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Derren Brown - Predicting the lottery before the numbers come out tommorow

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You could always watch the show on friday, then you can predict the lottery ;)

Easy money.


It's a magic trick.




Surely the acid test is whether Mr Brown will be announced as a winner? ;)

It's a magic trick.




Surely the acid test is whether Mr Brown will be announced as a winner? ;)


He was apparently banned from buying a ticket, because of the stunt.


Yes, he did write it down on a pad before showing the balls, so yes it could be some kind of technology trick. The friday night show will be very interesting indeed. I think I might have to get my pen and notepad out for that one!

The process behind it all. He said he spent a YEAR of his life doing it, not hard to believe that he figured out an actual way of predicting it.


There is no way to predict it. If there were then a lot of people would be on their way to prison right now.


If he really could predict the numbers then why the hell is he not a multi million pound winner week in week out by now? I once saw a great magician on a cruise liner who took peoples watches and wedding rings off off without them knowing - they were found on the ceiling or on other people (odd) however he also predicted we would win the FA Cup Final 2-1 - epic fail as some would say.


The explaination has got be good otherwise there wouldn't be a one hour programme of it, it's got to be something compelling and interesting, not just oh it was a time delay or whatever.

The explaination has got be good otherwise there wouldn't be a one hour programme of it, it's got to be something compelling and interesting, not just oh it was a time delay or whatever.


Isn't the programme on friday to explain a series of events over the rest of the week, or did I mishear something?

Isn't the programme on friday to explain a series of events over the rest of the week, or did I mishear something?


This fridays programme is to explain how he did the trick he performed today.

not sure fridays show will be all that. Remember seeing something he did about horse racing, and it was a massive let down.




exactly, but that's what we love, the reveal!

im going with the time delay theory...


Have another guess Baj.


It would be far too weak a stunt and imho lose him years of credibility if he resorted to time delay.


He has also stated that 'we'can try this one ourselves, so it'll be fairly basic, with few if any props.


To be fair the balls weren't even off screen at any time after he first went over to the TV.

I'm baffled. There was nothing on the opposite wall to suggest they were "burnt" on with lasers, and they were mere ping pong balls - surely there was no digital high tech whatever inside them?


If the numerals had been down-facing some sort of thermal coated balls and a low watt laser build into the stand would have been a cinch... but they weren't.

Well, clearly its all in those balls and how to get the sodding numbers onto them...




But how can we do/learn that ourselves?


CGI balls perhaps?

He also said "i've had lottery numbers up all over the walls" so i'm going to stick with my prediction of it being maths related.

It can't be any sort of equation. The whole lottery would be deemed illegal if it was. The premise of a lottery is that it's 100% random and in no way predictable.


It's a trick - I guarantee it.

He also said "i've had lottery numbers up all over the walls" so i'm going to stick with my prediction of it being maths related.


Sc, you keep forgetting the smiley thing when you post.


Whilst we try to work this out, consider this next time you think that you have any reasonable chance of winning the lottery.


If you walked up to a stranger (a complete stranger) and tried to guess their mobile phone number, you would have more chance of getting it correct than of winning the jackpot on the lottery. Anyone who did CSE maths will be able to confirm this as fact.


Go on try it, guess my mobile number? There's a packet of wine gums in it if you get it half right. I'll start you off, it begins 0792 Baj, you are not allowed to play this.

whilst we try to work this out, consider this next time you think that you have any reasonable chance of winning the lottery.


If you walked up to a stranger (a complete stranger) and tried to guess their mobile phone number, you would have more chance of getting it correct than of winning the jackpot on the lottery. Anyone who did cse maths will be able to confirm this as fact.


Go on try it, guess my mobile number? There's a packet of wine gums in it if you get it half right. I'll start you off, it begins 0792 baj, you are not allowed to play this.




i want those wine gums :)

He also said "i've had lottery numbers up all over the walls" so i'm going to stick with my prediction of it being maths related.


so we're on for that £20 bet then, yeah? Im serious. Ill make it even better. If its a maths solution, if there is a mathematical equation that can repeatably predict the lottery numbers, I will pay you £200, if not, if its any other trick, you pay me the £20, deal?


