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I agree but it is time to move on.....the stayaways causing the downfall is a myth IMO,most of them were staying away because of crap football not because of who was running the ship.the majority of the stayaways jumped on the 'lowe out' bandwagon to justify their abscence.


100% correct

100% correct


Nah, it's not 100% correct. I don't really know why i'm answering because i've now moved on (unlike GM and his pal 19C) but having Lowe at the club was a major part of the feel bad factor. His presence was divisive and comparable to a dark cloud above St Marys.


But it's now time to move on and look forward. Trolling threads like this are however sadly to be expected from the opening poster.

..having Lowe at the club was a major part of the feel bad factor. His presence was divisive and comparable to a dark cloud above St Marys.

So Stanley, I assume that now your boycott is over, you'll buy an ST?


...more like cadge a lift down from Rutland if you can, for a couple games...


...I'll have to warn the ticket office...:smt044

So Stanley, I assume that now your boycott is over, you'll buy an ST?


...more like cadge a lift down from Rutland if you can, for a couple games...


...I'll have to warn the ticket office...:smt044


Gis a kiss John with those big pouting lips.:smt058

I am sure many renewing ST holders are currently heaving a sigh of relief that they will be seeing old friends sitting near them at the Stadium next season and new players on the pitch.


To the stay aways, keep you mouths shut about your bitter "boycott", cheer the team on, moan about the manager, the players, the pies, whatever you want, but if...if you dare ask for my gratitude for the matches you stayed away from, during times the players needed a lift, the periods the club needed the income, don't be surprised if I grab your shiny new season ticket and shove it up your arse...


We were lucky, f***ing lucky...

Dear oh dear, what a bitter little man you are!


Why you're spoiling for fights still is beyond me, but I guess ranting about this is better than you trying to stir up anti-semitic feelings...

Gis a kiss John with those big pouting lips.:smt058
lol at the "King of Google" from his bedsit in Rutland...I guess that's no to a season ticket, then....just a couple of trips, if you can get a lift....


Maybe you can get your best mate Lynam to sponsor you...

lol at the "King of Google" from his bedsit in Rutland...I guess that's no to a season ticket, then....just a couple of trips, if you can get a lift....


Maybe you can get your best mate Lynam to sponsor you...


I love you John.:smt055

Why did it have to be said? He's just trolling.

Wes, please let me know by PM when you jump on the next self-serving bandwagon. It's always fun watching you and your plastic chums stroking each other...

lol at the "King of Google" from his bedsit in Rutland...I guess that's no to a season ticket, then....just a couple of trips, if you can get a lift....


Maybe you can get your best mate Lynam to sponsor you...


Get me, I've got a season ticket you have not, I've got more money than yow.


Gm, bothered!

lol at the "King of Google" from his bedsit in Rutland...I guess that's no to a season ticket, then....just a couple of trips, if you can get a lift....


Maybe you can get your best mate Lynam to sponsor you...



I think Stanley has already spent the money on potted plants.

Wes, please let me know by PM when you jump on the next self-serving bandwagon. It's always fun watching you and your plastic chums stroking each other...


I'll stroke you any day baby.:p

I am with GM on this. It had to be said in my opinion and providing we can now all move on, the die hards and the boycotters, and unite in the present and future there is nothing wrong with his post.



I know that GM is just a harmless little pussy Weston but I must say I'm surprised that you go along with his rather bitter and threatening post. It all seems a little bit unnecessary to me.

I think Stanley has already spent the money on potted plants.


I wonder if i ask GM nicely if he'll give me a discount on weedkiller.

stanley, you going to a home game this season..?


Yeah, hopefully the opening fixture and i'll take it from there.

Wes, please let me know by PM when you jump on the next self-serving bandwagon. It's always fun watching you and your plastic chums stroking each other...


Troll. What's the matter, John? New owner too squeaky clean and above board for you, so that you can't show us all how clever you are by exposing him as a tyre-kicker? What will you do with your time? (or probably more accurately, what will your minions do with their time)

stanley, you going to a home game this season..?




I'm going to be travelling down from Rutland now and then, become a full member and pm me if you fancy lift sharing...



