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Can anyone see Cortese putting up with this much longer ?


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I thought we had a 5-year plan - not a 5 minute one?!?!


Naaah - we all said that just so Markus would get his wallet out. Now he's paid we want instant mate, instant...!


I seem to recall that MM at Wolves didn't have a great start - many of thier fans wanted rid of him - strange old world.

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He knew what he was walking into, it was always going to take time and we where playing the team in THIRD place in the league tonight.


Some would argue that they are c.20 places above us because of our stalled start to the season, not because they are c.20 places better than us per se.


If, hypothetically, the season was starting this Saturday who would you say had the better team on paper, us or Bristol Rovers? And would you rank them c.20 places above us?

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Naaah - we all said that just so Markus would get his wallet out. Now he's paid we want instant mate, instant...!


I seem to recall that MM at Wolves didn't have a great start - many of thier fans wanted rid of him - strange old world.


Ask the stoke fans what they thought of Pullis a few seasons ago....


they hated him - they were chanting him out etc, but the board were strong and it worked out int he end. They're in the premiership...pushing to become an established mid-table team now. Crazy.


Thats what i hope we have now - a strong board. don't get me wrong...I don't want us to stick with a guy if it's clearly not working, but i hope we've seen an end to these knee-jerked quick fixes and changes. 10 games is not enough time in a 5 year plan to make such a huge decision.

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I think you'll find that there are some amongst our fanbase, that are tired of watching our team serve up the same old sh*te that they have done for the last 2 years, with not much sign of improvement. We have a manager who although improving the squad in some ways hasn't addressed the problem of pace which we have suffered with for so long, and who also is not getting the performances and results from what is now his team. So how long before everyone is allowed to be concerned, perhaps when we have spent £3 million on players and are struggling to get out of the conference relegation zone?


I'm not saying that sacking Pardew is the answer, but someone needs to give him a kick up the arse to get him to give our under performing players a good kick to their over inflated ego's and to get him to bring in some players with pace and a resolve to prove themselves capable of playing at a higher level.


At the moment our team is not feared by the opposition, for proof of that, you only have to read Trollope's comments posted earlier, teams know that they will only need one or two chances to get something out of us, as we are not strong enough to either kill off or control the game.


I think we all desperately want Pardew to succeed, but what we don't want is to have to wait for either another relegation or for another relegation battle before he does, so please Mr Pardew pull your finger out of your ar*e, and give us performances and results that we can be proud of!

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Absolute b0ll0x. Sorry, but man for man they are sh*t compared to us. And we were at home. No excuses, the club is better than that.


They know how to play as a team, create chances and take their chances. Unlike us at this moment in time. They are a playoff team.

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If we change the manager, we'll be in league 2 next season, guaranteed. If we stick with Pardew, we might stay up. In fact, I think we will stay up. Those calling for Pardew's head are just trying to find someone to blame, which is ridiculous.

Statistically if we continue as we are we will be in league 2 next season

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Sorry, I cannot. He's an experienced professional who has given huge support to the manager and players who arent delivering.


I expect to see more changes in personnel over the next couple of months.


You talk some real s**t. Watch a game, maybe two, even three, preferably in a row -compare things with where we've been, not where you want us to be. Steady improvement -and that's all we can hope for in the absence of a miracle- won't be sufficient to exorcise past dysfunctions (and you were eloquent in detailing those).


To avoid facile generalisations (that's your strong suit), consider that before Saturday, nobody knew that Lambert and Lallana upfront would hit it off. This is NEW and the rest of team needs time to adapt, especially since Lallana is not a conventional centre forward. Playing Lallana down the middle, however, has emptied the left hand side and exposed Harding. This is a NEW problem and playing a right-footer like Mellis is no solution. Experimenting with Mills and preferably Holmes -neither of whom have played much first-team football this season will again require time.


Also consider that Jaidi played only his third game for us tonight-and second in four days. He is a NEW player and so needs time. Ditto with Papa Waigo for whom tonight was his full debut and big things are expected given the lack of pace in the team. NEW injuries at RB meanwhile have complicated things, making us depressingly too reliant on youth again.


Of course, all teams have to deal with injuries etc but this is a NEW team with little continuity and confidence (what disappointed me tonight was the sense of deja vu with Millwall, how brittle we looked when confronted with a fightback and a swing in momentum). But therein lie some of the positives - apart from the fact that we scored wice from open play (5 goals in 3 games now), we managed to restore the lead for a second time when in the past we might have crumbled after the first equaliser.


