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A couple of points re the above post in an attempt to bury the stories once and for all.


If MLT knew funds were not there going into exclusivity why did he continue to give Pinnacle the benefit of his endorsement right up to the point they removed their bid?


It is folly to say the problems with Pinnacle were not MLT's. The fact he was willing to lay his reputation as a Saints legend on the line and endorse the bid knowing the hugely positive effect this would generate was a major factor in raising the credibility of the Pinnace bid. Given that importance was MLT naive, lazy, hoodwinked os simply smug that whatever the outcome he could do no worng in the eyes of Saints fans and therefore extremely complacent in adding creedence to the bid?


Many have idenitified issues with the quality of our squad such as lack of experience, cover and fitness. To address all these issues we needed one thing and one thing only with the current set up in place - TIME. The one precious commodity that Pinnacle, Crouch and MLT robbed the club of in my very humble opinion.


To cheer MLT in a such way was as much to recognise him as a playing legend but equally a misguided kick in the teeth to Liebherr, Cortese and Oldknow as like the rest of us I am sure they would have welcomed the opportunity to start their work on rebuiliding this club at least 5 weeks earlier than they were afforded by the Pinnacle bid strongly endorsed by MLT.


Playing legend he maybe and judging by the comments above one who is trying to rewrite his sorry role in the club's recent history or avoid talking about it altogether.


IMO his laidback, confident and strolling style as a player was probably equally evidenced in his approach in choosing to support Pinnacle. Time is a great healer and personally I would prefer for the time being to see MLT back working with Jeff Steling on a Saturday so as not to grace us with his presence and risk rubbing it in to those who were somewhat more genuine in their bid IMO. Our loudest roars of recognition should be reserved for Mr Liebherr and his team and it is disingenuous of us all to be cheering their competitor regardless of his previous status for at least this season.


What a load of old cobblers ! How can acknowledging a legend reflect negatively on ML et al.

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