Ponty Posted 18 September, 2009 Posted 18 September, 2009 Erm, yeah. I clearly state that no one is supporting the Luton extremists and he tells me to carry on supporting them... I'll probably give up now.
Verbal Posted 18 September, 2009 Posted 18 September, 2009 bigtonesfc said: I find it equally if not more insulting that i have to explain why im so angry with the scum who killed our lads,and have family waiting in our towns to abuse the men that fight to allow them to live here to carryon abusing them!But you carry on supporting them!I couldnt live with that on my conscience. Damn those Asians! You know, the funny thing about you, bigtoe, is that you exhibit EXACTLY the same kind of noodleheaded rage as the Luton loonies - so uncontrollable you appear to be ready to top yourself. For the Luton loonies, all the British carry the collective guilt for the actions of the baby-murdering soldiers. For you and your racist pals, all Asians/Pakistanis/Bangladeshis (exterminate as appropriate) carry the collective guilt for the actions of a tiny handful of death-cult idiots. Do you not see the teeny weeny irony?
.comsaint Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 Verbal said: Damn those Asians! You know, the funny thing about you, bigtoe, is that you exhibit EXACTLY the same kind of noodleheaded rage as the Luton loonies - so uncontrollable you appear to be ready to top yourself. For the Luton loonies, all the British carry the collective guilt for the actions of the baby-murdering soldiers. For you and your racist pals, all Asians/Pakistanis/Bangladeshis (exterminate as appropriate) carry the collective guilt for the actions of a tiny handful of death-cult idiots. Do you not see the teeny weeny irony? For years & years & years - radical muslim extremists (like Abu Hamza & a dozens of others like him) stood on the streets of London & other cities spouting hatred & abuse against Britain & British foreign policy. No-one - least of all this gutless excuse of a Government - did anything about it. Many mosques around the UK had/have extremist nutters doing their utmost to radicalise young asians into blowing-up the tubes & London buses - and no-one did feck all about it - least of all this clueless inept Government & let alone other decent-living asians listening to these so-called preachers. Soldiers returning from Afghanistan are greeted to a tirade of abuse & obscene placards from a group of nutters on the streets in Luton. No-one - least of all this pathetic Government did anything about it. The police just stood there looking totally stupid - completely overwhelmed - and ended up arresting one person - a white 18-year old local lad who had the guts to shout obsceneties back at the demonstrators - and rightfully so. Now the way I see it - many ordinary everyday folk have had enough. The Government don't appear to want to pass laws on the matter & simply turn a blind eye. It's no wonder then that the EDL are growing fast & political parties such as the BNP are winning votes left, right & centre. Many, many good ordinary everyday folk have had enough. So what's the answer Verbal? Dialogue? New laws? A change of Government foreign policy? You appear to have all the answers. What's the solution?
cadiz saint Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 "I find it equally if not more insulting that i have to explain why im so angry with the scum who killed our lads,and have family waiting in our towns to abuse the men that fight to allow them to live here to carryon abusing them!But you carry on supporting them!I couldnt live with that on my conscience." I'm afraid the scum who killed our lads were this incomptent, corrupt, lying government of ours. The EDL should be targeting the UK government, that is where the blame lies!! By the way look back in time, christianity was an imported religion too.
Kadeem Hardison Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 I used to be a member of Combat 18 and the National Front. We weren't racist organisations either. We just got together and made cakes and jam. Why is it so hard for people to understand?
Hatch Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 Kadeem Hardison said: I used to be a member of Combat 18 and the National Front. We weren't racist organisations either. We just got together and made cakes and jam. Why is it so hard for people to understand? For my daughters 3rd birthday we booked Combat 18 for the entertainment at her party.
bigtonesfc Posted 19 September, 2009 Author Posted 19 September, 2009 I`m off too burn a mosque down then watch Saints win 3-0.......................................................just joking mods and admins!.......it`ll be 4-0.
