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9/11 - 102 Minutes which changed America

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On Channel Four Now. Showing footage never seen before.


Shocking stuff. Quite eerie watching the firefighter driving past knowing most of them died doing their job.


I still can't believe this happened! I'll never forget that day!!


Watching the jumpers etc and the second plane hitting just freaks me out!


I watched the phone calls from 911 which was on last night. It was basically the voicemail / answerphone messages left for friends and family by those who died when the towers collapsed. The most moving programme I have watched for a long time.


Some of the previously unseen footage is incredible. Always wondered how the rest of the city reacted to the events as most of the amateur footage seen previously was in the immeadiate vicinty of the WTC.


Programmes every year but it never gets less shocking. The radio conversations between fireman on the 77/78 floors moments before it collapsed are the most shocking.


I was 15 at the time, won't ever forget getting in from school to see these two sky scrapers on fire, unable to look away and watching in horror and shock and amazement as first one, then the other came down...


I was 21...in the Naval Base in Plymouth...no one could believe what happened...the base went on immediate lock down...within a couple of weeks, I was sat under water in the Indian Ocean conducting strikes against Afghanistan


Just back from Sixth Form for the day when I switched the tele on, took a moment to realise that:

a) I hadn't put on a film

b) This was happening in real time and

c) Yes, I had just witnessed the first tower fall almost exactly as I put the tele on.


Will always be one of the most shocking days in recent human history, that no more then 3000 where killed is a miracle. I remember casualty estimates on the news at the time predicting up to 20,000 fatalities.

Just back from Sixth Form for the day when I switched the tele on, took a moment to realise that:

a) I hadn't put on a film

b) This was happening in real time and

c) Yes, I had just witnessed the first tower fall almost exactly as I put the tele on.


Will always be one of the most shocking days in recent human history, that no more then 3000 where killed is a miracle. I remember casualty estimates on the news at the time predicting up to 20,000 fatalities.


The fact that only 300 bodies were recovered from the wreckage just shows the impact of the collapse aswell.

if there was ever a reason to be in Afghan....then this reminds us of why..


What - the fact that 19 arabs, mostly of Saudi origin, of whom six are confirmed as being still alive, didn't fly the planes into those buildings?


The fact that the one man blamed most for the attacks by the US - the man who has never actually owned up to being responsible and is not actually on the FBI's most wanted list due to complete lack of evidence against him; the man who was staying at a US hospital in Dubai a short time before sept 11th 2001, has close business links to the Bush family and was actually trained by the CIA to fight against the soviets in the 80s - may or may not have been in Afghanistan at the time; and if he was, he was allowed to escape?


Sorry Delldays. I appreciate that you have played an active role in operations, and I genuinely don't want to turn this thread away from being a memorial for the horrors that the world witnessed that day, but to claim that 9/11 is the reason we are still in Afghanistan, just like the dodgy intelligence which justified the invasion of Iraq, is a complete and utter lie on behalf of all those involved.

The fact that only 300 bodies were recovered from the wreckage just shows the impact of the collapse aswell.


Maybe being a little naive here, but where did the rest of the bodies go then? They can't have been crushed into absolute nothingness.


I can remember getting in from school and my dad just saying "Americas been attacked". Until I saw the footage for myself, I didn't quite appreciate just how crazy it all was.

Maybe being a little naive here, but where did the rest of the bodies go then? They can't have been crushed into absolute nothingness.


sorry to smash your illusions of the human body being more resilient than it is, but most of the victims that day were identified months later from microscopic evidence.

What - the fact that 19 arabs, mostly of Saudi origin, of whom six are confirmed as being still alive, didn't fly the planes into those buildings?


The fact that the one man blamed most for the attacks by the US - the man who has never actually owned up to being responsible and is not actually on the FBI's most wanted list due to complete lack of evidence against him; the man who was staying at a US hospital in Dubai a short time before sept 11th 2001, has close business links to the Bush family and was actually trained by the CIA to fight against the soviets in the 80s - may or may not have been in Afghanistan at the time; and if he was, he was allowed to escape?


Sorry Delldays. I appreciate that you have played an active role in operations, and I genuinely don't want to turn this thread away from being a memorial for the horrors that the world witnessed that day, but to claim that 9/11 is the reason we are still in Afghanistan, just like the dodgy intelligence which justified the invasion of Iraq, is a complete and utter lie on behalf of all those involved.


Bin Laden admitted it on camera. There is no other motive for blowing the crap out of Afganistan. Iraq is a different matter though.

I can remember getting in from school and my dad just saying "Americas been attacked". Until I saw the footage for myself, I didn't quite appreciate just how crazy it all was.


Same. Came in from school with my Dad nearly in tears on the sofa.


Also has anyone watched that Loose Change video before? It’s quite a controversial video with the intent on proving 9/11 was a setup by the US Government. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E3oIbO0AWE

Bin Laden admitted it on camera. There is no other motive for blowing the crap out of Afganistan. Iraq is a different matter though.

Can we please not turn this thread into a conspiracy theory argument.

