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I have never understood this belief of gentlemanly fighting.

If you go into battle with an opponent then the job is to immobilise him as quick as you can and with any means in which to do it BEFORE your opponent does the same to you????

Am I not right?

There is no honour to be gained in fighting the Marquis of Queensbury rules outside the King Alfred.


You are not right. You appear to have missed the point spectacularly. The Yeovil fan WAS immobilised. And yet the attack continued. There was no possibility of that guy retaliating. It was finished. Over. What don't you understand? :rolleyes:

You are not right. You appear to have missed the point spectacularly. The Yeovil fan WAS immobilised. And yet the attack continued. There was no possibility of that guy retaliating. It was finished. Over. What don't you understand? :rolleyes:

whilst we are being pedantic...was this guy out cold..?


Quite pathetic that we still have neanderthals on this thread arguing that such behaviour is acceptable. Try reading the update about Big Ron, puts this pathetic stuff into some perspective.

Quite pathetic that we still have neanderthals on this thread arguing that such behaviour is acceptable. Try reading the update about Big Ron, puts this pathetic stuff into some perspective.

i dont find it acceptable...but if you play with fire you will get burned and will have yourself to blame..

whilst we are being pedantic...was this guy out cold..?


It is you who are being pedantic. I said that the guy was immobilised, i.e. he had ceased to be a threat and was probably curled up in a ball to defend himself from the kicks and stamps aimed at him by those cowards. Is it a prerequisite for you that it is OK to continue kicking the sh*t out of him until he is unconscious - or dead?

It is you who are being pedantic. I said that the guy was immobilised, i.e. he had ceased to be a threat and was probably curled up in a ball to defend himself from the kicks and stamps aimed at him by those cowards. Is it a prerequisite for you that it is OK to continue kicking the sh*t out of him until he is unconscious - or dead?



was he a cage fighter who got caught with a lucky punch...was he a boxer that was off guard..we just dont know


if/when I am lawfully used to use force I will make sure that person will not get back up and hit me back, that is f'sure


so with some on here condoning anything done by someone wearing a saints shirt then whats their view on Beattie, Claus, convicted drink drivers? BWP and Dyer last year? Fernandes before that? all wore the red and white and actually convicted?

I've little sympathy for the Yeovil fans that went looking for trouble and found it.


I do, however, believe only a class 1 c*** would kick a man when he's down.


was he a cage fighter who got caught with a lucky punch...was he a boxer that was off guard..we just dont know


if/when I am lawfully used to use force I will make sure that person will not get back up and hit me back, that is f'sure


DD is correct in what he says.

I do not condone cowardly behaviour and sure as hell would not want someone to stamp all over me when I was on the ground.

However, if I enter a pub looking for trouble (A FIGHT) and get floored I can't really expect the bloke who floored me to stop until he has made sure I am not going to come back at him with more than just my fists.

That said it should only be the guy who floored me who does the kicking and not half of the pub who then feel "brave" enough to have a go.

I think we all agree that football violence is contemptable and in this day and age really should be consigned to history but whilst it is still in our midst and becoming more prevalent,then we have to understand that if the thugs want to fight they will, if they get fingered then they must face the consequences.The problem there is that the deterrants are so poor for the punishment that they will always use a matchday to polish up their "slapping skills"knowing that the worst they will get is a Football banning order.

How many people are in SMS on a matchday with one of those?

I wager there are a few!

I do not support there actions, but innocent people do not simply get set apon. No smoke without fire. But I'd prefer If this didn't happen at our club, as I'd like us t continue to bring in the families and fresh saints blood to cheer on our boys!


How WRONG you are matey. I was beaten up at Notts Forest in 1977 when we were defending the cup (3-3 Draw). I was on my own walking back to the coach keeping a low profile as there were lots of Forest fans around. About Six very brave Forest fans set upon me when they noticed my blue & yellow scarf sticking out of my coat. I was innocent and minding my own business. Those waankers that beat those Yeovil fans up deserve everything they get.


Anyone who is still condoning this is a ****ing joker frankly. I'm hardly surprised certain people on here find it acceptable....I suppose they're just living up to the amount of intellect I expected of them.