View From The Top Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 Arizona said: I can't tell who's being ironic on this thread anymore. :-s FWIW I think the EDL preach a fair enough message, i.e. supporting British troops and denouncing Islamic extremism, but in reality it is never going to function in civilised society. Whilst most members I am sure tollerate liberals of all races, a group like that is always likely to attract the far right Combat 18 types who just want to chuck bricks at Muslims. I will not be joining that group, but that doesn't mean I do not support our troops or that I am a 'left-wing mussy-loving' nutcase etc. Seems to be a lot of people putting bullsh*t words in other people's mouths on this thread just to discredit the 'other side'. Nobody is saying the behaviour of the extremist minority at the soldier's parade is acceptable. Nobody is slating Islam as a religion or saying they don't belong here. It's sad that we can't have this debate without such petulance. Perfectly put. There isn't one post on here that slates Islam or asians but there are many small minded people on here that assume that if you are against extremist Islam in the UK you must hate everyone who is non white and be a neo-fascist. I think it shows how ignorant some are and how blinkered to reality many are. Robsk makes valid points about education and poverty and I'm proud to be involved in a organisation what works with and within ethnic minority groups to raise educational achievement and improve their chances. I do this with Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs and I'm looking forward to all the food goodies that Eid brings.
Verbal Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 So are we going shifts then? Rabid racists in the morning, loony lefties at night?
Atticus Finch of Maycomb Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 Thedelldays said: for Jeff, scudamore, atticus, etc after it has been raised quite a few times and used as a counter arguement I have YET to see you have a pop at those who spill hate filled racist anti-british bile at returning servicemen....you just seem to pass it off as freedom of speech...despite some of the stuff being racist with undertones of treason in their vibe (which are both illegal) and I do know of some of the things chanted/said by those muslim whack-jobs that day.. that is utterly disgraceful IMO that is from someone who has done 10 years in the forces....utterly disgraceful Delldays. I am appauled. Not once, not ONCE do you,. at any point on this thread, condemn the terrible murders committed by Myra Hindley. You absolute scum. You pro-child-murdering scum.
sotonjoe Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 Utterly amazed at grown men being so naive that they can be brainwashed by these racist groups into believing these ridiculous things.
Sheaf Saint Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 StuRomseySaint said: I'm a member... I bet that surprised you all. Death Penalty still is in place for treason... should be used against any British passport holder that spouts hate of commits terrorism... thats not a racist view... they could be white... however the majority are muslim / middle-eastern. StuRomseySaint in getting his facts wrong again shocker. And no Stu, nobody is in the least bit surprised that you joined the group. People who are so ignorant that they believe we still have the death penalty for treason in this country are exactly the kind of empty-skulled morons these people want to recruit.
