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Derren Brown - Predicting the lottery before the numbers come out tommorow

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What i don't get is let's assume it is camera trickery and that it was a split screen etc..

That photo in this thread shows in 1 shot one of the balls is higher then in another shot. Which means it has been moved somehow (unless balls have learnt to float in air).


So if he did fake it then basically he has just done 2 hours of lying. Even explaining to show how he did it is a lie.


So how is that entertainment exactly? Anyone can do that. Feck even OJ did that on tv but we don't call him an illusionist...

Anyone watching Blaine? How does he do that stuff?


This is what he is all about,not the endurance mullarky,imo.




The stunts he does are exactly that. The street magic is ****ing brilliant though. He is awesome.

Posted (edited)
Anyone watching Blaine? How does he do that stuff?


This is what he is all about,not the endurance mullarky,imo.


Blaine does not work on his own, you do know that don't you?


He actually just did the lotto trick that DB did, pulling the ticket from a wallet that somehow happened to be in his BACK pocket.


I emphasise that it was his BACK pocket for a reason. Only a complete fool keeps their wallet in their BACK pocket, it was placed there by the person behind him. Remember the chaps face, you won't see him in this show again (probably) but he is no passer by I promise you that.

Edited by hamster
Blaine does not work on his own, you do know that don't you?


He actually just did the lotto trick that DB did, pulling the ticket from a wallet that somehow happened to be in his BACK pocket.


I emphasise that it was his BACK pocket for a reason. Only a complete fool keeps their wallet in their BACK pocket, it was placed there by the person behind him. Remember the chaps face, you won't see him in this show again (probably) but he is no passer by I promise you that.


I agree totally with what you say,but this is much better television entertainment than the last instalment from DB.


Usually Derren Browns stuff superb,but his take on predicting the lottery was neither great television or entertaining.


It was complete ********. Not even entertaining ******** either.

I am gonna sue the bastard for an hour of my life I'm not going to get back.

i know we have some inbreds in this country...but what I have just seen on David Blaines show took the ****


If we are talking about the same bunch then they were really quite bloody freaky,something out of 'Deliverance' springs to mind.

Part of the forthcoming fake explanation, no doubt.


Or it could be to do with a mathematical equation? ;) Snow flakes are a popular expression of the mathematical concept of fractals, I believe.


You're thinking too hard benjii. He was just warning that he was going to give a flaky explanation (I can say with the benefit of hindsight...)


The promotional adverts for the series of forthcoming 'Events' were all done backwards,i wonder if the true 'reveal' will be disclosed in the final episode and maybe the actual Lotto prediction is just the catylist for something much bigger.


Some people in this thread really do not know how Derren Brown works do they? Someone actually believes he fixed the machine? I read a post saying his cheeky grin will not get him off being sued. You berk. He clearly didn't fix the machine. He also clearly did not predict the numbers with the help with of 24 people. It was a trick.


It was obviously always going to be a trick. Thats what he does. I watched it to learn how he could make people believe that he could predict it. That is what his show is about and if you really don't get that then it shows what an absolute gormless wazzock you really are.


He made 24 people believe in themselves, that as a collective unit they can achieve anything they set their minds to including something that has a 1 in 14 million chance of occuring like predicting the lottery numbers. That has far more substance to it than actually predicting the damn things.


He's an illusionist. He openly admits at the start of every program he does that he uses trickery, showmanship, misdirection, dishonesty etc. All to create the illusion he can do certain things. For example predict the lottery. If he'd come on screen and said "It was a camera trick" his career would be over. He wouldn't be able to carry on with his next 3 events.


Everything he does is an illusion. You need to understand him before you start claiming what a disgrace it was.


No idea what you expected as a show. But seeing as it was clearly a trick, and he even admitted this right at the end when he said "If anyone asks me how I did this, I will say it was a trick." I thought it was a pretty good show and one that has given off the illusion he predicted the lottery. Which is the point of everything he does. Illusion.

You're thinking too hard benjii. He was just warning that he was going to give a flaky explanation (I can say with the benefit of hindsight...)


No the snow flake was to represent the "Frozen" screen.

Some people in this thread really do not know how Derren Brown works do they? Someone actually believes he fixed the machine? I read a post saying his cheeky grin will not get him off being sued. You berk. He clearly didn't fix the machine. He also clearly did not predict the numbers with the help with of 24 people. It was a trick.


It was obviously always going to be a trick. Thats what he does. I watched it to learn how he could make people believe that he could predict it. That is what his show is about and if you really don't get that then it shows what an absolute gormless wazzock you really are.


He made 24 people believe in themselves, that as a collective unit they can achieve anything they set their minds to including something that has a 1 in 14 million chance of occuring like predicting the lottery numbers. That has far more substance to it than actually predicting the damn things.


