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people at my call centre are dropping like flies. had one girl taken out in a stretcher 10 minutes ago to a waiting ambulance, my PA is on tamilfu, , 12 opther people off with it, and the chairman has it as well




dont bother trying to ring 02 or vodafone this week, no one is here to answer your call


I want to be carried out on a stretcher, much more dramatic than just ringing in sick.


So far, no one I know has had it, no one at my work , no one at the wifes work and no one at any of the kids schools.


moral dillema - if i get it, im not supposed to come in for 7 days


but, i am self employed, and paid by the day, it could cost me a lot of money


so, if i get it, i think i will be selfish and come in. or is that being a bit ****ish?


To be honest Keith, if you did get Swine Flu then I don't think you'll have the energy to really get out of bed, let alone go into work.....you'll probably have no choice.....just bill the Essex bint for lost wages.


My 18 month old son on tamiflu, the government completely unprepared for youngsters. Is available as an infant suspension but they have none in stock. Having to feed him it in honey. I work on my own in office so not too worried but feeling but achey and have a hideous headache in background

My 18 month old son on tamiflu, the government completely unprepared for youngsters. Is available as an infant suspension but they have none in stock. Having to feed him it in honey. I work on my own in office so not too worried but feeling but achey and have a hideous headache in background


your wife?

your wife?




I had a rotten headache, aches and pains and was really lethargic last week so i may have had it, although i didn't have the fever and the cold is just starting t come in today. Whether it's swine flu or not, it wasn't too bad, but enough to lay me low for a few days.



I had a rotten headache, aches and pains and was really lethargic last week so i may have had it, although i didn't have the fever and the cold is just starting t come in today. Whether it's swine flu or not, it wasn't too bad, but enough to lay me low for a few days.


It seems that anyone who has anything of this nature automatically thinks 'Swine Flu.' So, does that mean it has spread far beyond any estimates or are we and the media scaremongering slightly.

It seems that anyone who has anything of this nature automatically thinks 'Swine Flu.' So, does that mean it has spread far beyond any estimates or are we and the media scaremongering slightly.


The media have bigged it up and unfortunately it seems that anybody that has anything wrong with them, they immediately assume that they have swine flue.

The media have bigged it up and unfortunately it seems that anybody that has anything wrong with them, they immediately assume that they have swine flue.


It's like when people say the've got the flu when all it is is a cold.


Proper flu will lay you out, and it's take the TV in the toilet time!

I've never looked like a red X in a white box- what does it feel like?


Now that is indeed a problem...it shows up on my screen, so not being an IT nut........I haven't got a ******* clue.

Now that is indeed a problem...it shows up on my screen, so not being an IT nut........I haven't got a ******* clue.


Perhaps you could describe it for me :rolleyes:


There are actually benefits to getting swine flu at the moment.


The main problem with the virus is that we haven't any immunity to it or defence against its effects yet.


The current strain clearly has a pretty low mortality rate and is generally not much worse than other flu strains we commonly see. However, flu comes back seasonally and each season it is usually developed/mutated from the last, hence why you may get flu again despite having a jab last year.


The first wave of Spanish flu many years ago didn't do much damage, but when a mutated strain swept through some time later, it was a lethal strain. The danger is of a nastier version of swine flu developing in the future as many people would be very vulnerable. If you get the more harmless version now, however, then you'll be far more likely to have a defence against it.

There are actually benefits to getting swine flu at the moment.


The main problem with the virus is that we haven't any immunity to it or defence against its effects yet.


The current strain clearly has a pretty low mortality rate and is generally not much worse than other flu strains we commonly see. However, flu comes back seasonally and each season it is usually developed/mutated from the last, hence why you may get flu again despite having a jab last year.


The first wave of Spanish flu many years ago didn't do much damage, but when a mutated strain swept through some time later, it was a lethal strain. The danger is of a nastier version of swine flu developing in the future as many people would be very vulnerable. If you get the more harmless version now, however, then you'll be far more likely to have a defence against it.


****ing hell, you're happy :chain:

I phoned that new help line yesterday. It was an awful line I could hardly hear a thing, just crackling.


Apparently they aren't even qualified. That's the NHS for you.


Like people have ssaid above I think there are people who have the sniffles and immediately say they have swine flu. In our office it's all the same people who are normally off loads anyway. A girl came in today with a cold and said she had swine flu, but there is no way she had anything more than a runny nose, but she still got sent home to watch Jeremy Kyle.

This is the problem: Stupid dickheads coming into work when they are clearly not well! Hopefully most people are a bit more sensible than that!


That's probably more a symptom of the way our society looks down upon sickness culture.

  • 2 months later...

Discovered on Saturday. I thought I had pneumonia after the rain in southend but I have swine flu. Well according to the NHS

Taking tamiflu now. Only problem I have with the flu is I cannot return back to the north of Scotland to later in the week as BA will not ley me travel

(NHS ruling) sensible i might add.


Im tempted to string the symptoms on till next sunday so I can see another saints game. I have never pulled a sickie before but this bug is pretty horrible

and BA will only let me travel if they feel Im 100% ok


Any comments should I wait till Im 100% fit before I return home? Throwing a sickie is not an option for me


I would suggest that if there is a large number of a workforce off with swine flu in a particular workplace then most of them are using it as an excuse to stay off work because they hate it and they think that the boss is a c**t.


A number of reason for not throwing a sickie


1. I want to wait till i am really ill

2. I suffer from presentism (IM a work aholic)

3 I have to deal with sickness in the workplace and some of the excuses are laughable.

  • 4 weeks later...

Gutted, looks like our village is slowly being hit by it. Most kids are of school with it and a large portion of the adults are ill too. Bit worrying as we have a lot of older people in the village who live alone and are not of the beast of health anyway. Going to do be community duty and do some visits this evening.

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