Verbal Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 (edited) .comsaint said: For years & years & years - radical muslim extremists (like Abu Hamza & a dozens of others like him) stood on the streets of London & other cities spouting hatred & abuse against Britain & British foreign policy. No-one - least of all this gutless excuse of a Government - did anything about it. Many mosques around the UK had/have extremist nutters doing their utmost to radicalise young asians into blowing-up the tubes & London buses - and no-one did feck all about it - least of all this clueless inept Government & let alone other decent-living asians listening to these so-called preachers. Soldiers returning from Afghanistan are greeted to a tirade of abuse & obscene placards from a group of nutters on the streets in Luton. No-one - least of all this pathetic Government did anything about it. The police just stood there looking totally stupid - completely overwhelmed - and ended up arresting one person - a white 18-year old local lad who had the guts to shout obsceneties back at the demonstrators - and rightfully so. Now the way I see it - many ordinary everyday folk have had enough. The Government don't appear to want to pass laws on the matter & simply turn a blind eye. It's no wonder then that the EDL are growing fast & political parties such as the BNP are winning votes left, right & centre. Many, many good ordinary everyday folk have had enough. So what's the answer Verbal? Dialogue? New laws? A change of Government foreign policy? You appear to have all the answers. What's the solution? Way to go, Mr dot, with missing the point I was making! To reiterate, are people really so pea-brained as to commit a mirror image of the offence caused by the Luton Loonies? That is, to stigmatise, victimise, intimidate and assault people in a fit of irrational rage. Do you really think that the Asians who found themselves in the midst of an assault aimed at them were suicide bombers? do you really think they - by the colour of the skin or their religious beliefs - were somehow complicit? No. Which gets to the heart of this. People on here complain long and loud when they think they're getting tarnished with the 'racist' label. But the reality is they're aligning themselves - or even like bigtoe, actively seeking recruits - with an organisation that revels in a desire to intimidate Asians. That is racist. Period. And let's be clear about what the EDL are NOT doing. If you or they or anyone else is so incensed by the actions of the Luton loonies, then take your protests to them directly. They and their organisation has been well publicised. They are not in hiding. But the EDL won't. Because they're not only racist thugs. They are cowards. It's so much easier to intimidate middle-aged Asian women visiting their mosque or out shopping. And it serves the EDL's purpose better. They are racist agent provocateurs who want to create their own rivers of blood as a recruiting sergeant for the BNP and other cretins even further to the right. This is not about a small, peaceful but objectionable demo months and months ago. It's about fooling people like you into signing up, at least in principle, to a sustained campaign of intimidation and violence against innocent people. As to your comment about the government unwilling to pass laws - are your freaking SERIOUS? Britain has one of the most draconian anti-terror laws in the western world. These laws are so extensive, and so extensively misused that there's a backlog of cases at the European Court - and not from the 'usual suspects'. If you followed the recent court cases against the plane bombers, you'd have noticed that juries have repeatedly failed to convict on what seem like open-and-shut cases against the idiots. Why? Because the anti-terror laws are not extensive enough? Because the juries are packed with Asian sympathisers? Hardly. No, the simple answer is that in Britain, uniquely in the Western world, surveillance evidence from the intelligence services is not admissible in court. It's an utterly absurd situation, and is letting dangerous people back on to the streets. But this ban on wire-tap evidence is not the doing of a Labour government - or any other shade. It's the result of specific pressure from the intelligence services themselves, who want to keep their cloak of secrecy as all-encompassing as possible. It drives everyone crazy - not least the Americans, and other European states, who routinely use wire-tap evidence to secure convictions. If you want to talk about people actively engaged in warning the authorities about terrorist plots, then you should say a HUGE thank you to those Asian community leaders, family and acquaintances who increasingly are shopping suspcious and dangerous individuals to the authorities. Sometimes, as in 7/7, these covert warnings to the authorities have been completely ignored by the police, but subsequently acknowledged. So if you're tempted to man the barricades against innocent Asians outside a mosque, or if like bigtoe you're itching to burn it down, might I suggest instead you take a nice box of Ambala sweets, and say thank you. Nicely. Edited 19 September, 2009 by Verbal
INFLUENCED.COM Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 Verbal said: So if you're tempted to man the barricades against innocent Asians outside a mosque, or if like bigtoe you're itching to burn it down, might I suggest instead you take a nice box of Ambala sweets, and say thank you. Nicely. By that logic, in the 70's & 80's we should have been attending Catholic churches with a quarter of Clove Rock, afterall they used to telephone beforehand ! Covert warnings count for nothing, hiding a message of impending attacks makes you complicit
Verbal Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 INFLUENCED.COM said: By that logic, in the 70's & 80's we should have been attending Catholic churches with a quarter of Clove Rock, afterall they used to telephone beforehand ! Covert warnings count for nothing, hiding a message of impending attacks makes you complicit Covert - by which I mean information is passed anonymously but directly to the police. And then binned. By what twisted logic do you get from a warning being given to a warning not being given?
