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And men don't have health issues too? I work in a police station full of women who I suspect have sex and could get pregnant, should they not be allowed to do the job either?


No you are right, they should be at home ironing our shirts and hoovering the carpets.


I think somthing just flew right over your head...!

  • 7 months later...

I blame the trolley dollies (male and Female) for women going on submarines.

The novelty of the mile high club has lost its appeal. they want a new challenge


the 50 fathoms deep club. ( By the how deep is a fathom)

yep..women will serve on USS California


I still think we wont follow suit just yet


I reckon that a workplace nowadays requires a balanced mix of male and female attributes. Testosterone is a funny thing and needs tempering imho with a fair dose of oestrogen.


Perhaps the UK subs already have the right mix on men and nancy boys ergo women are superfluous.





nothing is to be gained from having women on our subs...the hazardous issues still remain


I disagree dd, a woman won't **** you up the arse.


That would be a plus in my book mate, do you not agree?;)


I have fathomed out how long a fathom is. Its 2 yards


So based on this anybody having sex a mile underwater on a sub would become members of the 880 fathom club


Maybe Dell Days already hsa his membership tie:rolleyes:

I have fathomed out how long a fathom is. Its 2 yards


So based on this anybody having sex a mile underwater on a sub would become members of the 880 fathom club


Maybe Dell Days already hsa his membership tie:rolleyes:

more of a cufflink

  • 4 weeks later...
they are now on about women fighting in ALL front line combat units.....


all down hill from here people


I work with the military and some of the 'females' would struggle to get into a sub let alone add anything else. I can't see how adding women submariners would enhance the working capabilities of the Seamen..........


Women within the front line Army would be a significant step in the wrong direction IMO. Again, how would placing a member of the fairer (and physically weaker) sex into an arduous environment enhance the Army? In a Force where you are totally reliant on your fellow comrades to cover you and 'get your back' I wonder how many would be keen to have a female 'buddy' tagging along. Not a sexist thing - it just happens to be a reality.


Don't get me wrong, there are roles for females in the military - however, these should be restricted to areas where they can provide a positive input. To create a parallel with civvy street, you don't see many female builders or road workers do you? and this is predominantly because the work is suited (physically) to their more able male counterparts.

I work with the military and some of the 'females' would struggle to get into a sub let alone add anything else. I can't see how adding women submariners would enhance the working capabilities of the Seamen..........


Women within the front line Army would be a significant step in the wrong direction IMO. Again, how would placing a member of the fairer (and physically weaker) sex into an arduous environment enhance the Army? In a Force where you are totally reliant on your fellow comrades to cover you and 'get your back' I wonder how many would be keen to have a female 'buddy' tagging along. Not a sexist thing - it just happens to be a reality.


Don't get me wrong, there are roles for females in the military - however, these should be restricted to areas where they can provide a positive input. To create a parallel with civvy street, you don't see many female builders or road workers do you? and this is predominantly because the work is suited (physically) to their more able male counterparts.



I agree...you gain absolutely nothing by allowing women to serve on subs (and say, front line units)...you can only lose in this situation

  • 5 months later...

There are clearly specific real close up face to face fighting where bayonets are fixed and used that women will not be able to undertake. They do work very close to the front line and for those that do not remember 7 females have lost their lives in iraq and afghan. a couple where intelligence corps and a couple were medics who were right at the front line when they got zapped. Oh and not to forget the female medics who have been awarded bravery medals fro rescuing badly injured colleagues whilst under gunfire


yes lets have females in boats (Just to **** of delldays)

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