dubai_phil Posted 27 October, 2009 Posted 27 October, 2009 Had a horrid moment this evening replying to a 19C post. I was reminded of when I was a whippersnapper of my Dad (sadly missed) tuning the car radio in so that he could catch "Sing Something Simple" on a Sunday night. It was Sooooooooooooooooooooooo depressing. Had something similar here when I first came to this crazy place in 1993, our Friday night radio stopped at 7pm and we had syndicated shows and 4 hours of "The Country & Western Show". Now some C&W songs are good but this one just played non stop morbid depressing ballads. The LAST thing you needed on the equivalent of a Brit Sunday night. (We used to work Sat-Thursday lunchtime) Anyone else have any Bad Radio show memories (other than 5Live on the coach back from Anfield after we lost 750-1 Ed Stewpot for one?
chrisobee Posted 27 October, 2009 Posted 27 October, 2009 Fortunately I always had my own radio to my ear either listening to a Saints match or Radio Luxembourg. That said I do remember one game, probably in the 60's, when we were leading 1-0 and by the time I had had my dinner we had lost 3-1. I needed a new radio after that !
dubai_phil Posted 27 October, 2009 Author Posted 27 October, 2009 Fortunately I always had my own radio to my ear either listening to a Saints match or Radio Luxembourg. That said I do remember one game, probably in the 60's, when we were leading 1-0 and by the time I had had my dinner we had lost 3-1. I needed a new radio after that ! Sitting in the attic bending a coat hangar around the Tranny aerial to try and hear Peter Powell That's another horrific memory! lol
rocknrollman no2 Posted 27 October, 2009 Posted 27 October, 2009 OMG i cant get the tune of "Sing Something Simple" out of my head now.Totally agree with you dubai phil,that it was so depressing. My personal hate was that show Jimmy Salville did on a Sunday afternoon,where you had to guess the year he was playing records from and he would give you imaginary points for guessing the artist and year right. That was one annoying show.
chrisobee Posted 27 October, 2009 Posted 27 October, 2009 Sitting in the attic bending a coat hangar around the Tranny aerial to try and hear Peter Powell That's another horrific memory! lol Think I was always lucky with reception. I remember ( sadly it has to be said) listening to the local footie scores on Radio Solent on a Sunday afternoon and just waiting for scores like Shirley Rovers 18 Totton Town 1 !!
chrisobee Posted 27 October, 2009 Posted 27 October, 2009 OMG i cant get the tune of "Sing Something Simple" out of my head now.Totally agree with you dubai phil,that it was so depressing. My personal hate was that show Jimmy Salville did on a Sunday afternoon,where you had to guess the year he was playing records from and he would give you imaginary points for guessing the artist and year right. That was one annoying show. I used to love that TBH even though Jimmy Saville used to irritate the hell out of me, the music ( once he decided to play any) was usually very good. That said my recollection is that you knew the year so maybe the show you refer to was earlier ( which makes you very old indeed lol )
RedAndWhite91 Posted 27 October, 2009 Posted 27 October, 2009 When we beat Spurs 4-0 in the cup I was listening to it on my radio laying on my bedroom floor doing some homework. I think we were about 3-0 up already when my Mum told me it was on TV. I could've watched it but instead I listened to most of it on the radio, nightmare.
saint lard Posted 27 October, 2009 Posted 27 October, 2009 No real bad memories,but one brilliant one springs to mind. After going out when i was a nipper,not excactly sure how old ,buy a pint of Mild cost 70p,i used to come home stick on the headphones and listen to the friday rock show hosted by Tommy Vance. ****ed as a fart on Mild and headbanging away,a great way to end the evening as a kid.
chrisobee Posted 27 October, 2009 Posted 27 October, 2009 When we beat Spurs 4-0 in the cup I was listening to it on my radio laying on my bedroom floor doing some homework. I think we were about 3-0 up already when my Mum told me it was on TV. I could've watched it but instead I listened to most of it on the radio, nightmare. Doing homework when Saints were on TV, there is a novelty !