INFLUENCED.COM Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 Verbal said: Covert - by which I mean information is passed anonymously but directly to the police. And then binned. By what twisted logic do you get from a warning being given to a warning not being given? No twisted logic, you used the word covert, I interpreted that as disguising a message, now you have pointed out that these warnings were simply given anonymously.
badgerx16 Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 INFLUENCED.COM said: By that logic, in the 70's & 80's we should have been attending Catholic churches with a quarter of Clove Rock, afterall they used to telephone beforehand ! By the logic of some on here we should have been burning all the Catholic churches down, because one or two extremists happened at some point in their lives to have attended mass. As was pointed out on the election threads earlier in the year, during the discussions around the BNP, defining something as ENGLISH, as in the 'English Defence League', is a bit like calling a mongrel dog a ****er Spaniel; English comes from the Angles, who themselves originated from Denmark & northern Germany. If England is for the English, what happens to the Welsh, the Scots, or the Irish who are resident in the country ? How 'English' is English ? Will you have to prove the purity of your blood line ? Who exactly are the English Defence League defending ?
Thedelldays Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 Bexy said: StuRomseySaint in getting his facts wrong again shocker. And no Stu, nobody is in the least bit surprised that you joined the group. People who are so ignorant that they believe we still have the death penalty for treason in this country are exactly the kind of empty-skulled morons these people want to recruit. isnt treason STILL a hangable offence.????..as here in the Dockyard in Plymouth they STILL maintain the only working gallows in the UK
Atticus Finch of Maycomb Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 Thedelldays said: isnt treason STILL a hangable offence.????..as here in the Dockyard in Plymouth they STILL maintain the only working gallows in the UK nope, jack straw changed that a few years back will you now consider everything else that you believe to be true?
Crab Lungs Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 Far too many left-wing nutjobs appearing now - the imbalance on this thread is shocking. That's the UK ****ed then.
Atticus Finch of Maycomb Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 Crab Lungs said: Far too many left-wing nutjobs appearing now - the imbalance on this thread is shocking. That's the UK ****ed then. kinda weird thing to say, considering the subject matter
EastleighSoulBoy Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 Crab Lungs said: Far too many left-wing nutjobs appearing now - the imbalance on this thread is shocking. That's the UK ****ed then. I think they are almost perfectly balanced by Rabid Right Wing Nut Jobs to be honest.
dune Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 Good luck to the EDL, at least they are proactively saying what everyone else is thinking.
Baj Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 dune said: Good luck to the EDL, at least they are proactively saying what everyone else is thinking. Trust me, not everyone thinks what the EDL say....
EastleighSoulBoy Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 Baj said: Trust me, not everyone thinks what the EDL say.... + 1. Probably even less say what it's actually thinking.
St Landrew Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 Baj said: Trust me, not everyone thinks what the EDL say.... + another 1
bridge too far Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 St Landrew said: + another 1 + another 1
swannymere Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 bridge too far said: + another 1 What he said, EDL - just an excuse for scared white boys to smash things up.
Verbal Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 swannymere said: What he said, EDL - just an excuse for scared white boys to smash things up. BTF is a he with an 's' on the front. Otherwise you got everything right. And + another 1.
View From The Top Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 If the message is that extremeist Islam should be challenged at every turn then great. If the message is if your Muslim/brown then you're not wanted then they can fu ck right off. It should also be remembered that some of the founding members are of mixed race and that the majority of members in the Black Country are Sikh! Either way I'm off to an Eid do on Monday and I'm really looking forward to it (although the grub is better at Diwali).
aintforever Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 I fail to see what is wrong in opposing militant Islam, obviously alot of BNP ass holes turn up a the demos but that doesn't mean their cause is wrong.
