided it's shíte. I love the bit when he screams in pain after punching the wall. Made me laugh, which perhaps it shouldn't do. I turned it off about half way through, something about whingeing teenagers that make me want to put my fist through the screen! So back to the game, how is everyone getting on online?
DJ INK Posted 17 November, 2009 Posted 17 November, 2009 Just got promoted to level 17. Trying to get all the attachments and challenges done on one weapon first before using any of the others. The maps take some getting used too but I have found this easier than the first Modern Warfare online.
Marsdinho Posted 17 November, 2009 Posted 17 November, 2009 What is everyone's completion time in single player campaign mode then..... Veteran: 10 hours 10 sec
saint_stevo Posted 17 November, 2009 Posted 17 November, 2009 Block 5 said: I am online fodder. me 2. we should play. Pwn'd
View From The Top Posted 17 November, 2009 Posted 17 November, 2009 Barfy said: So back to the game, how is everyone getting on online? Up to L22. Attempting to complete all the unlocks etc with the M4 and a shotgun as secondary before using other guns. It's taken me ages to get used to compared to MW1 and I'm finding it much harder to spot targets. I've gone from being fodder to middling.
RedAndWhite91 Posted 17 November, 2009 Posted 17 November, 2009 My 13 year old brother is a hell of a lot better than me on it, he is level 33 now. It's sickening, but fair play to him he is pretty good online. Our PSN is overkill15 if anyone fancies a game.
View From The Top Posted 17 November, 2009 Posted 17 November, 2009 Oooooooo. The heartbeat locator is 'kin ace! Combined with the silencer when you have the bling perk.
Deanovski Posted 18 November, 2009 Posted 18 November, 2009 i got to level 22 in a few days and i really didnt over play ..
Saint Posted 18 November, 2009 Posted 18 November, 2009 Never been too good at the campaign, am stuck quite early on the Favela level on Hardened difficulty. Can complete Halo on Legendary but not COD on Veteran, so frustrating. Most of my time goes to multiplayer though, which is great. Love the FAMAS.
TheCholulaKid Posted 18 November, 2009 Posted 18 November, 2009 Barfy said: I turned it off about half way through, something about whingeing teenagers that make me want to put my fist through the screen! So back to the game, how is everyone getting on online? Got a kill ratio of 0.87 as I type. Much better than for COD4. Lot less opportunities for camping on these maps which can only be a good thing. IMO, the only reason for this game is to play online. The campaign is too short and the storyline utterly ridiculous. The multiplayer is, quite frankly, outstanding.
saint_stevo Posted 18 November, 2009 Posted 18 November, 2009 realised that i need to sit closer to my tv and its much easier online, too dark from where i was playing! my excuse anyway..
View From The Top Posted 18 November, 2009 Posted 18 November, 2009 TheCholulaKid said: The multiplayer is, quite frankly, outstanding. Mine is just shy of 0.5 which is way less than MW1. I'm still playing with the variations of attachments but the online game will give me years of fun.
Barfy Posted 19 November, 2009 Posted 19 November, 2009 Got up to lvl 28 last night, and am loving every bit of it. Though I have only really played mercenary team deathmatch! There isn't as much chance to camp on most of these maps then again I never enjoyed being a sniper! There does seem to be a lot more places for a team to dig in and defend though, or for a single player to use cover more effectively than CoD4 or WaW. I like the fact that yuo can choose your killstreak options, and the fact that you can steal someone else's care package I got two attack helicopters last night from the other team's care packages
Deanovski Posted 19 November, 2009 Posted 19 November, 2009 i got a stealth bomber and some one stole it =[[[
thesaint sfc Posted 19 November, 2009 Posted 19 November, 2009 Deanovski said: i got a stealth bomber and some one stole it =[[[ I used to be god of Delta Force back in the days ( I'm crap online at modern warfare 2! Managed to complete veteran only dying a few times so I must react better to computer reflexes than human. I can imagine it gets a bit addictive though. I'm glad I bought it for PC and not the xbox. :smt040
Marsdinho Posted 21 November, 2009 Posted 21 November, 2009 I dont understand... I managed to complete the campaign mode on veteran, but in multi player im having my ar5s handed to me on a plate. Im getting mullered left right and center.
Draino76 Posted 22 November, 2009 Posted 22 November, 2009 Only half way thru on campaign. Going online for an hour now. I just want 1 kill lmao.
Deanovski Posted 22 November, 2009 Posted 22 November, 2009 really dont get why people find this so hard online..
Barfy Posted 22 November, 2009 Posted 22 November, 2009 Marsdinho said: I dont understand... I managed to complete the campaign mode on veteran, but in multi player im having my ar5s handed to me on a plate. Im getting mullered left right and center. I think I'm the opposite! I can't get anywhere on veteran and struggled a bit on the one below, but feel I'm probably just above average online and can just about hold my own!
