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OK, I know the whole story is sad, and I am not making fun of the poor individual who is affected, it's just the way she walks like a crab, and yet is perfectly fine walking backwards.


I am starting to cry now, as I feel guilty for my actions.


Laughing at people with disabilities = hilarious. Where were you when Jongleurs needed you?


You must be proud of yourself. When you laugh yourself to sleep tonight, just before you drift off, think about this: there is absolutely, ABSOLUTELY, no reason on this earth why you will not acquire a disability yourself tomorrow. It could be a car accident, it could be a stroke, it could be the first hand tremor that heralds the onset of Parkinsons, it could even be that you have a brain haemorrhage whilst walking your dog and end up having to trade him in for a Guide Dog, Dog. It could even happen in your sleep fella!


How ironic would that be if your final post ever on the internet, your epitaph, was this thread?


We all make error's of judgement fella, and maybe on reflection you will see that you have just made one yourself. have a word with yourself, please.


There has been a lot of talk on here recently about 'decency' and and what is or is not acceptable. This place is certainly not getting better, I despair.

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