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Hopefully it will be Nick and co. vote BNP.

What a friendly bunch they are.Dont go away on holiday anywhere sunny as you might get a tan.Nick and his gestapo hench men will not like you if you are nothing but white.

I'm not saying Southampton isn't a Labour city?? The South generally isn't a labour area. And as I said further up I did make it up, twas just a guess. Turns out Portsmouth is mostly Lib Dem, followed by Tory, and Southampton is a Tory city.


The point is the fact I am Tory does not make me worse than a Skate.


Southampton has only had a Tory council for a couple of years or so before that you'll have to go back to the early 80's. The citys two mps are Labour.

I'm not saying Southampton isn't a Labour city?? The South generally isn't a labour area. And as I said further up I did make it up, twas just a guess. Turns out Portsmouth is mostly Lib Dem, followed by Tory, and Southampton is a Tory city.


The point is the fact I am Tory does not make me worse than a Skate.


Not worse but on a par.

Hmmm, which is ironic as most skates are Labour or Lib Dem supporters, which makes anyone who backs either of those parties as bad as Skates.

Utter and 100% ******. You look at the voting record in portsmyth since 1945, in both Westmeinster and local elections and you'll find the halfwits are, if not true blue, certainly not as Socialist as Southampton. Fact.

We'll keep the red flag flying.

I cant get onto the forum, what are they saying?


Moaning that a few of their boisterous fans were chased by the home support and a given a bit of a slap,outside the Alfred.Blaming poor policing!

Moaning that a few of their boisterous fans were chased by the home support and a given a bit of a slap,outside the Alfred.Blaming poor policing!


Well they shouldn't go looking to incite it if thy can't handle it. They were really trying to provoke a reaction.

Most were about 14-16 with about 5 older lads and gobbing off because they had a few of them together.

I was surprised it got as far as the King Alfred to be honest.

In no way do I condone violence but this lot were really pushing it and trying to cause trouble when they got it they ran away and now whine about it.

Utter and 100% ******. You look at the voting record in portsmyth since 1945, in both Westmeinster and local elections and you'll find the halfwits are, if not true blue, certainly not as Socialist as Southampton. Fact.

We'll keep the red flag flying.


****ing hell, read my other posts, I said I made it up.


The point is people shouldn't be castigated because of there political persuasion. Sure, I look down on people who vote Labour, who doesn't? But some of us have more class than that, and don't spend our time publicly deriding others for it.


Personally I couldn't give a ****, I just don't like being compared to a skate because I vote Tory. Personally I don't think that's fair.


The problems this country has now, the violence etc is due to the Labour government we have now. Personally I've had it with this country and it's inhabitants.

****ing hell, read my other posts, I said I made it up.


The point is people shouldn't be castigated because of there political persuasion. Sure, I look down on people who vote Labour, who doesn't? But some of us have more class than that, and don't spend our time publicly deriding others for it.


Personally I couldn't give a ****, I just don't like being compared to a skate because I vote Tory. Personally I don't think that's fair.


The problems this country has now, the violence etc is due to the Labour government we have now. Personally I've had it with this country and it's inhabitants.


Do you not think that most of the problems in Britain stem from the disastrous New Right Friedmanesque policies of the Thatcher governments, i.e creating a 'me first' type society ( wasn't it Thatcher who said there is no such thing as society ), causing mass unemployment thus creating a dependency culture which still permeates today. If you look at most of the scumbags causing trouble today they invariably come from this background of welfare dependency, of course there are exceptions.

How can i not judge you? In my eyes you have said that by being a Tory you don't give a toss about anybody else.


No, you're just stereotyping. We can all do that as it's so damn easy. But you keep doing that, it's your pregoative as a troll to keep trying to wind us up.

Do you not think that most of the problems in Britain stem from the disastrous New Right Friedmanesque policies of the Thatcher governments, i.e creating a 'me first' type society ( wasn't it Thatcher who said there is no such thing as society ), causing mass unemployment thus creating a dependency culture which still permeates today. If you look at most of the scumbags causing trouble today they invariably come from this background of welfare dependency, of course there are exceptions.


Economically Thatcher had no choice, the industries were in decline and something had to be done. Of course she wasn't popular doing it, but Tory leaders don't care about beinf popular, they are there to do the job that is needed.


