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If only we'd ditched the Socialists at the last election the country wouldn't be in the mess it is now.


Brown claims to have saved the world with his huge spending on the banks, but all he's done is saddled the country with debt to the tune of £20,000 for every person. We should have let the recession run it's course (as the Americans wanted to do), instead of putting the country in serious debt that'll mean a decade or more of high taxes and cuts to public services.


It's a fact that the interest on the debt per anum is as much as we spend on the NHS. That's socialism for you!


In David Cameron we have a euro sceptic and his cabinet (with the exception of Ken Clarke) are all euro sceptic too. For the first time in years we'll soon have a government that'll put Britain first and put the continentals in their place.


Good times are ahead and generation has once again learnt the lesson that Socialism does not work.


Anyone who thinks that New Labour is socialist in any way shape or form is clearly a moron.


I also think you missed the bit about the USA bailing out the banks and they are really "red" aren't they.


I'd leave the politics to the grown ups if I were you.


For what its worth I will give you my point of view in simple terms....


I would rather kill my wife and children and my best mates than EVER vote Conservative.


Thank you for your time, good night. Mr Tickle.

Anyone who thinks that New Labour is socialist in any way shape or form is clearly a moron.




I was just gonna say that myself! What a stunner of a post that was ... Blair and Brown's Labour = Socialist.


Yeh ... whatever!:rolleyes:

For what its worth I will give you my point of view in simple terms....


I would rather kill my wife and children and my best mates than EVER vote Conservative.


Thank you for your time, good night. Mr Tickle.


Are you Bob Crow?

Anyone who thinks that New Labour is socialist in any way shape or form is clearly a moron.


It has been made quite clear over the last few months that the Gordon Brown administration is NOT New Labour.

It has been made quite clear over the last few months that the Gordon Brown administration is NOT New Labour.


Bailing the banks out with billions of "our" money is hardly socialist values.


Brown is a cun t, but a socialist? Not a chance.


The one thing the Tories can't do is gloat about their strategies for the banks etc as their choices were even worse.

Are you Bob Crow?


No that is not me.


Instead of being one of the morons who spout off ‘I think I no this about them, I think I no this about that,’ ‘they should vote this or they should vote that’ etc etc...

I purely simplify my opinion which I have concluded over hours /weeks / maybe even months or dare I say it years of debate!


As I wrote before - This is my opinion in simple terms and as blunt and truthful as I can be from MY POINT OF VIEW.


For all those berating Gordon Brown for committing public money in bailing out the financial institutions, read this - from The Times, ( hardly a 'Red Top' ), and work out what alternatives, and potential consequences, there might have been.




Look at what happened to Iceland, so nearly happened to Ireland, and the rest of the mess that unfettered Capitalist greed caused.


What would the Tories have done differently ?

For all those berating Gordon Brown for committing public money in bailing out the financial institutions, read this - from The Times, ( hardly a 'Red Top' )



I thought it was a common knowledge that The Times was pro-Labour. Murdoch is a well know Labour donor isn't he?

I thought it was a common knowledge that The Times was pro-Labour. Murdoch is a well know Labour donor isn't he?



I believe Rupert Murdoch's nickname is "Trotsky".






So. You don't think cameron will win the election? Want to put a bet on it. Winnings to charity and all that?


unfortunately, TDD, I think he WILL win. I just dont want him to. However, if he doesn't, I will give £20 to a military charity of your choice, as a celebration. Hand on heart. He will, though.

1) Income tax is one of the fairest taxes. However, sadly we rely on high levels of indirect and unfair taxation, which hit the poorest the hardest. That is unfair. What was also worse was that Gordon Brown scrapped the 10p tax rate (one of the best things he introduced). Many of the poorest in society were surviving just because of that rate.


2) The Council Tax is the most remarkably unfair tax in this country. It takes NO account of ability to pay, and ruthlessly takes from poorer people based on old house valuations. It is unfair. Many pensioners are finding that their modest family home is now falling into Council Tax bands D, or even E, and many clearly don't have the ability to pay that level of tax. It is time the Council Tax was scrapped, and replaced with a fairer Local Income Tax, so rich people pay more.


