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Anyone use Linux ?


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My wife has an ASUS notebook running LINUX, and I have a laptop cannibalised from parts of 3 dead ones that I have installed MINT LINUX on. From a cold boot, the notebook takes 45 seconds to get onto the GOOGLE home page using our home wi-fi network. As I have worked on UNIX systems for about 25 years, I don't have issues, but agree that for the uninitiated, the fact it doesn't say Micro$haft on the box does intimidate.


If your system has enough disc space, I would go with SS's suggestion of dual-booting. You won't need more than 10Gb for a LINUX partition.

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My wife has an ASUS notebook running LINUX, and I have a laptop cannibalised from parts of 3 dead ones that I have installed MINT LINUX on. From a cold boot, the notebook takes 45 seconds to get onto the GOOGLE home page using our home wi-fi network. As I have worked on UNIX systems for about 25 years, I don't have issues, but agree that for the uninitiated, the fact it doesn't say Micro$haft on the box does intimidate.


If your system has enough disc space, I would go with SS's suggestion of dual-booting. You won't need more than 10Gb for a LINUX partition.


I worked on UNIX for a while, that stuff was a bloody artform.

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I worked on UNIX for a while, that stuff was a bloody artform.

My favourite scene in a film - the bit in Jurassic Park where the female brat runs over to the main control console and says "Hey, this is UNIX, I know this". :smt046


It's funny how the Windoze techies that work for me won't even try to learn a 'proper' OS. But then again, I still think ICL's VME was the best mainframe OS ever created.

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I remember when i first had to start using it, for some reason a company my old work supplied wanted these old UNIX shells, SGI units i talked about, big red pieces of crap that apparantly where the dogs dangleberries back in the day and used to be used in special effects and what not.


Anyways, i remember being given the book and some commands etc to learn, this was about 4-5 years ago now but i was only young and used mainly in using XP. I put it on par with the maths i am learning currently in my degree !!


One wrong character on a 3 line long command and you had ****ed it up !!!!!!

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One wrong character on a 3 line long command and you had ****ed it up !!!!!!

Better not to try too hard with the touch typing :D


I had to point out two weeks ago, to three of our support desk team, that I was fixing PCs before they were born; back in the days when the main OS was DOS; command line interface, 8086 CPUs, a big hard drive was 40Mb, and a maximum of 640Kb of RAM. :(

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