Anyone who is still condoning this is a ****ing joker frankly. I'm hardly surprised certain people on here find it acceptable....I suppose they're just living up to the amount of intellect I expected of them.


I wasn't aware we have to live up to YOUR excpectations Will !

Sorry I will try harder next post!;)


Just because someone walks around giving it large and shouting their mouth off, it doesn't mean they deserve their head kicking in. Whatever happened to not rising to the bait?! Why give a loud mouth the pleasure?! Just ignore the guy. Don't beat him to te ground then kick him into oblivion just because he offended you with something he said. It's pathetic. Those who start violence because of things like this are pathetic....they obviously don't have the intellect and the mental strength to laugh it off.


Lock them all up....having 3 of them sharing single beds if there isn't enough room. ****ing inbred scum.


Banter with other fans is good and fun and healthy but there is a line and that line is crossed when there is violence. That's how I see it. If the Yeovil fans were giving it large then the 'accused' should have given some verbal back, not start fighting and stamping on heads. That's my opinion.


I have never understood this belief of gentlemanly fighting.


Noone has suggested its cricket, the guy ceased to be a threat to those present even before the first strike as the ratio was about 4 to 1, there are many ways to immobilise an opponent and it is far better for all involved not to try and kick the head off the other but you are missing the point, one which you later accept, this was not a tear up between two guys who have a beef with each other, with security in numbers 'men' were kicking & stomping on another man when he had already been floored, cowardly act and nothing for those involved to puff their chest out over.

was he a cage fighter who got caught with a lucky punch...was he a boxer that was off guard..we just dont know


if/when I am lawfully used to use force I will make sure that person will not get back up and hit me back, that is f'sure


even in cage fighting (at least in UFC) you're not allowed to kick people in the head when they're on the ground.


plenty of posts from eye witnesses have said the guy was out cold. give it a rest.

I think any real Saints fan should not grass on a fellow Saint.


Isn't there case for the Mods to make an exception to the "No Personal Abuse" rule for this (obviously allegedly) utterly brain dead waste of space? He has a long history of posting his moronic, neanderthal, thuggish, intolerant, tribal thoughts on this site - all IMO of course - and deserves all the (non-violent!) abuse that may come his way. The Nottarf Krap lot would be proud to have such a specimen in their midsts.



I was goaded by a couple of Cardiff fans looking for a fight after we beat them a couple of seasons ago, when I was walking away from the ground. I just ignored them and nothing happened. Sometimes it is a lot easier to just walk away and not get drawn into what is most of the time, a pointless confrontation.

even in cage fighting (at least in UFC) you're not allowed to kick people in the head when they're on the ground.


plenty of posts from eye witnesses have said the guy was out cold. give it a rest.

and im sure there are plenty who say the yeovil fans got what they had coming to them..?

and im sure there are plenty who say the yeovil fans got what they had coming to them..?


What because they had a bellyful of beer and were calling our great team rubbish or some other real damning abuse. Theres some real crap on here defending this, how anyone can let a couple of mouthy idiots wind anyone up so much is beyond me.

and im sure there are plenty who say the yeovil fans got what they had coming to them..?


Because they walked into a pub mouthing off? Yeah, they definitely deserved to be kicked unconscious on the floor. Can't believe you're justifying all this. Oh wait, actually I can believe it.

Because they walked into a pub mouthing off? Yeah, they definitely deserved to be kicked unconscious on the floor. Can't believe you're justifying all this. Oh wait, actually I can believe it.

im not justifying anything..it was wrong.


however, I live in the real world and KNOW, if you go around looking for trouble you will find it...at a concert, a festival, horse racing and YES, something as tribal as football..

and they would be mongs.


Do you think they got what they deserved? Do you think being gobby warrants being kicked in the head and stamped upon?

I dont know, I was not there, did these yeovil fans go after someone (or a kid, or female) was a broken bottle..? did the yeovil fans have a knife..?


