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the demise of the club manager


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If you are very rich you can afford to have your shopping list of stars - but it backfires with the occasional Shevchenko, as even Roman might admit.


When you are a Saints however, how do you decide who goes on your shopping list? That's when it get's problematic if owners/chairmen are picking them. When you've next to no money to spend you MUST listen to the professionals (better if they are ones you can trust) because the players you buy HAVE to fit in to the coach's plan about what attributes are needed in order to fit into the kind of team he wants and how he wants to play.

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If you are very rich you can afford to have your shopping list of stars - but it backfires with the occasional Shevchenko, as even Roman might admit.


When you are a Saints however, how do you decide who goes on your shopping list? That's when it get's problematic if owners/chairmen are picking them. When you've next to no money to spend you MUST listen to the professionals (better if they are ones you can trust) because the players you buy HAVE to fit in to the coach's plan about what attributes are needed in order to fit into the kind of team he wants and how he wants to play.


HLM, I don't think that this is a problem for us.


The Chairman wants a team based around youth who play football on the deck.


So does the manager.


And so do the players.


And so do many, many fans, as this site testifies!


Design or luck??

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Its Monday morning, the skies are grey and was stuck for two hours in traffic getting the 58 miles to work, so a quick (well maybe a few lines) destressiong on here mifght help set me up for another 'day at the office'


I would add two points - One that was raised on 5Live the other day - namely that we are struggling in the UK to produce decent coaches - which is a contributor to why we find it hard to find a decent English manager.


The traditional manager spends too much time AWAY from teh training ground and too much on the mobile to agents IMHO, too much tiem fretting about players he wants, wants rid off, rather then on tactics and coaching to improve the players he has. On the continent, coaches start with youth teams and the systenm is always teh same - you ahve a group of players and you develop the skills necessary to get the best out of them, playing to the strengths of the players you have rather than trying to force systems on players who sadly have been grown up on 442 and feck all else.


Surely the mark of a good coach is getting the best and improving the playesr he has... afterall and average coach manager can probably improve results with a cheque book, but with out it its about decent coaching and surely that is the purer and more honest assesment of a 'manager's ability? And as wee also all know, the finances are no longer about offering 'buster' Barnacle the Whizz of the wing an extra 5 bob a week to prop up what he earns in the abatoir. And with the potential for getting involved with the mystery that is the swiss banking agents and their abilty to sell Carlos Cickaballio to Nonsporting club de utd for 20 mil with AyK Cuuub NOrding only getting 2 mil, its hardly surprizing they want to contriol tehir cash and let the coaches coach.


With respect to Sky, lets be a little fairer, they didindeed drag football out of teh darkages, some will see this as an affront to the 'working mans' rough and ready terrace culture, others as a welcoming civilising factor that meant you could take the kids.... that will depend on your own perspective, but no one can deny that the money and the Taylor report have at least seen vaast improvements in Facilties if not atmosphere.


I think what is sad, and perhaps worring is that now that most Premierleagur clubs are owned by those without the history associated with their clubs there will come point soon where they start to do their own TV deals and then it will be game over and a closed shop -Lets be honest if we were part of it, we might not have such a downer on it, even if it its 'not the same' as winning with local lads made good, but It will happen, and UEFA and FIFA will huff and puff and capiltulate fearing becomming even more irrelevent to gopverning the games structure... if only to preserve the International copetion, but how long before contracts prevent players at the NIke Manchester Devils or the Smirnov Sparteks from player for their country and in typical US franchise way, the league winners are crowned World Champions after the 28 game play offs?


Maybe however the sooner theis happens the better, as football can readjust to more local traditional values, sure the best will still be plucked away to the franchise clubs, but those left behind will probably have the passiona dn pride again that we as paying fans expect when playimng for club and country - the only question that really worries me about this is whether there will be any young fans left who want to watch it, rather than support clubs in the WSL ™ World Soccer League


The second point is about Sky

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