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Brilliant, we're supposed to be defenders of freedom of speech and democracy, yet there are idiots trying to turn Britain into a more oppressive state, where dissenters are banned or stopped from voicing their opinions, closer to the extremist Muslim states in fact.


Can you people not see the irony?

  saint_mears said:
racists ??? :smt103


Shall we all wait to the next bomb going off in london tubes or outside a nightclub ?


No, we shouldn't, we should lock up everyone who disagrees with the EDL's views and make them political prisoners.


They should be banned from gathering in groups and have their voting rights taken away. Speaking out against the state should be punished by hard-line, armed police with extended powers to employ force at their own discretion.


That's how proper democracy works.


This group looks brilliant. I am well up for this. How can I join? Do I just join the Facebook group or is there some sort of initiation ceremony? Are you the Grand Wizard, bigtone? Is it just protesting or can we get some real action? I am proud to be a racist and groups like this are just what this country needs if we are going to stop the Islamification of Britain. I am sick and tired of my kids' having to do the story of the prophet Mohammed as their Chistmas (Winterval!) play. I am sick of all these halal cookery programmes on BBC1. I am sick of having to stop work at the factory every day so that we can put down our prayer mats and pray. We racists need a voice and bigtone speaks for all of us with this group. Well done bigtone and well done to all involved.

  bigtonesfc said:
Think some people cant be arsed to read anything on here and just assume its the BNP/NF under a different name .Its nothing like that!Read the links first!


Well I can't be arsed because because I don't want some diatribe view imposed on me. Tks.

  Kadeem Hardison said:
This group looks brilliant. I am well up for this. How can I join? Do I just join the Facebook group or is there some sort of initiation ceremony? Are you the Grand Wizard, bigtone? Is it just protesting or can we get some real action? I am proud to be a racist and groups like this are just what this country needs if we are going to stop the Islamification of Britain. I am sick and tired of my kids' having to do the story of the prophet Mohammed as their Chistmas (Winterval!) play. I am sick of all these halal cookery programmes on BBC1. I am sick of having to stop work at the factory every day so that we can put down our prayer mats and pray. We racists need a voice and bigtone speaks for all of us with this group. Well done bigtone and well done to all involved.


a) Just what parallel universe did you pop up from ?

b) Pure sarcasm, brilliant.


Delete as necessary


Read your links tone! One link talks about "removing all elements of sharia law from british law" or something like that.Must have missed that bit in the queens speech "england is now under sharia law" .These people are fascists

  Kadeem Hardison said:
This group looks brilliant. I am well up for this. How can I join? Do I just join the Facebook group or is there some sort of initiation ceremony? Are you the Grand Wizard, bigtone? Is it just protesting or can we get some real action? I am proud to be a racist and groups like this are just what this country needs if we are going to stop the Islamification of Britain. I am sick and tired of my kids' having to do the story of the prophet Mohammed as their Chistmas (Winterval!) play. I am sick of all these halal cookery programmes on BBC1. I am sick of having to stop work at the factory every day so that we can put down our prayer mats and pray. We racists need a voice and bigtone speaks for all of us with this group. Well done bigtone and well done to all involved.


I think the initiation ceremony is very much like the one for joining the Hells Angels that you heard about in the school playground in the mid 70's.......ya'know, you've gotta bite the head off a live chicken, let other members of the Chapter duff you up and then **** on you.........you up for it? ;)

  J Bizzle said:
I am in full support of this.


Exactly. If this was the 1800s these people would have been working for us for nothing and if they complained about it they would be put in their place. We should respect our smart ancestors. Except the gay ones.


  saint_mears said:
racists ??? :smt103


Shall we all wait to the next bomb going off in london tubes or outside a nightclub ?


As this question seems to be directed at me and you tone, I hope you don't mind if I field it?


No! We should gather in big groups and shout things really loud on the streets at them until they learn how to stop bombing London tubes/nightclubs. It is the only way we will ever get anywhere with these terrorists.


  bigtonesfc said:
Well this racist goes to football with an Indian mate and has a season ticket next to him,and i have mixed race nephews and nieces!


