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The Thoughts of Chairman Wilde .


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I really can't see how he can say we are in a position to compete for promotion, while at the same time he is saying that the only way to survive in this league is to sell our best young players.

How does that work ?



Well now, that is clearly an either/or thing, as even a tiny amount of rational reflection will make clear. If we can win promotion, our young players good enough for and desiring Premiership football can be retained -- except of course for any budding superstars in the Walcott/Bale mould who will get snapped up by one of the big 4 (or is that 5 now?) regardless. If we fail to win promotion, our best young players, those regarded as desirable by Premiership teams, will inevitably be sold. The idea is that replacements for them will be available from the academy, or by signing players of the Holmes/Schneiderlin ilk, or a few older and free types a la Wotton/Perry. If you can't see how this works and is a perfectly rational and consistent policy, frankly the fault lies in you and not in Wilde.


You may perhaps question Wilde's sincerity, but what he has said makes perfect sense.



RinNY, your reply does not fully take account of the implications of the Quisling's suggestion that we are in a position to fight for promotion and yet the only way to survive is to sell players. Granted that if there are signs that we are to be promoted, there will be incentive for players to stay here provided that it is made clear to them that once in the Premiership they will receive pay at a level average to their colleagues there. They may well be happy to stay here on a bit less than the going rate outside of the big clubs because they are settled in this area and have family here.


But the fly in the ointment is the January window. If there is clear interest in any player at that time from a Premiership club, it is too early for the player to assess the probability of whether we will definitely achieve promotion and the temptation to play in the top league at vastly increased wage levels would prove too much for most youngsters.


On that basis which is a real possibility, it would be difficult to sustain a policy of keeping a squad together who could show enough promise to gain promotion. My feeling is that any monies gained from the sale of the better youngsters will mostly go to debt repayment and on that basis replacements of those players either from the academy or from cheap purchases elsewhere are likely not to be as good as what we have sold.

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The crap spouted on here when MW tries to communicate just goes to show how running a football club can be a thankless task. Whatever you do it's invariably wrong.

He had the chance to answer the question regarding the £7mil and his ousting of Lowe and he sounded like Tony Blair at the Hutton enquiry.Why cant he just give a stright answer?

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He had the chance to answer the question regarding the £7mil and his ousting of Lowe and he sounded like Tony Blair at the Hutton enquiry.Why cant he just give a stright answer?

who would believe any straight or faggoty bent answer he gives...what is the point??? some have made up their minds and will twist anything he says against him...

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c) we have no scouts overseas (which is odd given that we have signed 2 players from overseas in the last couple of months and thats where most clubs are gtting their cheap players)


e) Crap beer for 10 years! Then we are looking at changing to Carling. Make the most of what we have got, because its clearly going to get worse, I though the question was about GOOD beer, carling, probably the worst lager in the world. I think what we are looking for is something from Ringwood brewery or the like. By the way why is a 10 year pouring contract a problem, we have broken other agreements (such as the buses) so why not renegotiate the beer as well.


All in all the replies from MW were much as expected. Absolute hogwash. Please go poodle and take that nice Mr Lowe with you when you leave



I think he actually said that the stadium has a ten year pouring contract.


The stadium was built in 2001, so we actually should only have three years left.

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RinNY, your reply does not fully take account of the implications of the Quisling's suggestion that we are in a position to fight for promotion and yet the only way to survive is to sell players. Granted that if there are signs that we are to be promoted, there will be incentive for players to stay here provided that it is made clear to them that once in the Premiership they will receive pay at a level average to their colleagues there. They may well be happy to stay here on a bit less than the going rate outside of the big clubs because they are settled in this area and have family here.


But the fly in the ointment is the January window. If there is clear interest in any player at that time from a Premiership club, it is too early for the player to assess the probability of whether we will definitely achieve promotion and the temptation to play in the top league at vastly increased wage levels would prove too much for most youngsters.


On that basis which is a real possibility, it would be difficult to sustain a policy of keeping a squad together who could show enough promise to gain promotion. My feeling is that any monies gained from the sale of the better youngsters will mostly go to debt repayment and on that basis replacements of those players either from the academy or from cheap purchases elsewhere are likely not to be as good as what we have sold.


