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Windows Vista Problem

Jeff Le Taxi

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For some reason i cant log on to windows anymore? when i go to log on it says i can only log on as an administrator although i am using the main administrator account! there is also some blurb about somthing has been moved to another location? anyone else had this problem out of the blue?

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Jeff can you get the exact error... sounds like the OS Installation files are corrupt on the disk... i'm sure you'll still be able to get data off the disk but if you can get me the exact error then i might be able to help you a bit more.....

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Yeah be specific.


Not a Vista user, but i think if you start up tapping F8(?) it MAY take you to the command line, from there type in chkdsk -f, this should check the volume and fix any errors.


Or, again hold F8 on startup, go into Startup Repair (it may not be there) then follow this-


On the Advanced Boot Options screen, use the arrow keys to highlight Repair your computer, and then press ENTER. (If Repair your computer is not listed as an option, then your computer does not include Startup Repair as a preinstalled recovery option.)

Select a keyboard layout, and then click Next.

Select a user name and enter the password, and then click OK.

On the System Recovery Options menu, click Startup Repair. Startup Repair might prompt you to make choices as it tries to fix the problem and, if necessary, it might restart your computer as it makes repairs.


An exact error or an error code would be ideal

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Just take the data of the drive before the re-install then no data lost.


Whenever I get a new laptop I always take a ghost image of how I like things set up with office, photoshop etc etc so if it f*cks up just wack the image back on.


Exactly, best way, quick and easy.


i like ghost.

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