Baj Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 aintforever said: I fail to see what is wrong in opposing militant Islam, obviously alot of BNP ass holes turn up a the demos but that doesn't mean their cause is wrong. The trouble is they dont oppose JUST militant Islam, they oppose muslims as a whole, they just do it subtly ( in the case of banging the message of "just extremists, honestly) or not so subtly in the case of the anti-islam (note: NOT just extremist) video on their homepage.
solentstars Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 swannymere said: What he said, EDL - just an excuse for scared white boys to smash things up.the reality is they are just another bunch of tossers with sad lifes .
aintforever Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 Baj said: The trouble is they dont oppose JUST militant Islam, they oppose muslims as a whole, they just do it subtly ( in the case of banging the message of "just extremists, honestly) or not so subtly in the case of the anti-islam (note: NOT just extremist) video on their homepage. It's pretty clear to me that it's extremists they oppose... "We are a non racist and non discriminatory protest group who believe in an integrated and peaceful Britain with one law and one society, respected by all of its members. The EDL will continue to peacefully protest and highlight the issue of unrestrained Islamic extremism in the UK, unless and until the government take concerted action against those who preach hatred and wish to harm the people of this country." Obviously their cause attracts BNP nutters but it's a sound cause IMO.
bridge too far Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 aintforever said: It's pretty clear to me that it's extremists they oppose... "We are a non racist and non discriminatory protest group who believe in an integrated and peaceful Britain with one law and one society, respected by all of its members. The EDL will continue to peacefully protest and highlight the issue of unrestrained Islamic extremism in the UK, unless and until the government take concerted action against those who preach hatred and wish to harm the people of this country." Obviously their cause attracts BNP nutters but it's a sound cause IMO. They might attract a slightly more sympathetic hearing if they just simply removed the word 'Islamic' from the bit I've highlighted. Unrestrained extremism of any sort is reprehensible in my view.
harvey Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 solentstars said: the reality is they are just another bunch of tossers with sad lifes . Maybe they care more passionately about the subject than you do.....just a thought :smt102
solentstars Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 harvey said: Maybe they care more passionately about the subject than you do.....just a thought :smt102
harvey Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 solentstars said: Don't get me wrong, there's no need to admit that you're loopy ....don't put yourself down. I'm just saying that maybe they strongly believe in what they think, that's all.
Baj Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 aintforever said: It's pretty clear to me that it's extremists they oppose... Are you blind??? They have an anti-muslim video on the HOME PAGE of their website! Can you see ANYTHING in that video related to extremism? Why is it there? Jesus kid, wake up!
Verbal Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 aintforever said: It's pretty clear to me that it's extremists they oppose... "We are a non racist and non discriminatory protest group who believe in an integrated and peaceful Britain with one law and one society, respected by all of its members. The EDL will continue to peacefully protest and highlight the issue of unrestrained Islamic extremism in the UK, unless and until the government take concerted action against those who preach hatred and wish to harm the people of this country." Obviously their cause attracts BNP nutters but it's a sound cause IMO. They do not 'attract' the BNP. The EDL is run by the BNP. The EDL is a BNP front, nothing more. And given his 'FaceBook' invitation, The OP of this thread may have something to saying about the following. From The Times, 10 August 2009: "Paul Ray, who claims to be one of the founding members of the League, says that the group has been taken over by a cabal of extremists including Chris Renton, whose name appears on the list of BNP members leaked last year." Renton , from Weston-super-Mare, does indeed appear on the BNP membership list leaked last year. He is the BNP's 'internet guy'. And it was Renton who designed the EDL's website. At the forefront of the EDL violence in Birmingham in August was what the Times (15 August 2009) identified as the Casuals United, 'a small army of shirt-sleeved, middle-aged men with beer bellies.' The Times goes on: 'The members of Casuals United are largely former football hooligans drawn from the terraces.' And here, as far this thread in particular is concerned, is the worst piece of information: 'The Casuals make full use of modern communications, using social networking websites, notably Facebook, where there are about 40 branches, many of which declare allegiance to various football clubs.' Friends of yours, bigtone?