RedAndWhite91 Posted 27 October, 2009 Posted 27 October, 2009 Doing homework when Saints were on TV, there is a novelty ! Don't rub it in, I didn't know they was on the telly!! I was only 12 years old Also the homework was undoubtedly due in at 8.30 the next morning!
chrisobee Posted 27 October, 2009 Posted 27 October, 2009 Don't rub it in, I didn't know they was on the telly!! I was only 12 years old Also the homework was undoubtedly due in at 8.30 the next morning! But surely any punishment for not doing the homework would have been well worth it ! But ok I will not rub it in any more, it is clearly a sore point though rather remiss of your Mum to tell you so late lol
rpb Posted 27 October, 2009 Posted 27 October, 2009 Sing Something Simple was the worst without a doubt. It used to be on every Sunday evening round about 6pm, that moment when you realised that the weekend was over, homework hadn't been done and there was another week of school looming.
chrisobee Posted 27 October, 2009 Posted 27 October, 2009 Sing Something Simple was the worst without a doubt. It used to be on every Sunday evening round about 6pm, that moment when you realised that the weekend was over, homework hadn't been done and there was another week of school looming. Lest you forget the lyrics to its main theme went as follows: Sing something simple As cares go by Sing something simple Just you and I Classic !!
RedAndWhite91 Posted 27 October, 2009 Posted 27 October, 2009 But surely any punishment for not doing the homework would have been well worth it ! But ok I will not rub it in any more, it is clearly a sore point though rather remiss of your Mum to tell you so late lol It probably didn't get done after I found out the game was on TV, I wasn't the best at deadlines anyway so it didn't matter! And can't blame me Mum, she didn't know I wasn't watching it... Oh well it's all in the past now!!
St Landrew Posted 27 October, 2009 Posted 27 October, 2009 Just had a horrid moment before switching on the PC. The radio has been murmuring away pretty much all evening. I even heard Pimply V Stoke in the background. Then horrors..! That complete winker [misspelled] Paul Miller came on. That man is gringe making. He's enough to make milk curdle. How he has managed to achieve any form of radio career is beyond me. Anyone who appreciates him must either be dead, or have the IQ of an Alsation dog. I stuck it for 2 minutes, still at that very low volume, and then could take no more. I found a grey deposit on my shoulders. It was brain matter, either trying to escape, or block up my ears. I mean, I even lasted 90+ minutes with Pimply in the background, so I can stand a lot. BTW, noted that Higginbotham had a stinker for Stoke. Glad he moved on from us.
Guest Dark Sotonic Mills Posted 27 October, 2009 Posted 27 October, 2009 Sing Something Simple The radio was on in the bathroom as my brother and I were having our Sunday night baths, every week. I still remember it unbelievably vividly.
Lets B Avenue Posted 27 October, 2009 Posted 27 October, 2009 Sing Something Simple The radio was on in the bathroom as my brother and I were having our Sunday night baths, every week. I still remember it unbelievably vividly. 7.00 Straight after Pick of the Pops with Alan "Fluff" Freeman. Allright.
St Landrew Posted 27 October, 2009 Posted 27 October, 2009 Apologies that my post wasn't about Radio Shows That Horrified You When You Were Young. Because I saw the thread on the forum line up page, and it just said, Radio Shows that horri... and I just clicked on it to write about Paul Miller. Can't say anything used to horrify me on radio as a kid. We never used to have the radio on. It was only when I got my first car that I really started to listen to the radio regularly, and then I could choose.
Saint in Paradise Posted 28 October, 2009 Posted 28 October, 2009 "Family Favorites" on a Sunday at lunchtime, with iirc Jean Metcalf ? Was for the familes of troops stationed in Germany and the troops also sent in requests. They always seemed to play the same "music" every week  It was usually followed by "The Billy Cotton Bandshow" and he always opened by shouting his catchphrase "Wakey Wakeeeeeyyyy" Mind you that was followed by "The Navy Lark" with Leslie Phillips "Left Hand Down a Bit" now I enjoyed that prog.