Draino76 Posted 22 November, 2009 Posted 22 November, 2009 OK finished. 50% exciting and 50% felt like a chore. God I'm spoilt but hey.
mikey_boosh Posted 23 November, 2009 Posted 23 November, 2009 Love this game! Awesome online and although the story is a bit far fetched, the campaign is great too. I especially like the new 'breach' feature. One problem though. Is anyone else having problems with corrupt saves? Doesn't happen on any of my other games and it seems to only happen to my offline multiplayer profiles.
gaz Posted 23 November, 2009 Posted 23 November, 2009 I hate how online, everyone just seems to head upstairs in every building. Mainly on Quarry and Favela, but it happens on most maps.
Danny Posted 24 November, 2009 Posted 24 November, 2009 gaz said: I hate how online, everyone just seems to head upstairs in every building. Mainly on Quarry and Favela, but it happens on most maps. I love the Wasteland map (mainly as you can't do that) but everyone seems to skip it.
Barfy Posted 24 November, 2009 Posted 24 November, 2009 People may all run upstairs at the start, but it's much harder to stay hidden in MW2 online and if you have the fmj 'attachment' shooting through the cover is even easier. Most of the buildings have at least 2 ways in so anyone camping is still reasonably easy prey. I do like wasteland, especially in team deathmatch, though if the other team gets a harrier, or attack helicopter, they can run away with the match! I also really like favela, especially with the heartbeat sensor, or akimbo P90s I've really struggled on sub-base and quarry so far and without those I probably would have a kill/death ratio of 1!
View From The Top Posted 24 November, 2009 Posted 24 November, 2009 Barfy said: I do like wasteland, especially in team deathmatch, though if the other team gets a harrier, or attack helicopter, they can run away with the match! I also really like favela, especially with the heartbeat sensor, or akimbo P90s I used the P90 a lot in MW1. Is it as effective in MW2?
Bentley Posted 24 November, 2009 Posted 24 November, 2009 Playing on the PC version on Steam and the Single-Player has a glitch... > Whenever you aim down the iron-sights, the screen turns about 80% blinding white in colour. So it's pretty much impossible to progress, as shooting from the hip is quite hard, especially as this happened on the mission where you have to precisely shoot someone in the leg running away from you... Multiplayers fine though, and very, very fun. Just unlocked heartbeat sensor for the M4, so going to go online and see how that works!
Barfy Posted 25 November, 2009 Posted 25 November, 2009 View From The Top said: I used the P90 a lot in MW1. Is it as effective in MW2? Yeah, the P90 is good, though it's range isn't as good as the assault rifles, so I don't use it as much as MW1. Plus the grenade launcher attachment isn't available for it so I prefer using assault rifles at the moment (SCAR & FAL). I know there were rumours about a sacked employee of infinity ward writing a load of cheat scripts for the multiplayer part of the game. Was that just a load of b*ll*x? I was playing last night and one guy got 43 kills and only died 4 times, and there have been a couple of others who just seem ridiculously hard to kill, are these cheats real, or are these people just to be worshipped?
View From The Top Posted 25 November, 2009 Posted 25 November, 2009 (edited) Barfy said: Yeah, the P90 is good, though it's range isn't as good as the assault rifles, so I don't use it as much as MW1. Plus the grenade launcher attachment isn't available for it so I prefer using assault rifles at the moment (SCAR & FAL). I know there were rumours about a sacked employee of infinity ward writing a load of cheat scripts for the multiplayer part of the game. Was that just a load of b*ll*x? I was playing last night and one guy got 43 kills and only died 4 times, and there have been a couple of others who just seem ridiculously hard to kill, are these cheats real, or are these people just to be worshipped? I'm sticking with the M4 at the moment with deep impact pro, bling pro and scrambler pro. Tempted to go cold blooded and when I'm maxed out the bonuses with the M4 switch to SCAR. I've played a new times in Domination when some people are getting score like the ones you've mentioned, I just put it down to experience as they are clearly total geeks! I'm only at 29 at the mo'. Edited 25 November, 2009 by View From The Top
Marsdinho Posted 25 November, 2009 Posted 25 November, 2009 A friend of mine has won 123 Free-for-all's in a row...!!!!!!!! His kills / deaths is always something like 30-40 Kills / 1-5 deaths. But then he doesnt work and plays MW2 all day every day.
OldNick Posted 26 November, 2009 Posted 26 November, 2009 Ive got it on Wii and dont understand a thing you geeks are going on about!! Im a greenhorn and so just keep the same gun and shoot at anything that moves.I did rescue the female copter pilot but didn't get a there a different setting for that
Barfy Posted 26 November, 2009 Posted 26 November, 2009 nickh said: Ive got it on Wii and dont understand a thing you geeks are going on about!! Im a greenhorn and so just keep the same gun and shoot at anything that moves.I did rescue the female copter pilot but didn't get a there a different setting for that :smt044 I think you might be a whole modern warfare behind though she does seem to be a bit ungrateful, even a quick flash might have been in order
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