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Posted (edited)

Not Saints related in the slightest, but wanted to mention on here that 1st battalion Princess of Wales' Royal Regiment ( Queens and Royal Hampshires ) will be marching through Southampton tommorow ( and Romsey in the afternoon ) .


There are alot of Saints fans in the Regiment, infact probably Saints are the best supported team in the battalion, I know they will all be proud as punch marching through the City tommorow, the lads I have spoken to can't wait for it, so if you are around then make sure you get out and support the lads.


11:30 in Southampton, marching through town at around 12.


4pm in Romsey.




Mods: Let this one slide ( or sticky, until tommorow and you can nuke it, please. ;-)

Edited by StuRomseySaint
Posted (edited)


Thanks, I'll be there. And i will be supporting the Tigers and giving them my thanks.


It makes me humble that people my age are prepared to be shot at and die for their country, truly. I do however disagree with the whole premise that we can 'win' in Afghanistan; as no one seems to know what that should entail. And the current political consensus is that it is necessary to send our soldiers into battle to 'stop terrorism'. This is an idiotic assumption. So we disrupt the Taleban and the 'terrorists' whilst we still have blood to spill (I say 'we', but it is neither me nor you) and while we have the political consensus to persue this goal - and while we still have cash to pay for it - and then what? Then we withdraw. And when we withdraw what do we honestly expect? A free society? A true democracy? Women alowed to wear bakinis? Nonsense.


But my loathing for the idiots who think this is a just way to put our military to work is counter-balanced by the knowledge that our armed forces are exceptional in every metric that one should care to measure. It is this reason that I will be happy to support the Tigers tomorrow and through all times. But I don't, never will, never can support the fact that they have been deployed in the first place into wars that are utterly non-sensical. And Afghanistan shows all the signs of the modern day Vietnam. To truly support our troops we should praise them, give them our up-most respect and then canvass our politicians to get them out of there.


Up the Tigers, and thank you!


and up The Saints!

Edited by 1976_Child

Won't be in Southampton tomorrow but if I was I would definitely be watching the parade. I will be there in spirit though and hope the guys get the reception they deserve. Woot for the Tigers!!

Guest Dark Sotonic Mills

Stuck Stu. Hope it goes well.


I was in the Paras and worked with the Royal Hampshires in Portugal in the late 70s /early 80s...we were the first british troops to work in Portugal for over a century so the carpets were laid out for us big style! Was a good feeling working alongside my county battalion for a few weeks... felt gutted when they lost there proper identity due to a shake up of all the battalions.

There was great number of saints fans in the battalion in them days..also a sprinkling of the blue few lol ...but a terrific battalion non the less .. Now the POWRR they deserve a great reception in Southampton .. hope they get one ...im sure they will !!


As well as supporting our troops who are able to march through our towns, this is the way to support our troops who might not be able to march on the day:




Help For Heroes really does exactly what is says on the tin: To put it bluntly, it helps servicemen and servicewomen who have been injured in battle.


and of course:




This one should require no introduction.

Odds on some Muslim nutters protesting against the march and heckling 'em?


and as much as I will think them utter turd-like scum for doing so - if indeed they do - I will remind them that they can only give voice to their opinions because they live in a free democracy which is protected by the blood of our troops.

As well as supporting our troops who are able to march through our towns, this is the way to support our troops who might not be able to march on the day:




Help For Heroes really does exactly what is says on the tin: To put it bluntly, it helps servicemen and servicewomen who have been injured in battle.


and of course:




This one should require no introduction.


Hopefully this will need no introduction to the new owners as the previous regime didnt have time to sort it out last season!!!!


I cant be there tomorrow but hope they have a good and positive turn out.


Well done Stu - good post!!!



Would like to see the club donate a few tickets to our returning heros as a way of showing them that however pointless their task, their endeavours and bravery is thought about and appreciated.


I dont agree with what we are doing there and it breaks my heart to see all these young kids laying down their lives for an operation whos benefits still really cant be clearly identified but I think a few tickets would nt go a miss.

Thanks, I'll be there. And i will be supporting the Tigers and giving them my thanks.


It makes me humble that people my age are prepared to be shot at and die for their country, truly. I do however disagree with the whole premise that we can 'win' in Afghanistan; as no one seems to know what that should entail. And the current political consensus is that it is necessary to send our soldiers into battle to 'stop terrorism'. This is an idiotic assumption...