You don't sound like you've got the hang of racism. I am a bit concerned that you are not the man to lead us having read this.


EDIT: I've just realised that as a member of the TA, I can't join this group (those people with high security clearance will know where I am coming from), so I'm afraid I will have to keep this kind of behaviour to TA meetings.


lol! a group thats open to whites, blacks, muslims that is only based on being against those few people (well muslims), who wish to kill innocent people


whats the point?? its as pathetic as groups like 'women against rape' as if all those not joined are 'for ' it


unless of course there is some hidden reason for this group that you dont like to share openly. otherwise i just dont see the reason for starting such things


Maybe there should be a campaign to have just a little bit of black in the union jack, after all.....

Then we no-one could accuse anyone marching under it of being racist.


Let's make Bill Cosby king.


The supposed EDL might have some members who believe only in stating a case against extremism, but what about extremism in other forms? Targetting muslim communites will make no difference but to further disillusion those more prone to being sucked into more dubious views. Yelling about it will not stop anyone who intends to kill people, it will just give them further evidence that the West is against Islam. The majority of the 'member's will just be old fashioned racists looking to intimidate some innocent people and hopefully stove in the head of some 'foreign'. The inevitable involvement of these people will not help any cause, either.


Why do the morons in this country assume that everyone but far right hater-types love it when terrorism occurs? Love it when innocent people get killed?




Those people who rightly are against anyone inciting violence would do better to use their time and energy to ensure this feeble government not only enforces the laws which are in place to prevent this but also protects our soldiers who risk their lives every day with totally inadequate resources.

This whole EDL thing makes me very uneasy and I suspect the title is meant to sound racist because by their very nature these kind of groups attract just the sort of person who is racist and as one of the members on FB says why protest peacefully? Also very odd that the founder appears to live in the USA?

Even the "unbiased" Youtube video is notable for the fact that the group shown is more reminiscent of a group of football hooligans abroad than a group of peaceful protesters.

Call it what you will I'm of the opinion this is intended to be a racist group though that's just me exercising my right to express my point of view which fortunately is one thing we all do still have.


I agree with the sentiment, but such a group will get hijacked as a vehicle for the bigots who come out of the woodwork in this country every time such a cause is mentioned.


At the end of the day, this sort of thing has been happening for thousands of years. Who do you think originally inhabited North America? Did South America just start speaking Spanish and Portuguese for the fun of it? Have a look what the original inhabitants of the Carribean looked like, or the native Americans, or the Aboriginies.


The world was a completely different place 1000 years ago, if you looked at the people who lived in certain countries then, it'd look a hell of a lot different to how it does now. In another 1000 years, it'll all be different again.


One could argue the Crusades were the work of Christian extremists.


For what it's worth, I think our border control is a shambles and our immigration system completely flawed but anyone who pays taxes and integrates into British society is fine by me. I'm sure MI6 are keeping an eye on the nutters who are intent on causing us harm. A few misguidedly patriotic groups aren't going to make the government change the way they approach the extremist subject, so what is the aim of this cause?


Dismiss groups like this means more power to the bnp...


Of course groups like this wi attract unsavoury characters. Like any groups...

When we see a pro Muslim march or rally or even talk about those who abuse troops. As soon as someone calls the a terrorist or racist. Certain people that post here would say "no they are not. It is free speech" etc along those lines ....


All controversial groups will attract nutters. Muslim groups do. EDL do ern animal rights groups do (some I which babre classed as terrorists)


as for the bnp joining. Don't know if you noticed they are a legit political party with mep seats. Sad but true

Posted (edited)

I'm a member... I bet that surprised you all.


Death Penalty still is in place for treason... should be used against any British passport holder that spouts hate of commits terrorism... thats not a racist view... they could be white... however the majority are muslim / middle-eastern.

Edited by StuRomseySaint

I'm sick of all the loony lefty, pc brigade, tree hugging do-gooders on this thread. More suppression of civil rights is the way forward. Take away the right to demonstrate or protest for a start. If any group with a different viewpoint begin to gather in a public place, send in the army FFS.