hamster Posted 28 October, 2009 Posted 28 October, 2009 Sing Something Simple The radio was on in the bathroom as my brother and I were having our Sunday night baths, every week. I still remember it unbelievably vividly. Bath night, thanks for reminding me. I am the middle of 5 kids and MUM and Dad trying to be fair would alternate between the youngest and eldest having the first dip. I was always bathing in someones filth and these were the days when you really did get scum around the bath. I also remember that we would have massive catering boxes of cereal from the NAAFI (army brats), which would take forever to get through, by the time we'd get near to the bottom of the box we were desperate for a change. None of these fancy 'choco' cereals that we have nowadays. Anyway, you'd reach the last corn flake and eagerly await a crate of rice snaps the following day, but the amount of times that Dad would park his combination up and proudly carry in another box of bloody cornflakes traumatised me. I am sure he did it on purpose. Those massive boxes were brilliant though, they were turned into; castles, tanks, dens anything your yound mind could conjur up. Oh I love this reminiscing lark. I could go on forever. And to keep on topic, Gaffer, you mist remember the Ovaltinies surely?
ericofarabia Posted 28 October, 2009 Posted 28 October, 2009 Was it Ed stewpot who hosted a kiddies type show on a Saturday morning? TBH not a nightmare radio moment, more like one for Hammy to get dewy eyed over  Songs like Supercalifragilitistcexpealidoshious :confused:, A spoonful of sugar (for all those taking medicine!) Rolf Harris 2 little boys, a song called Football Crazy (for all the lads going to games later !) Boom Boo Yat tittit taa version of Will you miss me tonight/Elvis? or something like that by Morecombe and Wise? , a song about having a favourite little brother who put frogs in tea pots and my favourite non PC song Goodness Gracious Me by Peter Sellars. Nightmare moments were back in the pre Innernet Days and no live match commentary having to listen to Radio Solent during mid week away matches just to get a match update about every 15 mins or so. Thank God I've managed to blank out most of those programmes now, but seem to remember Country and Western featuring and the most boring presenters imaginable. Memories of those days nearly make Saint Player's efforts acceptable
Nineteen Canteen Posted 28 October, 2009 Posted 28 October, 2009 Jimmy Young - I didn't care for his tone or the fact he used the same carpet fitters as Wogan and Forsyth. In fact Radio 2 is still a very nauseous station and needs to make up it's mind what it wants to be. Surely, Steve Wright's brand of jockery is well past it's sell by date and whispering Bob is to lary for Radio 3. As for Ken Bruce and Sara Kennedy and their ilk, how and why? come to mind. Doesn't mind numbing local radio cater for fan's of these 'shows'.
rpb Posted 28 October, 2009 Posted 28 October, 2009 The theme music for 'Journey into Space' used to terrify me. It was on Radio 7 a few months ago and I seem to be over it now...
timebomb Posted 28 October, 2009 Posted 28 October, 2009 Radio 1 - years ago with Tony Blackburns nervous breakdown getting worse each day he was on.
bridge too far Posted 28 October, 2009 Posted 28 October, 2009 Listening to the football results coming in on a Saturday afternoon, with my dad checking his pools. Heaven forbid if I made a noise and he missed a score!
ART Posted 28 October, 2009 Posted 28 October, 2009 The theme music for 'Journey into Space' used to terrify me. It was on Radio 7 a few months ago and I seem to be over it now... Must have something to do with the old school background, T, as I too used to find "Journey into Space" real creepy as I listened under the bedcovers. I suppose you've added the following to you CD collection Otherwise the Billy Cotton Band show was unbearable.
