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There was a very moving programme (Panorama?) on TV last week about African refugees and the huge lengths they go to to escape the deprivations in their own countries. Many die en route, crossing deserts and so on. To risk that, conditions in their own countries must be appalling.


I would travel the length and breadth of the world if I, or my family, was starving, oppressed or disenfranchised. I imagine these poor souls are doing exactly the same.


But that's kind of the point that gets people agitated. The fact that so many travel straight through main land Europe and try every trick in the book to get into Britain while waiting months at Calais. If I was really fleeing for my life, then I'd be thankful that I'd reached the first safe country I'd got to and count my blessings and stop there.


There was a story in the Evening Standard last year of an Afghan family living in £1million + home in Ealing, all courtesy of the British tax payer, furthermore they complained that it had much less space for them than their old house back in Afghan. they had a wide-screen TV, playstation etc. Extreme example I know, but surely you must understand how that would frustrate those who work their b***s off their whole life in this country without ever coming close to living in such a house?


And just because there are "indigenous scum" who milk the benefit system, does not mean that it is therefore OK to add to this in anyway from immigrants coming in.

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But that's kind of the point that gets people agitated. The fact that so many travel straight through main land Europe and try every trick in the book to get into Britain while waiting months at Calais. If I was really fleeing for my life, then I'd be thankful that I'd reached the first safe country I'd got to and count my blessings and stop there.


What a crock of crap. Sorry, but if you think that all immigrants head straight for Britain you're WAY off the mark.


If you think of immigration per capita, where do you think we would be in the world? Top 5? After all they come flooding here don't they? Top 10 surely?


Nope, We're 37th!


We're not even in the top 10 for EUROPE!




And if you're going to tell me that these stats are from 2005 and not up-to-date, then

Individuals seeking asylum in the United Kingdom has remained broadly at the same level over the past four years.


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What a crock of crap. Sorry, but if you think that all immigrants head straight for Britain you're WAY off the mark.


If you think of immigration per capita, where do you think we would be in the world? Top 5? After all they come flooding here don't they? Top 10 surely?


Nope, We're 37th!


We're not even in the top 10 for EUROPE!




And if you're going to tell me that these stats are from 2005 and not up-to-date, then




A delightful start to a response from the message board admin. take your time to read my post. I don't for a second suggest that all immigrants head straight to this country. I am sure that we're well down the list. And so we should be as an overcrowded island in the north-west of Europe. My issue is with those individulas that do head straight through numerous safe european countries and spend months trying every trick in the book to get into this country. Have you ever thought why they try so hard while currently being in main land France? If you were genuinely fleeing for your life you would stop in the first safe country you came to. The majority that come here are econmic migrants. Yes, if I could signigficantly better myslef by moving across the world, I would possibly try to do the same. However, as I have asked above, at what level would you class as an acceptable level of immigration into this country? I take it you agree that there should be some kind of limit?

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hmm..if Gingeletiss posted a link to counter your view from the daily mail..im sure you wont dismiss it out of hand....no sireee


If it was in the Mail I'd read it but with a degree of scepticism.


The Guardian, whilst left-leaning, does present a balanced view on topical issues. Reading the link I provided would show that to be the case.


Both papers serve their readership. Make of that what you will.

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What a crock of crap. Sorry, but if you think that all immigrants head straight for Britain you're WAY off the mark.


If you think of immigration per capita, where do you think we would be in the world? Top 5? After all they come flooding here don't they? Top 10 surely?


Nope, We're 37th!


We're not even in the top 10 for EUROPE!




And if you're going to tell me that these stats are from 2005 and not up-to-date, then




Some interesting stuff in these links. For example, from the UK border agency site "In the first half of 2009, 30,435 people illegally in the United Kingdom were removed or voluntarily departed from the country, including 2,550 foreign prisoners." Maybe it's just me being a rabid, right-wing extremist, but is any one else shocked that there were 2,550 foreign prisoners to deport in the first place! Yes, getting even further off topic now I know......

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Because we offer free hospitals and free education.