She may have caused mass unemployment, but the troubles we face now are more than just unemployment. The benefits system needs a shake up, with benefits being on a sliding scale for the amount of time people are on them. We also need a far more draconian way of dealing with our criminals, because there is no fear of prison any more.


thing that gets me about Tory v Labour, Thatcher v Blair.


Maggies legacy is what.... Unemployment, poll tax and closing a few mines


Blairs Legacy is what... Unemployment, uncontrollable banking system and HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE DEAD IN THE MIDDLE EAST..


I wonder what the lesser of two evils are...lol

No, you're just stereotyping. We can all do that as it's so damn easy. But you keep doing that, it's your pregoative as a troll to keep trying to wind us up.


I'm not a troll, just putting my point of view across, i left school in 1982 at the height of Thatchers wrecking spree, it wasn't very nice entering the jobs market with more than 3.25 million out of work. I went to Liverpool to see Saints in the early 80's and the place was desolate, it was like Grozny, by the way i do agree with you on the question of fair and fitting punishments for criminal activity.

thing that gets me about Tory v Labour, Thatcher v Blair.


Maggies legacy is what.... Unemployment, poll tax and closing a few mines


Blairs Legacy is what... Unemployment, uncontrollable banking system and HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE DEAD IN THE MIDDLE EAST..


I wonder what the lesser of two evils are...lol


Well, can't really argue with that...

I'm not a troll, just putting my point of view across, i left school in 1982 at the height of Thatchers wrecking spree, it wasn't very nice entering the jobs market with more than 3.25 million out of work. I went to Liverpool to see Saints in the early 80's and the place was desolate, it was like Grozny, by the way i do agree with you on the question of fair and fitting punishments for criminal activity.


And I'm sure it wasn't nice. What about the problems that people are having coming out of Uni now, trying to get a job? Should they think that all Labour supporters are as bad as skates or ****s as someone put it, because they are finding it hard. No, because that would be ridiculous.

Do you not think that most of the problems in Britain stem from the disastrous New Right Friedmanesque policies of the Thatcher governments, i.e creating a 'me first' type society ( wasn't it Thatcher who said there is no such thing as society ), causing mass unemployment thus creating a dependency culture which still permeates today. If you look at most of the scumbags causing trouble today they invariably come from this background of welfare dependency, of course there are exceptions.



Every time you post something, you prove yet again that you do not know what you are talking about and it's just as well that you are abroad if you have such a twisted view of British history and politics.


You say that Thatcher caused mass unemployment thus creating the dependency culture, yet you are either are very selective or not old enough to remember that the Conservative government of Thatcher was elected on a platform of "Labour isn't working" the meaning of which seems to have escaped you. For the benefit of those finding it difficult to make the connection, the election campaign posters featured really long queues outside the unemployment office. Presumably the unemployed from that time didn't become dependent on benefits for some unexplained reason, but instead waited for Thatcher before they succumbed. :rolleyes:


The unemployment of that era was largely caused because many of the major manufacturing industries were poorly managed, overmanned, tied down by restrictive union practises and as a result, they could not compete with competition from lower paid workers, or better run businesses in other parts of the World.


How you can draw any parallels with which way somebody votes and which football club they will therefore support, is one of the most bizarre concepts ever espoused on here.


I think that you have been too long out in the sun, mush.

wasnt it a labour govt...that brought in a 4 day week and had rubbish dumps in local parks...?


(i am 29 so a tad too young)


No that was under a Conservative government under Ted Heath December 1973, and it was a three day week. The rubbish in the parks was during the winter of discontent 78-79, under Jim Callaghans Labour government.

No that was a Conservative government under Ted Heath December 1973


oh...right, like I said, before my time..


what do you think about the FACTS below..?


thing that gets me about Tory v Labour, Thatcher v Blair.


Maggies legacy is what.... Unemployment, poll tax and closing a few mines


Blairs Legacy is what... Unemployment, uncontrollable banking system and HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE DEAD IN THE MIDDLE EAST..


I wonder what the lesser of two evils are...lol

Posted (edited)
Every time you post something, you prove yet again that you do not know what you are talking about and it's just as well that you are abroad if you have such a twisted view of British history and politics.