And your solution to solving the financial malaise in the football world is what? If you can come up with something that ensures players aren't lured away by being offered 5 times the salary they can get here I'm sure you'll become a national hero.


Your feeling that monies gained from the sale of the better youngsters will mostly go to debt repayment is stating the bleedin obvious while we are so heavily in debt and the bank is pulling the strings.

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And your solution to solving the financial malaise in the football world is what? If you can come up with something that ensures players aren't lured away by being offered 5 times the salary they can get here I'm sure you'll become a national hero.


Your feeling that monies gained from the sale of the better youngsters will mostly go to debt repayment is stating the bleedin obvious while we are so heavily in debt and the bank is pulling the strings.


It is not incumbent on me, a mere fan, to suggest solutions to the financial malaise in the football World. But nobody paying their money to watch the game is precluded either from expressing an opinion on what is wrong with the game. We as a club have limited solutions available to us anyway. Either we are taken over by people with serious sums of money available to keep the banks and creditors off our back, or else we persevere with the paupers who currently run us, who have little alternative other than to pursue our current course of playing the youngsters and selling any who prove to be decent players.


Thanks for backing my assertion that most of the monies raised from player sales will go into payment of debt, as it reinforces my assertion that unless it is ringfenced into being ploughed back into player purchases, the likelihood is that the quality of the squad is going to eventually deteriorate. On that basis, we will find it increasingly more difficult to ever get out of this division without serious investment. Therefore Wilde is living in cloud cuckoo land believing that we can both sell off decent players AND remain promotion candidates.

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who would believe any straight or faggoty bent answer he gives...what is the point??? some have made up their minds and will twist anything he says against him...




Conversely, there are some out there like you who would support Lowe come hell or high water.


Wilde was asked a straight question which he never played with a straight bat.

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Another attempt by the traitor to be more accepted by the fans. Of course he dodges the U-turn question as was to be expected.


Nothing, I repeat NOTHING, that you can say or do Mr. Wilde will ever erase the foul taste in the mouth of many whenever your name is spoken.

You positioned yourself as the champion of those wanting to rid the club of Ru**rt, and you turned around and betrayed them all.

Shame on you. Nothing you ever say will ever have any credibility anymore.

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Another attempt by the traitor to be more accepted by the fans. Of course he dodges the U-turn question as was to be expected.


Nothing, I repeat NOTHING, that you can say or do Mr. Wilde will ever erase the foul taste in the mouth of many whenever your name is spoken.

You positioned yourself as the champion of those wanting to rid the club of Ru**rt, and you turned around and betrayed them all.

Shame on you. Nothing you ever say will ever have any credibility anymore.


Oh dear. Hell hath no fury like an old woman who wasted his money on an airplane banner.

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Another attempt by the traitor to be more accepted by the fans. Of course he dodges the U-turn question as was to be expected.


Nothing, I repeat NOTHING, that you can say or do Mr. Wilde will ever erase the foul taste in the mouth of many whenever your name is spoken.

You positioned yourself as the champion of those wanting to rid the club of Ru**rt, and you turned around and betrayed them all.

Shame on you. Nothing you ever say will ever have any credibility anymore.


Oh dear. Hell hath no fury like an old woman who wasted his money on an airplane banner.

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It is not incumbent on me, a mere fan, to suggest solutions to the financial malaise in the football World. But nobody paying their money to watch the game is precluded either from expressing an opinion on what is wrong with the game. We as a club have limited solutions available to us anyway. Either we are taken over by people with serious sums of money available to keep the banks and creditors off our back, or else we persevere with the paupers who currently run us, who have little alternative other than to pursue our current course of playing the youngsters and selling any who prove to be decent players.


Thanks for backing my assertion that most of the monies raised from player sales will go into payment of debt, as it reinforces my assertion that unless it is ringfenced into being ploughed back into player purchases, the likelihood is that the quality of the squad is going to eventually deteriorate. On that basis, we will find it increasingly more difficult to ever get out of this division without serious investment. Therefore Wilde is living in cloud cuckoo land believing that we can both sell off decent players AND remain promotion candidates.