Funny how the subject has gone from muslim extremists to "keep out them bloody immigrants"... just like EDL's message I should imagine... ooops, shh, no, its all about the extremists.

not a suprise to me its their agenda and you can see posters on here with their own pet hates.

i am more worried about the work shy and layabouts and spongers who have been on the dole for year and houseing benefits and who we keep paying for,then these micky mouse toytown soldiers.

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not a suprise to me its their agenda and you can see posters on here with their own pet hates.

i am more worried about the work shy and layabouts and spongers who have been on the dole for year and houseing benefits and who we keep paying for,then these micky mouse toytown soldiers.



what than Muslim extremists that would rather YOU were dead..?



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not a suprise to me its their agenda and you can see posters on here with their own pet hates.

i am more worried about the work shy and layabouts and spongers who have been on the dole for year and houseing benefits and who we keep paying for,then these micky mouse toytown soldiers.


But in a number of substantial national polls/surveys over the last few years - when the ordinary British man/woman in the street was asked what concerns them most about living in modern-day Britain today; employment/job security' housing, the NHS, etc - immigration (especially illegal immigration) featured high up on their list. After all - shouldn't we know the name of every single person living in the UK today?


As for the work-shy dossers; a good honest hard-working mate of mine has a 22-year old son who's one of the laziest little basturds you'll ever come across. I think he's actually worked about 3 weeks in just as many years! It drives my mate mad. Anyway - he said to me recently: "Can you believe this government actually pay him money every week - just to stay in bed 'til one o'clock in the afternoon?" And therein lays the problem...

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But in a number of substantial national polls/surveys over the last few years - when the ordinary British man/woman in the street was asked what concerns them most about living in modern-day Britain today; employment/job security' housing, the NHS, etc - immigration (especially illegal immigration) featured high up on their list. After all - shouldn't we know the name of every single person living in the UK today?


As for the work-shy dossers; a good honest hard-working mate of mine has a 22-year old son who's one of the laziest little basturds you'll ever come across. I think he's actually worked about 3 weeks in just as many years! It drives my mate mad. Anyway - he said to me recently: "Can you believe this government actually pay him money every week - just to stay in bed 'til one o'clock in the afternoon?" And therein lays the problem...


it amazes me that dole is not stopped if you have been out of work for over 5 years.

Edited by solentstars
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You will be banging your head against a brick wall. That is an opinion shared by many............but alas, we are labelled racist. In this country now, it appears that the minority view holds the biggest say, as they are the most vocal.


Your previous posts on this thread indicate a serious misunderstanding of the reality of the situation, but this statement is just plain stupid. The minority has the biggest say? Are you serious? I made a decision to stay out of this debate as it is a pointless one because people like you cannot be reasoned with and will believe any old nonsense, as you have just proved. Can you provide any examples where the minority is having the biggest say?

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Your previous posts on this thread indicate a serious misunderstanding of the reality of the situation, but this statement is just plain stupid. The minority has the biggest say? Are you serious? I made a decision to stay out of this debate as it is a pointless one because people like you cannot be reasoned with and will believe any old nonsense, as you have just proved. Can you provide any examples where the minority is having the biggest say?


Um yes...................several polls have said that Immigration, and in particular, Illegal Immigration is an area of great concern to them. This in turn is poo pooe by a select bunch of MP's, who are in fact a minority, as they speak only for themselves. The same for the issue on hanging/fuel/NHS/Dentists.........the list is endless. It is a well known fact, that the majority of the population, are in fact the quiet majority, but you believe what you want.


On this thread......just read back and see which group are throwing out all the insults.


Further, I don't need a lecture from you my friend.....Kiddies corner is littered with idiotic postings from you

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Um yes...................several polls have said that Immigration, and in particular, Illegal Immigration is an area of great concern to them. This in turn is poo pooe by a select bunch of MP's, who are in fact a minority, as they speak only for themselves. The same for the issue on hanging/fuel/NHS/Dentists.........the list is endless. It is a well known fact, that the majority of the population, are in fact the quiet majority, but you believe what you want.