You say that Thatcher caused mass unemployment thus creating the dependency culture, yet you are either are very selective or not old enough to remember that the Conservative government of Thatcher was elected on a platform of "Labour isn't working" the meaning of which seems to have escaped you. For the benefit of those finding it difficult to make the connection, the election campaign posters featured really long queues outside the unemployment office. Presumably the unemployed from that time didn't become dependent on benefits for some unexplained reason, but instead waited for Thatcher before they succumbed. :rolleyes:


The unemployment of that era was largely caused because many of the major manufacturing industries were poorly managed, overmanned, tied down by restrictive union practises and as a result, they could not compete with competition from lower paid workers, or better run businesses in other parts of the World.


How you can draw any parallels with which way somebody votes and which football club they will therefore support, is one of the most bizarre concepts ever espoused on here.


I think that you have been too long out in the sun, mush.


I think you will find mush, that unemployment in May 1979 was around 1.2 million and falling. The Labour isn't working campaign was just part of a slick advertising campaign by the marketing guru's Saatchi & Saatchi. When did i draw parallels with which way someone votes and which football club they will therefore support, i think that was your fellow Tory DP Saint.remember May,79 1.2 million- May 82 3.25 million unemployed

Edited by Fuengirola Saint
oh...right, like I said, before my time..


what do you think about the FACTS below..?


I agree with you on the Iraq war question, i never supported it but then again i never said either that i supported New Labour. The unemployment problem now is just another symptom of the neo liberal system failing, i.e banks failing, deregulation of banking is if we are being honest with ourselves a Tory utopia, e.g unfettered markets.

I agree with you on the Iraq war question, i never supported it but then again i never said either that i supported New Labour. The unemployment problem now is just another symptom of the neo liberal system failing, i.e banks failing, deregulation of banking is if we are being honest with ourselves a Tory utopia, e.g unfettered markets.



im sorry...the torys (or maggie) cannot be blamed for anything now really..


not when this lot have been in for over 12 years...that is right 12 years, plenty of time to sort any wrongs out...

im sorry...the torys (or maggie) cannot be blamed for anything now really..


not when this lot have been in for over 12 years...that is right 12 years, plenty of time to sort any wrongs out...


I agree that this government have not been half as good as i imagined on that wonderful May 1997 morning when finally the country woke up kick that corrupt rabble out. Unfortunately for me and many others this government proved themselves to be almost a corrupt as their predecessors,I didnt realise at the time that Tony Blair and co we just out to feather their nests as well.All i'm saying is since the Tories broke with the consensus in 1979 this country has changed and unfortunately we can't go back.

im sorry...the torys (or maggie) cannot be blamed for anything now really..


not when this lot have been in for over 12 years...that is right 12 years, plenty of time to sort any wrongs out...


Don't worry, there is always an excuse or a scape goat with these people. They just can't take responsibility for ruining our economy.

I agree that this government have not been half as good as i imagined on that wonderful May 1997 morning when finally the country woke up kick that corrupt rabble out. Unfortunately for me and many others this government proved themselves to be almost a corrupt as their predecessors,I didnt realise at the time that Tony Blair and co we just out to feather their nests as well.All i'm saying is since the Tories broke with the consensus in 1979 this country has changed and unfortunately we can't go back.


Would it be right for me to say that you are as bad as a skate now then? I think so. Thank god living abroad you no longer get a vote, or this country could be in even more trouble.

I can talk about what i want,when i want! I pay into the Seguridad Social here and have paid thousands in tax in Britain as well, so i'll have an opinion on who runs that country.

Are you retired or working in Spain? If you left education in 82 you would not have done a full working life.So if you have cleared off to spain for the good life I respectfully say you are being a bit hypocritical talking about the greedy and self interested, as i say IF.You should be here working yor butt off to pay into the system so the weak can be cared for, much like the hardworking people of this country are doing under whatever flag they vote for

Would it be right for me to say that you are as bad as a skate now then? I think so. Thank god living abroad you no longer get a vote, or this country could be in even more trouble.


Why would you say that? I never said i was a new Labour supporter, just that i had an immense dislike for the Tory party and all it stands for. You don't half tie yourself up in knots eh nipper? As i can deduce from your posts you are still a nipper.

Why would you say that? I never said i was a new Labour supporter, just that i had an immense dislike for the Tory party and all it stands for. You don't half tie yourself up in knots eh nipper? As i can deduce from your posts you are still a nipper.


I'm 25, so a nipper compared to you yes. It's amazing how you can deduce that I am a 'nipper', yet you cannot recognise sarcasm. Bizarre.