So the plan appears to be we just try to muddle through and sell players as and when anyone wants to buy them.


The only outcome of that is the overall quality will degrade over time.


Even if we got promotion we do not have the board that can deliver the investment to even have an attempt at staying up.


With the new economic reality of football we will do well to avoid administration in the next three years.


We will have falling attendances as the "Rupert Lowes Total Football Revolution"is seen to sell any decent player that emerges.


Goodness its a frightful prospect

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It is not incumbent on me, a mere fan, to suggest solutions to the financial malaise in the football World. But nobody paying their money to watch the game is precluded either from expressing an opinion on what is wrong with the game. We as a club have limited solutions available to us anyway. Either we are taken over by people with serious sums of money available to keep the banks and creditors off our back, or else we persevere with the paupers who currently run us, who have little alternative other than to pursue our current course of playing the youngsters and selling any who prove to be decent players.


Thanks for backing my assertion that most of the monies raised from player sales will go into payment of debt, as it reinforces my assertion that unless it is ringfenced into being ploughed back into player purchases, the likelihood is that the quality of the squad is going to eventually deteriorate. On that basis, we will find it increasingly more difficult to ever get out of this division without serious investment. Therefore Wilde is living in cloud cuckoo land believing that we can both sell off decent players AND remain promotion candidates.



So the plan appears to be we just try to muddle through and sell players as and when anyone wants to buy them.


The only outcome of that is the overall quality will degrade over time.


Even if we got promotion we do not have the board that can deliver the investment to even have an attempt at staying up.


With the new economic reality of football we will do well to avoid administration in the next three years.


We will have falling attendances as the "Rupert Lowes Total Football Revolution"is seen to sell any decent player that emerges.


Goodness its a frightful prospect

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The £2m Question


MW says it is correct that in early 2006 he discussed with the board the possibility of making an interest free loan to SLH plc.


The loan was offered subject to 2 conditions:


(1) That in the event of a subsequent rights issue the money would become repayable making it available for the purchase of new sharesin the company


(2) That the funds were ring fenced and only used for squad strengthening in the event that the club failed to gain promotion to the Premier at the end opf 2006/07 season


He says certain members of the board rejected those conditions and shortly after he resigned his position



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The £2m Question


MW says it is correct that in early 2006 he discussed with the board the possibility of making an interest free loan to SLH plc.


The loan was offered subject to 2 conditions:


(1) That in the event of a subsequent rights issue the money would become repayable making it available for the purchase of new sharesin the company


(2) That the funds were ring fenced and only used for squad strengthening in the event that the club failed to gain promotion to the Premier at the end opf 2006/07 season


He says certain members of the board rejected those conditions and shortly after he resigned his position



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The £2m Question


MW says it is correct that in early 2006 he discussed with the board the possibility of making an interest free loan to SLH plc.


The loan was offered subject to 2 conditions:


(1) That in the event of a subsequent rights issue the money would become repayable making it available for the purchase of new sharesin the company


(2) That the funds were ring fenced and only used for squad strengthening in the event that the club failed to gain promotion to the Premier at the end opf 2006/07 season


He says certain members of the board rejected those conditions and shortly after he resigned his position




What's stopping him doing that now then?

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The £2m Question


MW says it is correct that in early 2006 he discussed with the board the possibility of making an interest free loan to SLH plc.


The loan was offered subject to 2 conditions:


(1) That in the event of a subsequent rights issue the money would become repayable making it available for the purchase of new sharesin the company


(2) That the funds were ring fenced and only used for squad strengthening in the event that the club failed to gain promotion to the Premier at the end opf 2006/07 season


He says certain members of the board rejected those conditions and shortly after he resigned his position




What's stopping him doing that now then?

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So the plan appears to be we just try to muddle through and sell players as and when anyone wants to buy them.


The only outcome of that is the overall quality will degrade over time.