Rattlehead Posted 28 October, 2009 Posted 28 October, 2009 Stuart Hall's football commentary. What a f*cking nutter.
dubai_phil Posted 28 October, 2009 Author Posted 28 October, 2009 Must have something to do with the old school background, T, as I too used to find "Journey into Space" real creepy as I listened under the bedcovers. I suppose you've added the following to you CD collection Otherwise the Billy Cotton Band show was unbearable. Arrrggghhhh Related to "Sing Something Simple" (what was the name of the Presenter?) was that they used to play lots of sings by "The Black & White Minstrels" (don't infract me they're on Wiki!) Which also meant that of course that the folks liked to watch the TV show on a Saturday.... as did others Quoted by Wiki Audiences regularly exceeded 18 million  I liked this also  Wikipedia The Goodies, spoofed the popularity of The Black and White Minstrel Show, suggesting that any programme could double its viewing figures by being performed in blackface, and mentioning that a series of The Black and White Minstrel Show had been tried without make up.[8] In the late 1960s, Masquerade, a "whiteface" version of the show, had been tried, only to lose viewers Show that fact to the PC police and ask what their parents used to "dig" Apart from the "wrongness" the music always reminded me of old people's homes.....
dubai_phil Posted 28 October, 2009 Author Posted 28 October, 2009  brought back so many memories x  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I cannot believe you did that Arrrgghhh :rock::smt021:smt076:rip::snipe::smt070:chain::gib::smt067:minigun::axe:
dubai_phil Posted 28 October, 2009 Author Posted 28 October, 2009  brought back so many memories x  Meanwhile, our younger readers should sit and listen to that every Sunday night at 7:01pm for a month and then you MAY just understand how FECKIN lucky you areÂ
ART Posted 28 October, 2009 Posted 28 October, 2009  brought back so many memories x I shall have nightmares from listening to that. I see now just how horrific they were. Even worse was hearing the old man and mum trying to sing along with them. As Phil says, the younger generation should be forced into a month of Sunday night listening in order to understand what were had to suffer. I'm sure at that time there would have been something either on TV or the Radio were were deprived of but can't for the life of me remember what. Urgghhhh!!!
rpb Posted 29 October, 2009 Posted 29 October, 2009 I shall have nightmares from listening to that. I see now just how horrific they were.  Me too! They are even worse than I remembered! I likes the comment made by frglee ... This gives me a feeling of doom... Dark Sunday evenings in winter,the weekend over,with school beckoning the following morning, maths homework still not done and a horrible feeling of being trapped in a nightmare of the interminably dull Sundays in a suburban middle class 1960's England. . Summed up 'Sing Something Simple' perfectly.
rpb Posted 29 October, 2009 Posted 29 October, 2009 Must have something to do with the old school background, T, as I too used to find "Journey into Space" real creepy as I listened under the bedcovers. I suppose you've added the following to you CD collection Thanks for that! Fifty years on, it doesn't seem quite so bad. The other programme that frightened me was 'Quatermass' but that was on TV (black and white, of course).
Gigersaint Posted 29 October, 2009 Posted 29 October, 2009 The F##king Archers... when I used to stay with my Grandparents during the holidays when I was a kid they would always tune into this show. There was nothing worse than having to sit through that crap when it was raining outside and I couldn't go out and had to stay in the sitting room with a book or a comic while that played out in the background. Arragh... now got the theme tune stuck in my head too!! :mad: I'd forgotten about it until this thread.
tpbury Posted 29 October, 2009 Posted 29 October, 2009 I somehow felt obliged to listen to Radio 1 and only radio 1 in the 80s and 90s. As I woke up hungover on Saturdays I'd switch the radio on to hear Dave fkin Lee fkin Travis who was a patronising and irritating twaht of the first order! Late at night was Gary idiot Davies or Bruno Brookes (just before shut down at 12 - no 24 hours then, oh no) - I can't believe I was glad when Nicky Campbell took the show over. Finally Mark Radcliffe took over (now on Radio2), and that was worth listening to. Now, his evening show is followed by 'Big Band' which is a salutary reminder of the dearthly boredom fest Radio 2 used to be!
