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I am in need of a new laptop. Now I have seen, that signing up for various mobile broadband companies, gives you a free laptop.


Just wanted peoples opinions on mobile broadband?


Used '3' for a couple of weeks when I was back over. Cheap enough - 15 pounds for the month service and 10 quid for the dongle purchase. (It costs 40 pounds for the aircards out here per month but they are a lot more reliable)


Coverage crapped out every 30 minutes and often had to reboot laptop for it to re-connect. But it did the job pretty well and better than I was expecting after reading all the negativity. Managed to do what was needed (although not tested in Soton)


I wouldn't want to rely on it continuously though and for a permanent mainstay connection - no thanks!


I'd look into the pricier Vodafone or Virgin options that I believe get better ratings.

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