Even if we got promotion we do not have the board that can deliver the investment to even have an attempt at staying up.


With the new economic reality of football we will do well to avoid administration in the next three years.


We will have falling attendances as the "Rupert Lowes Total Football Revolution"is seen to sell any decent player that emerges.


Goodness its a frightful prospect


In the event of promotion to the Premiership, we would have an extra £60/70 million to play with. It depends on how much of that is ploughed into the team and how much goes on debt repayment. But under those circumstances it could be argued that the nucleus of the team if it stayed intact might just require a bit more quality to supplement it in order to stay up, rather than wholesale changes. We would undoubtedly be a much better prospect for external investment if we were in the Premiership, so that would be a reason for optimism.


With regard to falling attendances, I believe that we may have bottomed out at this level regardless of whether we have a policy of selling any youngster who shows promise, providing that we continue to play attractive and committed football. If we a hit winning vein, crowds would increase, but otherwise I think that we seem to have reached our level.


But it does appear that it will be a struggle to keep afloat unless we have serious investment coming in, as attendance figures are key.

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So the plan appears to be we just try to muddle through and sell players as and when anyone wants to buy them.


The only outcome of that is the overall quality will degrade over time.


Even if we got promotion we do not have the board that can deliver the investment to even have an attempt at staying up.


With the new economic reality of football we will do well to avoid administration in the next three years.


We will have falling attendances as the "Rupert Lowes Total Football Revolution"is seen to sell any decent player that emerges.


Goodness its a frightful prospect


In the event of promotion to the Premiership, we would have an extra £60/70 million to play with. It depends on how much of that is ploughed into the team and how much goes on debt repayment. But under those circumstances it could be argued that the nucleus of the team if it stayed intact might just require a bit more quality to supplement it in order to stay up, rather than wholesale changes. We would undoubtedly be a much better prospect for external investment if we were in the Premiership, so that would be a reason for optimism.


With regard to falling attendances, I believe that we may have bottomed out at this level regardless of whether we have a policy of selling any youngster who shows promise, providing that we continue to play attractive and committed football. If we a hit winning vein, crowds would increase, but otherwise I think that we seem to have reached our level.


But it does appear that it will be a struggle to keep afloat unless we have serious investment coming in, as attendance figures are key.

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What's stopping him doing that now then?


What would it achieve? He now feels that a piecemeal of the kind he proposed then would not in ant way have helped the club to achieve it's objective.


He also says the board are not currently in formal discussion with any party regarding fresh investment but are open to such discussions. His own opinion is that any approach must be evidenced by tangible assets lodged with a UK bank before formal discussions could take place and that such funds must be sufficient to provide long term stability for SFC

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What's stopping him doing that now then?


What would it achieve? He now feels that a piecemeal of the kind he proposed then would not in ant way have helped the club to achieve it's objective.


He also says the board are not currently in formal discussion with any party regarding fresh investment but are open to such discussions. His own opinion is that any approach must be evidenced by tangible assets lodged with a UK bank before formal discussions could take place and that such funds must be sufficient to provide long term stability for SFC

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What would it achieve? He now feels that a piecemeal of the kind he proposed then would not in ant way have helped the club to achieve it's objective.


He also says the board are not currently in formal discussion with any party regarding fresh investment but are open to such discussions. His own opinion is that any approach must be evidenced by tangible assets lodged with a UK bank before formal discussions could take place and that such funds must be sufficient to provide long term stability for SFC


Surely we could do with £2mill more now than when Wilde was in the press promising it?


Anyway, whatever he says now I think we can all draw our own conclusions as to why he came out and said it. He said all sorts of crap to get Lowe out.

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What would it achieve? He now feels that a piecemeal of the kind he proposed then would not in ant way have helped the club to achieve it's objective.


He also says the board are not currently in formal discussion with any party regarding fresh investment but are open to such discussions. His own opinion is that any approach must be evidenced by tangible assets lodged with a UK bank before formal discussions could take place and that such funds must be sufficient to provide long term stability for SFC


Surely we could do with £2mill more now than when Wilde was in the press promising it?