Whilst I share with you wholeheartedly your praise & thanks to the 'Tigers' 1976 - I'm sure I'm in an ever-decreasing minority here by saying that I actually DO think the job the lads are doing in Afghanistan is a necessary one?!?!


We've stopped the Taliban running training camps there (hand in hand with al qaeda of course) - and more importantly - it's absolutely vital that the Taliban are prevented from taking a foothold in either Afghanistan or neighbouring Pakistan.


The Swat Valley - once called the 'Switzerland of Pakistan' for its natural beauty - is now the Taliban's battle ground for Islamic fundamentalism where harsh Islamic (shari'a) law is imposed on the population and fully sanctioned by the Pakistani government. In recent weeks, armed Taliban fighters set up checkpoints and occupied mosques in the Buner region just 60 miles from Islamabad, declaring Islamic law before retreating after striking a deal with the government.


It may be an uneasy "peace" between the Taliban and the Pakistani government at the moment - but it won't be long before fighting flares-up once again. The Yanks have a large military force on the Afghan-Pakistan border as we all know - and for good reason. The US (along with the UK) know that it doesn't bear thinking about - the consequences of the Taliban (let alone al qaeda) getting their hands anywhere near Pakistan's nuclear weapons.


So (personally anyway) - I can see sense in keeping a large force in the area & especially Afghanistan. The dirty filthy Taliban are truly evil - evil in the sense that I wouldn't put anything past them - least of all the massive "bargaining chip" of a nuclear device or two. They live in the stone-age - and they want everyone to live like it too. I cannot even begin to fathom why a certain race of human beings would want to live life as if it were 500 or even 1000 years ago?


Anyway - maybe I'm wrong. I dunno. I come from a long line of seagoing relatives. My grandad (long gone now bless) served in the Royal Navy all through WWII and my own father did 26 years as a submariner. I myself did 12 years at sea on RN ships - so I like to keep up with what's happening in the world & have an opinion on things. One thing I do know for sure; the whole town of Wootton Bassett should be given an award when the Queen makes her next list of medal recipients! Hat's-off to those good kind folk indeed!

Posted (edited)
Whilst I share with you wholeheartedly your praise & thanks to the 'Tigers' 1976 - I'm sure I'm in an ever-decreasing minority here by saying that I actually DO think the job the lads are doing in Afghanistan is a necessary one?!?!


We've stopped the Taliban running training camps there (hand in hand with al qaeda of course) - and more importantly - it's absolutely vital that the Taliban are prevented from taking a foothold in either Afghanistan or neighbouring Pakistan.........




sure. good post.




a) do we have the necessary troop level to do all of this




b) what happens when we inevitably leave?


forgetting the other Nato countries involved in Afghanistan, it is only the UK and the US who are there. And combined, all our troops would not even fill Anfield. I believe that we have some 6,000 pairs of boots on the ground? And the yanks now have 30,000? Perhaps someone more in the know can verify these numbers. Just think of Anfield when you watch a Scouser game on tele. Imagine it all full of our and the US troops and then try and think of them dispersing over a country like Afghanistan, and then winning the peace and holding that peace.


Through out history invading armies - including Alexander the Great (300BC) - and indeed the British Empire - were only able to win, hold and keep territories because they were far from the public eye and were able to be as barborous as they liked. There is no way our modern-day army can rule over the indigenous Afghans in a similar fashion. There is also no way that they can even secure the territories of Afghanistan. It is utter nonsense. The Generals know it.. but the politicians have no idea that the area of land they are asking the men to win and secure with only an Anfield (or 1.5 St Marys) worth of men is utterly hopeless.


Just envisage a map of France. Big isn't it? Then picture Anfield full of our (and the US) troops. Then divide those troops up into just Britanny (Helmand). Do you really think we can bring peace, democracy and the rule of law to Afghanistan? Not a friggin' chance. It is utter nonsense. It is typical politician nonsense.


EDIT: I mean, just think how quickly 20K of us disperse from St Mary's. Five minutes before the final whistle we are all concentrated in the ground and then twenty mins after we are dispersed around just one city. Politicians who think that countries can be won and secured - agin the culural grain, indeed - should come and watch a game of football. Not for the footie, but for the way that the cirty very quickly swallows up 20,000 people....