Aintforever, this is not aimed at you, dont worry, its aimed at everyone.

if there was ever a reason to be in Afghan....then this reminds us of why..


Was exactly what I was going to say.


If the like of 9/11 can be planned and executed in America - it can happen anywhere in the world. That is why our guys are currently in Afghanistan.


It is interesting to note as well that there are lots of countries Armed Forces currently serving over there (Germany, Denmark and the like) that (for political reasons) wouldn't normally serve in these hot spots. They are there now though - because they too understand the very real threat of another 9/11.


Was my very first day of senior school. Couldn't believe it happened, and as someonw said as i turned the tv on the tower ****ing collapsed. Bin laden is a **** and people wonder why I have the views i do towards that part of the world. Especially as the day after thousands of them were out cheering and burning effigies. C*NTS.

Was my very first day of senior school. Couldn't believe it happened, and as someonw said as i turned the tv on the tower ****ing collapsed. Bin laden is a **** and people wonder why I have the views i do towards that part of the world. Especially as the day after thousands of them were out cheering and burning effigies. C*NTS.


Your views are based upon nothing other than idiocy, please don't pretend otherwise. Also, you are a c*nt.

Your views are based upon nothing other than idiocy, please don't pretend otherwise. Also, you are a c*nt.


I believe thats infractable. Yes ok, my views are my belief not yours. I think your views are utter ****** as well. You're probably from some inbred area like Calne or Melksham.

Same. Came in from school with my Dad nearly in tears on the sofa.


Also has anyone watched that Loose Change video before? It’s quite a controversial video with the intent on proving 9/11 was a setup by the US Government. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E3oIbO0AWE


Watched that a couple of years ago, before sitting down I thought "rubbish, there is no way" but no-one can deny that the facts in that video give a pretty good case.

Too much evidence to be written off as circumstantial anyway.


I remember I was getting ready for my first training session with my new football team round some lad's house, and his little brother came in and said "A plane has crashed into the world train centre"... Didn't hit home until I actually saw the news, it was horrible.

Same. Came in from school with my Dad nearly in tears on the sofa.


Also has anyone watched that Loose Change video before? It’s quite a controversial video with the intent on proving 9/11 was a setup by the US Government. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E3oIbO0AWE




The put options prove foreknowledge as far as I am concerned, the rest is merely conjecture. Who had the foreknowledge, well it appears a bunch of finance types did, there must have been others surely?


The missus's uncle was a Firefighter that day and entered the towers. He lost 95% of his station crew. He was one of the lucky ones.


It was horrible, yet compelling viewing.


I remember going to the dentist that day so was home frm school early


The news was on all TV stations. I was watching tower 1 on fire at which time they still thought it was an accident.


I will never forget seeing that second plane hit. The most stunned feeling I've ever felt.


I was on the Eurostar heading to the World Trade Centre in Brussels - arriving in Brussels was eerie as the whole station was crowded around the tv's in the bars


I was at home when it happened. I had just put in some toast and was waiting for it to brown.


I remember reaching into the fridge for the butter or margarine (forget which) when i HEARD A NOISE FROM THE OTHER ROOM.


It was a large, clear envelope falling through the lwetterbox, advertising some christmas fayre at my local large department store. I remember flicking through the catalogue, whilst sipping tea and eating my toast.


I was 55 at the time. That toast is something i will probably never forget.

I was at home when it happened. I had just put in some toast and was waiting for it to brown.


I remember reaching into the fridge for the butter or margarine (forget which) when i HEARD A NOISE FROM THE OTHER ROOM.


It was a large, clear envelope falling through the lwetterbox, advertising some christmas fayre at my local large department store. I remember flicking through the catalogue, whilst sipping tea and eating my toast.


I was 55 at the time. That toast is something i will probably never forget.


Scary. Lwetterboxes are portals to parallel universes. You had a lucky escape.

I was at home when it happened. I had just put in some toast and was waiting for it to brown.



you buy ready made toast? surely to allah you put bread in and were waiting for it to brown? i understand your memories of the event are tarnished, im thinking thats down to shock and the brain intentionally keeping important pieces of information from you, its a defence mechanism.


i was at work and heard it on the radio, tried logging on to sky or bbc or ananova or cnn but they were all jammed. i got updates, bizzarely, from theuglyinside! um pahars used to work at Meridian and he obviously had the live feeds on the screens and he was keeping us updated, pretty much minute by minute. couldnt wait to get home to see it all happen. very morbid i know, but it was such a momentous day in history i had to watch every news programme on every channel for days and weeks after.


last nights documentary was incredible, getting the first hand experiences and instant reactions was awful/fascinating/upsetting. great programme, well made


I was on Portsmouth high street trying to get people to sign up to support The Children's Society, and despite talking to locals all day long no one mentioned it once. It was only on the train home that some very garbled news started leaking through.


The next day i was on soton high street and every time a plane flew over everyone froze, very creepy.


A very moving documentary as was the one on Sunday, I too remember events of that day, vividly, from site visits to telephone conversations, had a CD on whilst driving so for 40 minutes was completely unaware of events, even when told failed to comprehend the enormity, only when watching on TV that evening did it sink in.