If I wanted to live in a state where fundamentalist religious groups had a dangerous political influence, I'd move to the USA.

  norwaysaint said:
I'm sick of all the loony lefty, pc brigade, tree hugging do-gooders on this thread. More suppression of civil rights is the way forward. Take away the right to demonstrate or protest for a start. If any group with a different viewpoint begin to gather in a public place, send in the army FFS.


If I wanted to live in a state where fundamentalist religious groups had a dangerous political influence, I'd move to the USA.


Always amuses me when you comment on English politics... don't you live in Norway?


Using the name the "English Defence League" was a bit of an own goal for a self proclaiming "peaceful" organisation. Bit of a Ratner moment there for the organisers i feel. Irrespective of their stated MO, one cannot help but sense the real agenda is more sinister and the comparisons with more extreme groups will be unavoidable.


Having said that, all Muslim extremists (and for clarification for the overly sensitive lefties on here - this does not apply to the vast majority of Muslims) can fack right off elsewhere. And yes they do exist (refer recent court cases).


Bunch of bald headed, washed up football holligans, now banned from football matches so need other ways to vent there anger, if they actually had to fight for England they wouldn't, they would sit behind there sofa crying like little girls.


  AndyNorthernSaints said:
Why are racist ****s allowed to post on here???????????????????????????? what is is the point of having rules on racism on these forums?


There isn't any racism on this thread. HTH.


I think I have refereed some games in the English Defence League a few years back. The games were always very boring.


  StuRomseySaint said:
I'm a member... I bet that surprised you all.


Death Penalty still is in place for treason... should be used against any British passport holder that spouts hate of commits terrorism... thats not a racist view... they could be white... however the majority are muslim / middle-eastern.


I agree. Anyone found guilty of incitement to racial hatred should be put to death. That would get rid of that gammy eyed tw*t (I mean Nick Griffin)


  StuRomseySaint said:
Always amuses me when you comment on English politics... don't you live in Norway?


With your detective skills you should be working for MI5 or someone.



This is what I think:

1. The EDL are clearly a bunch of racists.

2. People have, and should continue to have, freedom of speech because it is a good thing.




These people, in Birmingham, don't look like racists or thugs IMO.




Nothing aggressive about these EDL protesters, being interviewd for the telly.


Nothing provocative about staging the Birmingham demonstration during Ramadam.


The EDL were clearly bullied by the counter protesters. There were about 40-50 EDL supporters at the Birmingham protest while the Muslims had loads of people (not all Muslims, that's got to be cheating). Turns out the EDL were expecting 200+ people, so presumably they would have felt more inclined to run around being racist if there were more of them. That's how they work isn't it? Instead they were penned in by the police for their own protection. Well.....if you head into Birmingham, during Ramadam, shouting anti Islam slogans and generally being a bit of a knob, then expect to be confronted. Why not just be nice?

  Atticus Finch of Maycomb said:
Good article on The Independent about this stupid 'Islamification' nonsense:




The arguments of the far-right groups are already obviously ridiculous. The latest slogan they march under is "Stop the Islamification of England". But how many people have had their lives Islamified against their will? Is there a single tea shop owner in Dorset who has to tell her customers: "Sorry dear, we're not allowed to serve a scone until after dark as it's Ramadan." Do radio stations have to start the day: "Allaaaaah – ah-aaaah allaaaaaah. Good morning, this is BBC Radio Sussex calling you to prayer.""


Maybe not in Sussex or Dorset, but try the vast majority of the East End of London, Birmingham and the mill towns of Lancashire and Yorkshire.......


of course....any muslim/islamic group does not have "nutters" following them either..?


when they do, it is passed off as freedom of speech and "they are not all like that"...same goes here and many other controversial groups..


the loony liberals that allow these hate fueled gob****es (what ever background) have a voice are not helping the issue in hand

  Ponty said:
How's this thread working out? I'd assume the inadvertantly racist-sounding EDL has gained plenty of support by now, yeah?


Don't knock it. The thread provides the useful function of herding up the few sheep-like, hardcore racists on this site in one handy place.

  Verbal said:
Don't knock it. The thread provides the useful function of herding up the few sheep-like, hardcore racists on this site in one handy place.

see...this is the problem..anyone deciding to talk AGAINST islamic nutters in our country are deemed racist...


why..? why is it taboo to talk about an obvious underlying issue that exists (and maybe growing) in the UK...why do you have to be racist to want to talk about it..?