Edited by 1976_Child

Current British troops in Afghanistan is 8,000.


US troops currently number 57,000 with Obama promising this number to rise to 68,000 by the end of the year.


Looks like we (and especially our American friends) are there for the long term!


Incidentally - the British toll of 184 killed in Afghanistan is less than a third of the 657 American forces' deaths, according to U.S. figures.


Whichever side of the fence you're on - that makes gloomy reading.


What's the answer? damned if I know...

Current British troops in Afghanistan is 8,000.


US troops currently number 57,000 with Obama promising this number to rise to 68,000 by the end of the year.


Looks like we (and especially our American friends) are there for the long term!


Incidentally - the British toll of 184 killed in Afghanistan is less than a third of the 657 American forces' deaths, according to U.S. figures.


Whichever side of the fence you're on - that makes gloomy reading.


What's the answer? damned if I know...


thanks. Gloomy indeed.


The very fact the Obama wants to raise the number to 68,000 is disturbing. This is following a very similar pattern to Vietnam. The body bags didn't start to stack in ernest until 6 years into the war. It didn't matter then, and it doesn't matter now: whether an Anfield, a Wembley or two Wembley's worth of troops, it will not be enough and we as a country do not have the political, emotional or capital(£) will to do the job. What is the end game? When we lauched D-Day we knew what the end game was. It was the over-throw of a regime (Nazis) who had a brief hold on power in a country and culture which was pretty much the same as ours. And we had factors of ten more troops ready to die - and they did - and a public willing to accept that they had to die in order to secure freedom from very real Nazi terror.


Now we are asking a tiny amount of troops to take and hold a totally foreign culture hostage to 'our way of doing things' and we think that six lads killed is a travesty (it is). So public opinion is in play like never before, the politicians try and remind us about the Tube bombings etc and that is why we are in Afghanistan. Never mind that the c*nts who did the 7/7 bombings were all British. The whole thing is a nonsense. Utter, utter nonsense.


We will never win. We don't even have a credible idea as to what 'wining' means. Let alone the national stomach to pay for it with tax-pounds and emotional-pounds.


Utter nonsense.




We now have a sticky on British foreign policy on this site???????


Please no.


We seem to let national politics invade ever area of our lives. Not on here please. We may as well put a "Have you seen Maddy?" thread online.


Very sad.


Well the purpose of this thread is to support those who risks their lives in the name of freedom so any discussion on our foreign policy is rather off the topic. I will not be there for obvious reasons but I was out in Watford recently for a similar march here and I was proud of each and every one of those who marched past. So well done Stu for posting this and DSM for making it a sticky.



We now have a sticky on British foreign policy on this site???????


Please no.


We seem to let national politics invade ever area of our lives. Not on here please. We may as well put a "Have you seen Maddy?" thread online.


Very sad.


Well actually we have a very deserving sticky for the Tigers' Parade.


We then have a discussion about exactly what our 'military strategy' should be. I for one believe that idiots like Gordon Brown do not actually have a strategy. He couldn't give a monkey's that six 18 year olds have just died. Sure, he will shed crocodile tears in public, but he is more interested in being re-elected than anything going on half a world a way.


To honour our troops, without discussing their deployment and mission is no honour at all. To wave them through our cities without asking why they have been sent abroad to kill others in our name would be shameful. To them, and their enemies.


I have no idea what the Tigers' Parade has to do with Southampton FC.


They may well be a great bunch of folk.


But this has nothing to do with Saints really, does it?


Will be there and i think what ever one's view of the war they deserve our support and are only obeying the orders of their political masters!!


All the teachers from local schools will be doing a similar thing next weds when they break up for the summer hols. Let's get down there and show them our support for putting up with the little ****s for another year!


The political views on being in Iraq are irrelevent, hardly any of the lads joined to go there, they joined to serve Queen and Country.


I just abused my £5 status to publicise my old regiments homecoming parade, as I still have mates in the Regiment who I know today will be one of their proudest days.


Leave the political views, either turn up or don't. 300 soldiers will be marching, of that, aroun 50 will be Saints fans or have local connections... go out and support them, they don't get to choose where they go, and one day, one of their operations might be saving you, or one of your loved ones lives.


No problem with people turning out to support those that have been sent to do an impossible job by the cowardly, lying scum that infest our government but I do get a bit incomfortable with jingoistic flag waving.