My viewing of it now is somewhat clouded by the conspiracy theories the like of which linked above and how it could have been prevented etc...but nothing can take away the distressing images captured and the choices some of those poor people were forced to make.


That documentry was astonishing and compulsive viewing. It really bought home the reality and enormity of those terrible events. As someone else alluded to, you wonder how many of those people you saw on your screen last night survived.


I didn't watch from the start but turned on about 45 minutes in, and the thing that struck me was the eerie silence on the NY streets, no sirens, no cars, no people.


I also saw the film, United 93 (I think) the night before showing the story of the plane that didn't reach it's target, that was equally fascinating yet horrific (albeit a dramatisation), but it did bring home the terror the passengers & crew faced in those final few minutes/hours when they realised they were going to die, especially when they rushed the ****pit.


I think posters should keep a lid on their particular feelings towards the rights or wrongs of the wars that have followed these events, (and fatuous comments regarding other posters comments), it should be remembered that many many people lost their lives, and a debate on the aftermath should be kept for another thread.


No fatuous comments? Now what do I do?


Of course 9/11 was a tragedy - many hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians fewer died there than in Iraq, but still...


But it doesn't mean, eight years after the event, that we have to be overly reverential - or censorious about discussing the fallout since.

Bin Laden admitted it on camera. There is no other motive for blowing the crap out of Afganistan. Iraq is a different matter though.


You mean in the video allegedly found in a house in Afghanistan by US troops which shows a man who clearly doesn't even look like OBL claiming responsibility?



Have a look on the FBI most wanted website - there is no mention whatsoever of his involvement in 9/11 (or any of the other terrorists on the wanted page for that matter) because, by their own admission, the FBI don't have any evidence against him. even **** Cheney has openly admitted that the US government has never claimed that Bin Laden was responsible...




Bexy, I don't know where to start with this kind of wild conspiracy stuff. I suggest you read anything on the subject by Ahmed Rashid, by far the most knowledgeable and authoritative researcher on 9/11, as seen from Afgahnistan, and incidentally the journalist who's met OBL the most frequently.


After Rashid, try Laurwence Wright's 'The Looming Tower' - by far the most detailed account of the lead up to and personnel involved in 9/11. It puts all the conspiracy nuts quietly out of business.

Bexy, I don't know where to start with this kind of wild conspiracy stuff. I suggest you read anything on the subject by Ahmed Rashid, by far the most knowledgeable and authoritative researcher on 9/11, as seen from Afgahnistan, and incidentally the journalist who's met OBL the most frequently.


After Rashid, try Laurwence Wright's 'The Looming Tower' - by far the most detailed account of the lead up to and personnel involved in 9/11. It puts all the conspiracy nuts quietly out of business.

Sorry, but how does that cover every single thread of conspiracy on one swoop? I'm not talking about the psuedo-science, how about some of the hard facts, like that number of terrorists who the FBI listed as hijacking the planes who are still alive and well...



(damn, breaking my own rules here, infraction time)

What - the fact that 19 arabs, mostly of Saudi origin, of whom six are confirmed as being still alive, didn't fly the planes into those buildings?


The fact that the one man blamed most for the attacks by the US - the man who has never actually owned up to being responsible and is not actually on the FBI's most wanted list due to complete lack of evidence against him; the man who was staying at a US hospital in Dubai a short time before sept 11th 2001, has close business links to the Bush family and was actually trained by the CIA to fight against the soviets in the 80s - may or may not have been in Afghanistan at the time; and if he was, he was allowed to escape?


Sorry Delldays. I appreciate that you have played an active role in operations, and I genuinely don't want to turn this thread away from being a memorial for the horrors that the world witnessed that day, but to claim that 9/11 is the reason we are still in Afghanistan, just like the dodgy intelligence which justified the invasion of Iraq, is a complete and utter lie on behalf of all those involved.


Because the ruling Taliban government didn't allow Al-Qaeda to use training camps in Afghanisation to train extremists for Jihad, did they?


I was on a plane flying from Gatwick to the US on a business trip.


Completely oblivious to planes being flown in buildings in the US, I remember being extremely cross that we apparently had to return to London almost at the point of no return (just about to fly over Canada). It was eerie everybody finding out on their phones once we all got off the plane thinking nobody would know we were back. I then recall the complete shock when I got home and saw it the news and it doesn't get any less shocking when I see it now. I was a tad disappointed when I found out some planes had been diverted to the Bahamas and I ended up back in London, but I guess it could have been much much worse.


Good programme last night.

Sorry, but how does that cover every single thread of conspiracy on one swoop? I'm not talking about the psuedo-science, how about some of the hard facts, like that number of terrorists who the FBI listed as hijacking the planes who are still alive and well...



(damn, breaking my own rules here, infraction time)


Well, to begin with, try reading authoritative, first-hand stuff before reading and trusting internet crap.


And sorry, but 'hard facts'. Are you joking?


If someone tried to cover 'every single thread' of the conspiracy nuts they'd end up as crazy as them. Most 'threads', such as they are, not even worth talking about.

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