I dont know...getting beaten up is not nice and not needed..but I was not there


ok...alot of assumptions are going on here by many who have no idea of the facts..


lets assume for a min that one of the yeovil fans had a stanley knife out and looked like he was prepared to use it in a crowded place..?


would THAT be enough to hit him when he is down..damn straight it is


I work for a mental health trust and I've seen a mate of mine in the head injury unit in East Grinstead, the consequences of stamping on someones head is far beyond 'fair do's for someone giving it large'. Still this sort of talk makes the muppets on here feel hard, we haven't evolved much have we.

im not justifying anything..it was wrong.


however, I live in the real world and KNOW, if you go around looking for trouble you will find it...at a concert, a festival, horse racing and YES, something as tribal as football..


You are justifying it. You're giving reasons and excuses why it happened. That is justifying it. If you think it's wrong, you could have said "this is wrong and our fans should face the consequences" but what you're saying is "well it sounds like they came looking for it and got everything they deserved". That is justifying it.


And by the way that's not the real world. That's world of thuggery that a small (and yes, growing amount) number of people live in. There are many of us who have enough brain cells to laugh at people mouthing off and just ignore them and not rise to the bait.

ok...alot of assumptions are going on here by many who have no idea of the facts..


lets assume for a min that one of the yeovil fans had a stanley knife out and looked like he was prepared to use it in a crowded place..?


would THAT be enough to hit him when he is down..damn straight it is


But that isn't what happened?

I was goaded by a couple of Cardiff fans looking for a fight after we beat them a couple of seasons ago, when I was walking away from the ground. I just ignored them and nothing happened. Sometimes it is a lot easier to just walk away and not get drawn into what is most of the time, a pointless confrontation.


It is so so easy to avoid trouble. I've followed Saints and England away for years and never had any trouble, even if it's kicking off all around you it's easy to just walk away.


that's why I have no sympathy for the Yeovil thug who got beat up, the way they were acting outside the Alfred it was obvious they were up for a fight - and they got one. Boo hoo he got kicked whilst on the ground - probably make him think twice about acting all hard when totally outnumbered in the future.

It is so so easy to avoid trouble. I've followed Saints and England away for years and never had any trouble, even if it's kicking off all around you it's easy to just walk away.


that's why I have no sympathy for the Yeovil thug who got beat up, the way they were acting outside the Alfred it was obvious they were up for a fight - and they got one. Boo hoo he got kicked whilst on the ground - probably make him think twice about acting all hard when totally outnumbered in the future.


Boo hoo he was kicked while on the ground? What if someone who was close to you got kicked into a coma and get brain damage? Would you say boo hoo then?! That easily could have happened to the Yeovil fan. Nobody deserves that.

You are justifying it. You're giving reasons and excuses why it happened. That is justifying it. If you think it's wrong, you could have said "this is wrong and our fans should face the consequences" but what you're saying is "well it sounds like they came looking for it and got everything they deserved". That is justifying it.


And by the way that's not the real world. That's world of thuggery that a small (and yes, growing amount) number of people live in. There are many of us who have enough brain cells to laugh at people mouthing off and just ignore them and not rise to the bait.

did you miss the part in my post that you replied to where I said it was wrong..?


as for NOT being the real world...well, it happened so it must be..no matter how much you or I dont like it

Well people are allowed their opinions, mine is not to grass on a Saints fan who gave a couple of gobby Yeovil fans a slap...


These Saints fans could be looking at jail if convicted as I am pretty sure everyone will agree that a few months in prison, loss of job and banned from football for 3 years is pretty harsh for dishing out a slap to someone on the way home from football.


No different to having a fight in a pub, I am sure many of you model citizens have done it before... difference is the punishments are massively different.


Once again, don't grass on Saints fans.


Off footballing matters, you're really sad, Stu.

did you miss the part in my post that you replied to where I said it was wrong..?


as for NOT being the real world...well, it happened so it must be..no matter how much you or I dont like it


You are justifying it. That's why several other posters have quoted your comments. Ok you said it wrong, but you have gone off and tried to justify it. Giving it large in a pub is not justification to have you head kicked in. If that is your real world, then I'm glad I don't live where you live and I'm not living the life you've lived.