I am sure many renewing ST holders are currently heaving a sigh of relief that they will be seeing old friends sitting near them at the Stadium next season and new players on the pitch.


We have been very lucky with our new owner and it was very much a case of dumb luck. Luck that we support a club with the history that was able to attract a billionaire with the same values.


It will be great if there are some new season ticket holders returning from their "noble boycott", but I doubt if there are that many. The club needs all the support it can get, but as I read the threads, there are none that I can see from the ST renewals crowing about how their support during the tough times was responsible for the fortunate position we are now in.


A brief piece of advice for the "noble boycotters", buying their ST's on the back of "ridding this club" of Wilde, Lowe et al. If you happen to sit next to me, don't tap me on the shoulder and tell me to thank you for the games you boycotted, when I was walking back over Itchen Bridge, in the wind and rain from another dismal defeat. Don't explain to me how your gesture has helped me, the club, it's employees and how I should be grateful for your sacrifice. Just think for a second, realise that the position we are now in was down to luck, dumb luck and that it was a f***ing close run thing.


To the stay aways, keep you mouths shut about your bitter "boycott", cheer the team on, moan about the manager, the players, the pies, whatever you want, but if...if you dare ask for my gratitude for the matches you stayed away from, during times the players needed a lift, the periods the club needed the income, don't be surprised if I grab your shiny new season ticket and shove it up your arse...


We were lucky, f***ing lucky...


Thought provoking post that has attracted a majority of calls for us all to move on and forget the past. However, it's difficult not to notice that many of those calls to forget are coming from fans who chose not to attend last year.


As the new season approaches are those fans who stayed away now experiencing some guilt at re-entering the fold labelled as a plastic or deserter and thinking about the excuse they will concoct to satisfy those staunchly loyal fans like Guided Missile who may be less than welcoming should the truth be known about their returning presence.


You can't change history and when you throw money and new found ambition into the mix you have the basis for some years of discontent yet. Time will only heal the damage that has been done to our fanbase and certainly not the calls to let bygones be bygones from deserters or those supportive of administration. Those calls are quite shallow and serve only to antagonise those who stayed loyal.


For many it's great Lowe has been banished for ever. The problem is the division we (club and fans) allowed to be created around the time of his departure in 2006 and in our failure to fully appreciate the gravity of the situation that precipitated his return has left us with a legacy of a rift so deep that many have already lost their judgement and patience with regard to our new board. In our panic to 'settle down' over the manager situation , new signings and need toestablish the size of the kitty, the infighting is manifesting itself once again.


Guided Missile has a point and I empathise with his message. It's similar to the slogan 'a dog is for life....'. You cannot choose to look after it when you want to.

Thought provoking post that has attracted a majority of calls for us all to move on and forget the past. However, it's difficult not to notice that many of those calls to forget are coming from fans who chose not to attend last year.


As the new season approaches are those fans who stayed away now experiencing some guilt at re-entering the fold labelled as a plastic or deserter and thinking about the excuse they will concoct to satisfy those staunchly loyal fans like Guided Missile who may be less than welcoming should the truth be known about their returning presence.


You can't change history and when you throw money and new found ambition into the mix you have the basis for some years of discontent yet. Time will only heal the damage that has been done to our fanbase and certainly not the calls to let bygones be bygones from deserters or those supportive of administration. Those calls are quite shallow and serve only to antagonise those who stayed loyal.


For many it's great Lowe has been banished for ever. The problem is the division we (club and fans) allowed to be created around the time of his departure in 2006 and in our failure to fully appreciate the gravity of the situation that precipitated his return has left us with a legacy of a rift so deep that many have already lost their judgement and patience with regard to our new board. In our panic to 'settle down' over the manager situation , new signings and need toestablish the size of the kitty, the infighting is manifesting itself once again.


Guided Missile has a point and I empathise with his message. It's similar to the slogan 'a dog is for life....'. You cannot choose to look after it when you want to.


Move on and forget the past.

I sense one or two people would have taken a perverse pleasure from the club ceasing to exist. Nineteen Canteen also suffers from this affliction.


Just move on, and look forward to hopefully better times.


