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I get a lot of abuse over my views on the failure to appoint hoddle in 2004. I think it is from poaters that want me to drop the case because of their own shame at their involvement in the protests that has resluted in the last 5 years damage to our club....personally.


Because you are so obsessed to the level that we fear for your mental wellbeing.


Even people like me, who had no problem with Hoddle, think that you are a fu**ing loon.

Yeah, I post my opinion. Funny that...:rolleyes:


Do you even know what set this off today ? I'll tell you. I expressed the opinion I would be more comfortable if Trotman were a real saints player instead of a loan.


I'm sure you'll agree - very controversial, very provocative...:rolleyes:


And I commented back that there is a real chance of him signing in January, and we should not worry about it before we can do anything about it. I commented that I thought you didn't need to worry about it at this stage, and then it all began.

What he said.

If you think that what you have received is abuse.....then you have led a very sheltered life Dalek ;)


Don't worry, I said it with irony, but I don't know how to use those face things !


BTW as I am IT challenged can a moderator tell me where I can send a cheque for membership ie via snail mail. I sent a fiver to an address a few weeks ago, that seems to have disappeerd but it obviously di not get to the right people or got 'lost in transit !

And I commented back that there is a real chance of him signing in January, and we should not worry about it before we can do anything about it. I commented that I thought you didn't need to worry about it at this stage, and then it all began.


Maybe its not so much what you said, but how you said it. You were sneering at those who dared even raise the issue.

Don't worry, I said it with irony, but I don't know how to use those face things !


BTW as I am IT challenged can a moderator tell me where I can send a cheque for membership ie via snail mail. I sent a fiver to an address a few weeks ago, that seems to have disappeerd but it obviously di not get to the right people or got 'lost in transit !


Please send £5 to the below;


Glasgow Saint




I will then post "we should have appointed Hoddle in 2004" on each thread on your behalf ;)



I remeber when a poster called original Bournemouth saint could not play the ball without breaking the mans legs :(


Original_Bournemouth_Saint clocked up over 50 infraction points and 3 bans in under a year.


Glasgow_Saint has managed just 4 infractions and zero bans


Must try harder ;)


A common sign in pubs used to be 'NO POLITICS - NO RELIGION' ... strange because we tried religion and it didn't descend into abuse ... as far as I know we haven't tried politics. But mention Lowe and/or Hoddle and all hell breaks loose.

Shake hands, admit maybe life is too short and move on?




What!?! See I disagree. Life is not certainly not short. In fact life is the longest factor any one of us ever experience. How could you possibly think its short? You are obviously a **** ***** *******!


Please note that tongue is firmly lodged in cheek and any insults are not meant to be taken personally. ;)

Please send £5 to the below;


Glasgow Saint





I will then post "we should have appointed Hoddle in 2004" on each thread on your behalf ;)




St. Will was definitely out of order, although you have to ask how you can call someone a "z-list golfer" and then muse on how an argument is too personal.


Internet forums are supposed to be like conversations down the pub - You don't say anything you wouldn't say to someone's face - but it never really works like that. I can sort of see where St. Will is coming from... After the run of wins, it is odd to be focussing on a negative like "will Trotman leave? We should sign him up now" but then people see things in very different ways. Now probably IS the time for AP to sign him permanently - just as now probably IS the time for us to relax and enjoy things rather than find new things to worry about - but then some worry more than others.


There's too much sensitivity all round, I think. Positive posters can probably roll their eyes in private a bit more, as opposed to biting on here. Alpine and Delldays, as you point out, this is a forum for exchange of views and that means you get to hear things you don't like. It's not just about people being accepting of YOUR right to be heard. I can well imagine you being told to cheer the f@@k up if you said the sort of things you have done down the pub. I'm sure you can defend that viewpoint well enough without asking that people refrain from criticising you. Freedom of speech works both ways.


There are a lot of posters in here and a lot of different opinions. Can't people just roll with it a bit?


Entertaining debate. Opinions are why we are here, as nobody dare try and post snippets any longer.


People are like glasses of beer, they are always somewhere between empty and full hence why this place is sometimes fun, it reminds us that we should read what others have said rather than simply react to what we THOUGHT was said. It also shows us that our own view is not necessarily the only one or even the right one.


There is however subtle difference between knowing opnions differ and then posting something that you believe "should" be done "now" that is actually against the fairly publicly known Laws of the Game, or because it is something that happened in the distant past, it isn't REALLY going to change anything.


That sort of posting comes out as either being extremely not very bright or being highly deliberate (in which case highly intelligent).


As an EXAMPLE, you cannot sign a player contracted to another club during a closed transfer window period, no matter how much you may wish to. No club is going to "cancel the contract" of a player out on loan who is performing well as they are not stupid enough to forego a possible transfer fee. Likewise, if his contract is due to expire in the window, the agent of said player will ensure that he waits until expiry in case more than one club are interested and he can negotiate a better deal. So, are these posts aimed at debate or at reaction? The wording is the key as always, it may have been typed one way but is read another....


These "arguments" are no different from the repetitive insistence on bringing up the same topics where all of us know there is never going to be a soultion. The LM/MLT, the Lowe Wilde Execs Crouch. At least with those opinions it is more about the obsession in your life which that argument exists. As in MLT is the anti-Christ through to MLT did that for publicity for his book, stupid but it worked.....

At least with Dalek it has become something like a standing joke, valid point but it always now makes us smirk.


People don't need to like and love each other, they just need to engage brain before replying. ("Cos none of us it before typing the first time!)


I often think the manner in which a point is expressed is important, especially if the topic is contraversial in some way. The use of a question mark to indicate I am asking of others opinions is a method you would think would do the trick, but often even that fails and all you get is personal abuse - I can only assume because either some posters do not take the time to properly read a post or they are genuinely illiterate. I have noticed that Alpine employs the question mark, but still gets it in the neck and IMO that's wrong. If you think someone is wrong, fine say that, but there is no need to throw an insult.


Having said all that, what I find equally offensive in a strange way is when it seems ones posts are completely ignored because seemingly you're not part of 'the in crowd'. Come to think of it, sending a poster "to Coventry" on here when they post offensive remarks is probably far more effective than a ban in some respects.

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