On this thread......just read back and see which group are throwing out all the insults.


Further, I don't need a lecture from you my friend.....Kiddies corner is littered with idiotic postings from you


what nonsense


cant even believe that you bothered to write this idiocy. you are clearly completely delusional

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Your previous posts on this thread indicate a serious misunderstanding of the reality of the situation, but this statement is just plain stupid. The minority has the biggest say? Are you serious? I made a decision to stay out of this debate as it is a pointless one because people like you cannot be reasoned with and will believe any old nonsense, as you have just proved. Can you provide any examples where the minority is having the biggest say?

i think you sussed him out by his postings which show where he is comeing from ,and we the majority are those who vote at the ballot box and elect our own governments good or bad. ,

Edited by solentstars
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As for the work-shy dossers; a good honest hard-working mate of mine has a 22-year old son who's one of the laziest little basturds you'll ever come across. I think he's actually worked about 3 weeks in just as many years! It drives my mate mad. Anyway - he said to me recently: "Can you believe this government actually pay him money every week - just to stay in bed 'til one o'clock in the afternoon?" And therein lays the problem...


Can you clarify whether this person is an Asian - I need to know work out whether or not to be outraged.

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Funny but valid point, well made Deano. It would not surprise me if blind people were banned from joining these groups, as they are too easily hoodwinked into holding converstions with non whites. Maybe they could train their guide dogs to sniff out Asians, but then you wouldn't need the blind person as he would hinder the dog's valuable work.

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i tend to think 2 years because their are some genuine people who need help ,but if you have been claiming benefit and houseing and are capeble of working it should stop full stop.


6 months is the maximum Jobseekers you can get based on your NI, after that it is means tested and Housing Benefit is always means tested. Trouble is of course if you are unemployed for a lengthy peroid you are almost certainly not to have the means to live on so you end up getting Jobseekers ( Income based) AND HB.

The Jobcentre does have various programmes you are obliged to attend if you are out of work for a year but that by no means guarantees a job.

Amongst many things the problems include:


a) Too few staff working in Jobcentres and far too much for them to do which actually demotivates them as well as their clients.

b) Atrocious management at many Jobcentres which actually ( and not surprisingly) filters down from the very top. It often means that those staff who are actually capable of doing a good job ( many are not TBH) are prevented from doing so as they are asked to work in a way which is not effecient and get branded as trouble makers if they dare to argue the point.

c) Too much emphasis based on achieving non achievable targets which means staff are under even more pressure ( again from the top) to try to achieve these targets and this not only promotes a feeling you need to cheat to try to get even close but also acts against team working.

d) Too many of the firms who advertise via the Jobcentre are appalling, take the mickey in respect of salaries and even in some cases mislead in their job adverts. This in spite of the Jobcentre employing staff specifically to find suitable employers.


Anyway this is off the original point though as I said many posts ago the real issue in so far as the stated aims of the EDL are is that this Government should damn well ensure our troops abroad are given proper equipment to do their jobs and also ensure those who incite violence are punished by the laws which are supposed to prevent this.

In terms of the Jobcentre the Government needs to completely revamp it, when it became Jobcentre Plus ( as opposed to just Jobcentre) I'm not sure the "Plus" was intended to mean plus a load of BS but it does!

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I neither read the Mail nor the Express, thankyou very much.


The points system is all good and well, but when people rock up at Dover, with no documentation, claiming to be an Iraqi or Afghan fleeing the war (when usually they are from somewhere nowhere near those two countries), will we turn them away because they have no points?


No, they'll be sent to an immigration centre where they'll try as quickly as possible to have a child so they can't be deported.


I'll await the inevitable responses labelling the above as xenophobic etc.........


But ask yourself why people supposedly "fleeing a war" decide to travel all the way through Europe, bypassing plenty of perfectly inhabitable countries, just to come here?


I'm all for immigration that benefits this country, if someone works, pays taxes, learns the language and become part of British society, there's nothing wrong with that. It's what I'd be expected to do if I ever decided to leave these shores.