I didn't go all season last season, partly due to Lowe, partly due to personal circumstances, but admire those who did continue going despite our inevitable relegation. All this sniping doesn't help anybody, I had hoped that a new broom would help to bring unity amongst us.


I have to disagree, 19C was one who criticised the boycotters. Stanley/Mole on the other hand...

New owner too squeaky clean and above board for you...?
I think it's great that we have Markus as an owner and he can never be too squeaky clean for me. Just a bit of advice if he upsets you in the future. Boycott if you like, but whatever you do, don't mention the war.


I just did, but I think I got away with it...

Move on and forget the past.


I do agree with GM, hell I've put it across in my not so eloquant way before, but you can't forget that past, and the fact that we were lucky to get an owner. It was all about luck, not about the good judgement of some very stupid fans.


Some people on this board really need counselling - new owner, new start etc? Quite frankly, last season was awful to watch despite a promising start and the fact that Fry had to effectively remove Lowe and Wilde speaks volumes. Administration was horrible and did over a lot of local small businesses at a tough economic time. I really don't care as to why people were boycotting, frankly I want to see SMS full again and that means some stayaways returning. Some people can't seem to accept Lowe has gone - on both sides - but he has, so stop whining and digging up old garbage and get on with it. I'm really looking forward at last to having debates on here about who should playing at right-back and why Lallana isn't getting a starting place.

I do agree with GM, hell I've put it across in my not so eloquant way before, but you can't forget that past, and the fact that we were lucky to get an owner. It was all about luck, not about the good judgement of some very stupid fans.


I could put my case, as i've done in the PAST, but what's the point of feeding the Troll and opening up old wounds? This is all yesterdays news and nothing more than GM seeking attention.

Yes I will be going to the game. As you know, I am not actually a Saints fan (Liverpool for my troubles), but I've always held an interest with the club because of friends associated with it. And you're right, it is time to move on. Believe me, I'm still nursing raw wounds from my personal loss on this, let alone 3 months of work, but for the fans, I'm very pleased with the end result which was achieved, and I think you all owe the Administrator (Fry) a big thank you for that. He was a very hard guy to negotiate with, but a really top bloke away from the desk so to speak - and he really cared about the Club. Cheers



Talking of the returning army it's good to see that we'll have at least one Liverpool fan at Ajax. I wonder if Mikey will pay a visit too.

I do agree with GM, hell I've put it across in my not so eloquant way before, but you can't forget that past, and the fact that we were lucky to get an owner. It was all about luck, not about the good judgement of some very stupid fans.


What good does it do though apart from putting you six feet under? Yes, it was lucky but after the way the club was run 2004 onwards by the various different idiots, administration was inevitable and only a fool would argue otherwise. What people do with their leisure time is up to them but you went as well last season DPS and you can't tell me you enjoyed many of the home games?

Move on and forget the past.


Lifting up the carpet isn't the best approach and in just these short messages I don't get any sense of empathy, thanks or recognition to those fans who continued to renew their season tickets and therefore helped fight off administration. Perhaps the loyal few contributed long enough to ride out the worse of the recession.


Everybody seems quick to put the boot into Guided Missile but not one has acknowledged that he and others helped keep the club going. If we had gone bust before Christmas 'the close run thing' of administraton may have been even closer in the grip of a winter of discontent.


I assume Wes Tender you were a non-attendee last season and therefore have a vested interest to play up your contribution and make the call for all to move on. That is very noble but it seems without any magnamity on your part and simply acknowledging your action as being the right action is fuelling the divide.

I could put my case, as i've done in the PAST, but what's the point of feeding the Troll and opening up old wounds? This is all yesterdays news and nothing more than GM seeking attention.


I don't particularly think he's a troll, not by any means. He has his opinions as do you and I, TDD, Alpine etc, and he sticks to them. But the thing is he writes in a way that makes others feel stupid, and thus leading to them reading far more into his posts than were originally there. Sometimes this indirect patronisation is meant, sometimes it isn't, but people do over-react about his posts.

What good does it do though apart from putting you six feet under? Yes, it was lucky but after the way the club was run 2004 onwards by the various different idiots, administration was inevitable and only a fool would argue otherwise. What people do with their leisure time is up to them but you went as well last season DPS and you can't tell me you enjoyed many of the home games?