I remember a thread a while ago about the group who were abusing returning soldiers in Luton and the hatred they showed them was passed of as "freedom of speech" by some on here calling other racist...


daft really


Nope, not racist at all... great name tho. Of all the possible choices... "league against extremism", "Anti-extremist league", "Organisation against Extremism", or my personal favourite "Society Helping Eradicate Extremist People".


"I dont know Dave, can't we go wiv sumfin like English Defence League, sounds much more 'propa'"

  Thedelldays said:
see...this is the problem..anyone deciding to talk AGAINST islamic nutters in our country are deemed racist...


why..? why is it taboo to talk about an obvious underlying issue that exists (and maybe growing) in the UK...why do you have to be racist to want to talk about it..?


I remember a thread a while ago about the group who were abusing returning soldiers in Luton and the hatred they showed them was passed of as "freedom of speech" by some on here calling other racist...


daft really


Spot on, the hypocrisy from some on here is unbelievable!

  Baj said:
The EDL don't really do themselves any favours by running an anti-muslim scare-mongering video on the front of their website that has **** ALL to do with extremism and is in fact a blatant attempt at an anti-muslim message... which is in itself statistical horse**** - http://beyondoccident.com/2009/08/20/muslim-demographics-myth/

i agree.....but there counter arguement would be that muslim extremists are allowed to spout what they like..and in some cases do..


tit for tat (sadly)


my point is, until we (as a country) are able to discuss/bring up such issues (as they are..ISSUES) with immediately being branded racist then things will slowly get worse...


like I said, the absolute tripe and hatred that was spouted at some returning soldiers was actually passed off on here as "freedom of speech" (by some)....I guess it works both ways..?

  Sour Mash said:
  Atticus Finch of Maycomb said:
Is there a single tea shop owner in Dorset who has to tell her customers: "Sorry dear, we're not allowed to serve a scone until after dark as it's Ramadan." Do radio stations have to start the day: "Allaaaaah – ah-aaaah allaaaaaah. Good morning, this is BBC Radio Sussex calling you to prayer.""


Maybe not in Sussex or Dorset, but try the vast majority of the East End of London, Birmingham and the mill towns of Lancashire and Yorkshire.......

I have Radio Lancashire on my alarm, it goes off at 6:00 every morning; never heard the call to prayer though.


Nor have I ever found an Islamic teashop.


Why not complain about the 'Sikh-isation' of parts of So'ton or the west midlands, of the Hinduisation of Leicester, or the cultural isolationism of Chinatown in Manchester ? There are streets in Blackpool where the To Let signs are in Polish - they even have a special Polish foods section in TESCO.


If you want to be xenophobic and alarmist, please be consistent.

  Thedelldays said:
see...this is the problem..anyone deciding to talk AGAINST islamic nutters in our country are deemed racist...


why..? why is it taboo to talk about an obvious underlying issue that exists (and maybe growing) in the UK...why do you have to be racist to want to talk about it..?


I remember a thread a while ago about the group who were abusing returning soldiers in Luton and the hatred they showed them was passed of as "freedom of speech" by some on here calling other racist...


daft really


Who said I was talking about you? Strange.

  Thedelldays said:
see...this is the problem..anyone deciding to talk AGAINST islamic nutters in our country are deemed racist...


why..? why is it taboo to talk about an obvious underlying issue that exists (and maybe growing) in the UK...why do you have to be racist to want to talk about it..?


I remember a thread a while ago about the group who were abusing returning soldiers in Luton and the hatred they showed them was passed of as "freedom of speech" by some on here calling other racist...


daft really


Completely agree 100%


Thats what really annoys me, as soon as you start discussing things you get called racist, far right etc etc.


The whole world has gone mad, what about those that are preaching hate against us ?? Against american and english christian citizens ?? They are not being racist then ?? Oh no, that is freedom of speech, but as soon as someone says that people need to put a stop to those preeching hate, oh, you are being racist. Stupid really.