This guy is amazing. He has dedicated a whole year of his life to coming up with a mathematical formula that will tell him which random balls will be chosen. That is stunning. He is a genius and I am now going to try to be like him.

so we're on for that £20 bet then, yeah? Im serious. Ill make it even better. If its a maths solution, if there is a mathematical equation that can repeatably predict the lottery numbers, I will pay you £200, if not, if its any other trick, you pay me the £20, deal?


:lol: Fair enough.


If his number is found I think we all have the responsibility to send it off to as many porn, advertising and dogey outlets as possible as well as signing him up to all the £5 a week **** they always advertise where you get sent some annoying tune every week or animated piece of crap.

I am also sensing you have been ill a fair bit recently, possibly tonsilitis?


Amazing, it's like you read my, i dont know, some sort of online diary or something...


What's the betting that when he reveals how it did it, the solution will be along the lines of, "...well my mum's birthday is on the 11th, my brother is 23, etc...."?

this, the 911 thread and the moon landing thread are all pretty sad and pathetic


its like an idiot convention on here at the moment


Welcome home Atticus, we've been expecting you.


I could if you ask nicely point you in the right direction as to where to find the solution to Derren's 'trick'. But as I have said earlier, I am putting my membership of the Magic Circle on the line here.




Don't just look at the moving ball, the whole 'platform' is moving under the balls.


Also, why is there a second camera, the one we saw when first entering the studio? What will that reveal on Friday? There is something going on 'off set' imo.


shame he wasnt made to show at least 1 of the numbers beforehand.

After the numbers came up he delayed things by writing them down in order on the board, that was when some electronic wizardry was done.

What's the betting that when he reveals how it did it, the solution will be along the lines of, "...well my mum's birthday is on the 11th, my brother is 23, etc...."?




The "reveal" will be part of a trick. He'll make out there was some sort of mental process going on that enabled him to divine the numbers in some way..... when clearly it's a magic trick.


I'm not decrying him by the way - he's an awesome performer and is able to draw people in. Sometimes too far (witness certain "maths" related posts on this thread ;) )


Considering DB likes to provide clues to how he does things, and having watched it back a few times now, good quotes are

"Lottery numbers all up over the wall"

"ive been a little bit sick"

"ive done nothing illegal, ive done nothing illegal"

"you might want to try the same thing TOO" (emphasis on too...2?)

"This weeks glamorous assistant is O J Board"

The slip up on reading the total jackpot im sure is also a clue


Right.... I've watched the end bit in close detail.... they swap the balls. If anyone here has a recording of it, go forward to where he is writing out the numbers on the board, between 23 and 28 the camera freezes position, totally and solidly, it does not move a millimetre, despite being handheld and moving the whole time. So this is when the switch occurs. Secondly, go back to where he shows the balls in the holder at the start and explains the prediction is here but he cant show the numbers, you will notice that all the ball are perfectly in line height wise, now fast forward to a split second before he picks the balls up and turns around the little holder, 39 is clearly raised.


The balls are switched, and they are switched when he writes out the numbers 23 and 28 on the card. Its camera trickery.


I think it's done with two cameras, or two feeds to the same camera, somehow






This person on youtube has deduced the same thing


Exact Explanation:

A handheld camera follows him into thes studio, as we all see, however once the show really kicks off it is placed on a mount and the movent of the camera is added as an effect afterwards, notice how the movement is never forward or back. With the camera now (effectively) in a static position, its a trivial task to run footage on the left hand side of the screen that was recorded earlier, by the same camera, in the same position. The freeze of movement we see is moement before the cameraman picks up the camera from its mount and returns to holding it in his hands/shoulder. Sadly, the whole thing is blown by a) the freeze being too long, proving the camera is on a mount and the movement is added as an effect and b) the different position of the balls.

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