dubai_phil Posted 29 October, 2009 Author Posted 29 October, 2009 Me too! They are even worse than I remembered! I likes the comment made by frglee ... This gives me a feeling of doom... Dark Sunday evenings in winter,the weekend over,with school beckoning the following morning, maths homework still not done and a horrible feeling of being trapped in a nightmare of the interminably dull Sundays in a suburban middle class 1960's England. . Summed up 'Sing Something Simple' perfectly. Mate of mine is into the whole "how the brain works" and hypnotherapy. I must ask him one day how come when I remembered that music I can only picture dark winter nights and rain. Heck even when I remember being taken out to a pub with a garden in the summer for a much yearned for Bottle of Coke & a Packet of Salt & Shake, the minute we got back into the car that music was on and it was dark and raining.... And yes, you're right, the homework hadn't been done. Suppose the nearest equivalent for me these days would be having to spend a night in a club listening to Hip Hop which the locals love so much, but it doesn't have that feeling of horror. Think the only time I started to trust listening to the radio again was when The Hitch Hikers Guide was first broadcast, all of us sat round in college digs listening to that Oooh Garrry Davies - how lucky the younger generation are - lol
ericofarabia Posted 29 October, 2009 Posted 29 October, 2009 Stuart Hall's football commentary. What a f*cking nutter. LOL. In my early overseas days (very much pre Innernet!!) the only way to get the footie results was on The BBC World Service. On Saturdays we were treated to what you guys in UK were listening to ... and with terrible reception constantly fading away (coat hangers for aeriels, radio as close to an outside wall/window as possible etc) every second counted before the signal disappeared ....... cue Stuart f**kin Hall ... The green grass is vibrant, the blue sky peppered with fluffy clouds, a lone seagull hovers over the centre circle, somewhere in the distance a dog barks as the two teams of centurians do battle in the bubbling cauldron of noise that is The Dell. Southampton in their famous Red and White Stripes, Man Utd in their away kit of Dark Royal Blue , both keepers wearing bright luminous yellow and the ref in green and purple. What a fantastic sight and atmosphere here at the small, antiquated but full of character Dell is set in front of us today. An action packed game has seen Southamp ...... crackle pop fuzzzz fade crackle swishing noises, a foreign channel breaking thru ...slowly returning to the signal ... and now back to the studio .... :mad::cool: Happier memories though were of Paddy Feeney taking the p*ss out of Hall and then rattling thru the final scores in attempt to get them all in before the news on the hour
dubai_phil Posted 29 October, 2009 Author Posted 29 October, 2009 LOL. In my early overseas days (very much pre Innernet!!) the only way to get the footie results was on The BBC World Service. On Saturdays we were treated to what you guys in UK were listening to ... and with terrible reception constantly fading away (coat hangers for aeriels, radio as close to an outside wall/window as possible etc) every second counted before the signal disappeared ....... cue Stuart f**kin Hall ... The green grass is vibrant, the blue sky peppered with fluffy clouds, a lone seagull hovers over the centre circle, somewhere in the distance a dog barks as the two teams of centurians do battle in the bubbling cauldron of noise that is The Dell. Southampton in their famous Red and White Stripes, Man Utd in their away kit of Dark Royal Blue , both keepers wearing bright luminous yellow and the ref in green and purple. What a fantastic sight and atmosphere here at the small, antiquated but full of character Dell is set in front of us today. An action packed game has seen Southamp ...... crackle pop fuzzzz fade crackle swishing noises, a foreign channel breaking thru ...slowly returning to the signal ... and now back to the studio .... :mad::cool: Happier memories though were of Paddy Feeney taking the p*ss out of Hall and then rattling thru the final scores in attempt to get them all in before the news on the hour  lol... spot on as well. At least can now get BBC WS on the Satellite System. Add to thos memories that we had to wait 2 days for the results to be printed in the papers and two WEEKS before Pakistan TV would show Match of the Day. Old Dubai FM - Phil Blizzard - nice bloke, didn't he run one of those depressing Friday night shows though? And the bloke who did the heavy metal show? made Whispering Bob Harris sound like Screaming Lord Sutch. Worst one was that Dave Crane bloke though.. (he never reads on here) - Mission Impossible - lol at the classic one with the "South East Asian female Teenager" smashing all her mum's best crockery set (worth 1500 quid) just so she could win a T-Shirt... Horrified many, caused a few car crashes though as everyone c*cked themselves laughing during the rush-hour
Nadia Sllim Posted 29 October, 2009 Posted 29 October, 2009 That sing something simple tune as you quite rightly said on here siganalled the end of the weekend and decision time whether to start feigning an illness to get monday off and finish that homework!