Agreed, I didn't enjoy it, it was not good, but I am a fan and that wouldn't stop me going. You support your team through thick and thin, whoever is in charge. A fan would continue to go. Someone who didn't go due to the quality of football is a customer, not a fanatic.

Lifting up the carpet isn't the best approach and in just these short messages I don't get any sense of empathy, thanks or recognition to those fans who continued to renew their season tickets and therefore helped fight off administration. Perhaps the loyal few contributed long enough to ride out the worse of the recession.


Everybody seems quick to put the boot into Guided Missile but not one has acknowledged that he and others helped keep the club going. If we had gone bust before Christmas 'the close run thing' of administraton may have been even closer in the grip of a winter of discontent.


I assume Wes Tender you were a non-attendee last season and therefore have a vested interest to play up your contribution and make the call for all to move on. That is very noble but it seems without any magnamity on your part and simply acknowledging your action as being the right action is fuelling the divide.


Trouble is Speculator, we can set up scenarios as we please but they rarely follow real events. We could have joined the boycotters which may have brought down Lowe/Wilde's wretched alliance a lot faster or it may have made us extinct. Frankly, there are far worse things to be angry for people at and I thought the people who waved their STs at the Forest game were dickheads. The people that bought goods from Woolworths the week before it went into administration still didn't change the fact it was run badly and had been for years. You would have thought people would just be relieved that we have been fortunate with Markus - we could be Luton and starting against AFC Wimbledon.

Agreed, I didn't enjoy it, it was not good, but I am a fan and that wouldn't stop me going. You support your team through thick and thin, whoever is in charge. A fan would continue to go. Someone who didn't go due to the quality of football is a customer, not a fanatic.


It didn't stop me either and it won't next year although work committments rule me out of the midweek games which is gutting but at the price the wings cost, an ST is decent value even so. If I could see the midweek games, I'd probably have upgraded to a centre seat which is a better view of the game.

It didn't stop me either and it won't next year although work committments rule me out of the midweek games which is gutting but at the price the wings cost, an ST is decent value even so. If I could see the midweek games, I'd probably have upgraded to a centre seat which is a better view of the game.


Oh, if people can't go due to monetary/work constraints then you can't blame them. The ST's are very good value this year, they've done a very good job with them.

Oh, if people can't go due to monetary/work constraints then you can't blame them. The ST's are very good value this year, they've done a very good job with them.


I'm still going to buy a wings ST, that way it keeps everyone (including my wife) happy as that way, it still works out - and I'm estimating 16 home games at weekends here - at £18 or so a game which is not bad value. I'll be working in London now and my train ST will go the wrong way and I don't think in this job that early finishes are going to be too frequent!


Did hope that once the takeover was complete some of the bitter little people might give it a rest, but seems not.


The boycotters were never numerous enough to do any real damage to the Club, as the moaners made very clear before we went into Admin, now they are being blamed despite their apparent lack of numbers. The boycotters were not the problem, the problem was Lowe and Wilde and ths hit decisions they made that created a footballing desert last season.


FFS GM get over yourself. Just because you attended every game, what do you want a fecking medal.

I am sure many renewing ST holders are currently heaving a sigh of relief that they will be seeing old friends sitting near them at the Stadium next season and new players on the pitch.


We have been very lucky with our new owner and it was very much a case of dumb luck. Luck that we support a club with the history that was able to attract a billionaire with the same values.


It will be great if there are some new season ticket holders returning from their "noble boycott", but I doubt if there are that many. The club needs all the support it can get, but as I read the threads, there are none that I can see from the ST renewals crowing about how their support during the tough times was responsible for the fortunate position we are now in.


A brief piece of advice for the "noble boycotters", buying their ST's on the back of "ridding this club" of Wilde, Lowe et al. If you happen to sit next to me, don't tap me on the shoulder and tell me to thank you for the games you boycotted, when I was walking back over Itchen Bridge, in the wind and rain from another dismal defeat. Don't explain to me how your gesture has helped me, the club, it's employees and how I should be grateful for your sacrifice. Just think for a second, realise that the position we are now in was down to luck, dumb luck and that it was a f***ing close run thing.