Too many people are brainwashed by the namby pamby liberal world we live in today, anyone preeching hate against anyone should be firmly stopped.


Be it anti-semitism, anti-islam, anti-black/white you name it, the problem with the racism card is that it has become very one sided indeed.


pathetic really.


a lot of you have no idea what is going on in our inner-cities throughout the country, i grew up close to Finsbury Park mosque and it became fairly well known at school what went on there, with radicalisation of the youth, watching videos of martyrdom and anti-west propaganda, which always amazes me when living in north london! Then there was the story of the girl in Bradford who wanted to wear a headscarf to school to fit in, and the demostration in Harrow where planning permission has been granted to create one of the biggest mosques in the country the other week the muslim youth of the news report talking about the trouble saying "what do they expect if they come into our area"... sorry mate not sure when it became your area??? it's about time some members of the community were reminded of what country they live in

  Smirking_Saint said:
Completely agree 100%


Thats what really annoys me, as soon as you start discussing things you get called racist, far right etc etc.


The whole world has gone mad, what about those that are preaching hate against us ?? Against american and english christian citizens ?? They are not being racist then ?? Oh no, that is freedom of speech, but as soon as someone says that people need to put a stop to those preeching hate, oh, you are being racist. Stupid really.


Too many people are brainwashed by the namby pamby liberal world we live in today, anyone preeching hate against anyone should be firmly stopped.


Be it anti-semitism, anti-islam, anti-black/white you name it, the problem with the racism card is that it has become very one sided indeed.


pathetic really.



agree, you only have to look at this thread at some posters who are just being silly with their replies and wont entertain the idea behind the EDL (not the methods perhaps)...


like I said, remember that thread about the soldier very well as it wound me up at the amount (of familiar posters) passed it off as "freedom of speech"....

  Smirking_Saint said:
Completely agree 100%


Thats what really annoys me, as soon as you start discussing things you get called racist, far right etc etc.


The whole world has gone mad, what about those that are preaching hate against us ?? Against american and english christian citizens ?? They are not being racist then ?? Oh no, that is freedom of speech, but as soon as someone says that people need to put a stop to those preeching hate, oh, you are being racist. Stupid really.


Too many people are brainwashed by the namby pamby liberal world we live in today, anyone preeching hate against anyone should be firmly stopped.


Be it anti-semitism, anti-islam, anti-black/white you name it, the problem with the racism card is that it has become very one sided indeed.


pathetic really.



agree with that. only have to watch question time on BBC to see how the topic never gets discussed properly without the debate degenerating into the dangers of the BNP rather than actually look at the issues that are out there

  Smirking_Saint said:
Completely agree 100%


Thats what really annoys me, as soon as you start discussing things you get called racist, far right etc etc.


The whole world has gone mad, what about those that are preaching hate against us ?? Against american and english christian citizens ?? They are not being racist then ?? Oh no, that is freedom of speech, but as soon as someone says that people need to put a stop to those preeching hate, oh, you are being racist. Stupid really.


Too many people are brainwashed by the namby pamby liberal world we live in today, anyone preeching hate against anyone should be firmly stopped.


Be it anti-semitism, anti-islam, anti-black/white you name it, the problem with the racism card is that it has become very one sided indeed.


pathetic really.


I wonder if you could try again, and this time make some sense.


Who among the people being demonstrated against is a threat to you?


Are you certain - or crazy enough - to believe that this organization is anything other than an agitating band of racist thugs?


How does this 'brainwashing' work exactly then?


Anti-semitism is okay? Hatred of all Muslims is okay?


One sided? No - just calling it what it is.

  Verbal said:
I wonder if you could try again, and this time make some sense.


Who among the people being demonstrated against is a threat to you?


Are you certain - or crazy enough - to believe that this organization is anything other than an agitating band of racist thugs?


How does this 'brainwashing' work exactly then?


Anti-semitism is okay? Hatred of all Muslims is okay?