He's an illusionist. He openly admits at the start of every program he does that he uses trickery, showmanship, misdirection, dishonesty etc. All to create the illusion he can do certain things. For example predict the lottery. If he'd come on screen and said "It was a camera trick" his career would be over. He wouldn't be able to carry on with his next 3 events.


Everything he does is an illusion. You need to understand him before you start claiming what a disgrace it was.


No idea what you expected as a show. But seeing as it was clearly a trick, and he even admitted this right at the end when he said "If anyone asks me how I did this, I will say it was a trick." I thought it was a pretty good show and one that has given off the illusion he predicted the lottery. Which is the point of everything he does. Illusion.


Good post, but what I can't understand is how on the previous two practise draws the 24 people managed to get 3 and then 4 (which were very close to the 6) numbers that came out. On the actual draw the numbers weren't read out to the 24 but previously they had calculated the numbers themselves.


I was one of the 24 people who made the prediction and I can tell you everything he said was true. I could have told you all how it was done a few days ago but we were contracted to secrecy. Me and the other 23 are all meeting up again this evening without Derren and are going to do the same again (now that we're actually allowed to buy tickets!). All I hope is that not too many other people try it, because it's so easy to do. I wouldn't want to have my jackpot shared between me and 100,000 other people!!!

I was one of the 24 people who made the prediction and I can tell you everything he said was true. I could have told you all how it was done a few days ago but we were contracted to secrecy. Me and the other 23 are all meeting up again this evening without Derren and are going to do the same again (now that we're actually allowed to buy tickets!). All I hope is that not too many other people try it, because it's so easy to do. I wouldn't want to have my jackpot shared between me and 100,000 other people!!!


If you find yourself risking a lot more than a pound at any point, you're probably still part of an 'experiment'.


Ideally, you just lose a pound and make some new friends :)

IT's good but it's wrong. That's a quid each you each owe me by the way.


Now I know why Rich Branson was so keen to get his grubby hands on the lottery contract!


I have heard people call the lottery a tax on the poor, I'm not saying that I agree, and I have a good friend who did win over a milliion quid a couple of years ago, but personally, I'd rather save the money and waste it on ESB.


Errr . . . me or the beer?

Errr . . . me or the beer?


I would gladly combine the two anyday of the week and buy you a beer ESB, neither would be a waste.


Incidentally, I had a pint of that horrible, horrible Worthington Smoooooth at Beaulieu today, it was that or lager and even I won't stoop that low.


In contrast I stopped at the Snakecatcher on the way home and had an intimate experience with a lovely warm pint of Ringwood Best, a beer deserving of it's name if ever there was one imho.

Good post, but what I can't understand is how on the previous two practise draws the 24 people managed to get 3 and then 4 (which were very close to the 6) numbers that came out. On the actual draw the numbers weren't read out to the 24 but previously they had calculated the numbers themselves.


Tyler, I think his name was, who predicted the results where they were nearly all correct or one out was clearly a plant. He was 'working them out' as DB read out the results.

Tyler, I think his name was, who predicted the results where they were nearly all correct or one out was clearly a plant. He was 'working them out' as DB read out the results.


Yeah he was an actor.


I don't think the spinning thing actually did anything, just the quick flashes of the person sat down all through the show and of course him telling you that you wouldn't want to stand up.


I noticed the people in my group who it didn't work for were generally the cynics who just criticized it from the start and tried to see all the signs. It would work if you allowed it to work basically.


I think this is basically the thing

I'm a natural cynic, rebel and sceptic, so of course it didn't work for me as I couldn't help but want to prove him wrong.


The trick of the film isn't that he can show you a film and say stuff that physically prevents you from moving, by cutting off brain patterns or whatever


The trick of the film is convincing you that you WANT to stay put. That this will be a fulfilling/enjoyable/weirdly fun experience that'll be way better than concentrating on proving him wrong.


I don't think theres a single person who really didn't want to be affected by the video or who conciously tried not to be but was overpowered, but I think that what Derren did manage to do is convince people to essentially choose staying put over getting up.


I was stuck to my sofa all day yesterday, yet when Derren Brown came on the television I couldn't get up quick enough. Spooky.


It was just a case of hypnosis.


If you want to be hypnotised you probably will be, if you resist it you probably won't be.


I'm not sure what the point of this series is so far as it's been a massive pile of ****. I'm hoping there will be some sort of final trick at the end that ties everything to together in some brilliant way.... not confident though!

It was just a case of hypnosis.


If you want to be hypnotised you probably will be, if you resist it you probably won't be.


I'm not sure what the point of this series is so far as it's been a massive pile of ****. I'm hoping there will be some sort of final trick at the end that ties everything to together in some brilliant way.... not confident though!


Well the first one was pointless, but this latest one did work for some people.

Will certainly be interesting to see what he's doing for his last two tricks. However, I regret not watching Forrest Gump instead now.

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