Are you retired or working in Spain? If you left education in 82 you would not have done a full working life.So if you have cleared off to spain for the good life I respectfully say you are being a bit hypocritical talking about the greedy and self interested, as i say IF.You should be here working yor butt off to pay into the system so the weak can be cared for, much like the hardworking people of this country are doing under whatever flag they vote for


So your saying that because i haven't retired and that i hold a Socialist viewpoint that i have no right to broaden my horizons, live in another country, learn another language and other cultures. I work here so therefore pay taxes here, i have never heard so much ******** in my life. Get a grip mush

So your saying that because i haven't retired and that i hold a Socialist viewpoint that i have no right to broaden my horizons, live in another country, learn another language and other cultures. I work here so therefore pay taxes here, i have never heard so much ******** in my life. Get a grip mush

bit hypocritical that you slam the system in the UK of being a bit self important..when you have buggered off to look after number one..(which is fine IMO)

Why would you say that? I never said i was a new Labour supporter, just that i had an immense dislike for the Tory party and all it stands for. You don't half tie yourself up in knots eh nipper? As i can deduce from your posts you are still a nipper.


Oh, and you seem to have dodge the question about it being reasonable for Uni leavers at the moment to hate all Labour supporters. You do seem to dodge questions very well. You remind me of Michael Howard.

Oh, and you seem to have dodge the question about it being reasonable for Uni leavers at the moment to hate all Labour supporters. You do seem to dodge questions very well. You remind me of Michael Howard.


They have every right to, but this period of unemployment was not caused by the government directly, it was caused by the failure of the neo liberal Laissez Faire system that our economic system is governed by. What do you think the unemployment figures would be if the government hadn't intervened during the crisis? The unemployment of the 80's was deliberate government policy to subjugate the workers and unions.

They have every right to, but this period of unemployment was not caused by the government directly, it was caused by the failure of the neo liberal Laissez Faire system that our economic system is governed by. What do you think the unemployment figures would be if the government hadn't intervened during the crisis? The unemployment of the 80's was deliberate government policy to subjugate the workers and unions.



so, are you saying this mess we are in is not the fault of labour..?

The mess we're in is down to the Capitalist system, it would have happened regardless of which political party was in power.

so, you dont blame labour either..?

they could not have done a thing to stop it or make it less worse..?

They have every right to, but this period of unemployment was not caused by the government directly, it was caused by the failure of the neo liberal Laissez Faire system that our economic system is governed by. What do you think the unemployment figures would be if the government hadn't intervened during the crisis? The unemployment of the 80's was deliberate government policy to subjugate the workers and unions.


That's ridiculous. The FSA are a government regulated body, so the buck stops with the government. And no, they shouldn't hate everyone who votes Labour.


A man walks down the road and gets beaten to death just because he's black.


A footballer is left fighting for his life in hospital after being stabbed in both legs after disapproving of his sisters boyfriend.


A forum poster gets called a **** and is told he is worse than his clubs biggest rivals because he votes Tory.


You're part of the problem mush.


Better to have a "me first" culture and be open about it - that way everyone knows where they stand.


Also - what's wrong with a "me first" culture? Within the boundaries of the law, surely that rewards enterprise and ability? Give me a meritocracy over some sort of perverse egalitarianism any day. Some people are ignorant, stupid, and incapable of interacting with others. They deserve to live in **** holes. Some people are unlucky and victims of circumstance. Some people are lucky and privileged. That's what happens when there are billions of people. Get over it.


Most people are reasonable and will help others rather than tread on them.


A forum poster gets called a **** and is told he is worse than his clubs biggest rivals because he votes Tory.


That has really got to you hasn't it? For your info it wasn't me who said it, i just agreed. I'm sorry but i really don't like the Tory Party and what it stands for, can you give me reasons for your membership of the said party apart from ' i don't like Gordon Brown'

so, are you saying this mess we are in is not the fault of labour..?


Not at all they are as culpable as the Tories for continuing with this mad economic model.

I just can't forgive the Conservative party for setting the wheels in motion all those years ago.

Not at all they are as culpable as the Tories for continuing with this mad economic model.

I just can't forgive the Conservative party for setting the wheels in motion all those years ago.

do you not think that 12 years (or 11 before this crisis) was ample to time stop/change it.


clearly not in your opinion..


still, you are against self importance in society, yet you no doubt displayed this when leaving to go to spain (or where ever you are)...



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