I hope the points system is enforced, as it works wonders for Australia, but I can see as soon as someone doesn't qualify for it, they'll bring the Human Rights Act into it and voila..............


Why do so many people just blindly accept what they are told without questioning it?


Whether your 'information' comes from the Mail, the Express or any other source, it is still a load of scare-mongering bullsh*t. Have you ever bothered to check the facts on this yourself? I'm guessing not because otherwise you would realise that this whole idea about waves and waves of illegal asylum seekers arriving here every day is massively exaggerated by those with their own agenda. Have a look for yourself...




Here are some useful facts you will find on that website...


Britain does not take more refugees than other countries

Pakistan and Iran alone host almost one-third of the world’s 12 million refugees. Poor countries such as Tanzania, Guinea and Armenia each take more refugees than Britain. Within the EU, Britain comes tenth in terms of asylum applications per head of population. In contrast to hysterical claims of “waves” of asylum seekers which New Labour has encouraged, Britain only takes 0.05% of the world’s refugees. It is New Labour’s backing of IMF/World Bank policies, US imperialism and repressive regimes around the world which is helping to fuel the massive increase in the world’s population of asylum seekers.


Asylum seekers do not receive large cash hand-outs

Hundreds of asylum seekers have been refused any financial assistance or housing and are homeless. What cash people do receive comes from the government and is just 70% of basic income support – less than £40 per week.


Refugees do not get the best housing

They are forcibly dispersed to some of the worst estates in the country. A property developer in Liverpool admitted buildings used to house asylum seekers were “not fit for human beings”.


The UK is no soft touch

United Nations figures show the UK detains more asylum seekers than other European countries, and for longer. The UK is the only European state that detains children. It has stopped people getting out of Zimbabwe to Britain despite accepting it is not safe for those who have escaped to return. Thousands of asylum seekers no longer receive any form of state assistance. The Home Office is forcibly returning Somali asylum seekers back to a country it knows to be dangerous.


But hey, never let the facts get in the way of a good rant eh?

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Why do so many people just blindly accept what they are told without questioning it?


Whether your 'information' comes from the Mail, the Express or any other source, it is still a load of scare-mongering bullsh*t. Have you ever bothered to check the facts on this yourself? I'm guessing not because otherwise you would realise that this whole idea about waves and waves of illegal asylum seekers arriving here every day is massively exaggerated by those with their own agenda. Have a look for yourself...




Here are some useful facts you will find on that website...




But hey, never let the facts get in the way of a good rant eh?


Do you believe that immigration should be limited to a certain amount? Do you believe that this country has had a correct level of immigration over the last 30 years?

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6 months is the maximum Jobseekers you can get based on your NI, after that it is means tested and Housing Benefit is always means tested. Trouble is of course if you are unemployed for a lengthy peroid you are almost certainly not to have the means to live on so you end up getting Jobseekers ( Income based) AND HB.

The Jobcentre does have various programmes you are obliged to attend if you are out of work for a year but that by no means guarantees a job.

Amongst many things the problems include:


a) Too few staff working in Jobcentres and far too much for them to do which actually demotivates them as well as their clients.

b) Atrocious management at many Jobcentres which actually ( and not surprisingly) filters down from the very top. It often means that those staff who are actually capable of doing a good job ( many are not TBH) are prevented from doing so as they are asked to work in a way which is not effecient and get branded as trouble makers if they dare to argue the point.

c) Too much emphasis based on achieving non achievable targets which means staff are under even more pressure ( again from the top) to try to achieve these targets and this not only promotes a feeling you need to cheat to try to get even close but also acts against team working.

d) Too many of the firms who advertise via the Jobcentre are appalling, take the mickey in respect of salaries and even in some cases mislead in their job adverts. This in spite of the Jobcentre employing staff specifically to find suitable employers.


