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Windows 7 phishing scam...

Clapham Saint

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... or am I just being really paraniod?


I bought a new Packard Bell machine a few months ago knowing that I would get a "free" upgrade to windows 7 when it was released.


Was a bit f***ed off when the "free" upgrade required a £19.90 "shipping charge" but there you go.


Packard Bell's Windows 7 upgrades are also being handled by a third party.


Anyway when I first registered I thik that I gave them my credit card details and I got the 1st of the e-mails below.


Today I got e-mail 2 asking me to resubmit my credit card details but the english in the e-mail isn't that great.


If I log in to check my order status it says "pending payment resubmit" but my bank hasn't blocked anything and no payment has yet been taken.


As I'm sure I already gave my card details and the english isn;t great I'm worried that this is a phishing excersise of some sort but if it is then they have by name, address, e-mail address and phone number already (as they come up when I click the link).


Am I just being way over paranoid?


Has anybody else had anything similar?


The Packard Bell web forum is currently down for maintenance and their customer support chap's english wasn't good enough to understand the problem (his only suggestion was to give me a number for microsoft).



E-mail 1

Dear XXXX,


Thank you for your order!


Your credit card will be charged GBP 19.90 only when the upgrade kit is shipped. The price shown is inclusive of shipping charges.


All orders received will be collected and held for processing until the Windows 7 release date (currently estimated for October 2009 but is subjected to change). Orders will be processed in the order they were received. You will receive another notification when the order is shipped.


For questions about your order, tracking information, and your order status, please click here. You will need to enter both Order Number [xxxxxxxx] and email address [xxxxxxxxxxx@hotmail.com] to obtain status of your order.


Order Date : Thursday, September 03, 2009


Order No. : xxxxxxxxxxx




Today I received e-mail 2:

Dear xxxxxxx


This is to inform that you can proceed to make payment.


Order No. : xxxxxx

Total Amount: GBP 19.90


Please click https://ebiz3.mentormediacorp.com/Payment/PB?Email=xxxxxxxxx%40hotmail.com&OrderNo=xxxxxxxx&Lan_Used=en_gb to make payment.


A notification email will be sent to you once payment is done.


To check on your Order Status, please login here.


*** This is a system generated email, please do not reply to this email ***


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Thanks Baj.


I'm cofortable with the outsourcing. Its just the asking for my card details again and the very (very) slow to load site coupled with the bad english in the e-mail which has spooked me.


The company name matches etc but woud it have to be quite elaborate to be a bogus site?


It is a company based in singapore which might explain the english...

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