You are justifying it. That's why several other posters are quoted your comments. Ok you said it wrong, but you have gone off and tried to justify it. Giving it large in a pub is not justification to have you head kicked in. If that is your real world, then I'm glad I don't live where you live and I'm not living the life you've lived.

you dont know the facts as I have questioned above..


it is wrong but nothing is black or white.....look at some of my posts above


anyway, if I justify it or not, what you think makes no difference to me

Giving it large in a pub is not justification to have you head kicked in. If that is your real world, then I'm glad I don't live where you live and I'm not living the life you've lived.


TBF it is the world we live in, ok, maybe not in your immediate circle but in the wider world it goes on all too often.

I do not share the thoughts of those that suggest they deserved everything they got, in a similar way that I would sympathise with someone who had their car stolen but left it with the keys in the ignition, I would question what were they thinking.


Not clever to kick someone when they are down but it would appear that these fans were no angels - if you go looking for trouble then you will find it. How much or how serious depends on who you find I suppose.

These guys aren't going around and battering lone away fans, families or old ladies. The only people that will get any sort of problem from this set of fellas are away fans that come down here looking for trouble and generally after for aggro.


If a fellow saints fan robs an old lady or beats up a guy with a kid then maybe I'd shop them, but having a row with like minded individuals - not my problem.


thats pretty f*cking decent of you

Well people are allowed their opinions, mine is not to grass on a Saints fan who gave a couple of gobby Yeovil fans a slap...


These Saints fans could be looking at jail if convicted as I am pretty sure everyone will agree that a few months in prison, loss of job and banned from football for 3 years is pretty harsh for dishing out a slap to someone on the way home from football.


No different to having a fight in a pub, I am sure many of you model citizens have done it before... difference is the punishments are massively different.


Once again, don't grass on Saints fans.


Irresponsible and immature attitude that generally discredits our club.

even in cage fighting (at least in UFC) you're not allowed to kick people in the head when they're on the ground.


plenty of posts from eye witnesses have said the guy was out cold. give it a rest.


He was not a cold at all,why do ***ts comment on things that they havent seen,and go by other idiots who,like the Echo,would rather dramatise the story than get the facts!


Anyone who actively looks for trouble is a moron of the highest order irrespective of the colours they wear.


Anyone who condones this behaviour is equally as bad - there is no justification for giving someone a slap or a kicking.


I cannot believe that some people on this forum think its ok.

He was not a cold at all,why do ***ts comment on things that they havent seen,and go by other idiots who,like the Echo,would rather dramatise the story than get the facts!


People comment on things that they haven't seen because this is a forum and that is the purpose of these things. I have never taken hard drugs, but it doesn't preclude me from commenting on the rights (none) or wrongs of that. I haven't yet witnessed a murder, but surely I'm entitled to comment on the circumstances that might have led to it, am I not?


In this particular case, we might well have been discussing a murder. It may have been that the victim could have had a heart condition, or that one of those kicks to the head was just millimetres away from causing his death. Would you then say that the only people justified in commenting on it were those who actually witnessed it? In any event, there are disparities between reports of even those who did see it, with some saying that the victim was unconscious and those saying he was not.


It is clear to see where you stand on this, as you call those who comment on it but did not see it ***s and you also call those who report it a certain way, idiots, including the Echo. Presumably, they are also ***s because they dared to report it even when they weren't there either.


If you witnessed it yourself, perhaps you ought to go and tell the police what you witnessed, Oh no, you couldn't do that, could you, as it would be grassing up the culprits. :rolleyes:

He was not a cold at all,why do ***ts comment on things that they havent seen,and go by other idiots who,like the Echo,would rather dramatise the story than get the facts!

so YOU saw the incident then??? :confused:

so with some on here condoning anything done by someone wearing a saints shirt then whats their view on Beattie, Claus, convicted drink drivers? BWP and Dyer last year? Fernandes before that? all wore the red and white and actually convicted?


I thought robbing a couple of Skate barmaids was quality.

He was not a cold at all,why do ***ts comment on things that they havent seen,and go by other idiots who,like the Echo,would rather dramatise the story than get the facts!


What a surpise - the man who started the "join the EDL" thread was there when all the mindless violence was taking part.

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