Perhaps, these are no more than crumbs of comfort. I prefer to interpret them as signs of improvement but ones that must be built on to mean anything. But improving we are...

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You talk some real s**t. Watch a game, maybe two, even three, preferably in a row -compare things with where we've been, not where you want us to be. Steady improvement -and that's all we can hope for in the absence of a miracle- won't be sufficient to exorcise past dysfunctions (and you were eloquent in detailing those).


Oh he's seen 2 games earlier this season so he's qualified to make a judgement on tonight's game, don't you know!


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Sorry, I cannot. He's an experienced professional who has given huge support to the manager and players who arent delivering.


I expect to see more changes in personnel over the next couple of months.


We should stick with the current set up as long as possible.


We have the backing to not 'knee jerk' react to the current problems - I really believe giving time to someone is the key, a luxury we've not had for many years and see where the previous few years debacle got us.


Remember Ferguson was 1 game away from being sacked.

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The usual foot-stamping taking place, I see.


Fact of the matter, Cortese is the custodian for MLs asset, or investment, or whatever you want to call it. If he feels his boss isnt getting the response or return (in whatever denomination, such as entertainment, that you feel is most important to ML), then he will be duty bound to take action where he sees fit.


ML and Cortese may well be here for the long haul, but that doesnt preclude wanting to see evidence of improvement, in whatever small steps they deem satisfactory.


9 points from 10 games, and still in the negative come October, is not good enough.

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If we change the manager, we'll be in league 2 next season, guaranteed. If we stick with Pardew, we might stay up. In fact, I think we will stay up. Those calling for Pardew's head are just trying to find someone to blame, which is ridiculous.


Well someone must be to blame for our performances I would have thought usually the manager but often Lowe.


And Alpine above is quite correct


ML and Cortese may well be here for the long haul, but that doesnt preclude wanting to see evidence of improvement, in whatever small steps they deem satisfactory.


9 points from 10 games, and still in the negative come October, is not good enough.

Edited by John B
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We have too many "good players" just to be looking to stay in the league this season. I am sure that ML and our new chairman will not have spent alot of money for league one just to stay up.


Just staying up is very negative. If we had only bought in A couple of players then survival would have been seen as success but we havnt we have made a statement to the rest of the league by buying Lambert, Hammond and jahidi.

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It all a bit headless chicken on here this morning,nothing new there then!


As much as it pains me to say it Bristol Rovers were good last night,they play as a team with width and speed.

I think the key is 'they play as a team'In other words the whole is better than the sum of the parts.

I know what some will say,but we have a lot of new players,they need time to gell and learn to play together as a team.... it will come.

Be patient people.

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So if we are well adrift by Xmas (which so far could well happen) then we must stick with pardew for continuity sake?

I think you've hit the nail on the head there DD. All we're seeing at the moment is a difference of opinion on the amount of time Pardew should be given, and not a difference of opinion about whether a given manager should go if he is not coming up with the goods. I think most would agree that there comes s point in time where it feels right to change the management.


Is there anyone on here who would keep a manager in place indefinitely regardless of the results he delivers? Not many I'd venture.


So we're just dealing with differences of opinion aboutthe timing if such an event.

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I think you've hit the nail on the head there DD. All we're seeing at the moment is a difference of opinion on the amount of time Pardew should be given, and not a difference of opinion about whether a given manager should go if he is not coming up with the goods. I think most would agree that there comes s point in time where it feels right to change the management.


Is there anyone on here who would keep a manager in place indefinitely regardless of the results he delivers? Not many I'd venture.


So we're just dealing with differences of opinion aboutthe timing if such an event.


It also depends what peoples targets/expectations for the season are. God forbid we're in the same position by Xmas but even if we were, we still wouldn't be cut adrift.

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I really feel that Pardew is currently under performing right now. Whatever business you are in, if you have spent the money we have thus far plus the players he has inherited when he got here, to take 9 points from 10 games is very poor.


Are we the only side that never seems to get a lift from a new manager?? i see Boothroyd is already weaving his magic at Colchester and likewise Lambert at Norwich so no more excuses about not having a pre-season etc.


He has been given the money to spend and he has still not turned it round, how much longer should he have? we are short on pace, we are short on width and short on strikers. He should of dipped into the market to get a partner for Lambert, we are woefully short on goals and creation. He is also showing a horrible trait of picking favourites and excluding the likes of Holmes and Gillett who can do a job for us and are not getting a chance.