Of course it's open to question whether they are there for "Queen and country" or more likely as arse-wipes for the Yanks so I'll leave that to one side. All I will say is that if you support this sort of nation building then be prepared for plenty more casualties as well as large numbers of p!ssed off locals that don't take too kindly to being blown up, tortured and shot at by foreigners.


Apologies in advance if my thoughts cause any offence.

No problem with people turning out to support those that have been sent to do an impossible job by the cowardly, lying scum that infest our government but I do get a bit incomfortable with jingoistic flag waving.


Of course it's open to question whether they are there for "Queen and country" or more likely as arse-wipes for the Yanks so I'll leave that to one side. All I will say is that if you support this sort of nation building then be prepared for plenty more casualties as well as large numbers of p!ssed off locals that don't take too kindly to being blown up, tortured and shot at by foreigners.


Apologies in advance if my thoughts cause any offence.

do you think a young lad walks into the careers office looking forward to be a Yank arse-wipe...?

Guest Dark Sotonic Mills


We now have a sticky on British foreign policy on this site???????


Please no.


We seem to let national politics invade ever area of our lives. Not on here please. We may as well put a "Have you seen Maddy?" thread online.


Very sad.


The thread was stuck completely apolitically. Purely for the information it had to enable those people who wanted so to do to go and watch the homecoming parade.


No inference should be drawn whatsoever regarding the rights or wrongs of British Military Policy.

do you think a young lad walks into the careers office looking forward to be a Yank arse-wipe...?

Nope. There are probably a whole host of reasons, one of which will more than likely be to serve the country. Others might be to escape the dole, see the world, kick some arabs or play with guns but I doubt whether many would have thought that being blown up in far away ditches, while politicians safely back at home keep changing the story, was part of the attraction.


Maybe I'm just a bit more cynical about the propaganda that's fed to us.

Nope. There are probably a whole host of reasons, one of which will more than likely be to serve the country. Others might be to escape the dole, see the world, kick some arabs or play with guns but I doubt whether many would have thought that being blown up in far away ditches, while politicians safely back at home keep changing the story, was part of the attraction.


Maybe I'm just a bit more cynical about the propaganda that's fed to us.



since the dawn of parliament..politicians have sat at home whilst others fight..


The MOD is a servent of the government...much like any other government service..


do politicians sit at home whilst there is a raging fire in the next street and leave the fire fighters to deal with yet...um, yes.


tis a fact of life


the recent deaths are sad. howeverm one thing the governemnt have not done (no doubt you would have gone mental about it) is tell us the loss on the "other side"...it is massively high.

howeverm one thing the governemnt have not done (no doubt you would have gone mental about it) is tell us the loss on the "other side"...it is massively high.

My last one on this. No doubt you consider that I'm some bleedin' heart liberal with comments like that but far from it. What I do object to is people getting killed for no particular reason other than to spare the blushes of some politico or other. And, yes, that includes those on the "other side" as you call it, many of whom are civilians or "collateral damage" as no doubt you'd refer to them as. The "enemy" are, on the whole, actually Afghans living in their own country whereas our boys are not of course. Now I don't know about you but if this country was being bombed and shot at by a foreign army trying to instill its morals and customs on me then I'd like to think that I'd be doing my best to make life uncomfortable for them. Perhaps others think the same.

That is all.

Guest Dark Sotonic Mills
My last one on this. No doubt you consider that I'm some bleedin' heart liberal with comments like that but far from it. What I do object to is people getting killed for no particular reason other than to spare the blushes of some politico or other. And, yes, that includes those on the "other side" as you call it, many of whom are civilians or "collateral damage" as no doubt you'd refer to them as. The "enemy" are, on the whole, actually Afghans living in their own country whereas our boys are not of course. Now I don't know about you but if this country was being bombed and shot at by a foreign army trying to instill its morals and customs on me then I'd like to think that I'd be doing my best to make life uncomfortable for them. Perhaps others think the same.

That is all.


The downside to your argument is that the majority of the native Afghans don't want the morals or customs of the Taliban either.

Now I don't know about you but if this country was being bombed and shot at by a foreign army trying to instill its morals and customs on me then I'd like to think that I'd be doing my best to make life uncomfortable for them...


That actually happened you know - back in 1939.


We got so fed up with them sending planes overhead infact that we ended up going over to their place & giving them a good kicking. It took a few years mind.


