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Decent small camera required.


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For work mainly, just need something that can take pictures of a good detail, from a fairly close up distance (in order to capture things like text etc,) and must be a reasonable price (under £100.)


I know absolutely nothing about cameras, anyone have any ideas?

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Seriously Colin if you'd asked me yesterday I could have got you this for £50



It's a panasonic ls85 which is supposed to be a very good bit of kit which retails at anything up to £100. I had the thing iin my hand today but due to money being tight I had to let it go. I know the bloke had a couple to sell plus some nice Sony 10MP ones, I could ask him when I see him next week but can't be sure as it was a steal. Pardon the pun, they are not stolen.

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I know a man - well, flattened dessert item really ;) - who no doubt would recommend one of these...




Not bad for £59.00.


I won't post any links to the pics it can take, as I'm sure he'll be along later and we wouldn't want to spoil his thunder :D

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I'll believe you, thousands wouldn't. :p


I need to clear any purchase with the managing director either way, but in the price ranges specified and at the prices stated, shouldn't be an issue.


I could probably knock you up a receipt too, no problem. How many would you want?




Only joshing Col. Thanks for being so trusting.

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