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Ponty, thats because you're old.

I ****ing hate akon, but this tune is pretty ****ing good. Not his **** R&B/hip hop ****.

'tis true, I am getting on a bit, but I would've hated that at 18 too.

Utter dross.

I can sh1t better dance music than this.


reason being? I don't tend to like it, but this tune is stuck in my head. With or without akon on it.

**** hot at the moment, everyone wants him to produce their stuff and some of the tracks he's come out with are awesome.


his latest track is going to be huge.




Dat is wickid blud.

Ponty man, you needz to chillax and get down wit sum serious **** and stop lissinin to dat old wubbish, stop bein' so old, you is an embarisment to ur jenurashion.



reason being? I don't tend to like it, but this tune is stuck in my head. With or without akon on it.


Reason being...... It is over-produced to the point of sounding pre-fabricated or 'out-of-the-box' like some p1sspoor frozen meal by Findus.

It ain't raw. It's got no soul.


The poor "tainted love" stolen hook has been done a thousand times before, a thousand times better.


All IMHO obviously.


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