To the stay aways, keep you mouths shut about your bitter "boycott", cheer the team on, moan about the manager, the players, the pies, whatever you want, but if...if you dare ask for my gratitude for the matches you stayed away from, during times the players needed a lift, the periods the club needed the income, don't be surprised if I grab your shiny new season ticket and shove it up your arse...


We were lucky, f***ing lucky...



My god you make yourself like such a martyr which i guess is kind of Ironic. If you wanted to keep spending money on watching something that others felt they couldn't support any longer then thats your prerogative but i would simply suggest climbing down off your high horse before telling the 'noble boycotter' to get off his.

I could put my case, as i've done in the PAST, but what's the point of feeding the Troll and opening up old wounds? This is all yesterdays news and nothing more than GM seeking attention.


How self righteous can one person be?


You have been on here crowing about administration and how you were responsible for ridding our club of Lowe, Wilde and the so called 'Dutch experiment' and how we should all acknowledge how you have been right all along.


So to accuse GM of being attention seeking is, do you not think, somewhat a case of the pot calling the kettle black?


Anyway here it is Stanley for you and all of your ilk, my apology to you for being right along!


Thanks to all those that just sat by and did nothing to help save our club as it nearly went out of existence, those of us who lifted a finger were so wrong!

I think you need to stay out of the sun a bit more or you'll be posting more gems like this one:




Now we know why you bought property in Spain...:smt044



I am big enough to admit that maybe I bought into their guff, not unlike a lot of other people! However you will be hard pushed, (even with your hoard of previous posts!) to find a comment from me disbelieving what you were saying about Pinnacle, I just objected to the way it was said! I hope this clears the matter up and you can get back to being an attension seeking whore! Maybe you could start a thread for it!:rolleyes:


P.S. I bought property in Spain this year at rock bottom prices, I believe I am the one that will be laughing!!:smt044



I assume Wes Tender you were a non-attendee last season and therefore have a vested interest to play up your contribution and make the call for all to move on. That is very noble but it seems without any magnamity on your part and simply acknowledging your action as being the right action is fuelling the divide.


No, I attended all home matches except the last 4 before Lowe's departure. I have had season tickets every year for the past 15 or so, except for the year we got relegated and then this last year when Lowe returned. I have attended pretty well every home game for those 15 years apart for those last 4 when I decided that I had had enough. Now that we have ridded the club of Lowe, Askham, Wilde, etc, I have been true to my word and bought a ST again, which rather spoils any accusations that I am one of those plastics who only supports the team in the Premiership.


I have no issue with those who attended all matches regardless, that is their prerogative, but equally they should not crow that they are better fans unless they wish to perpetuate the divisions that they decried.


I call for us all to move on because we have entered a new phase in the club's history and although it is important to learn the lessons of the past, it is corrosive to dwell on them.

Only Hoddle would cause ruptions. Anyone else and i think we'd all fall into line.


Are you sure?

Who ever is the new manager can expect some stick from parts of the fan base. I don't believe for a second that "we'd all fall into line".

but not one has acknowledged that he and others helped keep the club going.


And I'm sure you therefore won't mind giving Crouch credit for keeping us going when we went in to administration by stumping £££££££'s.;)

The boycotters were never numerous enough to do any real damage to the Club, as the moaners made very clear before we went into Admin, now they are being blamed despite their apparent lack of numbers.


The irony is not lost on me.


One minute there were no boycotters, they were just using it as an excuse not to attend, and now there were boycotters who caused all the problems.


I'm confused;)

We have been very lucky with our new owner....yadda yadda... Luck that we support a club with the history that was able to attract a billionaire with the same values.


Indeed. A fact, as stated by "Markus" (cringe) himself in the interview posted earlier on another thread.

A fact which completely negates the point you seem desperate to make about the stayaways - and equally your unswerving 'loyalty' during a period that brought SFC to the brink of extinction.


Too much to hope that you saddle up that high horse of yours you seem to enjoy so much time sat astride - and ride off into the sunset?


No. Threads to start, attention to be sought.


Pious ***t.

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