Dimond Geezer Posted 29 October, 2009 Posted 29 October, 2009 So many of us were damaged by Sing Something Simple, if Childline hed been around then, Ester would have been busy. On Sundays I would listen to the start of the Top 40 in my room :smt020, with a Sing-something-simple break at tea-time as I went downstairs and had to put up with the dirge that is/was radio rodent, who for some reason took the Radio 2 feed on Sundays. As soon as I'd staffled tea it was back to the Top 40, usually whilst soaking in the bath, (by which time the olds had moved from SSS on the radio to Songs of Praise on the tele ](*,)) then the highlight - Annie Nightingale - top show, to which I would finish my homework, and a bit of Peely if homework overran.
Fuengirola Saint Posted 29 October, 2009 Posted 29 October, 2009 Sing Something Simple was the worst without a doubt. It used to be on every Sunday evening round about 6pm, that moment when you realised that the weekend was over, homework hadn't been done and there was another week of school looming. 7PM after the top 20 show, it was the tune that signified bath time in our house.
Atticus Finch of Maycomb Posted 29 October, 2009 Posted 29 October, 2009 Stuart Hall's football commentary. What a f*cking nutter. agreed. also, Radio Shuttleworth.
hamster Posted 30 October, 2009 Posted 30 October, 2009 (edited) Sing Somethink Simple. What memories does it really evoke? Well this is a bit of a tough one to recount for me as will be revealed in a mo.  It meant 'bath night', washing in your brother's and sister's wee. It meant washing your hair with fairy liquid, because shampoo was for the better off families. It meant 'have you done your homework'? It meant Swiss Roll and custard. It meant freezing cold winter nights huddled around the night storage heater that had concrete blocks in it (??) wearing/sharing a towel. It meant Mum burning a perfect iron sole-plate scald mark onto my cherry red schooll jumper. It meant Dad spitting on and polishing my school shoes up to a shine that would pass a parade ground inspection. He would sometimes use the back of a heated spoon (?). It meant all seven (Yes SEVEN) tortoises vying to be the closest to that same storage heater. ASll of their names began with an 'H' for some inexplicable reason. It meant some neighbour knocking on the door to tell Mum that Auntie Cyn (from Huddersfield) had phoned the callbox across the road and would be ringing back in 5 minutes to speak to her. Auntie Cyn lived in Fannymoor Lane, I loved that. It meant all this culminating in one fateful Sunday evening, an otherwise non-eventful evening apart from all of the above happening as it did almost every week of our young lives. When OOOOUUUUCCHHHH!!!!  OUUUUUCCCHHHH!!!!!!!!! As I sat there in this blssful existence enjoying my Swiis Roll and custard, one of those little bastard tortoises - Hector - had crept under the threadbare towel that I had around me and decided that he was going to treat himself to a little snack. Yep, although they had had a feast of Dandelions he was still hungry. He took one look at what must have appeared to be in the darkness under that towel God knows what, opened his little mouth as wide as it would open and bit doan onto my 'tail'. OOOUUUUCCCHHHH!!! By golly, did my little foreskin sting for a while. It didn't make the situation any beter with Mum trying to calm me down to 'have a look'. Before anyone says it: No scar, NO RULE 1. Edited 30 October, 2009 by hamster
sotonjoe Posted 30 October, 2009 Posted 30 October, 2009 That was more than a little weird .. .should be some infractions dished out me thinks.
hamster Posted 30 October, 2009 Posted 30 October, 2009 That was more than a little weird .. .should be some infractions dished out me thinks. To my parents, yes I agree. Bit late now though, the damage is done.
rocknrollman no2 Posted 30 October, 2009 Posted 30 October, 2009 To my parents, yes I agree. Bit late now though, the damage is done. Can i ask how much the hungry tortoise bit off? lol.
chrisobee Posted 30 October, 2009 Posted 30 October, 2009 Can i ask how much the hungry tortoise bit off? lol. Why do you think his name is Hamster
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