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Saints Web Football - August 9th Flemming Park, Eastleigh, 5:00pm

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Posted (edited)




It will be a pleasure to meet you Ari.



I need to return a lost/found ball anyway, it is a black one if anyone wants to claim it.

Edited by hamster

Me and the chaps shant be there this week (except simon possibly) as we are all off to sunny greece :D We will all be thinking of you though as we relax on the beach with an ice cold beer as you run around int he ****ing rain :D


Me and the chaps shant be there this week (except simon possibly) as we are all off to sunny greece :D We will all be thinking of you though as we relax on the beach with an ice cold beer as you run around int he ****ing rain........... :D



.....and then all return to your house and bang your mum :D

possibly but not as much intrest with someone else starting the thread


it was only because i couldnt, thanks for the vote of confidence though ;-)


I'm a serious doubt. I cut my foot up pretty badly on Thursday and, if I'm honest, there's no real way I should play tomorrow. Still, I'll see how it is.

I'm a serious doubt. I cut my foot up pretty badly on Thursday and, if I'm honest, there's no real way I should play tomorrow. Still, I'll see how it is.


how did you do this Rob?


Mike, I did it in a swimming pool, oddly. Something sharp on a wall sliced a large section into my foot, and caused much hilarity / panic in some quarters when I got out and left a trail then huge pool of blood after me. It's not very clever, I think I might be able to bind it up loads but to be honest, I really should leave it. It's painful to walk on properly, so... yeah.


Robsk, you must sue the pool owners for negligence or something. It is your duty. Unless of course you were 'running' or engaged in 'heavy petting' at the time of the incident.


I did have a word with the duty manager hamster, not so mucha bout the cut, because I couldn't be bothered to prove it was anything negligent (these things happen, right.. and I don't buy into litigation culture), but because the way the blood was dealt with (ie not at all properly) was outrageous. I'm pretty aware of blood regs, and these people (at least the employee dealing with it) didn't. As it happens, I was at the pool in a work capacity (as odd as that sounds), so I was able to make a sort of professional level challenge about it, which helped.


Trod on a broken wine glass once in a pool in Phoenix. By some miracle it didn't break the skin and I gave the glass I could find to the maintenance guy. Turns out there must have been more though because when I came back the next say there was a sign saying, 'pool closed, broken glass and blood in water'


Anyway, tag along Rob, you can be a goalie/cheerleader.


Sorry lads, would have tagged along, but can't actually justify playing today at all, in all honesty. meant to train Wednesday night so need to be sensible. Would have come along anyway and been in goal, or taken some photos, or something, but have been guilt-tripped into helping with a van conversion instead. Soz. Hopefully next week will be back.


Absololutely ****ged out, and was after the first 5 minutes tbh. I don't know whether it was just the heat, my old bones, or that big Sunday dinner half an hour before we started, but I was and am still totally cream crackered. I really did need that break, but trying to get going again afterwards was not going to happen.


Mrs hamster has massaged some essential oils into my ankles, to no avail, so hopefully the Guinness will do the trick.


I think that MBS was a pleasure to watch as he skipped and dinked past people too, well done nipper.

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