Anyway this is off the original point though as I said many posts ago the real issue in so far as the stated aims of the EDL are is that this Government should damn well ensure our troops abroad are given proper equipment to do their jobs and also ensure those who incite violence are punished by the laws which are supposed to prevent this.

In terms of the Jobcentre the Government needs to completely revamp it, when it became Jobcentre Plus ( as opposed to just Jobcentre) I'm not sure the "Plus" was intended to mean plus a load of BS but it does!


good post i agree with every word ,but the edl are just another bunch of sad numpties as far as i am concerned.

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Many of the illegal immigrants in this country aren't asylum seekers. There is a difference.


Many of the 'benefit scroungers' aren't even illegal, they are from the EU. The whole issue is clouded in confusion, and has been handled extremely badly by our politicians.


However, they're only entitled to benefits after they've been working for a year (and therefore paying taxes and NI).


Migrant Workers

The rules are complicated and can be different for different groups and nationalities. Foreign nationals are not entitled to benefits when they are seeking work, unless they have already worked here and are temporarily unemployed. Citizens from the A8 countries for example, become entitled to benefits and housing if they are self-employed here, or if they have a job and register with the Workers Registration Scheme. Once they have been working lawfully for a year they no longer have to register when changing jobs and they become eligible for benefits when temporarily out of work as well as when working.





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However, they're only entitled to benefits after they've been working for a year (and therefore paying taxes and NI).


Migrant Workers

The rules are complicated and can be different for different groups and nationalities. Foreign nationals are not entitled to benefits when they are seeking work, unless they have already worked here and are temporarily unemployed. Citizens from the A8 countries for example, become entitled to benefits and housing if they are self-employed here, or if they have a job and register with the Workers Registration Scheme. Once they have been working lawfully for a year they no longer have to register when changing jobs and they become eligible for benefits when temporarily out of work as well as when working.






Does accosting me in the street trying to sell me moody jewellery count as work? Does pickpocketing in the West End count as work (Eastern Europeans account for about 80% of police time there)?


The benefits for this country for these people is negligible. Please don't take this as a xenophobic rant. Lots of migrant workers do valuable work, and are very industrious. It's the ones that aren't that I have a problem with. Just like I have a problem with British nationals who bleed the state system and expect handouts for nothing.

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I guess we all have opinions on immigration.


It's when those opinions are based on myth and are based on an irrational hatred of people with different coloured skin or different religion that they become racist.


Fair enough, just don't tar everyone with the same brush (no pun intended).

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Yes we're going slightly off topic now. But a question to those "on the left" - what would you consider as too much immigration?


the phrase 'too much immigration' is loaded with negative connotations, but I see what you're getting at.


I'd begin to re-judge the situation when the following has happened -


all golf courses have been reclaimed by the government to use as low cost housing/shanty towns.


all second homes/empty properties have been seized for housing our international brothers and sisters.


all right-wing nutters/fat chavs/people who like danny dyer have been driven into the sea and their homes given to anyone who isn't british. and I mean anyone.


until then, keep them coming.

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the phrase 'too much immigration' is loaded with negative connotations, but I see what you're getting at.


I'd begin to re-judge the situation when the following has happened -


all golf courses have been reclaimed by the government to use as low cost housing/shanty towns.


all second homes/empty properties have been seized for housing our international brothers and sisters.


all right-wing nutters/fat chavs/people who like danny dyer have been driven into the sea and their homes given to anyone who isn't british. and I mean anyone.


until then, keep them coming.



so basically, when the country is at the point of collapse..


nice one

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the phrase 'too much immigration' is loaded with negative connotations, but I see what you're getting at.


I'd begin to re-judge the situation when the following has happened -


all golf courses have been reclaimed by the government to use as low cost housing/shanty towns.


all second homes/empty properties have been seized for housing our international brothers and sisters.


all right-wing nutters/fat chavs/people who like danny dyer have been driven into the sea and their homes given to anyone who isn't british. and I mean anyone.


until then, keep them coming.


Even South Winchester?