Anyway, whatever he says now I think we can all draw our own conclusions as to why he came out and said it. He said all sorts of crap to get Lowe out.

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It is not incumbent on me, a mere fan, to suggest solutions to the financial malaise in the football World. But nobody paying their money to watch the game is precluded either from expressing an opinion on what is wrong with the game. We as a club have limited solutions available to us anyway. Either we are taken over by people with serious sums of money available to keep the banks and creditors off our back, or else we persevere with the paupers who currently run us, who have little alternative other than to pursue our current course of playing the youngsters and selling any who prove to be decent players.


Thanks for backing my assertion that most of the monies raised from player sales will go into payment of debt, as it reinforces my assertion that unless it is ringfenced into being ploughed back into player purchases, the likelihood is that the quality of the squad is going to eventually deteriorate. On that basis, we will find it increasingly more difficult to ever get out of this division without serious investment. Therefore Wilde is living in cloud cuckoo land believing that we can both sell off decent players AND remain promotion candidates.


Thanks for backing my assertion that players leaving for the Premier League is due to the financial malaise in the football World. So why do you think RL should be able to solve it if no one else can. But there again it's easier to have someone to blame than try to understand the problems in keeping players.


As for being taken over by people with serious sums of money available to keep the banks and creditors off our back it might have escaped your notice but we lost £5M last season despite selling £16.5M of players. That's a loss of £21.5M on the season. So if we could persuade someone with £21.5M to "invest" we could buy back all our mercenaries and and enjoy another wonderful season like last year.

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It is not incumbent on me, a mere fan, to suggest solutions to the financial malaise in the football World. But nobody paying their money to watch the game is precluded either from expressing an opinion on what is wrong with the game. We as a club have limited solutions available to us anyway. Either we are taken over by people with serious sums of money available to keep the banks and creditors off our back, or else we persevere with the paupers who currently run us, who have little alternative other than to pursue our current course of playing the youngsters and selling any who prove to be decent players.


Thanks for backing my assertion that most of the monies raised from player sales will go into payment of debt, as it reinforces my assertion that unless it is ringfenced into being ploughed back into player purchases, the likelihood is that the quality of the squad is going to eventually deteriorate. On that basis, we will find it increasingly more difficult to ever get out of this division without serious investment. Therefore Wilde is living in cloud cuckoo land believing that we can both sell off decent players AND remain promotion candidates.


Thanks for backing my assertion that players leaving for the Premier League is due to the financial malaise in the football World. So why do you think RL should be able to solve it if no one else can. But there again it's easier to have someone to blame than try to understand the problems in keeping players.


As for being taken over by people with serious sums of money available to keep the banks and creditors off our back it might have escaped your notice but we lost £5M last season despite selling £16.5M of players. That's a loss of £21.5M on the season. So if we could persuade someone with £21.5M to "invest" we could buy back all our mercenaries and and enjoy another wonderful season like last year.

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As Wilde says Rupert is making the final decisions so why did the echo

not have a question and spin.. sorry answer session with him? because

Lowe would have vetted all the responses from Wilde in any case.


FFS.. we all know if we are honest with ourselves that Wilde is only here

because he has to be so Lowe could get back in because without Wildes

shares he would have had no chance.

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As Wilde says Rupert is making the final decisions so why did the echo

not have a question and spin.. sorry answer session with him? because

Lowe would have vetted all the responses from Wilde in any case.


FFS.. we all know if we are honest with ourselves that Wilde is only here

because he has to be so Lowe could get back in because without Wildes

shares he would have had no chance.

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Dear Mr Echo


Further to my earlier letter, please find the answers to the aforementioned questions.


Yours sincerely


R Lowe


Is it just me or are we both in a cynical mood this evening Steve, then again we have both been to enough forums over the years to know how his mind works.

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Dear Mr Echo


Further to my earlier letter, please find the answers to the aforementioned questions.


Yours sincerely


R Lowe


Is it just me or are we both in a cynical mood this evening Steve, then again we have both been to enough forums over the years to know how his mind works.

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