I am all for stability but this is a results business. The season is already a write off, when we should of been aiming for 6th position and will now be low mid-table. I think it ultimately comes down to the owners, i don't think progress on a snail pace is going to be what Mr Liebherr wants. He wants to be watching Prem football with his pals in a few years, without being ungrateful i think he maybe needs to start putting his hand in his pocket again if we want quicker results.


Overall i am not happy with Pards thus far, he says all the right things but actions speak louder than words. At the end of the day we were outdone by a former Torquay striker (Kuffour) who they got on a free and a Charlton reserve striker. Pards has been given the tools but he still can't make it work. I would give him until the Christmas period, if we are still in the bottom 3 he needs to go. We have lofty expectations for this club and they need to be matched by a manager who can get us there.


The finger is twitching on the trigger but its not time to pull it yet

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wotte done better than this last season in a tougher league.

and with a worse squad

im seriously startin to think if wotte had been kept on and had the chance to bring in his own people like jp saeijs and denneboom etc we would be doing better than we are now


it loooks like pardew is bringing in the right singings and talks a good game

but the results are as bad as you can imigine 9 points from 10 games simply not good enough

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So you've now transfered your Burly out obsession to Pardew..

I know let's change the manager again NOT...




Sorry, I cannot. He's an experienced professional who has given huge support to the manager and players who arent delivering.


I expect to see more changes in personnel over the next couple of months.

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What is important is that the powers that be at this club totally IGNORE (and if possible do the opposite of) the prevailing view of the morons on here.


I quite agree. Too many knee jerk, non match going, thick ****s with the attention span of a house fly.


What be long before they are saying how things weren't that bad under Lowe etc.....



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I think you'll find that there are some amongst our fanbase, that are tired of watching our team serve up the same old sh*te that they have done for the last 2 years, with not much sign of improvement. We have a manager who although improving the squad in some ways hasn't addressed the problem of pace which we have suffered with for so long, and who also is not getting the performances and results from what is now his team. So how long before everyone is allowed to be concerned, perhaps when we have spent £3 million on players and are struggling to get out of the conference relegation zone?


... sacking Pardew is the answer





Very well put, I concur absolutely even adopting the poetic licence your subtext allows.


Even the much vaunted 'new solidity in defence' was found out last night to be just another smoke-screen of ineptitude from a management, out of its depth, rudderless and bankrupt of ideas.


I fear I cannot put up with much more of this endless cycle of misery that is Being a Saints fan.


We should adopt as our motto "In Defence we are crap, in Attack we are crap" suitably embellished in latin of course as that was the local lingo around here when we last looked capable of winning a football match

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ML and Cortese may well be here for the long haul, but that doesnt preclude wanting to see evidence of improvement, in whatever small steps they deem satisfactory.


9 points from 10 games, and still in the negative come October, is not good enough.


In your opinion Alpine, in your opinion.


Maybe they are happy with what they've seen so far, coming from outside of the circus that is Southampton they have no preconceptions.

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Very well put, I concur absolutely even adopting the poetic licence your subtext allows.


Even the much vaunted 'new solidity in defence' was found out last night to be just another smoke-screen of ineptitude from a management, out of its depth, rudderless and bankrupt of ideas.


I fear I cannot put up with much more of this endless cycle of misery that is Being a Saints fan.


We should adopt as our motto "In Defence we are crap, in Attack we are crap" suitably embellished in latin of course as that was the local lingo around here when we last looked capable of winning a football match


I thought Arse nal won yesterday?

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I'm incredibly disappointed after last night. It was a cracking game but you just knew we weren't going to hang on to the lead. As to sacking the manager, well what's the point? Will it really make much difference? A new manager would be back to square one. Part of me agrees with a previous poster that we are cursed. Even with the club being saved the footballing side appears to be on a never ending downward spiral. I just cannot understand it.


I would persist with AP, even if (preparing to be slated) we go down to Div 2.


I asked my mate last night (a neutral Boro fan) for an impartial view. He thought the teams were matched, we perhaps shaded it but felt our problem was in the midfield.

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Perhaps you should follow cricket. What a ridiculous post!


The team is slowly coming together. Tonight at times we played beautiful stuff. Whe we were 2-1 up if we'd scored the next goal we would have gone on and won easily. Sadly they levelled and then worryingly we collapsed and AP's subs make little sense to me. Mills should be on loan somewhere - he's not good enough. Papa was poor and we went to sleep for their winner Apart from that there were a lot of positives.


