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James Perry Trottman Harding


Mellis Gillett Hammond Gobern






I think Lallana needs to play in behind Lambert, he is innefective out wide and didn't get on the ball enough at Swindon, but through the middle he could cause serious problems.


Lancashire, Thomas, Schneirderlin and Wotton should all be dropped after their useless performances against Swindon.


Yes - this looks good - maybe put Thomas in instead of perry. Our first aim ought to be a clean sheet today.

Just realised my line up has no Lallana or Gillet, I'd swap them in for Gobern and Rasiak.


You haven't included Adam Lallana in the match 18. No chance that will happen.



Yeah I realised, knowing that Murty is out, I'd put James right back and give his place on the bench back to Rasiak. Gobern can have the Left Mid spot as Fish and Holmes are both still injured.

Lallana is the constant enigma, but he isn't good enough to be an enigma to bother us too much. The truth is that he doesn't score and he doesn't provide killer passes, so why would he be an asset up front or supporting the striker? He also, very clearly, is not a winger, since he isn't providing crosses.


It looks more that he isn't prepared to knuckle down to the discipline required to hold a place in the team, but insists in playing his own game, something which he has done, no doubt, since boyhood, being the best player in his boy's teams. He is now 22 and should start shouldering responsibility, and instead we are treating him as if he is still "promising". "Promising what?" would be a good question.


As far as skills goes he isn't an MLT nor any other genius who should be given a free role so that they can give the team of their best. A time in the reserves to make his mind up on what his game is all about would probably not be bad.


This sums him and the situation up for me, great analysis.




James - Perry - Thomas - Harding


Mellis - Schniederlin - Hammond - Gobern


Saganowski - Lambert


More probable, Pato instead of Saga. Hope Gillett can get a go. Think he'll be warming the bench as usual. Trotman & Rasiak also subs.


We have no-one in the side who's a natural wide-right player.

We have no-one in the side who's a natural wide-left player.

No-one really thinks Paterson is better than Rasiac and / or Saga.

We're still a team in transition.

It will be a couple of weeks yet before we get a medium-term, balanced team.


If Saints are not leading at half time, will AP remember that subs are allowed before the 80th minute? Although apart from Rasiak and Saga, tbh the squad still lacks depth so his options are not huge! But 2 goals up by half time and I won't care.

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