They didn't come anymore.

Guest Dark Sotonic Mills
That actually happened you know - back in 1939.


We got so fed up with them sending planes overhead infact that we ended up going over to their place & giving them a good kicking. It took a few years mind.


They didn't come anymore.


Yes they did. There's thousands of them shopping in Oxford Street and Regent Street any day in the summer. In fact I know seven of them staying in Winchester at the moment.


Mind you, they haven't tried to kill anyone yet, as far as I know.

Posted (edited)
My last one on this. No doubt you consider that I'm some bleedin' heart liberal with comments like that but far from it. What I do object to is people getting killed for no particular reason other than to spare the blushes of some politico or other. And, yes, that includes those on the "other side" as you call it, many of whom are civilians or "collateral damage" as no doubt you'd refer to them as. The "enemy" are, on the whole, actually Afghans living in their own country whereas our boys are not of course. Now I don't know about you but if this country was being bombed and shot at by a foreign army trying to instill its morals and customs on me then I'd like to think that I'd be doing my best to make life uncomfortable for them. Perhaps others think the same.

That is all.


you think all this is for no reason then..?


it is a FACT that the Taliban were harbouring Al Qeada

it is a FACT that terrorist training camps existed in Afghanistan

It is a FACT that the the Taliban were growing strong in Pakistan


It is a FACT that the Taliban are NOW insurgents and not the governing power in Afghanistan


dont just go on what you read in the papers ffs, the facts are out there that we are winning the war...


how long that will take who knows...are we putting a proper effort in, who knows...the fact remains that the people that killed more british citizens in a single terror attack have been and are being blown up..yes, they fight back and yes it is no palatable....but they are being wiped off the earth


sounds horrible but there you go

Edited by Thedelldays
The downside to your argument is that the majority of the native Afghans don't want the morals or customs of the Taliban either.


Something that obelisk missed in his pointless post.

Not Saints related in the slightest, but wanted to mention on here that 1st battalion Princess of Wales' Royal Regiment ( Queens and Royal Hampshires ) will be marching through Southampton tommorow ( and Romsey in the afternoon ) .


There are alot of Saints fans in the Regiment, infact probably Saints are the best supported team in the battalion, I know they will all be proud as punch marching through the City tommorow, the lads I have spoken to can't wait for it, so if you are around then make sure you get out and support the lads.


11:30 in Southampton, marching through town at around 12.


4pm in Romsey.



Mods: Let this one slide ( or sticky, until tommorow and you can nuke it, please. ;-)


Pity I couldn't make this living away from Southampton. We had a parade last week in Warwick for the Queens royal Hussars arriving back from Afghanistan and Iraq, brilliant turnout and no trouble. Hope this one was the same.


Just nipped out of the office to watch, fantastic turnout and atmosphere, loved the ticky tape from the bargate.


Well done to all involved in organising and of course the lads themselves.


Irrespective of the rights or wrongs of us being in Afghanistan the fact is that young men and women went out to do a job asked of them by their government. Furthermore they did it with a great deal more courage than most of us on this board would have shown. For that alone they are worthy of support.

Do we know this, or are we told this?

it has been widely reported on many news channels...including Al Jazera


Did you know that the Taliban also FORCE women to have more and more babies than they would like and take away their sons fort themselves and use them like what happend recently where a 12 year old boy had a jacket covered in explosives and tricked bristish troops into help where he blew them (and himself) up

Something that obelisk missed in his pointless post.


it has been widely reported on many news channels...including Al Jazera


Did you know that the Taliban also FORCE women to have more and more babies than they would like and take away their sons fort themselves and use them like what happend recently where a 12 year old boy had a jacket covered in explosives and tricked bristish troops into help where he blew them (and himself) up


Thanks, O.K. I'm probably a little cynical myself! must learn to be more trusting.

Irrespective of the rights or wrongs of us being in Afghanistan the fact is that young men and women went out to do a job asked of them by their government. Furthermore they did it with a great deal more courage than most of us on this board would have shown. For that alone they are worthy of support.



Thanks, O.K. I'm probably a little cynical myself! must learn to be more trusting.

the information is out there on many news channels from both sides.


the war itself was signed off by the united nations to rid the Taliban


trouble is, so many make such uninformed judgements on what they read in the british press and see on our telly

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