3) One of the most laughable things is better off people whinging that they might have to pay some tax. Boo hoo. You are so much better off than some of the poorest in city that you just don't know it. I earn less than £20k per year, but even I know how lucky I am compared to many others. Your attitude to jobs stinks as well. Many people work very hard, but are simply unable to do jobs that aren better paid. There is nothing wrong with their work ethic, but they do what they can do. They are continually being shafted by successive governments, because the better off get away with tax loopholes, and whinging about tax.


Okay, so we basically agree on income tax, we can put that one to bed.


But your view on council tax is again riddled with hypocricy. You are having a dig at those with higher incomes saying they are all moaning because they might have to pay more tax. Yet at the same time you seem to be supporting the idea that people with low incomes should be able to live in expensive houses they cannot afford. How does it "ruthlessly take from poorer people"? It takes a varying amount depending on the value of the property. If these old people living in large family homes cannot afford to pay the council tax, they should move. You may not think that's fair, but it certainly isn't fair to make other people foot the bill so they can carry on living in a big expensive house.


The last paragraph is just childish. "better off people whinging that they might have to pay some tax. Boo hoo." Nobody is whinging that they might have to pay some tax. The argument is about how much tax and how it should be spread out accross society. Nobody is fronting a "tax increase for household earning less than £xxxx a year policy". Those in the higher tax band already pay more into society, both as a % of their salary and an amount in pounds and pennies.


Correct me if I am wrong, but you seem to be driving at a society where people are taxed different amounts to the extent where the amount they actually get to take home is the same, regardless of income. It's an extreme and ridiculous socialist POV and as people have pointed out, it's just going to lead to a mass exodus of high earners (who happen to be qualified proffessionals).


I'm not supporting any party here. All have their fault. Labour had their chance and f**ked up big time. The Tories are all mouth and no trousers and the Lib Dems seem to just want to stick uber tax on everything.


So let me get this right - New Labour and Browns Labour aren't Socialist. That's odd because for non Socialist governments they've done a good a job of inflicting a traditionally Socialist mountain of debt on the nation.


Socialists/Old Labour/New Labour/Browns Labour have all been governments of TAX, SPEND and WASTE. So in respect of the core values of Socialism i would suggest that Blair and Brown have been hero's to the cause.


Every generation makes the mistake of falling for the TAX, SPEND and WASTE doctrine of the socialists and every subsequent generation ends up having to pay for the folly.

So let me get this right - New Labour and Browns Labour aren't Socialist. That's odd because for non Socialist governments they've done a good a job of inflicting a traditionally Socialist mountain of debt on the nation.


Socialists/Old Labour/New Labour/Browns Labour have all been governments of TAX, SPEND and WASTE. So in respect of the core values of Socialism i would suggest that Blair and Brown have been hero's to the cause.


Every generation makes the mistake of falling for the TAX, SPEND and WASTE doctrine of the socialists and every subsequent generation ends up having to pay for the folly.


And every generation votes in the far right wing that destroys industries, makes the rich richer and undermines society leading to riots on the streets. :rolleyes:

So let me get this right - New Labour and Browns Labour aren't Socialist. That's odd because for non Socialist governments they've done a good a job of inflicting a traditionally Socialist mountain of debt on the nation.


Socialists/Old Labour/New Labour/Browns Labour have all been governments of TAX, SPEND and WASTE. So in respect of the core values of Socialism i would suggest that Blair and Brown have been hero's to the cause.


Every generation makes the mistake of falling for the TAX, SPEND and WASTE doctrine of the socialists and every subsequent generation ends up having to pay for the folly.


How is debt caused by banks a Socialist debt?

How is debt caused by banks a Socialist debt?


I think that's one of the little oversights that our Tory fiends have made.


I don't think that many money movers are Socialist.


TBH though this Government is blamed for not controlling the excesses of the banks (all very easy in hindsight). I do wonder how loud the Tories would have brayed if the government had put those controlling measures in place though.

So let me get this right - New Labour and Browns Labour aren't Socialist. That's odd because for non Socialist governments they've done a good a job of inflicting a traditionally Socialist mountain of debt on the nation.