One sided? No - just calling it what it is.



thing is..(like it or not) until people in power actually listen and look at the issues in hand..and in the inner cities in the UK there are some real issues that are getting worse...then the vast people with these fears have no one to turn to...


too many times, when people in any media raise this issue, they are immediately branded "think" or "racist"....why..?


to those that keep on time and time again dismissing peoples fears as this are simply HELPING to make the problem worse...what is alarming, is they cant see it...


but as soon as some muslim whack-job wants to go out and spill hate filled, anti-british racist bile at returning soldiers is is OK'd as "freedom of speech"...


im sure I will now be told I am wrong, and that i "dont have a clue"..hey ho...:)

  aintforever said:
It is important that people should be able to openly speak out and demonstrate against Muslim extremists without being labeled as racist.


I agree with the sentiment but would alter that statement just slightly.


It is important that people should be able to openly speak out and demonstrate against any extremists without being labeled as anything.


The one fear I have, rightly or wrongly, is that this could be hijacked and abused by people with less decent intentions, be they Muslim Extremists, BNP or 'tree hugging loony lefties' .

Posted (edited)
  Thedelldays said:
thing is..(like it or not) until people in power actually listen and look at the issues in hand..and in the inner cities in the UK there are some real issues that are getting worse...then the vast people with these fears have no one to turn to...


too many times, when people in any media raise this issue, they are immediately branded "think" or "racist"....why..?


to those that keep on time and time again dismissing peoples fears as this are simply HELPING to make the problem worse...what is alarming, is they cant see it...


but as soon as some muslim whack-job wants to go out and spill hate filled, anti-british racist bile at returning soldiers is is OK'd as "freedom of speech"...


im sure I will now be told I am wrong, and that i "dont have a clue"..hey ho...:)


Delldays, my point is not that we shouldn't be concerned about any kind of extremism - or to put it more exactly, any kind of murderous death cult like the Salafists who buy into OBL's psychotic bullsh*t.


My point is that the EDL is nothing more or less than a rallying call to racist thugs to intimidate and lob bricks at Asians.


That's not the 'media', it's not 'branding', that's just how it is.

Edited by Verbal
  Atticus Finch of Maycomb said:
wow, man. we were all wrong. on the strength of this testimony, and on behalf of all anti-racist campaigners everywhere, i apologise unreservedly.


on a seperate note, i attended an anti-bnp march last month. i know that you and Braney Trubble would have wished you had been there, it was attended by all different kinds of people, men, women, children, from all races and creeds.




So a SNP...Scottish National party is acceptable, but the BNP...British National party is not. God love the people of this crazy Ferked up country, where we give more sway to the rights of non-nationals.

  Gingeletiss said:
So a SNP...Scottish National party is acceptable, but the BNP...British National party is not. God love the people of this crazy Ferked up country, where we give more sway to the rights of non-nationals.


The most silly post on here ever?

  badgerx16 said:
I have Radio Lancashire on my alarm, it goes off at 6:00 every morning; never heard the call to prayer though.


Nor have I ever found an Islamic teashop.


Why not complain about the 'Sikh-isation' of parts of So'ton or the west midlands, of the Hinduisation of Leicester, or the cultural isolationism of Chinatown in Manchester ? There are streets in Blackpool where the To Let signs are in Polish - they even have a special Polish foods section in TESCO.


If you want to be xenophobic and alarmist, please be consistent.


"I have Radio Lancashire on my alarm, it goes off at 6:00 every morning; never heard the call to prayer though." Of course it doesn't. That's not my point and you know it. How well intergrated are the muslim community in Oldham? Bradford? Rochdale?


"Why not complain about the 'Sikh-isation' of parts of So'ton or the west midlands, of the Hinduisation of Leicester, or the cultural isolationism of Chinatown in Manchester ? There are streets in Blackpool where the To Let signs are in Polish - they even have a special Polish foods section in TESCO." - Exactly! Have you ever wondered why there aren't any protests against these groups? Large groups of immigrants in urban areas? Has it crossed your mind that the muslims might be doing something that the Sikhs, Chinese and Poles aren't, hence why they come in for the criticism and the other "ethnic groups" don't.

  Gingeletiss said:
So a SNP...Scottish National party is acceptable, but the BNP...British National party is not. God love the people of this crazy Ferked up country, where we give more sway to the rights of non-nationals.

I'm stunned by your ignorance.

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