I agree with most of that, but Papa was not poor. He set up two clear chances for players to have what was in effect a penalty opportunity: a clear shot with only the keeper to beat from 12 yards, only for their keeper to make 2 world class saves. He doesn't speak English and has been in Italy for quite a few seasons, he will be a good player for us, no doubt.

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show me a better and more able coach who is available and willing to come to a League 1 club....we need to be realistic about who are we and the situation we're in.....I agree we're underperforming at the moment, but instability has killed us for the past 10 years and it's not what we need right now.....the club may have stabilised but the team, as yet, haven't had the opportunity to do the same......




It is disgusting.


For the players we have, to only have 9 points from 10 games is an absolute tragedy and the blame must fall on Pardew. If we fail to beat Gillingham, he must be sacked. A message needs to be sent to these f*cking useless sh*tes somehow and what better to sack a coach.


This team by now should be outside the official relegation zone, no excuses. It is a disgrace, I hope they were boooooed off the pitch. 1 win in 10. Yuck. This is League 1. LEAGUE ONE!!!!!


I can never see us ever having a good season ever again. The club is now cursed. Players come here and play rubbish. They having losing mentalities. Relegation now looks assured and I can see us struggling in League Two next season as well, because the club is a joke.

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Irrelevant what he knows or doesn't know about running a football club. It has to run like any business on results. If the manager doesn't deliver then a review has to take place, reports delivered on progress and forecasts given. No business, club can run on 'giving someone time' for ever. You have to draw a line in the sand somewhere and there will always be a variant in opinion on where exactly you draw that line - Cortese will know where and when AP has crossed that line. The owner of Saints didn't get where he is today by standing by dead ducks when they're not producing. Very rich people are ruthless backers of winners - I back his judgement or at least his man on the case Cortese to deliver the right decision whether it's backing or sacking.


Wasn't AP given a long contract? Sacking him will cost quite a bit. I cannot see that happening. Actually, I'm not sure he'd be sacked even if we get relegated.

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I'm all for giving Pardew time to sort it out, but it's worrying that Boothroyd took over at Colchester, who had lost their manager, captain and one of their best players (Jackson) and yet he's managed to chalk up 2 wins already in the space of a month.


Since Boothroyd took over at the start of September, they've taken the same amount of points as Pardew has mustered since the start of the season.


I appreciate our problems were worse than theirs when each of the respective managers took over, but it puts things into perspective.

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I fear I cannot put up with much more of this endless cycle of misery that is Being a Saints fan.


We should adopt as our motto "In Defence we are crap, in Attack we are crap" suitably embellished in latin of course as that was the local lingo around here when we last looked capable of winning a football match


I thought Arse nal won yesterday?


Good shout shurlock, when a poster states he will take up the invitation of a season ticket at the Emirates he loses credibility on a Southampton Fans Forum

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I'm all for giving Pardew time to sort it out, but it's worrying that Boothroyd took over at Colchester, who had lost their manager, captain and one of their best players (Jackson) and yet he's managed to chalk up 2 wins already in the space of a month.


Since Boothroyd took over at the start of September, they've taken the same amount of points as Pardew has mustered since the start of the season.


I appreciate our problems were worse than theirs when each of the respective managers took over, but it puts things into perspective.


And people vilified me when I said I'd prefer Boothroyd when AP was appointed...ummm

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Our problems lay in the minus 10 awarded to us by the Football League or the FA or whoever it was. That is a major psychological barrier and it has been harder than expected to get rid of the minus points. Whoever said at the start of the season that we would walk this league were seriously deluded, anyone with an ounce of sense would see that this season would be tough. I guarantee if we started on 0, and we now had 9 points from 9 games, people would be saying "Give it time, we'll gain momentum" etc etc, but because we are -1, it seems automatic for people to be calling for the manager's head and slating every Saints player under the sun.

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show me a better and more able coach who is available and willing to come to a League 1 club....we need to be realistic about who are we and the situation we're in.....I agree we're underperforming at the moment, but instability has killed us for the past 10 years and it's not what we need right now.....the club may have stabilised but the team, as yet, haven't had the opportunity to do the same......


Well, Sven Goran Eriksson was prepared to manage a team in the division below this one. Is he better than Pardew or not?

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