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So which would you release based on the assumption that we will retain a normal three? As it stands we have:







Personally I think Bart has failed to live up to some early promise so he'd be sold on IMHO. I haven't seen Poke or Forecast play so would value others opinions who have.


Forecast seems to be having a blinder tonight. Bart seems to be another one who needs a fresh start somewhere - loads of promise but over the past couple of years has gone to pieces and he makes me nervous.

So which would you release based on the assumption that we will retain a normal three? As it stands we have:







Personally I think Bart has failed to live up to some early promise so he'd be sold on IMHO. I haven't seen Poke or Forecast play so would value others opinions who have.


I worry if KD gets injured we are totally buggered...thats how much faith I have in the rest.

Forecast gets beaten too easily low down, he has been awful on crosses in the 6 times I have seen him play.

Poke doesnt command his area enough, not bad shot stopper but I never feel safe with him in goal.

Bart is Calamity Mk2...has conceded some joke goals, rubbish on crosses, poor handling and kicking needs work.


Against Bournemouth Bart was pretty awful really. Other than one good reflex save he looked shakey and seriously lacking in confidence. Based on that alone I think I'd be looking to offload him, although I have never seen Forecast play.

Against Bournemouth Bart was pretty awful really. Other than one good reflex save he looked shakey and seriously lacking in confidence. Based on that alone I think I'd be looking to offload him' date=' although I have never seen Forecast play.[/quote']



"Pretty awful" is being generous - he had a shocker :(


I watched Poke a few times on Setanta for Torquay last season


He's definitely a better keeper than Bart - BB has gone seriously backwards & needs a fresh challenge

For me Davis is obviously first choice and would make Poke second string keeper, would ship out on loan either Bart or Forecast.


Ship Forecast out on loan?


I see what you did there... :D


Bart has fallen a long way from being the hero of the Polish youth sqaud... Needs something to get him back to that standard, not sure he can find whatever that is here tho


One out of Bart and Forecast has to go and one out of who is left and Poke can go out on loan. Poke is ok and we have that American lad as well I think...Pernecky

One out of Bart and Forecast has to go and one out of who is left and Poke can go out on loan. Poke is ok and we have that American lad as well I think...Pernecky


Liam Hogan is the American one, Andrej Pernecky is Slovakian.


Keep all four but loan out Bart and Poke for the season to get experience and confidence leaving Davis and Forecast with Pernicky as back up for short term injury. If theres a long term injury to either Davis or Forecast then one of the other two can be recalled.


I'd get rid of Bart and loan Forecast out to get a bit of experience, would be happy having Poke on the bench after he seemingly did well at Torquay last season.


Last time I saw Poke was away at Blackpool when Davies got the boot in the face. He was like a paper goalie. Heart was in my mouth every time the ball was in our half and he should have saved their equaliser.


If he's got better while at Torquay, great.


Bart I have seen play brilliantly - before his injury at Newcastle. Then I saw him vs Rotherham in the cup last season. Poor but to be honest, not as bad as Poke was at Blackpool. Just seemed very nervy.


It's all about confidence. If Rasiak and Saga are still about they should be helping their fellow countryman build it up a bit. If they leave, well you'd hope he's made some other friends here in the last few years but it'd still probably be a blow for him.


A confident Bart is the best keeper on our books...but will he ever get it back?


Can't comment on Forecast as I've never seen him live.

Guest Dark Sotonic Mills
I need one for Sunday mornings if theres one to spare


Why can't you have bacon like everyone else?


With a name like Mustapha he obviously can't eat pork, can he. Tchoh!:cool:


Poor Bart. The commentators on The Saint were raving about him when we first signed him but since the injury v Newcastle it's all gone wrong for the lad.


Do we still have Andrej Pernecky as well? Read some good things about him from reserve games. That makes five keepers...and only seven forwards... gulp.


Im sure with the right environment and man management, Bart can get his confidence back. A full season of first team football with a lower league club will do him the power of good IMO. He's still only 22/23 afterall so plenty of developement still to go before he reaches his potential. Remember his saves against Wolves in our 6-0 win? That talent cant have disapeared overnight.


I can't believe people would choose Poke or Forecast over Bart. He was absolutely fantastic for about 80% of a season and loads of people were on about getting rid of Davis as he was so good. Remember Newcastle anyone? Now people think we should get rid of him! He is clearly our second best keeper and we would be lucky to be able to keep hold of him.

I can't believe people would choose Poke or Forecast over Bart. He was absolutely fantastic for about 80% of a season and loads of people were on about getting rid of Davis as he was so good. Remember Newcastle anyone? Now people think we should get rid of him! He is clearly our second best keeper and we would be lucky to be able to keep hold of him.


The trouble is that Bart's career as stagnated because he doesn't play any football. I few pre-season friendlies, a handful of reserve games and a couple of U21 internationals, hardly prepares a keeper for first team football, when they are required. He needs a move to get some proper game-time under his belt, whether permanent or out on loan. I think that Poke's loan at Torquay has helped him leapfrog BB because, if nothing else it has improved his confidence.


Yes - a loan would be much better. Not sure who we could loan him to though! Don't really want to loan him to one of our competitors in L1. One of those loans which states we can call him back whenever we want would be good! I never can understand why so many clubs keep 3 or 4 goal keepers all season long without sending them out on loan to get some first team experience.

I can't believe people would choose Poke or Forecast over Bart. He was absolutely fantastic for about 80% of a season and loads of people were on about getting rid of Davis as he was so good. Remember Newcastle anyone? Now people think we should get rid of him! He is clearly our second best keeper and we would be lucky to be able to keep hold of him.


How long ago was the Newcastle game though? Gotta be coming on for 3-4 years now. My point being, in any other line of work, how well you did 4 years ago (especially as it was just a handful of matches) wouldn't warrant such praise in the present day. He's had further chanes and not taken them, and if he's not confident in a friendly at Bmouth/league cup games at Rotherham, then when will he be confident?

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