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trouble is...when some (say, on here) gives an OPINION that we should be far stricter on immigration and give pretty valid reasons they are labelled as thick racists...


you only have to look at this thread


This thread started way back when, talking about a racist organisation. Some agreed that it was racist, others said it wasn't.


I think it is FWIW and I think the evidence is there.


The debate then developed into the pros and cons of immigration and the myths and lies perpetrated by some.


That is all :)

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This thread started way back when, talking about a racist organisation. Some agreed that it was racist, others said it wasn't.


I think it is FWIW and I think the evidence is there.


The debate then developed into the pros and cons of immigration and the myths and lies perpetrated by some.


That is all :)



is it a racist organisation...? the EDL that is..?

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the phrase 'too much immigration' is loaded with negative connotations, but I see what you're getting at.


I'd begin to re-judge the situation when the following has happened -


all golf courses have been reclaimed by the government to use as low cost housing/shanty towns.


all second homes/empty properties have been seized for housing our international brothers and sisters.


all right-wing nutters/fat chavs/people who like danny dyer have been driven into the sea and their homes given to anyone who isn't british. and I mean anyone.


until then, keep them coming.


Ah, what a pity. Thought you were going to give a serious reply for a moment....

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3 months more like!


After that - you're on your own.


Would this timescale apply to all? Such as myself?


Luckily I found work some 8 weeks after being made redundant but of the dozen or so jobs I went for it was the more favourable offer of only two which I received. More a case of couldn't get a job for love nor money!


Or would it apply to those who will not work?

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they dont like muslim extremism....nor do I...not should anyone..?


is that racist..?


as much as people probably did not like the IRA 20 years ago..was that racist..?


I don't like any terrorism. It's the method of fighting it I find strange in the case of attacking anyone who slightly resembles our perception of a terrorist.


At this moment in time it would seem that most of the terrorists are Muslim, which should not extrapolate to 'most of the Muslims are terrorists'.

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Even South Winchester?


Ah, what a pity. Thought you were going to give a serious reply for a moment....


hang on, some of us have jobs you know...


a serious answer?


yes of course 'also south winchester', the place is crying out for some fresh blood (not literally EDL fans, there'll be none of that business here). i have no doubt winchester would be a better place if we did have a sizeable injection of people from other countries who have lived unrecognisable lives to our own. let's have the guys who have just been kicked out of the camp in france, it would be much easier to comprehend just what it is the forces are achieving in Afghanistan if we lived amongst people who have recently fled the scene. bring. it. on.


serious enough?

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I don't like any terrorism. It's the method of fighting it I find strange in the case of attacking anyone who slightly resembles our perception of a terrorist.


At this moment in time it would seem that most of the terrorists are Muslim, which should not extrapolate to 'most of the Muslims are terrorists'.

dont think the EDL says this or anyone on here....equally, anyone english with a skin head is not always a racist

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hang on, some of us have jobs you know...


a serious answer?


yes of course 'also south winchester', the place is crying out for some fresh blood (not literally EDL fans, there'll be none of that business here). i have no doubt winchester would be a better place if we did have a sizeable injection of people from other countries who have lived unrecognisable lives to our own. let's have the guys who have just been kicked out of the camp in france, it would be much easier to comprehend just what it is the forces are achieving in Afghanistan if we lived amongst people who have recently fled the scene. bring. it. on.


serious enough?


OK, but South Winchester Golf Club is hallowed turf. Surely an exception could be made.

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hang on, some of us have jobs you know...


a serious answer?


yes of course 'also south winchester', the place is crying out for some fresh blood (not literally EDL fans, there'll be none of that business here). i have no doubt winchester would be a better place if we did have a sizeable injection of people from other countries who have lived unrecognisable lives to our own. let's have the guys who have just been kicked out of the camp in france, it would be much easier to comprehend just what it is the forces are achieving in Afghanistan if we lived amongst people who have recently fled the scene. bring. it. on.


serious enough?


Getting closer...


Still haven't answered what you consider is acceptable as a level of immigration. How do you think Winchester would do with 5,000 immigrants of any kind? 10,000?

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