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I saw the official Pompey van on the M3 at Eastleigh last Saturday, I just crawled up alongside and gave him that 'you're getting relegated and going bust and we all know it' look.

It can't be fun driving round in that, especially as he must expect the baillifs on the door every morning to take it back.


A family in the apartment under mine on holiday once were pompey fans, i had seen the bloke with a pompey badge tattood on his leg round the pool and had overheard him telling someone he 'did it himself'. Surprised.


So that night, i took a massive delhi belly sh!t, got a spoon out the cutlery draw and flicked it all over the washing they had on the balcony. I laughed

I often pass a small van in full PFC livery on the Marchwood bypass heading towards the M27 in the morning so I assume he works for the club and lives on the Waterside.I can only assume he keeps it in a garage. I can't imagine a Saints employee doing likewise without serious abuse.


Hes on his way back from Marchwood Priory after his daily dose of ECT. They'll turn him red and white yet ;)


I was at hotel near to the Anaheim Disney in California a few years back when settling the bill at reception three women (just) came through the doors and on hearing me speak introduced themslves as being English and from P*mpey. With a smile I told them I was from gods country and that set them off with the usual tirade of abuse.


The poor yank behind reception stood there in shock listening to the abuse being hurled by these classy 'ladies'. Unflustered I gathered my reciept and told him loudly that they were probably in the states looking for their fathers due to the high number of warships visiting poopey they were likely to be disappointed.

Needless to say they went ballistic and I left them to it.

I saw the official Pompey van on the M3 at Eastleigh last Saturday, I just crawled up alongside and gave him that 'you're getting relegated and going bust and we all know it' look.

It can't be fun driving round in that, especially as he must expect the baillifs on the door every morning to take it back.


I could be wrong but i think we used to share a coach with the fishy few

Posted (edited)

I like it 70s mike,im 49 and a cabbie up here in the big smoke and every day i pass the national express coach going to skateland on the a3,and every day i shout you skate bastard,and i thought i was mad,glad to know there are more of us.also every time i come to sms on the m25 i give the finger to the roadsign to skateland,sad i know but keeps me going,coyr

Edited by rick1976.4.38

I've been working over on the Channel Islands two or three times a year for several years. Between St Peter Port and St Sampsons on Guernsey, there is a little terraced house with the name of Fratton End and a Pompey crest. The owner runs a removal company called Mac's removals, I think, as there is a small lorry nearby also featuring the Skate livery on it. I sincerely hope that his allegiance to the blue few loses him a lot of business on the island where the three Le Tissier brothers are still lauded.

Interesting approach and if revenue is important to your company why invite the sceptre of redundancy to your door by antagonising clients?


Just to put you in the picture it is my reply to the usual greeting I get of hello scummer, just for the record it is all in fun with people I have been doing business with for over 20 years. So please climb down off that high horse before you fall.

Just to put you in the picture it is my reply to the usual greeting I get of hello scummer, just for the record it is all in fun with people I have been doing business with for over 20 years. So please climb down off that high horse before you fall.


Thump...too late.

I could be wrong but i think we used to share a coach with the fishy few


Tis true! The Southampton Coliseum Coach complete with 'SFC' number plate was also used by the blue few as their team bus.

is it normal behaviour to be driving on the M27 see a 02392 phone number on a van, and shout at the top of my voice "you skate bas*ard"


at 55 should i seek medical help


From what I know it's perfectly normal behaviour for you, what worries me is the fact you're driving at all ;)

Oh, and I suspect you are beyond medical help lol


I go to Billingsgate fairly often to buy fish. Billingsgate has a lot of small traders/ fishmongers all gathered under one roof. Football is a favourite topic of conversation with many of the porters and I once had a decent conversation about the Saints with a Charlton fan who works there.


About 18 months ago a stall from Selsey began to be festooned by blue scarves and flags. A special Cup Final 2008 flag took pride of place in the centre of the stall. They always seemed to have a good selection of skate wings. Needless to say no matter how cheap their wares I never bought anything from that stall.


I went to Billingsgate this morning and the stall from Selsey had no Pompey flags or scarves. Not a single one. Rumour has it the stallholders now support Millwall!!


I nearly PMSL !!!


There's a burger van on the A27 just outside Chichester, I think its called Premiership with all the blue stuff on it. Just can't bring myself to stop and buy anything from it, not even a cold drink on a hot summers day.


Most of the blue shirts are gone from the Locks Heath/Warsash area since the cup final last year, the biggest scruff in the area is Claridge.

From what I know it's perfectly normal behaviour for you, what worries me is the fact you're driving at all ;)

Oh, and I suspect you are beyond medical help lol


Cheers that is the nicest thing you have ever said to me


There's a Pimpley fan who lives in my street and every night I come home from the pub I find it impossible not to do a big greenie on his windscreen! Have yet to summon up the bravery to have a big shat on his bonnet.


The OP's behaviour is completly normall I always shout you Sk8 Basturds at anything connected with Poopey.


A couple of years ago walking round Southsea me & my Daughter walked past a park that said SKATE PARK she said is that why we call them skates Dad pmsl.


On Saturday at the whole in the wall Waterloo a young lad in a wheel chair was in there having a great time singing Saints songs getting everyone to join in proper nice lad but when ever it went quiet he shouted at the top of his voice you skate basturds it was so unexpected but very funny.


Whenever one walks into the gym in Basingstoke wearing a scumpey rag, I always have to say 'You skate b'stard'


I went to scumpey last Saturday and was unfortunate enough to be on the first train through Fratton to Portsmouth Harbour after their game, so saw tons of the b'satrds. On the way home an hour later I was singing the 'Your sister is your mother' song and said you skate b'stard several times when I saw one of them on the station. Never disliked them that much, until they tortured me by playing Peter ******** Kay over and over again at krap nott arf, in the relegation season. I will never forgive them for that pain.


On the subject of sh*te music at football matches, which ar*e at Saints was responsible for playing that c*nt Morrisey after the Colchester match the other week?


Was he thinking we weren't depressed enough already!

Tis true! The Southampton Coliseum Coach complete with 'SFC' number plate was also used by the blue few as their team bus.


But I have it under good authority from the owners that afterwards it is disinfected properly every time the Skates use it.

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