.comsaint Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 bridge too far said: They might attract a slightly more sympathetic hearing if they just simply removed the word 'Islamic' from the bit I've highlighted. Unrestrained extremism of any sort is reprehensible in my view. ??? How many splinters you got in your arse?
bridge too far Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 .comsaint said: ??? How many splinters you got in your arse? Last time I had a splinter in my arse was when I was in cabaret and spun round on my BTM on a wooden stage. What about you? What part of my post do you disagree with then? You think unrestrained extremism is OK on one 'side' but not another.
.comsaint Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 bridge too far said: Last time I had a splinter in my arse was when I was in cabaret and spun round on my BTM on a wooden stage. What about you? What part of my post do you disagree with then? You think unrestrained extremism is OK on one 'side' but not another. Well I'm not in any danger of being bombed or blown apart by the IRA anymore - neither am I concerned about being the target of Poles, sikhs, The Welsh or Scots, the French, Italians or the Russians. The only danger I face is from a very small minority of muslim extremists. The EDL, you & me know this too if you're honest with yourself - which brings us back to aintforever's post.
bridge too far Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 .comsaint said: Well I'm not in any danger of being bombed or blown apart by the IRA anymore - neither am I concerned about being the target of Poles, sikhs, The Welsh or Scots, the French, Italians or the Russians. The only danger I face is from a very small minority of muslim extremists. The EDL, you & me know this too if you're honest with yourself - which brings us back to aintforever's post. I see you didn't answer my final question
.comsaint Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 bridge too far said: I see you didn't answer my final question You said: "They might attract a slightly more sympathetic hearing if they just simply removed the word 'Islamic' from the bit I've highlighted." What other terrorists are we to fear in the UK today then other than a small number of muslim extremists? You can say the words "muslim extremists" you know without being labelled rascist.
bridge too far Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 .comsaint said: You said: "They might attract a slightly more sympathetic hearing if they just simply removed the word 'Islamic' from the bit I've highlighted." What other terrorists are we to fear in the UK today then other than a small number of muslim extremists? You can say the words "muslim extremists" you know without being labelled rascist. You miss my point. My last (rhetorical) point was that "You think unrestrained extremism is OK on one 'side' but not another?" I CAN say Muslim extremists without any qualms. I can also say neo-nazi extremists if I want to. To reiterate - "They might attract a slightly more sympathetic hearing if they just simply removed the word 'Islamic' from the bit I've highlighted. Unrestrained extremism of any sort is reprehensible in my view." That might widen their constituency or, if they didn't remove it, demonstrate what many seem to think - that they are an extreme right wing racist organisation.
Verbal Posted 19 September, 2009 Posted 19 September, 2009 .comsaint said: Well I'm not in any danger of being bombed or blown apart by the IRA anymore - neither am I concerned about being the target of Poles, sikhs, The Welsh or Scots, the French, Italians or the Russians. The only danger I face is from a very small minority of muslim extremists. The EDL, you & me know this too if you're honest with yourself - which brings us back to aintforever's post. The ONLY danger? Are you sure? You know about this guy? His name is Neil Lewington. He is a BNP supporter. He is now serving an indefinite prison sentence for attempting to become the British Timothy McVeigh. He wanted to murder on a massive scale with an indiscriminate bombing campaign. Of course, he WANTED to kill Asians more than anything. According to Sky News: ‘The link between his extremist views and interest in explosives was illustrated by a note reading "compressed thermite grenade vs Paki front door". He also wrote a chilling "mission statement" in which he boasted of two-man hit squads attacking "non-British people" at random. Lewington told one woman that "the only good Paki was a dead Paki". Now of course, you may feel safe, because you’re not Asian. But if McVeigh, the Oklamhoma bomber, was his role model, I wouldn’t bet on it. But I suppose, as you’re not Asian, you won’t have to endure this kind of behaviour, as reported in The Guardian, 12 September, 2009: 'Yet at EDL events, skinheads have raised Nazi salutes and other EDL supporters have chanted racist slogans such as “I hate Pakis more than you”. One protest in Luton in May ended with scores of people attacking Asian businesses, smashing cars and threatening passersby.' It’s not the sort of company you’d really want to keep. Is it?