Socialists/Old Labour/New Labour/Browns Labour have all been governments of TAX, SPEND and WASTE. So in respect of the core values of Socialism i would suggest that Blair and Brown have been hero's to the cause.


Every generation makes the mistake of falling for the TAX, SPEND and WASTE doctrine of the socialists and every subsequent generation ends up having to pay for the folly.


LOL! Oh please shut up. Typical Thatcherite tripe.

I think that's one of the little oversights that our Tory fiends have made.


I don't think that many money movers are Socialist.


TBH though this Government is blamed for not controlling the excesses of the banks (all very easy in hindsight). I do wonder how loud the Tories would have brayed if the government had put those controlling measures in place though.


Indeed, and remember it was those archetypical Marxists, Thatcher and Reagan, who deregulated the banks beforehand.



I refuse to vote Labour because of the way they lied about going to war in Iraq, and they are a mess. But I think at this present time the very worst thing this country needs is a Tory government. Right now is exactly the time when the rich should contribute a hell of a lot more than they do to try and sort the country out.


This is the key point, people are turning to the Tories simply for a change. There record on all the things that matter is atrocious, education, health and defence. DD started this thread and as member of Her Majesties Royal Navy he should study the Tory defence plans of the early 80’s, to reduce it to a coastal defence force (only prevented because of the Falklands). The order for failed SF Chinooks the aborted Nimrod AWE's was on the Tory watch, they were the first Gov of modern times to make members of the armed forces redundant, and they reduced the military capability with no true plan as soon as the Berlin Wall came down. Whilst this Gov has not provided all that is needed by the armed forces it the Tories record does not give me any confidence that they that David and his utterly incompetent Shadow Defence Minister will do it better.

Hope the Tories dont win.I remember Thatcher,the poll tax,sellin g off all our industries,killing the coal industry etc.

Doubt despite all the spin,they have changed that much,the rich get richer and everyone else just get the crumbs.

But i think Labour are now just as bad.Brown has totally lost it and will face a rebellion in the near future.

That leaves the Lib Dems,but i dont think they know what they would do except tax us to death.

So who do i vote for??



There are now strong characters in politics any more. The Torries will probably win by default. Not because they are the best party but because Middle England are lazy and will vote for that nice Mr Cameron because he deserves a chance and because he is not Labour.


The Lib Dems have been squeezed out because for many years now both Labour and the Tories have fighting over the middle ground. New Labour/Tories/Lib Dems...what is the difference? It probbaly comes down to who has the nicest smile and haircut nowdays.

There are now strong characters in politics any more. The Torries will probably win by default. Not because they are the best party but because Middle England are lazy and will vote for that nice Mr Cameron because he deserves a chance and because he is not Labour.


The Lib Dems have been squeezed out because for many years now both Labour and the Tories have fighting over the middle ground. New Labour/Tories/Lib Dems...what is the difference? It probbaly comes down to who has the nicest smile and haircut nowdays.


Well, they say we get the government we deserve. We're such a celebrity / appearance obsessed society, maybe that's true.

Okay, so we basically agree on income tax, we can put that one to bed.


But your view on council tax is again riddled with hypocricy. You are having a dig at those with higher incomes saying they are all moaning because they might have to pay more tax. Yet at the same time you seem to be supporting the idea that people with low incomes should be able to live in expensive houses they cannot afford. How does it "ruthlessly take from poorer people"? It takes a varying amount depending on the value of the property. If these old people living in large family homes cannot afford to pay the council tax, they should move. You may not think that's fair, but it certainly isn't fair to make other people foot the bill so they can carry on living in a big expensive house.


The last paragraph is just childish. "better off people whinging that they might have to pay some tax. Boo hoo." Nobody is whinging that they might have to pay some tax. The argument is about how much tax and how it should be spread out accross society. Nobody is fronting a "tax increase for household earning less than £xxxx a year policy". Those in the higher tax band already pay more into society, both as a % of their salary and an amount in pounds and pennies.


Correct me if I am wrong, but you seem to be driving at a society where people are taxed different amounts to the extent where the amount they actually get to take home is the same, regardless of income. It's an extreme and ridiculous socialist POV and as people have pointed out, it's just going to lead to a mass exodus of high earners (who happen to be qualified proffessionals).


