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  Hamilton Saint said:
I've been checking out Saints Player in preparation for tomorrow's game against Millwall.


My subscription from last season doesn't expire until November, so I presume I should be able to coonect to the new system without problem; however, when I click on "Sign In" on the Saints Player page - in order to enter my ID and password - the screen goes dark and freezes.


Anyone experiencing the same? Any ideas on what to do?




I had exactly this problem today when trying to log in to listen to the match (the main reason I subscribe being an ex-pat). I am sorry to say that I think my 5 year old learnt a few new swear words today!!!!




Hmmmmm my Saints Player has worked fine so far - commentary not fantastic but when I couldn't get the match on my laptop it was good to hear what was happening - the videos are a lot fuller than the transcripts that appear on the OS and you can select other commentaries so championship matches etc at diff times if you want to.


For £4 a month not bad really esp if you don't live in Soton - mind you if you did live in Soton I spose the only real benefit is the video interviews.


Strangely, it worked perfectly fine today but didn't want to know when the match was on on Saturday.


I hope it works okay tomorrow!

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