hamster Posted 20 September, 2009 Posted 20 September, 2009 /\ He doesn't look too happy, has he just had some bad news? New neighbours perhaps
.comsaint Posted 20 September, 2009 Posted 20 September, 2009 Verbal said: The ONLY danger? Are you sure? You know about this guy? His name is Neil Lewington. He is a BNP supporter. He is now serving an indefinite prison sentence for attempting to become the British Timothy McVeigh. He wanted to murder on a massive scale with an indiscriminate bombing campaign. Of course, he WANTED to kill Asians more than anything. According to Sky News: ‘The link between his extremist views and interest in explosives was illustrated by a note reading "compressed thermite grenade vs Paki front door". He also wrote a chilling "mission statement" in which he boasted of two-man hit squads attacking "non-British people" at random. Lewington told one woman that "the only good Paki was a dead Paki". Now of course, you may feel safe, because you’re not Asian. But if McVeigh, the Oklamhoma bomber, was his role model, I wouldn’t bet on it. But I suppose, as you’re not Asian, you won’t have to endure this kind of behaviour, as reported in The Guardian, 12 September, 2009: 'Yet at EDL events, skinheads have raised Nazi salutes and other EDL supporters have chanted racist slogans such as “I hate Pakis more than you”. One protest in Luton in May ended with scores of people attacking Asian businesses, smashing cars and threatening passersby.' It’s not the sort of company you’d really want to keep. Is it? Yeah yeah yeah Verbal - trust you to highlight the obscure & the isolated "nutjob" examples. If I'd have been living in Hungerford in 1987 - Michael Ryan might have gunned me down in the streets. If I was gay (which I'm not by the way - honest!) - the 'Nail bomber' might have killed me in a Soho pub bombing had I been there - the wrong place at the wrong time. An Argentinian bomb from a French Super Etendard or an A-4 Skyhawk never had my name on it in 1982 either - but others there weren't so lucky. Ifs. Buts. Maybe's. The fact still remains that - isolated nutjobs apart - I'm more likely to lose my life in this day & age thanks to a muslim extremist bomber. I spent a weekend in London the other week as it happens at the Landmark Hotel, Marylebone. I had to take taxi cabs all weekend because the missus point blank refuses to take the tube anymore - ever since the London bombings. Now - I like to think I'm a fairly educated bloke - someone who's lived in Australia for 3 years, spent another 12 years in Her Majesty's Forces, spent weeks in Karachi Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, survived the Falklands war, spent a year of my life in the Middle East during the Iran-Iraq war, and was in Mogadishu, Somalia just before the 'Black Hawk Down' incident & shortly before the place fell into rebel hands. Infact - we were the last British warship to visit Somalia before war broke out there. I've even got my poxy South Atlantic medal that I gave to mum to keep as she was more proud of her 'little soldier' than I ever was. My dad spent 26 years as a submariner in the Royal Navy and I followed in his footsteps. I'm not rascist in the slightest. Never have been & never will be. And I'm switched-on enough to know that yes - there are problems in the UK today with both muslim extremists & white neo-Nazis - as well as political parties trying to stir things up & the odd nutjob solo activist. In the same breath - I'm also switched-on enough to know that the only real danger to me & my family - however small - comes from muslim extremists - whichever way you try to dress it up. I don't honestly know what the solution is to be fair. Dialogue I guess - and perhaps a change of foreign policy sometime in the future. Look - Verbal - of course I know that it is only a small, miniscule band of muslim fanatics trying to blow me up - but the fact remains I'm not worrying about any other segment of British society today other than them!
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