I'm not supporting any party here. All have their fault. Labour had their chance and f**ked up big time. The Tories are all mouth and no trousers and the Lib Dems seem to just want to stick uber tax on everything.


How many old people do you think there are that live in huge expensive mansions? Most of them will probably be living in family houses that were purchased years ago for very little money.


Of course it ruthlessly takes from the elderly. Let's take a hypothetical old lady, who lives in a house worth about £200,000. She bought it 50 years ago as a family home for a few thousand pounds. Her husband died and she relies on the state pension, with perhaps a little more that she has saved privately. At her age, moving just isn't an option. She is forced to pay the same amount as her neighbour, who is an accountant on, let's say £50,000.


Tell me what is not ruthless about that.


Tax is not just unfair to the old, it's also unfair to the young. Put yourself in the position of a young couple that is trying to fly the nest. Your combined income is abotu £30,000. You have no chance of saving for a deposit, so you settle for renting a flat. The flat is worth £150,000, but it's not yours and you're effectively pouring money down a drain by living there. Your neighbours, in the same house, are a professional middle aged couple who have a combined income of £100,000 and own their property. You have to pay the same amount of council tax as them.


Tell me what is fair about that.


I don't think either bungle or I would want the 'pips to squeak', as it were, but there has to be a fairer way to organise the tax system than this.


With regard to the Tories specifically, they will try to paint themselves as being tough on the rogue bankers. However, it is worth noting that the thousands of poor and in some cases destitute people on incapacity benefits, most of whom are probably genuinely unable to work, were given specific warnings about how their benefits would be cut and they would be forced into any sort of work. The bankers, on the other hand, were told that George Osborne 'reserves the right to tax them' if their bonuses are excessive. He didn't say what was excessive and he didn't say how he would do it. This is because he doesn't intend to follow through his pledge, because he is a Conservative and, therefore, a king of the free market.


With regard to the overall question of the choices available, the two main parties persist with petty arguments over the odd £3-4billion pounds.


Here's a way to knock off tens of billions in one go - abandon trident. We don't need it and it won't help to protect us against the threats of the world in the 21st century.


Here's another - abandon ID cards. We don't need them and they won't stop the thousands of terrorists who are all clearly trying to kill us infidels all of the time.


Which party would do both of these things? Google it.

For what its worth I will give you my point of view in simple terms....


I would rather kill my wife and children and my best mates than EVER vote Conservative.


Thank you for your time, good night. Mr Tickle.


+ 1

Indeed, and remember it was those archetypical Marxists, Thatcher and Reagan, who deregulated the banks beforehand.
Hold it there BTF you are adding to a myth. When Blair came to power he took away the BOE's powers to regulate and let the bankers have a free reign.That is when the excess was started and the BOE was neutered.

I have no time for the bankers who took easy pickings due to the self regulation.

They have won always round and hard working people in the private and public sector will pick up the bill.

The PM was the chancellor during the time when the 125%mortgages were given out, and when it was reported our credit levels were the highest borrowings in history etc.He did nothing. It was obvious you cannot have house prices double and treble when wages are only going up 2-4% for there not to be a major adjustment.If a person cannot put a button down as a deposit then they are not able to pay back a mortgage of 125%.

It was during his watch this happened and so with Blair should shulder the blame.

The bankers earnt massive amounts of money and i doubt only a small percentge of people on here would hold their hand up and say enough is enough this is wrong if they were doing the same, but carry on making their famillies rich forever.

I believe in capitalism and that the people who work hard and do well can help the less able.

If you want to go back to the early 1970s where you had strife throughout the strata and the brain drain you are making a big mistake.

Cameron is not the type of Tory leader that inspires me, but he is more likely to take the tough decisions tha the country needs right now.Brown will throw whatever money he has to, to try and make things look good shortterm so he can cling to power. You have grandchildren i think Im right in saying, if so you are doing them a disservice by defending his policies that they will have to pay back for theior lifetime.Remember when he came to power the counrty was in the black and it is accepted they inherited a golden economy that was about to take off. 10 years of squander and we now are back to where we were where Callaghan and Healey left us.

