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Is SaintsTV coming back with live commentary this season?

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...and I thought it was to hear Will Cope, Minsk? :)


Well, it is also to hear how well Will copes with the commentary as well.


Oh, and to see the goals (although I don't usually bother to look at them when we lose, so haven't really used that feature much in the past couple of years).




What was the name of that genius commentator on Capital Gold when it used to be available on the net. He was decent.. made me get all nervous whenever we had a throw in, and went as mental as a banshee on acid when Matty's let fly with that last goal at the Dell. Awesome.


Reply from the powers that be :)


"We hope to have commentary available for when the new Saints Player is

launched, which will be replacing SaintsTV. I understand from our

website providers that you should have been emailed about this change

over of service and they should be keeping you updated with progress. Ad

fair as I know the Saints Player should be launch in the first week of

August, which therefore should be in time for the Millwall match."

Reply from the powers that be :)


"We hope to have commentary available for when the new Saints Player is

launched, which will be replacing SaintsTV. I understand from our

website providers that you should have been emailed about this change

over of service and they should be keeping you updated with progress. Ad

fair as I know the Saints Player should be launch in the first week of

August, which therefore should be in time for the Millwall match."


Thanks for that. I haven't had an e-mail, have you? (Maybe I need to e-mail the club?)


As I now live in Santa Rosa (40mins north of San Francisco), I totally depend on Saints TV for commentary, and have had a paid subscription for a few years. I emailed the club about my concerns and this is the reply I got back. I hope this helps.


"Thanks for your e-mail. As I am sure you are aware, commentary for Saints TV has always been provided by Radio Hampshire (formerly The Saint), however, at short notice Radio Hampshire recently entered Administration and subsequently folded, before being bought out by Play Radio – who now reside in their former premises here at St Mary’s.


We were made aware shortly before Radio Hampshire folded that it was unlikely they would be able to fulfil their contractual obligations to broadcast commentary of all Saints fixtures during the 09-10 season. For this reason, discussions have been ongoing over the summer to find a solution to this problem, and ensure that all our subscribers would still be able to tune in on a Saturday afternoon for all the action.


At this moment in time, we are at advanced stages of negotiations with BBC Radio Solent with regards to them taking over the commentary service that we provide through Saints TV, and are hopeful of a successful conclusion very soon. The Solent guys have been commentating on Saints for many years now and as such have a great knowledge of everything that happens on a matchday. As soon as this is process is completed we will let fans know through the Club’s Official Site. I hope this goes some way to easing your concerns!


Kind Regards,


Jordan Sibley, Press Officer

As I now live in Santa Rosa (40mins north of San Francisco), I totally depend on Saints TV for commentary, and have had a paid subscription for a few years. I emailed the club about my concerns and this is the reply I got back. I hope this helps.


"Thanks for your e-mail. As I am sure you are aware, commentary for Saints TV has always been provided by Radio Hampshire (formerly The Saint), however, at short notice Radio Hampshire recently entered Administration and subsequently folded, before being bought out by Play Radio – who now reside in their former premises here at St Mary’s.


We were made aware shortly before Radio Hampshire folded that it was unlikely they would be able to fulfil their contractual obligations to broadcast commentary of all Saints fixtures during the 09-10 season. For this reason, discussions have been ongoing over the summer to find a solution to this problem, and ensure that all our subscribers would still be able to tune in on a Saturday afternoon for all the action.


At this moment in time, we are at advanced stages of negotiations with BBC Radio Solent with regards to them taking over the commentary service that we provide through Saints TV, and are hopeful of a successful conclusion very soon. The Solent guys have been commentating on Saints for many years now and as such have a great knowledge of everything that happens on a matchday. As soon as this is process is completed we will let fans know through the Club’s Official Site. I hope this goes some way to easing your concerns!


Kind Regards,


Jordan Sibley, Press Officer



Thanks for that!


Radio Solent would be better than nothing, as the service is a real lifeline, not just for people not at a home game, or living too far away, but also for away games. Solent often split their service to cover Peemouth and Beemouth, so how would they handle that, or will they do a separate service thorugh the OS. Lots of issues.


I too emailed the club, but received no response whatsoever. I hope though that this Radio Solent commentary, if it transpires, is available outse the UK. In the past it has not always been.

I too emailed the club, but received no response whatsoever. I hope though that this Radio Solent commentary, if it transpires, is available outse the UK. In the past it has not always been.


That is the big worry for me and many others who live outside The UK. There is a problem with broadcasting rights or something like that and The BBC etc can't transmit to overseas listeners.


Hopefully they will be able to get around it in the same way they did with The Matchday Commentary On The Saint. Us overseas fans could not listen to the radio station as such, but got a connection from about an hour (supposedly, often 10 mins if you were lucky :() and an hour afterwards.


Fingers crossed.


Bring back Peter Hood ? from Power FM, happy days ;)


If Solent is going to be through SaintsTV then there won't be an issue with overseas as the rights will have been negotiated etc.


Would be good to get this - It'll be the only reason I get another subscription.


I haven't received an e mail other than telling me to update my card details as my card is due to expire soon. They're happy to take our money, but the service has been shoddy for a while now.


Most important point: Can someone tell me if the new service will be available for GNU Linux users like me? SaintsTV is Windows/Mac only.


I cancelled Saints TV a year ago as the service always seemed poor, it sounds like that has not improved but hopefully this new service will be the start of something good, just like the club as a whole :-)

im sure BBC radio isnt a problem for us overseas, think its just video links etc.


Due to licence fee issues I tink BBC radio is not available overseas caus they can't stick adverts on it. Some video content is available to overseasun's on BBC sites, but we get cheesy Thai Air adverts first before the content.


I guess if SaintsTV are going to do a deal to pipe us Solent then that won't be a problem. No idea about for which platforms it will be compatible with Greg, until very recently it didn't even work on Firefox. As for the quality, until the very end with Will Cope it was a bit naff.


To echo Ericofarabia: if the club are reading this - two words: PETER HOOD, please.

I have not received an email.


Sort it out Mr Luker, the firm that runs Saintstv is clearly telling you lies.


What the hell has David Luker got to do with this? :rolleyes:


Maybe I am showing my stupidity but id Radio Hampshire were bought out by whoever why can't they do the same as the previous tenant? I would have thought a radio station based in SMS would be in pole position.

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