Taxes will be heaped on us till we squeak, it is not going to be pretty for us whoever is in power.In a strange way i hope Brown wins because he will reap what he has sewn and the left will never again be able to tll us how good they are in power.Winning the next election is a poisoned chalice as they will be blamed for the medicine we now have to take for others misdemeanours.


I am not clever enough to addd to this debate, but sense that most of what people are saying is in fact true (from their perspective at least).


There have been times when I have despised them, and times when I've whooped and hollered, but overall, they only appease people like me every now and then with an empty sound-bite, so I have reached a stage where i just let them get on with it.


When you stop getting het up with politicians, is really is quite refreshing.


By the way, I do still hate Thatcher.


Read Keynes, Nick. And look at this table:




Look at where we are in the table - especially compared to Japan, France, Italy and the US.


Public debt is not an issue and is invariably a 'paper' debt in that all countries with developed economies have it. It only becomes a risk in places like Zimbabwe.


If we had no public debt, you can bet your sweet life we'd all be significantly worse off. Few people working and buying > little in the way of national income from taxation. The economy has to be stimulated to put / keep more people in work and spending.


Sadly the Conservatives don't seem to realise this and that really worries me. They are at odds with the rest of the major economies of the world.

Cameron is not the type of Tory leader that inspires me, but he is more likely to take the tough decisions tha the country needs right now.


I agreed with you until you wrote this. Cameron and his band of Tories will not, I repeat NOT, do anything to stop bankers earning outrageous salaries.


Whatever the Conservatives hint at or allude to, they will not do anything to **** off their mates in the city.


They won't do anything to stop pubs from going out of business either, despite all their bluster. Saving pubs would entail regulating against Asda selling vodka cheaper than orange juice.


They are the kings of the free market and care only about businesses making money, because that is how they see society progressing.


It's time to wake up. They will say anything to get our votes, but, in reality, they will just let us all down.

I thought it was a common knowledge that The Times was pro-Labour. Murdoch is a well know Labour donor isn't he?


Murdoch's flag ship Red Top (ie the Sun) has recently come out in favour of Cameron.


So our favourite Aussie/American Media Mogul has jumped ship it appears

I agreed with you until you wrote this. Cameron and his band of Tories will not, I repeat NOT, do anything to stop bankers earning outrageous salaries.


Whatever the Conservatives hint at or allude to, they will not do anything to **** off their mates in the city.


They won't do anything to stop pubs from going out of business either, despite all their bluster. Saving pubs would entail regulating against Asda selling vodka cheaper than orange juice.


They are the kings of the free market and care only about businesses making money, because that is how they see society progressing.


It's time to wake up. They will say anything to get our votes, but, in reality, they will just let us all down.

Thats the problem no government can afford to lose the City and the4y have us by the short and curlies.They generate so much wealth that the country that doesnt create much else cannot afford to lose them.

Pubs are going out of business due to the fact that the whole culture has changed and most of the pubs are run more as property companies rather than selling beers for the brewery.

if i was PM Id legalise prostitution, drugs and cut back on supermarkets selling cheap booze.

The idle would work and the frail and weak looked after.The City would be encouraged to make money so that it could spread down the food chain.Excessive bonusses would be frowned at though

They will say anything to get our votes, but, in reality, they will just let us all down.

The truest sentence on this entire thread. Sums up politicians of all persuasions.

LOL! Oh please shut up. Typical Thatcherite tripe.


Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher were the greatest leaders of the twentieth century. Both were Tory.


Margaret Thatcher inheritted a Socialist car crash and fixed a broken Britain.


David Cameron will find himself in a similar position to Thatcher with the country broke and the public sector layabouts going on strike. From the comments at the Conservative conference it is clear that the wallers in the public sector are not going to be pay rises and nor should they. Private sector workers are having to accept pay freezes so the layabout teachers and post office workers will have to accept pay freezes too.


Under Cameron we will have a leader that will not shirk from the tough decisions needed to fix the problems caused by 12 years of Labour and it's policy of rewarding the lazy and penalising the workers. It's time to get the slobs off benefits and drag them kicking and screaming to the workhouses.

Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher were the greatest leaders of the twentieth century. Both were Tory.


Margaret Thatcher inheritted a Socialist car crash and fixed a broken Britain.


David Cameron will find himself in a similar position to Thatcher with the country broke and the public sector layabouts going on strike. From the comments at the Conservative conference it is clear that the wallers in the public sector are not going to be pay rises and nor should they. Private sector workers are having to accept pay freezes so the layabout teachers and post office workers will have to accept pay freezes too.


Under Cameron we will have a leader that will not shirk from the tough decisions needed to fix the problems caused by 12 years of Labour and it's policy of rewarding the lazy and penalising the workers. It's time to get the slobs off benefits and drag them kicking and screaming to the workhouses.


I fear that you'll not win many friends on here with comments like that, and I'm not saying that I disagree with you either.

Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher were the greatest leaders of the twentieth century. Both were Tory.


Margaret Thatcher inheritted a Socialist car crash and fixed a broken Britain.


David Cameron will find himself in a similar position to Thatcher with the country broke and the public sector layabouts going on strike. From the comments at the Conservative conference it is clear that the wallers in the public sector are not going to be pay rises and nor should they. Private sector workers are having to accept pay freezes so the layabout teachers and post office workers will have to accept pay freezes too.


Under Cameron we will have a leader that will not shirk from the tough decisions needed to fix the problems caused by 12 years of Labour and it's policy of rewarding the lazy and penalising the workers. It's time to get the slobs off benefits and drag them kicking and screaming to the workhouses.


What a deluded mong you are.


I just hope you've not been able to breed.

Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher were the greatest leaders of the twentieth century. Both were Tory.


Margaret Thatcher inheritted a Socialist car crash and fixed a broken Britain.


David Cameron will find himself in a similar position to Thatcher with the country broke and the public sector layabouts going on strike. From the comments at the Conservative conference it is clear that the wallers in the public sector are not going to be pay rises and nor should they. Private sector workers are having to accept pay freezes so the layabout teachers and post office workers will have to accept pay freezes too.


Under Cameron we will have a leader that will not shirk from the tough decisions needed to fix the problems caused by 12 years of Labour and it's policy of rewarding the lazy and penalising the workers. It's time to get the slobs off benefits and drag them kicking and screaming to the workhouses.

Bit of a sweeping statement there dune.Did you ever live through the Thatcher years?Poll tax,riots and a lot of social unrest during her time in office,so i guess a lot of people disagree with you.

Most people at the time thought she was going to be voted out early on,but then the Falklands happened and she was voted back in on a wave of patriotism.

But in the end she became so bad and unpopular,that even her own party turned on her,because like the rest of the country(and Europe),they had had enough.

As for "layabout teachers and post workers",well i hope you havent got any kids that need teaching or letters that need delivering.

What a deluded mong you are.


I just hope you've not been able to breed.


Bit of a low blow. 'Our political opinions are contradictory therefore I wish your kind to be eradicated from the gene pool!'


Easy tiger!!!! :o

Bit of a low blow. 'Our political opinions are contradictory therefore I wish your kind to be eradicated from the gene pool!'


Easy tiger!!!! :o


Nope, fair.


People with an IQ that means that they reach conclusions such as that shouldn't be allowed to breed.


I'm comfortable that Dune would love to see an end to immigration and repatriation of those who are not "British" as well and a withdrawal from Europe.

Nope, fair.


People with an IQ that means that they reach conclusions such as that shouldn't be allowed to breed.


I'm comfortable that Dune would love to see an end to immigration and repatriation of those who are not "British" as well and a withdrawal from Europe.


Descrimination against those who are stupid. What an elitist thing to say. ;)

Nope, fair.


People with an IQ that means that they reach conclusions such as that shouldn't be allowed to breed.


I'm comfortable that Dune would love to see an end to immigration and repatriation of those who are not "British" as well and a withdrawal from Europe.


So someone who doesn't agree with your views shouldn't exist?........nice :cool:

No. Rabid right wingers with neo-fascist leanings shouldn't be allowed to breed.


Have you written Mein Kampf for the rabid right wingers. What other inspiration do you get from hitler?

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